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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Subject files

The series consists of records related to Jonas' coordination of Bank operational responses to emergencies, pandemics, and other key initiatives, primarily through her participation and organization of high-level meetings, conferences, and other events. Most of the records comprising the series (four files, 2006 - 2014) contains information about the Bank's Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) program and collaboration with the United Nations and UN System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC), World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE). Meetings and conferences represented within the files include: International Conference on Avian Influenza (2006); High Level Technical Meeting to Address Health Risks at the Human-Animal Ecosystems Interfaces (2011); and Avian Flu working group.

Other records (two files) relate to Jonas' work with the international Task Force on Small States (1999 - 2006), participation in the Global Conference on the Development Agenda for Small States in 2000 and the Small States Forum (2004 - 2005).

Also included is an individual file related to the Bank's support to post-tsunami disaster recovery in Indonesia and affected South Asia countries (2005 - 2006) including Bank staff participation in the Global Consortium on Tsunami Recovery held at UN, New York in April 2006.

There is also a briefing file related to Bank President Paul Wolfowitz's meeting with Roberto Danino kept by Jonas for reference (2005).

Record types include: meeting and conference working papers, agenda, concept note, and summary of proceedings; hard copies of Jonas' and other Bank staff slide presentations; talking point notes; briefing notes, e.g., status of the Bank's contributions to global avian and pandemic response and situation in Aceh and the Bank's post-tsunami activities; copies of Executive Board records and papers presented to the Board; financing requirement note; external reports, including the European Union (EU) and World Food Programme (WFP); draft notice for donors; background paper on pandemic risk for the 2014 World Development Report (WDR) and hard copy of a blog, both authored by Jonas; internal papers prepared by Bank units on tsunami recovery and poverty reduction; and travel and administrative documents.

E-mail hard copies are between Jonas and internal and external colleagues and between country directors, regional staff, and other Bank colleagues. Topics discussed include preparation and organization of conferences and meetings and invitations, Bank support activities, comments on papers, travel arrangements, and other business matters.

Olga Jonas files

The subfonds consists of records maintained by Olga Jonas during the period from 1999 to 2014 while she served as principal economist, Resource Mobilization Department (FRM) and then as economic adviser in various Operations Policy and Country Services Network (OPC) and Human Development Network (HDN) units. Records primarily reflect Jonas' activities as coordinator of the Bank's Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) response program, as well as her role in the international Small States Task Force and the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster recovery response.

Knowledge and learning

Series contains records related to the preparation and participation at workshops, training courses, conferences, and other events facilitated or attended by Debrework Zewdie primarily during her tenure as director of the Global HIV/AIDS Program Team (HNDGA). Records include: agenda; list of participants; working papers; correspondence and copies of agreements on funding inter-agency workshops with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) or World Health Organization (WHO); and hard copies of emails from HDNGA operations adviser regarding organization and participation in events, some attended with Zewdie. A portion of the records pertain to administrative matters such as transfer of funds to external conference organizers, travel, and accommodation.

Workshops and courses include: Monitoring and Evaluation of National HIV/AIDS response (2006); Dissemination of the World Bank Procurement Guide Publication "Battling Aids" (2004); and HIV/AIDS Workshop for Faith-Based Organizations and National AIDS Councils (no date). Other events include, but are not limited to: Consultative Meeting on Improving Access of Faith-Based Organizations to Funding from National HIV/AIDS Programs (2003), and the Global HIV Monitoring and Evaluation Team (GAMET) retreat (2005).

The series also contains a briefing book compiled for the Chief Economist Advisory Council (2002), in which some of the contents mention HIV/AIDS activities.

HIV/AIDS program management files

Series consists of various records maintained by Debrework Zewdie while managing the Bank's HIV/AIDS program and developing its strategic direction. Records included in the series are: reports on Global HIV/AIDS activities and work program (1999- 2003); summaries of internal meetings regarding the Bank's HIV/AIDS portfolio and minutes of a briefing to Bank President Wolfensohn by Zewdie and colleagues on portfolio implementation (2002); action plan on accelerating implementation (2002); draft papers submitted to the Development Committee (2002); and regional AIDS sectoral strategies (2001 - 2002).

The series also contains a small volume of records related to evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and UNAIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (2002), World HIV/AIDS Campaign strategy (2002 - 2003) as well as comments on HIV/AIDS project design and other records regarding projects in Brazil (2002), Guinea (2003), and Sri Lanka (no date). There are also individual filesregarding HIV/AIDS treatment projects in Africa (2003), telemedicine (2002), lending numbers (2002), and partnership for social justice with faith groups (2002).

Chronological files

Series contains chronological files of Debrework Zewdie that cover her various activities related to managing the Bank's HIV/AIDS programs and partnerships. Three files date 1999 to 2001 and cover the period when Zewdie led the AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTAfrica) in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRHV). The 1999 chronological file contains only a single letter. The records reflect Zewdie's collaboration with external organizations, attendance at externally organized events, and peer review of reports, and include: hard copies of emails to World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) colleagues, including comments on a UNAIDS/WHO working paper; invitation letters to external meetings and conferences; letters from development organizations; and letters from country officials addressed to Bank President James Wolfensohn regarding concessional funding and the World AIDS campaign. There are internal hard copy emails addressed to colleagues of the Africa Region AIDS Campaign Team and director of the Human Development, Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) on meetings of common interest or participation. Correspondence is filed with provisional agenda and reports, internal and external working papers and guidance documents sent for Zewdie's review, and UNAIDS press releases and meeting papers.

Chronological files dated 2002 to 2004 cover Zewdie's tenure as director, Global HIV/AIDS Program (HDNGA). Files contain mostly hard copy emails and facsimiles between Zewdie and her reporting unit, Human Development Network Vice Presidency (HDNVP), and Zewdie's responses to requests addressed to the Bank president or HDN vice president. Topics covered in the files include program audit, relations with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, HIV/AIDS research, Bank-organized consultation workshops, partnership between the Global HIV/AIDS unit and AIDS Campaign Team for Africa Region, and administrative matters. Other record types found in thefiles are external newsletters, conference booklets, project proposals, a unit progress report (2002), and financial reports to UNAIDS on use of funds.

Debrework Zewdie files

The subfonds consists of records maintained by Debrework Zewdie during the period from 1999 to 2006 when she served as manager of the AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTafrica) in the Africa Region, and then as adviser and director, HDNGA. Records reflect Zewdie's managerial and oversight role over the Bank's HIV/AIDS programs, her participation in conferences and meetings, and collaboration with external organizations.

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