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Showing 1-50 of 946 results
Alternatives of Supplying Water to Azot Report
Alternatives of Supplying Water to Azot Report
Sumerbank - Monthly Journal of Industry and Culture - August 1979 - Report in Foreign Language
Sumerbank - Monthly Journal of Industry and Culture - August 1979 - Report in Foreign Language
Uniform Accounting Plan - State Economic Enterprises in Turkey - Part 4 - Uniform Code of Accounts - 1968
Uniform Accounting Plan - State Economic Enterprises in Turkey - Part 4 - Uniform Code of Accounts - 1968
Uniform Accounting Plan - State Economic Enterprises in Turkey - Part 2 - Basic Accounting Concepts and Uniform Accounting Principles - 1968
Uniform Accounting Plan - State Economic Enterprises in Turkey - Part 2 - Basic Accounting Concepts and Uniform Accounting Principles - 1968
Aluminum Silicate Based Refractory Material Production Plant Project - October 1978 - Report in Foreign Language
Aluminum Silicate Based Refractory Material Production Plant Project - October 1978 - Report in Foreign Language
Gubre Fabrikalart - Development Studies on Fertilizer Industry - October 1979
Gubre Fabrikalart - Development Studies on Fertilizer Industry - October 1979
Turkish Export Directory - October 1978
Turkish Export Directory - October 1978
Rationalization and Rehabilitation Program for the Cotton Textile Division - Recommendation Report - Volume 1 - Recommendation Summary - October 1978 to May 1979 - Gherzi Organization - Delivered June 1979
Rationalization and Rehabilitation Program for the Cotton Textile Division - Recommendation Report - Volume 1 - Recommendation Summary - October 1978 to May 1979 - Gherzi Organization - Delivered June 1979
Rationalization and Rehabilitation Program for the Cotton Textile Division - Diagnosis Report - Volume 3 - Mill Appraisal Sheets - October 1978 to May 1979 - Gherzi Organization - Delivered June 1979
Rationalization and Rehabilitation Program for the Cotton Textile Division - Diagnosis Report - Volume 3 - Mill Appraisal Sheets - October 1978 to May 1979 - Gherzi Organization - Delivered June 1979
Annual Report 1976 - Investment Promotion Agency - Report in Foreign Language
Annual Report 1976 - Investment Promotion Agency - Report in Foreign Language
Economic and Social Development Plan 1977 to 1981 - June 1977 - Report in Foreign Language
Economic and Social Development Plan 1977 to 1981 - June 1977 - Report in Foreign Language
T-3 Longwall Assessment - Sehib Project - Report in Foreign Language
T-3 Longwall Assessment - Sehib Project - Report in Foreign Language
Elaboration of the Fourth Economic and Social Development Plan - 1973 to 1976 - Report of the Sector Sub-Commission of Mines - November 1972 - Report in Foreign Language
Elaboration of the Fourth Economic and Social Development Plan - 1973 to 1976 - Report of the Sector Sub-Commission of Mines - November 1972 - Report in Foreign Language
Market for Phosphoric Acid as Related to North Afrtican Producers - Erich Becker-Boost - March 1973
Market for Phosphoric Acid as Related to North Afrtican Producers - Erich Becker-Boost - March 1973
Cost Invoicing - Report in Foreign Language
Cost Invoicing - Report in Foreign Language
Phosphate Rock Supply and Demand Trends Report - Fertilizer Consultant and Minerals Industry Studies - February 1974
Phosphate Rock Supply and Demand Trends Report - Fertilizer Consultant and Minerals Industry Studies - February 1974
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association - Tunisia - Gafsa Phosphate Project - Annexes 3 to 5 - May 1973 - Revision - June 25, 1973
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association - Tunisia - Gafsa Phosphate Project - Annexes 3 to 5 - May 1973 - Revision - June 25, 1973
Report of Mission to Tunisia - Sehib Project - Sofremines - May 1976
Report of Mission to Tunisia - Sehib Project - Sofremines - May 1976
Sehib - Pre treatment of Calcination - J Grassart - August 8, 1974 - Report in Foreign Language
Sehib - Pre treatment of Calcination - J Grassart - August 8, 1974 - Report in Foreign Language
The Economic Development of Tunisia - Volume 2 - Annex - Industry - Report Number 274a-TUN - December 27, 1974
The Economic Development of Tunisia - Volume 2 - Annex - Industry - Report Number 274a-TUN - December 27, 1974
Calcination of the Ore of the Sehib - Development of the Works Performed by the Mineralogy Laboratory 1967 to 1971 - Curves and Diagrams - A Brassens - May 23, 1972 - Report in Foreign Language
Calcination of the Ore of the Sehib - Development of the Works Performed by the Mineralogy Laboratory 1967 to 1971 - Curves and Diagrams - A Brassens - May 23, 1972 - Report in Foreign Language
Monthly Report and Accounts - Toro Industrial Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited - December 1977
Monthly Report and Accounts - Toro Industrial Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited - December 1977
Executive summary - Uganda Phosphate Engineering Project - Phase 1 - Bearden - Potter Corporation - December 1982
Executive summary - Uganda Phosphate Engineering Project - Phase 1 - Bearden - Potter Corporation - December 1982
Zambia - Coal - Programmes Offered by The Department of Technical Education and Vocational Training - Training Programs Brochure
Zambia - Coal - Programmes Offered by The Department of Technical Education and Vocational Training - Training Programs Brochure
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Budget Address - January 1981
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Budget Address - January 1981
Viability Study on the Relaunch of the Menzel Bourguiba Shipyard in Tunisia - Final Report - March 1972 - Report in Foreign Language
Viability Study on the Relaunch of the Menzel Bourguiba Shipyard in Tunisia - Final Report - March 1972 - Report in Foreign Language
Zambia - Coal - Indeco Limited - Projects Division - Feasibility Study for an Ethanol - Fuel Alcohol - Project, Tender Evaluation and Recommendation
Zambia - Coal - Indeco Limited - Projects Division - Feasibility Study for an Ethanol - Fuel Alcohol - Project, Tender Evaluation and Recommendation
Zambia - Coal - Ridgeway Hotel - Zambia - Brochure
Zambia - Coal - Ridgeway Hotel - Zambia - Brochure
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Second National Development Plan 1972 to 1976 - December 1971
Zambia - Coal - Republic of Zambia - Second National Development Plan 1972 to 1976 - December 1971
Zambia - Coal - Preparing from the 1975 Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook - The Mineral Industry of Zambia - United States Department of the Interior
Zambia - Coal - Preparing from the 1975 Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook - The Mineral Industry of Zambia - United States Department of the Interior
Zambia - Coal - Proposal for Feasibility Study - Fuel Ethanol Production - Crop Growing and Processing Project in Zambia - Volume 2 - Appendix 5 - Jager and Associates Limited - February 1981
Zambia - Coal - Proposal for Feasibility Study - Fuel Ethanol Production - Crop Growing and Processing Project in Zambia - Volume 2 - Appendix 5 - Jager and Associates Limited - February 1981
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Construction Planning - Superintendence of Implementation of the Carajas Project
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Construction Planning - Superintendence of Implementation of the Carajas Project
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Carajas Iron Ore Project - Procurement Report - October 1982
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Carajas Iron Ore Project - Procurement Report - October 1982
Equipment List Cacex Agreement - May 1981 - Report in Foreign Language
Equipment List Cacex Agreement - May 1981 - Report in Foreign Language
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Carajas Iron Ore Project - Capital Cost Estimate - May 1981
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Carajas Iron Ore Project - Capital Cost Estimate - May 1981
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Capital Cost Estimate - Port
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Capital Cost Estimate - Port
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Superintendence of Implementation of the Carajas Project - Budget Review - Report in Foreign Language
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - Superintendence of Implementation of the Carajas Project - Budget Review - Report in Foreign Language
Carajas Project - Preparation for the Future Operation - New Organization Being Studied - May 1981
Carajas Project - Preparation for the Future Operation - New Organization Being Studied - May 1981
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Training Program Plans and Cost Estimates - October 1981
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Training Program Plans and Cost Estimates - October 1981
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Brazil - Excerpt from Transcript of Meeting
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Brazil - Excerpt from Transcript of Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting with the World Bank Mission - October 29, 1981 - Report in Foreign Language
Minutes of the Meeting with the World Bank Mission - October 29, 1981 - Report in Foreign Language
Small Practical Guide on How to Invade an Indigenous Area - Dailmo Dallari, C Cunhan and Lux Vidal - 1981 - Report in Foreign Language
Small Practical Guide on How to Invade an Indigenous Area - Dailmo Dallari, C Cunhan and Lux Vidal - 1981 - Report in Foreign Language
Semester Progress Report - Environmental Activities Program - November 1981 to June 1982
Semester Progress Report - Environmental Activities Program - November 1981 to June 1982
Invited Paper - Environment and Development - Future for Consulting Firms - Draft - December 6, 1982
Invited Paper - Environment and Development - Future for Consulting Firms - Draft - December 6, 1982
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce [CVRD] - Environment in its Project Areas Report
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce [CVRD] - Environment in its Project Areas Report
Schematics - Blue Prints of Designs
Schematics - Blue Prints of Designs
Feasibility Report - Carajas Project - Amazonia Mineracao - November 1974 - Report in Multiple Languages
Feasibility Report - Carajas Project - Amazonia Mineracao - November 1974 - Report in Multiple Languages
Financial Model Report - Carajas Iron Ore Report - Hill Samuel Project Finance - Revised - January 1980
Financial Model Report - Carajas Iron Ore Report - Hill Samuel Project Finance - Revised - January 1980
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Financial and Economic Appraisal - Draft
Carajas Iron Ore Project - Financial and Economic Appraisal - Draft
Carajas Project - Feasibility Study - Volume 1 - Historical Development and Technical Aspects - Revision 2 - Companhia Val do Rio Doce and Amazonia Mineracao - November 1979
Carajas Project - Feasibility Study - Volume 1 - Historical Development and Technical Aspects - Revision 2 - Companhia Val do Rio Doce and Amazonia Mineracao - November 1979
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