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Records of the Office of Operations Evaluation

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Sector and Thematic Evaluation Division (OEDST) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Sector and Thematic Evaluation Division (OEDST) as well as some records of its predecessor, the Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1).

Much of this sub-series consists of files relating to the preparation of papers concerning NGO involvement in World Bank-Supported Projects in Mali, Kenya, Bolivia and Brazil. These papers were part of five country case studies (covering India in addition to Mali, Kenya, Bolivia and Brazil) prepared as background papers for the OED study: Nongovernmental Organizations in World Bank-Supported Projects: A Review (1998).

Other studies covered in this sub-series include: Information Infrastructure: The World Bank Group's Experience (2001); The Bank's Assistance to China's Energy Sector, An OED Country Sector Evaluation (2001); Toward Sharpening the Focus on Rural Poverty: A Review of World Bank Experience (2002); Private Sector Development in the Energy Sector: A Review of the World Bank Group's Assistance (c. 2001); The Impact of Dairying Development in India: The Bank's Contribution (c. 1997); Meeting India's Energy Needs (1978-1999): A Country Sector Review (1999); and Education in Bangladesh: A Country Sector Review (1999).

There are fragmentary files for a sub-series of health studies that are not as complete as most of the working files. Evaluation Health Projects: Lessons from the Literature was developed by the Agriculture and Human Development division (OEDD1) in l995-1997. Theother health studies were generated by OEDST, including: An Analysis of Combating Iodine Deficiency: Case Studies of China, Indonesia, and Madagascar (2001); Supporting a Healthy Transition: Lessons from Early World Bank Experience in Eastern Europe (2002); and Case Study of World Bank Activities in the Health Sector in India (1998-1999).

This sub-series also contains the working files for a 1996 OEDD1 Performance Audit Report (PAR) for the project Brazil: Science and Technology Project (Loan 2489-BR). Inaddition, there are files for The Next Ascent: An Evaluation of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP), 2002, which was part of a series of evaluations of AKRSP conducted by OED at the request of and with funding from the Aga Khan Foundation.

Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Country Policy, Industry and Finance Division (OEDD2) and its predecessor, the Policy-Based Lending, Industry, Public Utilities and Urban Sectors Division. The studies cover a range of policies, themes, sectors, and countries, including: conditionality in World Bank financed loans; privatization; women in development; free-standing technical assistance for institutional development in Sub-Saharan Africa; trade policy reforms under adjustment programs; a study of Bank/country relations covering Mexico's agriculture, industry, infrastructure, urban, and electrical and power sectors; and the 1992 study The World Bank and Pacific Island Countries: An OED Review which covered the Bank's operations in six Pacific Island member countries: Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Western Samoa. There is also a draft of the design paper for the FY95 country assistance review for Nigeria.

Also included are files documenting OEDD2's participation in a Bank-wide steering group on Development Aid Effectiveness and a file for the development of a policy ledger of OED recommendations, management responses, and actions for all studies discussed by the Joint Audit Committee (JAC) after July 1, 1992.

Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1) special evaluation studies working files

The sub-series contains the working files for special studies generated by the Agriculture and Human Development Division (OEDD1) and its predecessors: the Agriculture and Family Planning Division; the Agriculture and Human Resources Division; and the Agriculture, Infrastructure and Human Resources Division. Included are files for process, policy, and thematic studies as well as sector studies concerning agriculture, education, population, and human resources projects and issues. Specifically, reports focus on: agricultural research and education; Bank project supervision; training included in Bank financed projects; population programs; Bank lending policy for plantation crops; agriculture projects in Sub-Saharan Africa; renewable resource management issues; gender issues in Bank lending; human resource framework for Bank projects; fertility decline; Bank lending for agricultural credit and rural finance; poverty alleviation; and the Bank's experience with government sponsored land settlement with irrigation development, agricultural marketing, and rural development.

Of special note are the files regarding the Narmada Project. It appears that OEDD1 began assembling many of the Narmada materials in this sub-series in 1991 when Bank President Conable commissioned in September of that year an independent review of two Bank-funded projects, Sardar Sarovar Dam and Power Project (Credit 1552; Loan 2497) and Sardar Sarovar Water Delivery and Drainage Project (Credit 1553), referred to collectively as the Narmada Project because of the relationship of the projects to the Narmada River in India.

Included in this sub-series are working files for a small number of OEDD1 Impact Evaluation Reports (IERs) covering: an irrigation project in Sri Lanka; a settlement project in the Terres Nueves region of Senegal; a Benin agricultural project; a cotton development project in Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, and Togo; education projects in Colombia, Indonesia, and Malawi; and others. There are also files for the 1990 and 1995 Interim Evaluations of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) including the second and third of a series of evaluations of AKRSP conducted by OED at the request of, and with funding from, the Aga Khan Foundation. A few files in this sub-series contain comments that OEDD1 staff provided on studies and reports generated by other Bank units or by other organizations and institutions.

Some of the files in this sub-series contain background reports, studies, and publications dated as early as 1970.

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