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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Records of Individual Staff Members

  • Fonds
  • 1946 - 1992

A number of individuals accumulated bodies of records from various offices in which they served. When these individuals retired or resigned from the Bank, these records were transferred to the Archives. Because the records cover the individual's career in more than one office, the records cannot be assigned to a fonds for a single office. Consequently, this fonds is established to describe these records.

Some records in this fonds are duplicates of others found in the Central Files or in fonds for particular offices. Others, however, appear to be absolutely unique. For example, Bernard Bell served as the special representative of the Bank in Indonesia from 1968 to 1972, and when he returned to headquarters, he brought with him some of the records of the Indonesia office. In addition, he made a study for the Bank on contract before he was hired as a regular staff member, and materials relating to the study are also found in the records. In another instance, Leonard Rist was interested in the historyof the Bretton Woods agreement, and collected duplicate copies of documents relating to it. When Rist retired, the Archives received both his correspondence files from different offices in which he served and the collection of Bretton Woods items.

Researchers interested in the offices in which these individuals served should review the sub-fonds descriptions on the records.

Individual Staff Members

Papers and reports

This series consists of ten files containing papers that Alexander Nowicki compiled primarily while he was a senior economist in the Projects Department of the South Asia Regional Office and later as Director of the OED's Policy-Based Lending, Industry, Public Utilities and Urban Sectors Division (OEDD2). Included are Nowicki's own October 19, 1967 paper, Academic and Private Research on Economic Problems of Developing Countries - Survey of Work and Thinking in France, and a copy of a lecture, General Issues and Actual Problems of Central Planning, that he delivered at a September 1986 seminar organized by the Brazilian Ministry of Planning. Other documents include copies of papers presented at the 1985 Manila Conference on Privatization Policies, Methods, and Procedures; two papers on industrial restructuring and on competition policies for industrializing countries that were prepared for discussion at Bank Board seminars in 1989; a December 1981 Bank compilation of basic data on population; copies of a March 1983 country program paper for Pakistan and a draft January 20, 1984 report regarding recent economic development in Pakistan; and a copy of a Handbook on Balance of Payments that was presented at the World Bank Seminar on Debt and Developing Countries, April 18-20, 1984.

Masood Ahmed files

The sub-fonds consist of chronological correspondence records from different units throughout Masood Ahmed's World Bank career. The series additionally includes speech and presentation records from his time in IEC and PREM, and records related to his involvement with the Economic Development Institute (EDI, now renamed the World Bank Institute [WBI]).

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