Showing 1-50 of 4237 results
8 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais
Sierra Leone - Mining Sector - Lignite - Geological Survey - Correspondence
Sierra Leone - Mining Sector - Lignite - Geological Survey - Correspondence
Portugal - Cement - Sector Reports
Portugal - Cement - Sector Reports
Zambia - Coal - Geological Survey - Documents
Zambia - Coal - Geological Survey - Documents
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Brazil - Coal Sector - Reo Grande do Sul - Leao - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Brazil - Coal Sector - Reo Grande do Sul - Leao - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Yugoslavia - Documents - Tour Guides
Yugoslavia - Documents - Tour Guides
Institut de recherches du coton et des textiles exotiques: Station principale de Bouake - Section des fibres jutieres - 2v
Institut de recherches du coton et des textiles exotiques: Station principale de Bouake - Section des fibres jutieres - 2v
Sector 9: Edible oil (Huiles et Alimentaires) - 1v
Sector 9: Edible oil (Huiles et Alimentaires) - 1v
Chambre d'industrie de Cote d'Ivoire: Principales industries Ivoiriennes - 3v
Chambre d'industrie de Cote d'Ivoire: Principales industries Ivoiriennes - 3v
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Open Pit Mining Evaluations
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Open Pit Mining Evaluations
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Bamangwato Concessions Limited [BLC] - Quarterly Reports
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Bamangwato Concessions Limited [BLC] - Quarterly Reports
Ministere du Plan: Fiches projets - Prospection concernant l'industrie electronique (7 volumes) - 1v
Ministere du Plan: Fiches projets - Prospection concernant l'industrie electronique (7 volumes) - 1v
Ministere du Plan: National Accounts, 1969 - 1972 - 6v
Ministere du Plan: National Accounts, 1969 - 1972 - 6v
Sector 11-60: Textiles, Miscellaneous Aggregates re: SOFITIS 1970; FILTISAC 1971 - 1972; FIBAKO 1971; SETCI 1971 - 1v
Sector 11-60: Textiles, Miscellaneous Aggregates re: SOFITIS 1970; FILTISAC 1971 - 1972; FIBAKO 1971; SETCI 1971 - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Coordinating Committee
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Coordinating Committee
Ivory Coast: tariff des douances de 1973 rapport de presentation & CHEM tariff - 1v
Ivory Coast: tariff des douances de 1973 rapport de presentation & CHEM tariff - 1v
Ministere de l'economie et des finances: Statistiques du commerce exterieur de la Cote d'Ivoire, Exportations. - 2v
Ministere de l'economie et des finances: Statistiques du commerce exterieur de la Cote d'Ivoire, Exportations. - 2v
Venezuela - Alcasa - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Venezuela - Alcasa - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Ministere de l'economie et des finances: Statistiques du commerce exterieur de la Cote d'Ivoire, Importations - 2v
Ministere de l'economie et des finances: Statistiques du commerce exterieur de la Cote d'Ivoire, Importations - 2v
Colombia - El Cerrejon - Coal Deposit, Exploration and Reserves
Colombia - El Cerrejon - Coal Deposit, Exploration and Reserves
Ecuador - Cayapas Pulp and Paper - General Documents
Ecuador - Cayapas Pulp and Paper - General Documents
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - United Nations Development Program [UNDP] - Pilot Plant - Correspondence
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - United Nations Development Program [UNDP] - Pilot Plant - Correspondence
Copper Sector Project - Chile - Loan 1200 - P006599 - El Teniente - Exploitation of Primary Zone
Copper Sector Project - Chile - Loan 1200 - P006599 - El Teniente - Exploitation of Primary Zone
International Price Data Pooling: Crown Agents - 1v
International Price Data Pooling: Crown Agents - 1v
Sector 8: SOLIBRA - Biere, Boissons Gazeuses, Glace - 1v
Sector 8: SOLIBRA - Biere, Boissons Gazeuses, Glace - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 13v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 13v
Ghana - Gold Sector - Tarkwa - Maps
Ghana - Gold Sector - Tarkwa - Maps
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Bureau du Developpement Industriel - Promotional Pamphlets - 2v
Bureau du Developpement Industriel - Promotional Pamphlets - 2v
Textile Sector - General Notes on Prices - 1v
Textile Sector - General Notes on Prices - 1v
DDI: Individual Firm Files - 1v
DDI: Individual Firm Files - 1v
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - Van Helden's Transport Evaluation
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - Van Helden's Transport Evaluation
Textile Rehabilitation Project - Tunisia - Loan 2012 - P005641 - Correspondence - Textile Sector - Material in Multiple Languages
Textile Rehabilitation Project - Tunisia - Loan 2012 - P005641 - Correspondence - Textile Sector - Material in Multiple Languages
Chambre de Commerce: Assises du commerce bulletin mensuel (2 volumes) - 1v
Chambre de Commerce: Assises du commerce bulletin mensuel (2 volumes) - 1v
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Legislation and Guideline
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Legislation and Guideline
Nickel Exploration Engineering Project - Burundi - Credit 1154 - P000182 - Meeting Notes - Sponsors
Nickel Exploration Engineering Project - Burundi - Credit 1154 - P000182 - Meeting Notes - Sponsors
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Project Studies
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Project Studies
Ghana - Bauxite - Aluminum - Bauxite Alumina Study Company Limited [BASCOL] - Correspondence
Ghana - Bauxite - Aluminum - Bauxite Alumina Study Company Limited [BASCOL] - Correspondence
Copper Sector Project - Chile - Loan 1200 - P006599 - Ventanas Paipote - Burner Coal Conversion
Copper Sector Project - Chile - Loan 1200 - P006599 - Ventanas Paipote - Burner Coal Conversion
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Background - Ownership - Legal Statistics
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Background - Ownership - Legal Statistics
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - Pre-Appraisal Correspondence
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - Pre-Appraisal Correspondence
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - KFW JPMC Appraisal Correspondence
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - KFW JPMC Appraisal Correspondence
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - Port and Railway - Correspondence
Jordan - Phosphate Mining Project - Port and Railway - Correspondence
DOW Petrochemical - Saudi Arabia - Joint-Venture Agreement - 13.668
DOW Petrochemical - Saudi Arabia - Joint-Venture Agreement - 13.668
Gafsa Phosphate Project - Tunisia - Loan 1042 - P005617 - Documents - Five-Year Plan Development Plans - Capital and Operating Budgets - Material in Foreign Language
Gafsa Phosphate Project - Tunisia - Loan 1042 - P005617 - Documents - Five-Year Plan Development Plans - Capital and Operating Budgets - Material in Foreign Language
Mifergui - Nimba Iron Ore Project - Guinea - P001047 - General Documents
Mifergui - Nimba Iron Ore Project - Guinea - P001047 - General Documents
Vietnam - Hong Gai Coal Expansion - Plan of Transportation Facilities in Quang Ninh Coalmine Region - Maps and Drawings
Vietnam - Hong Gai Coal Expansion - Plan of Transportation Facilities in Quang Ninh Coalmine Region - Maps and Drawings
Reference Material - 3v
Reference Material - 3v
Resultados 1 a 50 de 4237