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Showing 1-50 of 3734 results

Records of the Industry and Mining Sector
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7 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Brazil - Pulp and Paper - General Documents - Volume 2
Brazil - Pulp and Paper - General Documents - Volume 2
Sierra Leone - Mining Sector - Lignite - Geological Survey - Correspondence
Sierra Leone - Mining Sector - Lignite - Geological Survey - Correspondence
Morocco - Mining Sector - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language ;
Morocco - Mining Sector - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language ;
National Iron Ore Company [NIOC] Rehabilitation Infrastructure Project - Liberia - Loan 2081 - P001438 - Monthly Operations
National Iron Ore Company [NIOC] Rehabilitation Infrastructure Project - Liberia - Loan 2081 - P001438 - Monthly Operations
Sierra Leone - Mining Sector - Bauxite and Aluminum - Documents
Sierra Leone - Mining Sector - Bauxite and Aluminum - Documents
Sierra Leone - Koidu Diamond - Documents
Sierra Leone - Koidu Diamond - Documents
Moncorvo Iron Ore Project - Documents - Volume 3
Moncorvo Iron Ore Project - Documents - Volume 3
Perspectives d'industrialisation en Cote d'Ivoire dans certain domaines de la mecanique et de l'electricite - 2v
Perspectives d'industrialisation en Cote d'Ivoire dans certain domaines de la mecanique et de l'electricite - 2v
Pulp and Paper Engineering Project - Indonesia - Loan 2199 - P003823 - Central Java - Documents
Pulp and Paper Engineering Project - Indonesia - Loan 2199 - P003823 - Central Java - Documents
Coal Sector Rehabilitation Project - India - Credit 2986 - Loan 4226 - P009979 - Project Development Activities - Consultant Files and Reports - Volume 1
Coal Sector Rehabilitation Project - India - Credit 2986 - Loan 4226 - P009979 - Project Development Activities - Consultant Files and Reports - Volume 1
Portugal - Cement - Sector Reports
Portugal - Cement - Sector Reports
Journal officiel de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire - 1v
Journal officiel de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire - 1v
Papermaking Trials with Gmelina Arborea Timber in Nigeria - December 1964
Papermaking Trials with Gmelina Arborea Timber in Nigeria - December 1964
Nickel Exploration Engineering Project - Burundi - Credit 1154 - P000182 - Geology and Exploration
Nickel Exploration Engineering Project - Burundi - Credit 1154 - P000182 - Geology and Exploration
Malawi - Coal Sector - General Documents
Malawi - Coal Sector - General Documents
Ivory Coast: Rubber, Plastic, and Cycles Industries - 1v
Ivory Coast: Rubber, Plastic, and Cycles Industries - 1v
Mineral occurances, Angola - Craig Andrews - 1v
Mineral occurances, Angola - Craig Andrews - 1v
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Labor Costs
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Labor Costs
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Correspondence
Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project - Industry Mining - Myanmar - Burma - Credit 0686 - P003345 - Correspondence
Honduras - Industry Sector - Agalteca Steel Project - General Documents
Honduras - Industry Sector - Agalteca Steel Project - General Documents
Bukit Asam Mining and Transport Project - Indonesia - Loan 2079 - P003811 - Feasibility Studies - Transport and Shipping
Bukit Asam Mining and Transport Project - Indonesia - Loan 2079 - P003811 - Feasibility Studies - Transport and Shipping
Morocco - Coal Project - Sector Reports and Maps ;
Morocco - Coal Project - Sector Reports and Maps ;
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Mine Life Forecast - Base Case - Cash Flow Allocation
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Mine Life Forecast - Base Case - Cash Flow Allocation
Bukit Asam Mining and Transport Project - Indonesia - Loan 2079 - P003811 - Project Organization
Bukit Asam Mining and Transport Project - Indonesia - Loan 2079 - P003811 - Project Organization
INCA Studies Collection: Tanzania - 1v
INCA Studies Collection: Tanzania - 1v
Ghana - Gold Sector - Tarkwa - Maps
Ghana - Gold Sector - Tarkwa - Maps
Brasov Bearings Project - Romania - Loan 1436 - P008702 - Background Information - Volume 1
Brasov Bearings Project - Romania - Loan 1436 - P008702 - Background Information - Volume 1
DDI: Rapport sur l'evolution industrielle en 1968 - 1v
DDI: Rapport sur l'evolution industrielle en 1968 - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Overrun Financing, Estimated Phasing of Capital Expenditures, Processed Financing and Distribution of Issued Capital
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Overrun Financing, Estimated Phasing of Capital Expenditures, Processed Financing and Distribution of Issued Capital
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Institute de recherche du coton et des textiles exotiques: Station centrale de Bouake - Section kenaf - 1v
Institute de recherche du coton et des textiles exotiques: Station centrale de Bouake - Section kenaf - 1v
Mae Moh Lignite Project (01) - Thailand - Loan 1852 - P004710 - Geology and Exploration Maps
Mae Moh Lignite Project (01) - Thailand - Loan 1852 - P004710 - Geology and Exploration Maps
Ministere de l'economique et des finances: Evolution du commerce exterieur Ivoirien - Balance commerciale 1965 - 1969 - 1v
Ministere de l'economique et des finances: Evolution du commerce exterieur Ivoirien - Balance commerciale 1965 - 1969 - 1v
Ministere du Plan: National Accounts, 1969 - 1972 - 6v
Ministere du Plan: National Accounts, 1969 - 1972 - 6v
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Annual Reports
Shashe Construction and Supplementary Loan Project - Botswana - Loan 0776 - P000127 - P000132 - Annual Reports
Technical Assistance (03) - Central African Republic - Credit 1971 - P000466 - Development Activities Project - Economic Management Project - Correspondence - Volume 4 - Material in Multiple Languages
Technical Assistance (03) - Central African Republic - Credit 1971 - P000466 - Development Activities Project - Economic Management Project - Correspondence - Volume 4 - Material in Multiple Languages
Brasov Bearings Project - Romania - Loan 1436 - P008702 - Background Information - Volume 2
Brasov Bearings Project - Romania - Loan 1436 - P008702 - Background Information - Volume 2
Proposed Development of the Pikwe Selibe Prospect - Bamangwato Concessions Limited - September 1969
Proposed Development of the Pikwe Selibe Prospect - Bamangwato Concessions Limited - September 1969
National Iron Ore Company [NIOC] Rehabilitation Infrastructure Project - Liberia - Loan 2081 - P001438 - Technical Description and Documents
National Iron Ore Company [NIOC] Rehabilitation Infrastructure Project - Liberia - Loan 2081 - P001438 - Technical Description and Documents
Brazil - Coal Sector - Reo Grande do Sul - Leao - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Brazil - Coal Sector - Reo Grande do Sul - Leao - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Burma - Mandalay Cement - Sector Reports
Burma - Mandalay Cement - Sector Reports
World Bank / IMF Reports on Ivory Coast - 4v
World Bank / IMF Reports on Ivory Coast - 4v
Institut de recherches du coton et des textiles exotiques: Station principale de Bouake - Section des fibres jutieres - 2v
Institut de recherches du coton et des textiles exotiques: Station principale de Bouake - Section des fibres jutieres - 2v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Miscellaneous Reference Material about the Ivory Coast - 1v
Reference Material - 3v
Reference Material - 3v
DDI: Report on Priority Enterprises - 1v
DDI: Report on Priority Enterprises - 1v
Ministere du Plan: La situation de l'industrie Ivoirienne a fin 1970 - 1v
Ministere du Plan: La situation de l'industrie Ivoirienne a fin 1970 - 1v
Sector 9: Edible oil (Huiles et Alimentaires) - 1v
Sector 9: Edible oil (Huiles et Alimentaires) - 1v
Resultaten 1 tot 50 van 3734