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3 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Indonesia - Anexes - October 1987 - United States Agency for International Development
Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Indonesia - Anexes - October 1987 - United States Agency for International Development
Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Indonesia - An Overview - October 1987 - United States Agency for International Development
Natural Resources and Environmental Management in Indonesia - An Overview - October 1987 - United States Agency for International Development
The Role of United States Multinational Corporations in Commercial Forestry Operations i the Tropics - March 1982
The Role of United States Multinational Corporations in Commercial Forestry Operations i the Tropics - March 1982
Industry and Development - Global Report - 1989 / 1990 - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Industry and Development - Global Report - 1989 / 1990 - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Proceedings and Recommendations of a Project Planning Meeting on Amerlioration of Soil by Trees CSC Technical Publication Series no. 222 - CSC 87 AGR 5 - Commonwealth Science Council - Eldoret, Kenya - November 3 - 6, 1986
Proceedings and Recommendations of a Project Planning Meeting on Amerlioration of Soil by Trees CSC Technical Publication Series no. 222 - CSC 87 AGR 5 - Commonwealth Science Council - Eldoret, Kenya - November 3 - 6, 1986
Watershed Management Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation - A Manual for the Association of South East Asian Nations [ASEAN] Region - June 30, 1989 - The Forestry for Sustainable Development Program
Watershed Management Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation - A Manual for the Association of South East Asian Nations [ASEAN] Region - June 30, 1989 - The Forestry for Sustainable Development Program
Working Paper 1 - Forestry for Sustainable Development - Concepts and a Framework for Action - March 1990 - Hans M. Gregersen and Allen L. Lundgren
Working Paper 1 - Forestry for Sustainable Development - Concepts and a Framework for Action - March 1990 - Hans M. Gregersen and Allen L. Lundgren
Agroforestry for Sustainable Production - Economic Implications - Commonwealth Science Council
Agroforestry for Sustainable Production - Economic Implications - Commonwealth Science Council
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 68 (3), No. 216, September 1989 - 13th Commonwealth Forestry Conference - Rotorua September 18 - 20 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 68 (3), No. 216, September 1989 - 13th Commonwealth Forestry Conference - Rotorua September 18 - 20 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 65 (3), No. 204, September 1986 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 65 (3), No. 204, September 1986 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 63 (2), No. 195, June 1984 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 63 (2), No. 195, June 1984 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 62 (3), No. 192, September 1983 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 62 (3), No. 192, September 1983 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 61 (1), No. 186, March 1982 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Commonwealth Forestry Review - ISSN 0010-3381 - Volume 61 (1), No. 186, March 1982 - Published by the Commonwealth Forestry Association
The Case for Multiple-Use Management of Tropical Hardwood Forests - A Study prepared by the Harvard Institute for International Development [HIID] - January 1988
Contributions of Tropical Forests to Sustainable Development - The Role of Industry and the Trade - April 12, 1990 - Hans Gregersen, Allen Lundgren and Gary Lindell
Contributions of Tropical Forests to Sustainable Development - The Role of Industry and the Trade - April 12, 1990 - Hans Gregersen, Allen Lundgren and Gary Lindell
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] Seminar on Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Tropical Forest - November 12, 1988 - Duncan Poore
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] Seminar on Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Tropical Forest - November 12, 1988 - Duncan Poore
University of the Philippines in the Visayas - Five Year Develoment Plan 1988 - 1992
University of the Philippines in the Visayas - Five Year Develoment Plan 1988 - 1992
Multipurpose Tree Species for Small Farm Use - Proceedings of an International Workshop held November 2 - 5, 1987 in Pattaya, Thailand
Multipurpose Tree Species for Small Farm Use - Proceedings of an International Workshop held November 2 - 5, 1987 in Pattaya, Thailand
Smallholder Cattle Development Project - Indonesia - Report of the Forage Consultant - August 1987 - Dr. John Keoghan, Anzdec LTD, New Zealand
Smallholder Cattle Development Project - Indonesia - Report of the Forage Consultant - August 1987 - Dr. John Keoghan, Anzdec LTD, New Zealand
The Economic Value of Non Timber Forest Producst in Southeast Asia - Jenne h. De Beer, Melanie J. McDermott
The Economic Value of Non Timber Forest Producst in Southeast Asia - Jenne h. De Beer, Melanie J. McDermott
Seminar Proceedings - Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia - Pacific - RECOFTC Report 1 - December 15 - 17, 1989 - Asian Development Bank, Government of Switzerland, Kasetsart University, The Southwest Consortium
Seminar Proceedings - Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia - Pacific - RECOFTC Report 1 - December 15 - 17, 1989 - Asian Development Bank, Government of Switzerland, Kasetsart University, The Southwest Consortium
Occasional Papers of the East - West Environment and Policy Institute - Paper no. 6 - 1988 - Forestry Research capacity in the Asia Pacific Region - David Bengston, Hans Gregersen, Allen Lundgren, Lawrence Hamilton
Occasional Papers of the East - West Environment and Policy Institute - Paper no. 6 - 1988 - Forestry Research capacity in the Asia Pacific Region - David Bengston, Hans Gregersen, Allen Lundgren, Lawrence Hamilton
The Tropical Forestry Action Plan
The Tropical Forestry Action Plan
Forestry Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - 1988
Forestry Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - 1988
Special Readings in Conservation - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] Conservation Guide 4 - 1978
Special Readings in Conservation - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] Conservation Guide 4 - 1978
Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Watershed Management Projects - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations [FAO] Conservation Guide 16 - 1987
Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Watershed Management Projects - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations [FAO] Conservation Guide 16 - 1987
Community Forestry Lessons from Case Studies in Asia and the Pacific Region - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [RAPA] of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bankok and Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center
Community Forestry Lessons from Case Studies in Asia and the Pacific Region - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific [RAPA] of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bankok and Environment and Policy Institute, East-West Center
Strategies, Approaches and Systems in Integrated Watershed Management - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations [FAO] Conservation Guide 14 - 1986
Strategies, Approaches and Systems in Integrated Watershed Management - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations [FAO] Conservation Guide 14 - 1986
Tropical Forage Legumes - 1977 - P.J. Skerman
Tropical Forage Legumes - 1977 - P.J. Skerman
The India Papers - Aspects of Non-Governmental Organization [NGO] Participation in Social Forestry - Bangalore - India - September 1986
Se Nourrir en foret equatoriale - Anthropologie elimentaire des populations des regions forestieres humides d'afrique - UNESCO
Se Nourrir en foret equatoriale - Anthropologie elimentaire des populations des regions forestieres humides d'afrique - UNESCO
The Grassland and Fodder Resources of India - R.O. Whyte - Indian council of Agricultural Research - New Delhi
The Grassland and Fodder Resources of India - R.O. Whyte - Indian council of Agricultural Research - New Delhi
The Prospects and Promise of Agroforestry in the Tropics - A Review of the Technical and Socio Economic Information on AGroforestry with Special Emphasis to Africa - Prepared by P.K.R. Nair - March 1990
The Prospects and Promise of Agroforestry in the Tropics - A Review of the Technical and Socio Economic Information on AGroforestry with Special Emphasis to Africa - Prepared by P.K.R. Nair - March 1990
Tree Improvement and Silvo Pastoral Management in Sahelian and North Sudanian Africa - Problems, Needs and Research Proposals - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations [IUFRO]
Tree Improvement and Silvo Pastoral Management in Sahelian and North Sudanian Africa - Problems, Needs and Research Proposals - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations [IUFRO]
Nomenclature of East African Timbers - East African Common Services Organisation - East African Timer Advisory Board - O.D.C. 810.011 (676) - 1962 - Ten Shillings
Nomenclature of East African Timbers - East African Common Services Organisation - East African Timer Advisory Board - O.D.C. 810.011 (676) - 1962 - Ten Shillings
Draft List of Multilateral and Bilateral Grant and Loan Assistance Forestry Projects / Programmes in Developing Countries - Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics - Eighth Session, Rome, Italy - September 14 - 18, 1987 - Food and Agriculture
Draft List of Multilateral and Bilateral Grant and Loan Assistance Forestry Projects / Programmes in Developing Countries - Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics - Eighth Session, Rome, Italy - September 14 - 18, 1987 - Food and Agriculture
Tree Planting Practices in African Savannas - 1974 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Tree Planting Practices in African Savannas - 1974 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Handbook on Forest Utilization Contracts on Public Land - December 1, 1971 - United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Handbook on Forest Utilization Contracts on Public Land - December 1, 1971 - United Nations Development Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Outlines for Projects to be Presented for Financing - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - Cooperative Programme - September 1967
Outlines for Projects to be Presented for Financing - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - Cooperative Programme - September 1967
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] - Pre-Project Report - Natural Forest Management for Sustainable Timber Production - Volume 5 - October 1988 - International Institute for Environment and Development
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] - Pre-Project Report - Natural Forest Management for Sustainable Timber Production - Volume 5 - October 1988 - International Institute for Environment and Development
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] - Pre-Project Report - Natural Forest Management for Sustainable Timber Production - Volume 4 - October 1988 - International Institute for Environment and Development
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] - Pre-Project Report - Natural Forest Management for Sustainable Timber Production - Volume 4 - October 1988 - International Institute for Environment and Development
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] - Pre-Project Report - Natural Forest Management for Sustainable Timber Production - Volume 3 - October 1988 - International Institute for Environment and Development
International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] - Pre-Project Report - Natural Forest Management for Sustainable Timber Production - Volume 3 - October 1988 - International Institute for Environment and Development