Showing 1-50 of 20078 results
626 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Country Photographs - Honduras - Photographs
Country Photographs - Honduras - Photographs
Some Big Questions; Toward a Better World (2 copies) - audio tapes - 3v
Some Big Questions; Toward a Better World (2 copies) - audio tapes - 3v
What Happens When a Desert Blooms - Audio Tape - 1v
What Happens When a Desert Blooms - Audio Tape - 1v
Many Steps, One Goal - Audio Tape - 1v
Many Steps, One Goal - Audio Tape - 1v
Tackling Poverty in Rural Mexico (teaching guide); Tackling Poverty in Rural Mexico: A Case Study of Economic Development (student book); Economic Summary: Mexico. - set
Tackling Poverty in Rural Mexico (teaching guide); Tackling Poverty in Rural Mexico: A Case Study of Economic Development (student book); Economic Summary: Mexico. - set
Improving Indonesia's Cities (teaching guide); Improving Indonesia's Cities: A Case Study in Econonmic Development (student book); Economic Summary: Indonesia. - set
Improving Indonesia's Cities (teaching guide); Improving Indonesia's Cities: A Case Study in Econonmic Development (student book); Economic Summary: Indonesia. - set
Small-scale Industries in Kenya (teaching guide); Small-scale Industries in Kenya: A Case Study in Economic Development (student book); Economic Summary: Kenya. - set
Small-scale Industries in Kenya (teaching guide); Small-scale Industries in Kenya: A Case Study in Economic Development (student book); Economic Summary: Kenya. - set
The Rajasthan Canal Project (teaching guide); The Rajasthan Canal Project: A Case Study of Economic Development (student book); Economic Summary: India - set
The Rajasthan Canal Project (teaching guide); The Rajasthan Canal Project: A Case Study of Economic Development (student book); Economic Summary: India - set
The Developing World (Teaching Guide booklet) - 1v
The Developing World (Teaching Guide booklet) - 1v
Toward a Better World - Film Strip 2 - 1v
Toward a Better World - Film Strip 2 - 1v
What Happens When a Desert Blooms - Film Strip - 1v
What Happens When a Desert Blooms - Film Strip - 1v
Some Big Questions - Film Strip - 1v
Some Big Questions - Film Strip - 1v
Many Steps, One Goal - Film Strip - 1v
Many Steps, One Goal - Film Strip - 1v
Toward a Better World - Film Strip 1 - 1v
Toward a Better World - Film Strip 1 - 1v
Audio Tapes - ECOSOC - 4 cassettes
Audio Tapes - ECOSOC - 4 cassettes
Audio Tapes - World Bank Press Conference - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - World Bank Press Conference - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - Press Briefing - # 1 - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - Press Briefing - # 1 - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - Press Conference - 3 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Press Conference - 3 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Poverty in Asia - JB1-050 - 1 cassettee
Audio Tapes - Poverty in Asia - JB1-050 - 1 cassettee
Audio Tapes - Africa Press Conference - March 17 - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - Africa Press Conference - March 17 - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - EAP Briefing - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - EAP Briefing - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - HIPIC Press Conference - Auditorium - 2 cassettes
Audio Tapes - HIPIC Press Conference - Auditorium - 2 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Preston - 2 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Preston - 2 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Bank Group Meeting - 2 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Bank Group Meeting - 2 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Wolfensohn Press Conference - Tape 1 - 3 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Wolfensohn Press Conference - Tape 1 - 3 cassettes
Audio Tapes - Central America - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - Central America - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - WDI - Press Briefing - 1 cassette
Audio Tapes - WDI - Press Briefing - 1 cassette
Press Releases - Photographs - Correspondence
Press Releases - Photographs - Correspondence
Public Relations - Publications Committee - Design of Development - Tinbergen - 1966 - Volume 2
Public Relations - Publications Committee - Design of Development - Tinbergen - 1966 - Volume 2
Records of the Office of External Relations
Records of the Office of External Relations
Liaison with external organizations
Liaison with external organizations
Unit budgeting and administration
Unit budgeting and administration
External communication and production
External communication and production
Documentation of institutional meetings, press conferences, and other events
Documentation of institutional meetings, press conferences, and other events
External Relations Vice President and Director records
External Relations Vice President and Director records
Communications with financial and business community
Communications with financial and business community
Support and communications of the Office of the President and senior staff
Support and communications of the Office of the President and senior staff
Media relations
Media relations
Internal communication and staff engagement
Internal communication and staff engagement
Photograph library
Photograph library
Technical assistance
Technical assistance
Public Relations subject files and media monitoring
Public Relations subject files and media monitoring
Organization of American States [OAS] - Liaison File - Volume 01
Organization of American States [OAS] - Liaison File - Volume 01
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries [OAPEC] - Liaison File
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries [OAPEC] - Liaison File
Stanford Research Institute - Liaison File
Stanford Research Institute - Liaison File
Union Africaine et Malgache des Banques de Developpement [UAMBD] - Liaison File
Union Africaine et Malgache des Banques de Developpement [UAMBD] - Liaison File
United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination - Subcommittees and Groups - Liaison File - Volume 01
United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination - Subcommittees and Groups - Liaison File - Volume 01
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [UNCITRAL] - Liaison File
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [UNCITRAL] - Liaison File
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UNCTAD] - Liaison File - Volume 01
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UNCTAD] - Liaison File - Volume 01
Resultaten 1 tot 50 van 20078