Showing 1-50 of 4237 results
8 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
- 00151112I
- Item
- 1981-01-30 - ?
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Second National Development Plan 1972 to 1976 - December 1971
- 00151117I
- Item
- 1971-12-01 - ?
Review of the Correspondence between Gafsa and the Bank - June 7, 1978
- 00151054I
- Item
- 1978-06-07 - ?
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Third National Development Plan 1979 to 1983 - October 1979
- 00151116I
- Item
- 1979-10-01 - ?
- 00151053I
- Item
- 1977-04-01 - ?
Zambia - Coal - Ridgeway Hotel - Zambia - Brochure
- 00151113I
- Item
- 1981-06-30 - ?
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Budget Address - January 1981
- 00151114I
- Item
- 1981-01-01 - ?
Zambia - Coal - Agreement between Indeco Limited and Jager and Associates Overseas Limited - Draft
- 00151119I
- Item
- 2022-02-17 - ?
- 00151100I
- Item
- 1982-12-01 - ?
- 00151098I
- Item
- 1982-12-01 - ?
Cobalt Supply and Demand - An Overview - Rex Pearce - April 20, 1981
- 00151096I
- Item
- 1981-04-20 - ?
Monthly Report and Accounts - Toro Industrial Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited - December 1977
- 00151097I
- Item
- 1977-12-01 - ?
- 00151099I
- Item
- 1982-12-01 - ?
Zaire - Gecamines Expansion Project - Technical Supervision Mission - Robert Rodger - December 1977
- 00151110I
- Item
- 1977-12-01 - ?
Description of Gecamines Facilities - October 30, 1970
- 00151102I
- Item
- 1970-10-30 - ?
Gecamines Expansion Project - Production Evaluation Mission - Robert Rodger - June 1976
- 00151109I
- Item
- 1976-06-01 - ?
The General of Quarries and Mines - Gecamines - Report in Foreign Language
- 00151103I
- Item
- 1981-06-30 - ?
The General of Quarries and Mines - Financial Department - Budget Monitoring - 1979
- 00151104I
- Item
- 1979-01-01 - ?
Uses And Markets Of Metals Produced By Gecamines - May 24, 1976 - Report in Foreign Language
- 00151073I
- Item
- 1976-05-24 - ?
Project Description and Implementation Report
- 00151101I
- Item
- 1981-06-30 - ?
- 00151111I
- Item
- 1978-10-01 - ?
- 00151107I
- Item
- 1981-06-30 - ?
Mission Data - Tunisia - Telephone Numbers, Addresses and Telex
- 00151019I
- Item
- 1974-02-01 - ?
- 00151013I
- Item
- 1974-12-27 - ?
Tunisia - Sehib Phosphate Plant - Design Diorama Photographs
- 00151023I
- Item
- 1981-12-31 - ?
Fertilizers and Phosphates - P Laffitte - Report in Foreign Language
- 00151031I
- Item
- 1981-12-31 - ?
Sehib - Pre treatment of Calcination - J Grassart - August 8, 1974 - Report in Foreign Language
- 00151035I
- Item
- 1974-08-08 - ?
- 00151037I
- Item
- 1972-05-23 - ?