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Showing 1-50 of 3734 results
7 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Lead - Zinc Sector - Bank Reports
Lead - Zinc Sector - Bank Reports
Chemical Sector - General - Bank Reports
Chemical Sector - General - Bank Reports
Portugal - Mechanical Industries - Sub-Sector - Electro-Mechanical Industries - Documents - Reports in Multiple Languages
Portugal - Mechanical Industries - Sub-Sector - Electro-Mechanical Industries - Documents - Reports in Multiple Languages
Mali - Sector Of Human Resources And Population - Report in Foreign Language
Mali - Sector Of Human Resources And Population - Report in Foreign Language
Bilateral Credit Negotiations Summary
Bilateral Credit Negotiations Summary
Mali - Rural Economy Sector - Part Two - Report in Foreign Language
Mali - Rural Economy Sector - Part Two - Report in Foreign Language
Mali - Infrastructure And Communications Development - Report in Foreign Language
Mali - Infrastructure And Communications Development - Report in Foreign Language
Technical Feasibility Study, Financial Economics Of The Second Stage Plate Rolling Mill - Volume 1 - Report - Report in Foreign Language
Technical Feasibility Study, Financial Economics Of The Second Stage Plate Rolling Mill - Volume 1 - Report - Report in Foreign Language
Mali - Sector Of Mines, Energy, Water, Industry, Crafts And Tourism - Report in Foreign Language
Mali - Sector Of Mines, Energy, Water, Industry, Crafts And Tourism - Report in Foreign Language
Jamaica - South Manchester Alumina Project - Bauxite Resources of Jamaica and Their Development - V A Zans
Jamaica - South Manchester Alumina Project - Bauxite Resources of Jamaica and Their Development - V A Zans
Jamaica - South Manchester Alumina Project - Study for Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited - Dry Metric Tons Per Year Bauxite Operations - Audley Roberts;
Jamaica - South Manchester Alumina Project - Study for Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited - Dry Metric Tons Per Year Bauxite Operations - Audley Roberts;
Jamaica - South Manchester Alumina Project - Evaluation Report of the Raw Material
Jamaica - South Manchester Alumina Project - Evaluation Report of the Raw Material
India - Rajasthan Phosphate - Documents - Jhamar Kotra Rock Phosphate Mining and Beneficiation Summary
India - Rajasthan Phosphate - Documents - Jhamar Kotra Rock Phosphate Mining and Beneficiation Summary
India - Cement Project - Appraisal Documents and Blueprints - Water Supply Scheme for Cement Factory at Tandur
India - Cement Project - Appraisal Documents and Blueprints - Water Supply Scheme for Cement Factory at Tandur
Indonesia - Industry Sector - Workshop Report on Strengthening Overseas Technical Cooperation - Mining and Energy
Indonesia - Industry Sector - Workshop Report on Strengthening Overseas Technical Cooperation - Mining and Energy
India - Industry Sector - Electrical Equipment Industry Report
India - Industry Sector - Electrical Equipment Industry Report
India - Cement Project - Techno-Economic Feasibility Report - Cement Grinding Plant at GOA - Cement Corporation of India
India - Cement Project - Techno-Economic Feasibility Report - Cement Grinding Plant at GOA - Cement Corporation of India
Indonesia - Industry Sector - FFH - AD Fertilizer Programme
Indonesia - Industry Sector - FFH - AD Fertilizer Programme
Gambia - Cement Sector - General Documents
Gambia - Cement Sector - General Documents
Cerrejon Coal Project - DBM Estimate Index
Cerrejon Coal Project - DBM Estimate Index
Cerrejon Coal Project - Sensitivity Cases to DBM Estimate - Volume 95 - Intercor - Exxon Research and Engineering
Cerrejon Coal Project - Sensitivity Cases to DBM Estimate - Volume 95 - Intercor - Exxon Research and Engineering
Cerrejon Coal Project - Mine Area Direct Costs - Mining Equipment - Mining Support Equipment - Project Investment - Volume 41 - Intercor - Exxon Research and Engineering
Cerrejon Coal Project - Mine Area Direct Costs - Mining Equipment - Mining Support Equipment - Project Investment - Volume 41 - Intercor - Exxon Research and Engineering
Colombia - Industry Sector - General Documents
Colombia - Industry Sector - General Documents
Sector Carbon - Department Nacional De Planecion
Sector Carbon - Department Nacional De Planecion
Economic Analysis - Colombia - Phosphate Fertilizer - Singmaster and Breyer Incorporated
Economic Analysis - Colombia - Phosphate Fertilizer - Singmaster and Breyer Incorporated
Special Report - Sino - Japanese Coal Cooperation - Japan - China Long Term Trade Committee - Kenji Hattori - China Newsletter Number 36
Special Report - Sino - Japanese Coal Cooperation - Japan - China Long Term Trade Committee - Kenji Hattori - China Newsletter Number 36
Cerrejon Coal Project - Project Cash Flows - Escalation - TEC Work Ups - Volume 10 - Intercor - Exxon Research and Engineering
Cerrejon Coal Project - Project Cash Flows - Escalation - TEC Work Ups - Volume 10 - Intercor - Exxon Research and Engineering
Characterization and Classification - Colombia Coal Energy - Report in Foreign Language
Characterization and Classification - Colombia Coal Energy - Report in Foreign Language
Cameroon - Wood Processing - CTFT Documents
Cameroon - Wood Processing - CTFT Documents
Cameroon - Wood Processing - Italian Documents
Cameroon - Wood Processing - Italian Documents
Burma - Textiles Documents
Burma - Textiles Documents
Burundi - General Documents
Burundi - General Documents
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - Marketing - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - Marketing - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - General Technical Information
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - General Technical Information
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - Transportation - Correspondence;
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - Transportation - Correspondence;
Brazil - Mineracao Rio do Norte - Trombetas Bauxite - General Documents
Brazil - Mineracao Rio do Norte - Trombetas Bauxite - General Documents
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - General Feasibility
Brazil - Oil Shale Project - General Feasibility
Variation in Some Structural Features and Properties of Gmelina Arborea - J F Hughes and D Esan
Variation in Some Structural Features and Properties of Gmelina Arborea - J F Hughes and D Esan
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Development Activities Projects - Correspondence - Volume 14
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Development Activities Projects - Correspondence - Volume 14
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Project Documents and Reports - Volume 72
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Project Documents and Reports - Volume 72
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Development Activities Projects - Correspondence - Volume 13
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Development Activities Projects - Correspondence - Volume 13
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Project Documents and Reports - Volume 70
Mineral Sector Development Technical Assistance Project - Tanzania - Credit 2648 - P002812 - Project Documents and Reports - Volume 70
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 5
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 5
Mexico - Sicartsa - Technical, Economic and Financial Feasibility Study of the Second Stage Plate Rolling Mill - Volume 2 - Annexes - Report in Foreign Language ;
Mexico - Sicartsa - Technical, Economic and Financial Feasibility Study of the Second Stage Plate Rolling Mill - Volume 2 - Annexes - Report in Foreign Language ;
Mexico - Sicartsa - Technical, Economic and Financial Feasibility Study of the Second Stage Plate Rolling Mill - Volume 2 - Annexes B - Report in Foreign Language ;
Mexico - Sicartsa - Technical, Economic and Financial Feasibility Study of the Second Stage Plate Rolling Mill - Volume 2 - Annexes B - Report in Foreign Language ;
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 1
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 1
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 5
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 5
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 2
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 2
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 4
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 4
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 3
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Ghana - Credit 2743 - P000966 - Consultant Files and Reports - 2002 - Volume 3
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 3734