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Showing 1-50 of 2278 results

Records of Individual Staff Members

237 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

India: Mission Reports and other Reports on Bombay - 9/1/64 - 3/31/71
India: Mission Reports and other Reports on Bombay - 9/1/64 - 3/31/71
Shelton H. Davis - Youth, Culture and Identity - 14 Files
Shelton H. Davis - Youth, Culture and Identity - 14 Files
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 2
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 2
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 3
Shelton H. Davis - Fortalecimiento Institucional de Organizaciones Juveniles - Disc 3
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 2
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 2
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 3
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 3
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 4
Shelton H. Davis - 50 Encuentros De Musica Y Danza Tradicional Indigena - Volume 4
Safeguard Policies - Status and Outlook at the World Bank Group - December 2001
Safeguard Policies - Status and Outlook at the World Bank Group - December 2001
Shelton Davis - Speech - Williamsburg, Virginia - July 30-31, 1998
Shelton Davis - Speech - Williamsburg, Virginia - July 30-31, 1998
Meaningful Consultation - Ambiente - Spanish and Portuguese
Meaningful Consultation - Ambiente - Spanish and Portuguese
Meaningful Consultation - Portuguese - Reviewed Version
Meaningful Consultation - Portuguese - Reviewed Version
Jeanette Sutherland
Jeanette Sutherland
Shelton H. Davis - Performance Portfolio Review [PPR] Working Paper - AMBIO
Shelton H. Davis - Performance Portfolio Review [PPR] Working Paper - AMBIO
Copy of Safeguard Policy Presentation based on A. Molnar, K. Johnswartz, I. Taborotf and S. Davis Materials - FYI and Files
Copy of Safeguard Policy Presentation based on A. Molnar, K. Johnswartz, I. Taborotf and S. Davis Materials - FYI and Files
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Official Graphics - FY01, FY02
Perfiles Indigenas - El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica Regional - March 2004
Perfiles Indigenas - El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica Regional - March 2004
Contribuciones Analiticas sobre Legislaciones Indigenas y Ambientales y su Relacion con el Desarrollo Sostenible
Contribuciones Analiticas sobre Legislaciones Indigenas y Ambientales y su Relacion con el Desarrollo Sostenible
Consulta Tecnica sobre la Politica del Banco Mundial Relativa a Los Pueblos Indigenas - Reunion en Mexico en la Trinidad, Tlaxcala - December 3-4, 2001
Consulta Tecnica sobre la Politica del Banco Mundial Relativa a Los Pueblos Indigenas - Reunion en Mexico en la Trinidad, Tlaxcala - December 3-4, 2001
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Ottawa Presentation - Shelton H. Davis - March 28-30, 2001
Seguimiento al Taller Internacional sobre Participacion y Empoderamiento para un Desarrollo Inclusivo - June 9-11, 2001 - Lima, Peru - Civil Society Team - Latin America and Caribbean Region - The World Bank
Seguimiento al Taller Internacional sobre Participacion y Empoderamiento para un Desarrollo Inclusivo - June 9-11, 2001 - Lima, Peru - Civil Society Team - Latin America and Caribbean Region - The World Bank
Capacitacion para el Dialogo Tripartito - Quito / Berlin - 2003 - Internationale Weiterbidung und Entwicklung gGmbH - Futuro Latin Americano - Weatherhead Center for International Affairs - Harvard University
Capacitacion para el Dialogo Tripartito - Quito / Berlin - 2003 - Internationale Weiterbidung und Entwicklung gGmbH - Futuro Latin Americano - Weatherhead Center for International Affairs - Harvard University
Preventing and Responding to Urban Crime and Violence in the Latin America and Caribbean Region - The Role of Municipal Governments and Local Communities - April 30, 2003
Preventing and Responding to Urban Crime and Violence in the Latin America and Caribbean Region - The Role of Municipal Governments and Local Communities - April 30, 2003
Lista y Fotos al los Participantes
Lista y Fotos al los Participantes
Presentaciones y Trabajos de Grupos
Presentaciones y Trabajos de Grupos
India - Economic Report - Sectoral Problems, Programs and Policies - Technical Appendix to the Country Economic Memorandum on the Economic Situation and development Prospects of India - June 12, 1986 - South Asia Regional Office
India - Economic Report - Sectoral Problems, Programs and Policies - Technical Appendix to the Country Economic Memorandum on the Economic Situation and development Prospects of India - June 12, 1986 - South Asia Regional Office
Grass roots of Indian Industry - Enterprises, their Problems and Prospects - Management Views, Intentions and Complaints
Grass roots of Indian Industry - Enterprises, their Problems and Prospects - Management Views, Intentions and Complaints
Board Discussion Paper on Industrial Restructuring - Policy and Practice - March 20, 1989 - Industry Development Division - Industry and Energy Department - Policy, Planning and Research
Board Discussion Paper on Industrial Restructuring - Policy and Practice - March 20, 1989 - Industry Development Division - Industry and Energy Department - Policy, Planning and Research
Board Discussion Paper on Competition Policies for Industrializing Countries - March 20, 1989 - Industry Development Division - Industry and Energy Department - Policy, Planning and Research
Board Discussion Paper on Competition Policies for Industrializing Countries - March 20, 1989 - Industry Development Division - Industry and Energy Department - Policy, Planning and Research
Academic and Private Research on Economic Problems of Developing Countries - Survey of Work and Thinking in France - October 19, 1967 - A.G. Nowicki
Academic and Private Research on Economic Problems of Developing Countries - Survey of Work and Thinking in France - October 19, 1967 - A.G. Nowicki
Basic Data on Population - Prepared by Economic Analysis and Projections Department [EPD]
Basic Data on Population - Prepared by Economic Analysis and Projections Department [EPD]
Handbook on Balance of Payments - Papers presented at The World Bank Seminar on Debt and The Developing Countries - April 18-20, 1984
Handbook on Balance of Payments - Papers presented at The World Bank Seminar on Debt and The Developing Countries - April 18-20, 1984
Divestiture in Developing countries. Consultant Report prepared by Elliot Berg, managed by Public Sector Management Unit [PPDPS] (1985) - Papers presented at the Conference on Privatization Policies Methods and Procedures, Manila - January 31, 1985
Divestiture in Developing countries. Consultant Report prepared by Elliot Berg, managed by Public Sector Management Unit [PPDPS] (1985) - Papers presented at the Conference on Privatization Policies Methods and Procedures, Manila - January 31, 1985
Pakistan - Country Program Paper - 1983 and Recent Economic Developments - January 20, 1984
Pakistan - Country Program Paper - 1983 and Recent Economic Developments - January 20, 1984
General Correspondence - Memorandum to the President - 1975
General Correspondence - Memorandum to the President - 1975
General correspondence - President's memos (general) - set
General correspondence - President's memos (general) - set
General correspondence - Memos to the President - set
General correspondence - Memos to the President - set
General correspondence - President's memos (finance related) - set
General correspondence - President's memos (finance related) - set
General correspondence - Executive directors correspondence - set
General correspondence - Executive directors correspondence - set
Vinod Dubey chron files - 73/74
Vinod Dubey chron files - 73/74
Vinod Dubey chron files - 7/1/82 - 12/31/82
Vinod Dubey chron files - 7/1/82 - 12/31/82
Vinod Dubey chron files - 4/1/86 - 7/31/86
Vinod Dubey chron files - 4/1/86 - 7/31/86
Vinod Dubey chron files - 9/1/87 - 10/30/87
Vinod Dubey chron files - 9/1/87 - 10/30/87
Economic Advisory Staff : Aspen Seminars - 4v
Economic Advisory Staff : Aspen Seminars - 4v
Economic Advisory Staff : OECD Export Credit Group - set
Economic Advisory Staff : OECD Export Credit Group - set
Economic Advisory Staff : ECO Hungary, India and China (F.D. Levy) - set
Economic Advisory Staff : ECO Hungary, India and China (F.D. Levy) - set
Economic Advisory Staff : Bank - Fund Collaboration Seminar - set
Economic Advisory Staff : Bank - Fund Collaboration Seminar - set
Economic Advisory Staff : IMF special disbursement account (G Tidrick) - 02
Economic Advisory Staff : IMF special disbursement account (G Tidrick) - 02
Economic Advisory Staff : future role of the Bank - 01/02
Economic Advisory Staff : future role of the Bank - 01/02
Economic Advisory Staff : World Economic Forum, background papers - set
Economic Advisory Staff : World Economic Forum, background papers - set
Economic Advisory Staff : UN Symposium, Helsinki, June 1989 - set
Economic Advisory Staff : UN Symposium, Helsinki, June 1989 - set
Results 1 to 50 of 2278