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Records of the Industry and Mining Sector

8 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Records of the Industry and Mining Sector

  • collection
  • 1949, 1951, 1960 - 2007 (predominant 1974 - 2001)

The fonds contains records created and received by the Industrial Projects Department (NDP, later IPD) created in 1969 and its various divisions and successors. Records document the manufacturing industry and mining units' various functional responsibilities including operational support to lending projects carried out by regional units after 1987, formulation of policy, preparation of research studies and publications, organization and participation in knowledge and learning events, liaison with external partners, and program collaboration across the sector. In addition, records originating between 1969 and mid-1987 reflect NDP's and its successors' operational role as one of the Bank's central operating departments (COPDs) with responsibility for all technical work preparing, appraising, and supervising large-scale industrial projects. Although the development finance and communication and information technology sectors were organized under industry departments or units over time, these sectors are not included in this fonds unless records were intermingled by their creators. See the arrangement note and related units of description note below for more information.

While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the industry and mining sectors that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when NRICs closed and recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. See the arrangement note below.

Records in the fonds cover a broad range of subsectors and topics under industrial development including: manufacturing industry, notably steel, chemicals and chemical products (fertilizer), refineries; mining of non-fuel minerals (iron ore, nickel, copper, zinc, tin, aluminic (bauxite), and fuel minerals (coal, lignite, oil shale).

The fonds also contains records of the Incentives and Comparative Advantage (INCA) Unit created as a Bank research project in 1981 under the Industrial Development and Finance Department (IDF) that later operated within the Strategy and Policy Division, Industry Department (INDSP) between 1982 and 1985. These records reflect the support and applied research activities of the small, specialized unit, and include the Bank's work beginning from the early 1970s when the Development Research Center (DRC) economists conducted INCA analyses and studies prior to the INCA unit.

Sans titre

Liaison, partnerships and program collaboration

  • Série organique
  • 1979 - 1985, 1997 - 2000

Series consists of records related to partnerships and collaborative activities between external organizations and the Industrial Projects Department (IPD) units and successors between 1979 and 1985 and 1995 to 1999. Records provide information about common initiatives with partners in the industrial and mining sector, collaborative programs, and senior staff participation on high-level committees or events.

Most of the small set of files that were maintained in the Energy and Information Center (EISIC) document the participation of Division Chief L. Hartsell Cash, Projects, Mining and Heavy Machinery Division (IPDD2) in the United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration working groups and Joint Operations Group (JOG) meetings (1979 - 1983). Other individual files include the International Labor Organization (1983 - 1986), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery programme (1984), and Business Partners for Development (BPD) mining cluster (1997 - 2000). Record types include: draft and final reports; minutes of United Nations Revolving Fund working group and JOG meetings; JOG progress and quarterly reports; internal memoranda and letters with representatives of external organizations.

The series also contains four files (1997 - 1999) related to the Bank-led Clean Coal Initiative (CCL) launched at a roundtable in June 1996. Specific records include: letters and facsimiles from IENIM Division Chief Peter Van der Veen to Energy Sector Management and Assistance Program (ESMAP) donors and stakeholders concerning financial support for a pilot "project" based in China; letters with consultants; strategic framework and reform priorities for China; draft articles on the Bank's involvement in coal and CCL; project description (also referred to as study program); Terms of Reference; coal price data; back-to-office-report; and other external reference articles and reports. Records were maintained by Principal Mineral Engineer John Strongman who was later succeeded by Principal Mining Engineer and Task Manager Christopher Wardell

Chronological files

  • Série organique
  • 1992 - 1994

The series contains chronological records sent and received by the Industry and Mining Division (IENIM), Industry and Energy Department that were forwarded to, and maintained in the IISC.

Many of the files maintained in the IISC are thin, some containing a single piece of correspondence. The IISC presumably implemented a file classification system that organized files by the creator unit code indicated on the physical folders. Files were subsequently titled by country, subject, or sector. Country files are secondarily labeled as subsector (coal, gas, oil, environment, steel, energy, etc.), by project title and loan or credit number, or general. The unit codes identify the correspondence as sent and received by the following: Industry and Mining (IEN IM); IENIM predecessor, Industry Development Division (IEN IN); and IEN DR (Office of the Director). The latter two are smaller in volume.

The majority of records relate to industrial manufacturing and mining activities and support to specific lending or technical assistance projects in various countries. The correspondence includes the division's comments and contributions to project documents (initiating memoranda, audit reports), draft papers and other products, as well as arrangements of missions or project consultancy services. General sector files that do not cover a particular country mostly pertain to industry, mining, minerals, coal, steel, and forestry and also contain IENIM's comments on project reports and other support activities.

A smaller portion of records, mostly individual files, relate to the division budget and work plan, training seminars, conferences, and a file titled "local committee". The training file contains information about Bank seminars organized by other units or external seminars. The agenda and related records of the Industry Sector Board's first retreat are included in the conferences file. The local committee file pertains to IENIM collaboration and sharing information with the International Committee for Economic Reform and Cooperation and its Raw Materials Working Group.

Correspondence consists of outgoing internal memoranda, letters, hard copies of All-in-1 messages, facsimiles, telexes, and attachments. Much of the correspondence is between division staff, regional technical units, and with Central Operations Department Office of the Director (CODDR). Other letters, facsimiles, or telexes are addressed to government officials or representatives of external agencies regarding collaborative activities and meeting arrangements.

The record types occasionally filed with the correspondence include summaries of meetings or seminars, agenda, Terms of Reference (TORs), Initiating Memorandum, aide-memoires, and external reports, some of which are authored by other international organizations.

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