Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Pacific Coast
Shelton H. Davis - 1999 - 2003 Chronological File
Shelton H. Davis - Afro Descendant Publications - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resource Management [NRM] - Correspondence - Volume 1
Shelton H. Davis - Culture and Development - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Cultural Heritage - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - General - Reports (Foreign Language)
Shelton H. Davis - Bolivia - Indigenous Peoples - Popular Participation - Reports
Shelton H. Davis -Afro-Latin American - Proposal - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Culture and Development Background - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Bolivia - Indigenous Peoples - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resources Management [NRM] Project - Transparencies
Shelton H. Davis files - Mexico- Marginal Areas - Reports, Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Mexico - Marginal Land Areas
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resource Management [NRM] Project - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Human Rights - A Legal Perspective - Seminar - February 22, 1999
Shelton H. Davis - Cultural Diversity Thematic Team - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resource Management [NRM] - Correspondence - Volume 2
Shelton H. Davis - Mexico Agricultural Productivity Project - Correspondence
Shelton H. Davis - Travel - Back to Office Reports [BTORs], Terms of Reference [TOR], Statements of Expense [SOE]
Shelton H. Davis - Mexico Indigenous Profiles Correspondence
FPDVP - Chron File - (1998) - Mr. Rischard
FSD - Presentations to FPSI Council - April 30, 1998
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - NRM
Shelton H. Davis - Meeting Culture - 1974-1997 - Correspondence
James D. Wolfensohn - Chronological File - June 1995 through December 1996
James D. Wolfensohn - Chronological File - January 1997 through November 1997
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - NRM - Program of Natural Resources
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - Natural Resource Management
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - NRM Project - DPN Encuento Forestal
Shelton H. Davis - Indigenous Peoples Portfolio Review
AFRDR - Chronological Records - Callisto Madavo
Moeen Qureshi Files - Paris Club - Correspondence
Environment - Environmental Assessments Program - 1v
Masood Ahmed - Chronological File - January 1990 to June 1991
Environment - Environmental Defense Fund - 1v
Moeen Qureshi Files - Co-financing - General - Correspondence
Structural Adjustment Lending - General - 1v
Moeen Qureshi Files - Gulf Persian Crisis - Correspondence - Volume 4
Environment - Global Environmental Fund (GEF) - Correspondence 02
Environment - Non-governmental Organizations (NGO's) - 1v
Moeen Qureshi Files - Co-financing - Expanded Co-financing Operations [ECO] - India - Correspondence
Moeen Qureshi Files - Gulf Persian Crisis - Correspondence - Volume 2
Gulf Crisis - Regional Responses - Correspondences 01
Economic Advisory Staff : ECO Hungary, India and China (F.D. Levy) - set
Debt - Baker Plan - Correspondence 02
Moeen Qureshi Files - Development Banks - Asian Development Bank - Correspondence
Debt - Bolivia - 1988 - 1990
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Mexico - Regional / Rural Development