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Records of the Operations (Loan) Committee

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Records of the Operations (Loan) Committee

  • Fondo
  • 1948 - 1997

The records of the Loan Committee consist of three distinct types of files: minutes; records of the chairman; and background information. The official Loan Committee minutes were maintained by the Bank's Central Files unit until 1987; this Central Files series is the first series of this fonds. Thereafter the official set of minutes became the responsibility of staff attached to the office of the Committee chairman; the second and third series are these records. Some gaps exist in the minutes, but records of these meetings may be found in the series of records of the chairman.

The chairmen of the Commitee also maintained records that, while partly duplicating the series of official minutes, also contain handwritten notes and annotations revealing the chairman's personal reactions to proposals. These are the fourth and fifth series in the fonds.

The bulk of the fonds is a series of project files, mainly from the 1980s, arranged by country. Each file contains the basic documents relating to the Committee's actions on a specific project. While the series of minutes show the chronological development of lending, this background series enables the researcher to look at all projects in a country or region to understand the project emphases in a geographical area. Taken together, the series in this fonds provide a comprehensive picture of the Bank's projects and the shifting priorities in lending policy over time.

Operations (Loan) Committee

Agenda, minutes, and other records of the Operations Committee

This series of Committee records was compiled by Cosmos Linus Robless, Senior Operations Advisor, Office of the Senior Vice President - Operations. It includes four types of records:

  • (I) Agendas of meetings, 17 February 1988 to 25 May 1990, arranged by date of meeting;

  • (II) Minutes and Postscripts of meetings, 3 March 1988 to 25 May 1990, arranged by date of meeting;

  • (III) Initiating Memoranda discussed at Operations Committee meetings, 29 March 1989 to 27 March 1990;

  • (IV) Memoranda to Committee members regarding papers to be discussed at meetings and Committee procedures and schedules, June 1987 to April 1990.

Agenda and minutes of meetings, and background documents: Loan Committee and Operations Committee

The files for each meeting include the formal agenda and minutes of the meeting and extensive background documentation such as the project proposal (e.g., Final Executive Project Summary) and related memoranda forwarded from a region, memoranda from various units in the Bank commenting on the proposal prior to the Committee's meeting, handwritten notes taken during the Committee's meeting, draft minutes and comments on drafts, and follow-up memoranda and correspondence regarding the project. The files for the period from December 1991 to December 1995 were maintained by Orsalia Kalantzopolous, assistant to Managing Directors Ernest Stern and Gautam Kaji. When the Operations Committee replaced the Loan Committee in January 1996, the committee secretariat was transferred to the Office of the Director, Operations Policy Department (OPRDR), and John D. Shilling was appointed secretary to both the Operations Committee and the Operations Policy Committee.

Loan Committee project files

The files typically contain: discussion memoranda; discussion memoranda transmittal sheets; loan agreements; guarantee agreements; project agreements; reports and recommendations of the IBRD President to Executive Directors; agreements amending guarantee agreements; and memoranda regarding either withdrawal of loan offers or loan modifications. A small number of files contain minutes of Loan Committee meetings. Project files for the Bahamas (1973) and Barbados (1973) include memoranda and other documents relating to their applications for membership in the IBRD and documents indicating approval actions taken by the IBRD.

The bulk of these records are dated 1980 - 1987. Very few Loan Committee project files survive from the 1970s because in September 1971 the Committee and the staff of the Bank's Administration Department decided that once a project file was more than two fiscal years old, it would be discarded.

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