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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Records of Individual Staff Members

  • collection
  • 1946 - 1992

A number of individuals accumulated bodies of records from various offices in which they served. When these individuals retired or resigned from the Bank, these records were transferred to the Archives. Because the records cover the individual's career in more than one office, the records cannot be assigned to a fonds for a single office. Consequently, this fonds is established to describe these records.

Some records in this fonds are duplicates of others found in the Central Files or in fonds for particular offices. Others, however, appear to be absolutely unique. For example, Bernard Bell served as the special representative of the Bank in Indonesia from 1968 to 1972, and when he returned to headquarters, he brought with him some of the records of the Indonesia office. In addition, he made a study for the Bank on contract before he was hired as a regular staff member, and materials relating to the study are also found in the records. In another instance, Leonard Rist was interested in the historyof the Bretton Woods agreement, and collected duplicate copies of documents relating to it. When Rist retired, the Archives received both his correspondence files from different offices in which he served and the collection of Bretton Woods items.

Researchers interested in the offices in which these individuals served should review the sub-fonds descriptions on the records.

Sans titre

John A. King files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1965 - 1978

The first series of records are King's files on Bank studies in which he participated. These include a review by the Projects Staff of completed sector and feasibility studies in order to improve the Bank's technical assistance to developing countries, a study of project management, and the studies undertaken as part of the 1972 Bank reorganization. The files include minutes of meetings, correspondence, memoranda, background data, and successive drafts of the final report. The files on the 1972 reorganization also include staff opinion surveys and reviews of the implementation of the reorganization plan.

The second series is a subject file that relates principally to King's work as the Assistant to the Vice President, Projects. The records include a number of files from Charles A. Morse, who was the procurement adviser to the Vice President. The majority of the records relate to procurement policy, but they also include correspondence with Executive Directors (clearly a fragment, as a list of items included in the file says Vol. IV), minutes and agendas from Program Coordinators' meetings, records on project preparation and project insurance, drafts of speeches and articles by both Morse and King, and memos and reports relating to the 1976-1977 Arab boycott of U.S. goods.

Ernest Stern files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1969, 1971 - 1995

The majority of the subfonds consists of chronological correspondence records sent and received by Stern from the start of his World Bank career in 1972 to his retirement as a Managing Director in 1995. The subfonds also contains speeches given by Stern while serving in various positions from 1973 to 1995 and records relating to committees in which he participated.

Alexander Nowicki files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1967, 1981 - 1989

Fonds consists of papers and reports Alexander Nowicki produced while in the employment of the World Bank.

Jean-Francois Rischard files

  • Sous-fonds
  • March 1976 - July 1998

Fonds contains chronological files created by Rischard throughout his career at the World Bank Group, excluding only his time as Vice President, Europe (EXTEU). This includes his positions as: Project officer, Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND); Financial analyst and division chief, Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA); Director, Investment Department (INV); and Vice President, Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD).

Johannes F. Linn files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1973 - 1993

This sub-fonds consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn during his time in a variety of positions at the World Bank, including: the Urban and Regional Economics Division of the Economics Department (ECDRB) and its successor the Development Economics Department (DEDRB) of the Development Policy Vice Presidency (DPS); the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) and Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ASI); the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP); and the Vice President of the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP). Note that this sub-fonds does not contain records from his time as Vice President of the Europe and Central Asia Regional Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Chronological files contain correspondence and memoranda primarily between Linn and World Bank colleagues; a smaller amount are between Linn and external individuals and institutions.

Debrework Zewdie files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1999- 2006

The subfonds consists of records maintained by Debrework Zewdie during the period from 1999 to 2006 when she served as manager of the AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTafrica) in the Africa Region, and then as adviser and director, HDNGA. Records reflect Zewdie's managerial and oversight role over the Bank's HIV/AIDS programs, her participation in conferences and meetings, and collaboration with external organizations.

Jochen Kraske files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1973 - 1992

The records contain both correspondence and reference material maintained by Kraske relating to India. They include correspondence and draft papers from Kraske's period as chief of the Resident Mission in New Delhi; an historical reminiscence The New Delhi Office written by Kraske in 1993; copies of correspondence, memoranda, and draft papers on the history of the New Delhi office; copies of extracts from the debates in the Indian Parliament about the World Bank; clippings from the Asian Recorder on the Bank in India; two papers by Kraske on India, Some thoughts on the role of the New Delhi Office (1987) and The role of field-based staff in maintaining portfolio quality: The case of agriculture and the New Delhi Office (1992) and drafts of three speeches to African audiences; and publications by S.R. Sen, M. Narasimham, A.V. Desai, R. Mohan and others. Although quite small, this series is a rich source for the history of the World Bank in India.

Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1967, 1970 - 1973

Sub-fonds consists of records created and received by Pedro-Pablo Kuczynski during his employment at the World Bank between 1971 and 1973. Records were filed according to subject title and record types, including: Latin American development; seminars; commodity trading and development; general economics; Bank operations and planning; speechwriting for the Office of the President; seminars; Country Program Papers (CPPs); and World Tables. Records related to the Bank's Research Committee are also included.

Leonard B. Rist files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1942 - 1968

Fonds consists of records maintained by Leonard B. Rist from the early period of IBRD history primarily when he first served as Director of the Research Department, later Economics Department beginning in 1946 and printed material that Rist collected relating to Bretton Woods.

Richard E. Barry files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1972 - 1989

The first set of records relates to the fifth session of the UN Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information systems, held in Geneva, Switzerland, September 18-21, 1989. The second set of records consists primarily of memoranda, papers and minutes of the Personnel and Administration Committee and the Managing Committee. Topics include systems development in the Finance complex, the budgets for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, the establishment of a facility in the Washington suburbs, cost effectiveness indicators, the Howard Baker proposal for the Bank, data security, a disaster recovery plan, institutional information technology standards and information resources management strategy. The third set of records is related to the 1972 reorganization of the Bank, conducted by McKinsey & Company, during which Barry was a member of the Bank study team. The record include copies of the discussion drafts of the recommended organization structure and the recommended program of changes, a set of interviews conducted by Barry and a McKinsey staff member on external perceptions of the Bank, and a file on planning and control functions. The final set of records relates to the 1987 reorganization. The records include the final report of the Information Technology and Facilities (ITF) support units task force, information for the President's task force from the ITF Office Systems Division, and a report on strategic options for meeting management information needs, with a report of the Information Systems Planning Study Team attached.

Callisto Madavo files

  • Sous-fonds
  • October 1991 - December 2002

Fonds contains chronological correspondence files created by Madavo and his staff from 1991 to 2002 covering his time as Director in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRVP) and East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency (EAPVP) and as Regional Vice President of AFRVP. The fonds also contains speeches given by Madavo between 1996 and 2001 while serving as Regional Vice President of AFRVP.

Bernard R. Bell files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1950, 1963 - 1976

Subfonds consists of records created by Bernard R. Bell primarily when he was the economic advisor to the representative resident in India during which time he examined Indian economic policy and the proposed Fourth Five-Year Plan during 1966 to 1967. Subfonds also contains subject files and correspondence kept while he served as director of resident staff, Indonesia and regional vice president, East Asia and Pacific Region.

W. David Hopper files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1981 - 1989

The small correspondence series from 1986 includes files on many of the countries in the South Asia region. The files include correspondence with leaders in the countries and internal Bank memoranda on projects, planned or in operation. This is clearly a fragment of a larger chronological series that was maintained for Hopper by the office staff.

The bulk of the sub-fonds consists of the office correspondence file from Hopper's period as Senior Vice President for Policy Planning and Research; it is arranged chronologically. The series apparently was begun by L. Richard Meyers, who was Special Assistant to Hopper, as the early files are marked DM Chron. The topics in the records include poverty and family planning programs focusing on women, the Bank's new environmental initiative, appreciation and criticism of the Bank's environmental role, especially with regard to rain forests and indigenous peoples, agricultural development, including genetic research and application of developmental agriculture in Africa, and administrative details of the new Policy Planning and Research Department.

The series on the Senior Management Council and the series on the Personnel and Administration Committee both begin with a set of minutes, followed by agendas and reports and memos. The series on the SMC also includes a set of monthly financial reports. Records are missing for several months in both series. The topics in the records include personnel policies, the Disaster Recovery Plan, security, long-term facilities planning, and information resources management.

The file unit on the work of the Operations Managers Review Group contains six items on the selection of operations managers.

Benjamin B. King files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1952 - 1981

Benjamin King retained a copy of papers he wrote and correspondence he drafted, both for his signature and for the signature of other Bank officials. Although there are gaps in the records, the chronological series provides a good overview of the interests of King and the issues with which he dealt as a staff member of the Bank.

The first part of the chronological file, dating from 1952-1967, includes items relating to King's missions to the Gold Coast, Germany, and Norway and contains notes on the status of operations, planning and procedures, currency, lending resources, and external debt. King also wrote notes on the General Training Committee and a 1955 draft curriculum for the Economic Development Institute, which King joined in 1957. The second part of the chronological file includes papers on the economic work in the Bank; comments on economic reports; drafts of the Charter of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); materials relating to external debt in Iran, India and Pakistan; a study of the feasibility of using computers in the Bank; and a paper on allocation of funds to the International Development Association. The final part of the chronological file includes memoranda and letters to members of the Research Committee and to external research institutions commenting on research proposals and reports. After King was appointed as Director of the Development Economics Department in 1978, the file includes documents on personnel, recruitment, plan, project evaluations, comments on economic reports and clearances for publications. Of particular interest are a March 1979 memo on the Department and King's summaries of the Board meetings he attended The subject files are clearly a fragment of a larger file, because they include only files with subject headings A-E. Many of the same issues found in the chronological file material area found here, including investment criteria, creditworthiness, terms of aid, program lending, and the use of computers. Two files on the Bernard Bell study on India and an agriculture file on India are useful supplements to the official records on the Bell study and to the Bernard R. Bell files. The External Debt Review Committee was established at the end of 1967 to investigate the collection, processing and use of international debt statistics by the Bank. King chaired the Committee in 1967-1968, and his subject files contain memoranda regarding the Committee meetings, the operations of the External Debt Section, material relating to a questionnaire on statistics, and comments on the Committee report.

The country files contain Economic Committee documents, interspersed with some original material of King's regarding economic missions and economic reports.

Shelton H. Davis files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1986 - 2004

The sub-fonds consists of records related to Davis's early operational work as a Bank Sociologist on impacts of development on indigenous communities, primarily in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Environment Unit (LATEN). It also contains records related to Davis's work in the Bank's Environment (ENV) and Social Development (SDV) departments developing social safeguard policies for indigenous peoples, and to his training initiatives on policy implementation. External research, reference, and conference materials highlight Davis's diverse research interests and collaboration with agencies outside the Bank to raise awareness on indigenous issues. Lastly, records related to project support and training outline the role Davis played as the Sector Manager in the Latin America and Caribbean Region in implementing safeguard policies in regional units.

Masood Ahmed files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1979-1999 (prominent 1995-1998)

The sub-fonds consist of chronological correspondence records from different units throughout Masood Ahmed's World Bank career. The series additionally includes speech and presentation records from his time in IEC and PREM, and records related to his involvement with the Economic Development Institute (EDI, now renamed the World Bank Institute [WBI]).

Joseph Wood files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1971-1993

This sub-fonds consists of the records generated by Joseph Wood in numerous positions at the World Bank. Included are subject and activity files from when Wood served as Division Chief and later Assistant Director for the Programming and Budget Department Office (PAB). Subject and activity files are also included for Wood's role as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FPBVP. Chronological correspondence files are also included for his time in FPBVP and FPRVP, and for when Wood served as Vice President for the South Asia Region (SASVP).

Gautam Kaji files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1992 - 1997

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files and accompanying attachments maintained by Gautam Kaji during his time as East Asia and Pacific Region Vice President, and during his time as Managing Director of the World Bank.

L. Peter Chatenay files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1971 - 1972

This sub-fonds contains memoranda and reports compiled by L. Peter Chatenay that primarily relate to the World Bank's early organization and staffing. It would seem that these materials were prepared in support of Chatenay's participation in the Organization Study Team which was created in support of the 1972 Bank-wide reorganization.

Geoffrey Lamb files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1977 - 1992

Sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files for Geffrey Lamb for the following positions and years: Economist for the Development Research Department (DRD) from 1980 to 1982; Public Sector Management Adviser for the Public Management Unit (PPDPS) from 1983 to 1987; Adviser for the Strategic Planning Division (SPRSP) and the Policy Development Unit (PRDPD) from 1988 to 1991; and Unit Chief for the Public Sector Management Unit (EMTPM) within the ECA/MENA Technical Department of the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECA) for 1992. The sub-fonds also includes: DRD country strategy papers, study papers, and policy papers maintained and created by Lamb from 1980 to 1981; policy papers focused on institutional reform maintained by Lamb during his time in PPDPS from 1982 to 1987; records related to policy papers prepared by Lamb prior to his employment at the Bank; records related to papers prepared for and involvement in conferences and seminars from 1987 to 1991; and records related to Lamb's involvement with PRDPD work program planning and working group participation from 1990 to 1991.

Timothy Campbell files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1988 - 1999

Fonds consists of chronological files created by Timothy Campbell during his employment in the Latin America and Caribbean Region and Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department. Records from his time in the World Bank Institute (WBI) are not present. The majority of the records in this fonds provide evidence of Campbell's research activities and his communication and collaboration with agencies and institutions external to the Bank. As such, the majority of the records take the form of researchmaterials, drafts of articles and reports, and correspondence.

Vinod Dubey files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1973 - 1990

The series consists of records collected and maintained by Vinod Dubey during his time at the World Bank. The majority of the records were created during Dubey's time in CPD and EAS.

Ian Johnson files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1984 - 1985, 1996, 2000 - 2005

Fonds consists of records created and received by Ian Johnson during his employment at the World Bank. The fonds consists of records created and received by Johnson while serving in various departments and units and in various capacities. They are not, however, comprehensive. Those units in which Johnson served and are represented in this fonds include: the Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EMENA) in the Projects Department, Power and Energy Division (EMPPE) as an energy economist (records from 1985 to1986); as Assistant Chief Executive Officer in the GEF Secretariat (records from 1996); as Vice President of ESSD (records from 2001 to 2005); and as Chairman of CGIAR (records from 2000 to 2004). The majority of the records in this fonds are chronological files containing correspondence. Records created during his time as ESSD Vice President are the most numerous and diverse. In addition to chronological files, the fonds contains: programme and project funding agreements and work program agreements involving ESSD; spring and annual meeting records; briefings for Johnson prepared by his staff; and briefings prepared by Johnson and ESSDVP staff for upper-management including Bank President Wolfensohn.

Syed Shahid Husain files

  • Sous-fonds
  • January 1993 - March 1995

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence files maintained by or for Syed Shahid Husain during his employment as Vice President for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LACVP) from 1987 to 1994, and Vice President for Management and Personnel Services (MPSVP) from 1994 to 1995.

Attila Karaosmanoglu files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1976 - 1994

The sub-fonds consists of chronological correspondence files from when Karaosmanoglu served in the following positions: Director for Development Policy Vice Presidency (VPD) from 1975 to 1979; Director for the Country Programs Department 1, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR) from 1979 to 1982; Vice President for the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP) from 1982 to 1987; Vice President for the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP) from 1987 to 1991; and Managing Director for Bank President Lewis T. Preston from 1991 to 1994. The subfonds also includes speech, presentation, statement, and interview files for when he served in the following positions: Director of Development Policy (VPD); Director of the Country Programs Department 1 of the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Region (EM1DR); Vice-President East Asia and Pacific Region (AENVP); and Managing Director (MDS).

Heywood Fleisig files

  • Sous-fonds
  • 1986 - 1992

Sub-fonds consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence files maintained by Heywood Fleisig during his employment in the following positions: Senior Economist in the East Asia and Pacific Vice Presidency (AENVP); Principal Economist in the Asia Vice Presidency (ASIVP); Principal Economist in the Country Operations Division, Asia-Country Department II (AS2CO); and Principal Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region (LACCE).

PAB Division Chief/Assistant Director's subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files related to the various activities and responsibilities of Joseph Wood from his time as Division Chief and later Assistant Director of the Program and Budgeting Department (PAB). The bulk of the records consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence; memoranda; reports; draft PAB project proposals; draft working papers; draft policy papers; background research material; and handwritten notes sent or received by Joseph Wood and other PAB staff. Most records are extensively annotated by Joseph Wood, and some background research material pre-dates Wood's time in PAB. Memoranda, correspondence, and meeting minutes received by or sent to the Office of the President (EXC) and the Executive Board of Directors are also included. Some subject files include: discussion and working paper drafts on capital increase and the report entitled, "Future Role of the Bank"; revision of the Bank's lending program; reports and draft policy papers on capital market prospects; revisions for draft financial policy papers; drafts and background material on selective capital increase; reports on access to capital markets; IDA statistical tables, data, and documents; FY77 budget issues records; correspondence related to the OPEC Recycling Scheme; notes on disbursement projections; and so on.

FPBVP and FPRVP chronological correspondence files

This series consists of chronological correspondence from when Joseph Wood served as the Vice President for the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP), and later as Vice President for the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP), the successor to FRBVP. The series primarily consists of correspondence and memoranda between Joseph Wood, the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Moeen Qureshi, Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern (succeeded Moeen Qureshi in 1987), Executive Directors Board members, and other World Bank staff. Wood's handwritten notes and annotations are also included. The chronological correspondence focus on numerous topics, including: IBRD lending; the "Future Role of the Bank"; fiscal years budgets for 1986 to 1988; IDA commitments and agreements; and General Capital Increase (GCI).

Agreements involving or facilitated by ESSD

Series consists of copies of a variety of different types of agreements formed between 2001 and 2005 while Ian Johnson was Vice President of ESSD. Included are trust fund, programme, and project funding agreements involving external agencies, foundations and governments. There is, in some cases, small amounts of background information related to the funds, projects, and programmes being sponsored and/or created.

Work program agreements between ESSD and other World Bank units are also included.

CGIAR correspondence files

Series consists of correspondence related to Johnson's role as Chairman of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Correspondence is between Johnson and: other World Bank units; research institutes; aid agencies; Banking institutions; government agencies and officials; and academic institutions. Correspondence generally relates to: invitations to meetings and conferences; information exchange; and, in small quantities, requests for sponsorship and funding.

Spring and annual meeting records

Series consists of records relating to Johnson's attendance at, and participation in, the World Bank's annual meetings in 2001 to 2003 and spring meetings in 2001 and 2002. Included are Briefing Binders for annual meetings in 2001 and 2002 and spring meetings in 2001 to 2003. These binders contain: Issue Briefs; Regional Briefs; Success Stories; press coverage; talking points; schedules; Notes from the President; and briefings and summaries on a variety of other topics. Records related to roundtable discussion with civil society are also included.

Series also includes files containing briefing reports for Bank President Wolfensohn in advance of meetings with representatives from a number of donor countries prior to the 2002 spring meetings. It is unclear who prepared these briefings for Wolfensohn. However, the focus of the briefings extends beyond the scope of ESSD and so it is likely that they are contained in Johnson's files for informational purposes and not because he or ESSD had a hand in their preparation.

DECVP/IECDR/CECDR chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while working in the Development Economist and Chief Economist Vice Presidency (DECVP) between 1988 and 1991. The series contains records Linn created and received while serving in three different positions: as Senior Economic Advisor in the DECVP reporting directly to World Bank Chief Economist Stanley Fischer; as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC, 1989-1990); and as Country Economics Department Director (CEC, 1990-1991).

Records contained in chronological files created during his time as Senior Economic Advisor primarily contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Drafts of reports, papers, and speeches are also included, generally as attachments; Linn's handwritten comments are included on some. Topics include: publication of reports; DECVP budgeting; adjustment lending; Operations Committee procedures; private sector development; public sector finance; staffing; conference and seminar attendance and participation; dissemination of information, reports, and speeches; and World Development Report 1989 and 1990. Records also include presentations and responses to queries related to the World Development Report 1988, of which Linn was the Staff Director. World Bank Board meeting minutes and Annual Meeting briefs authored for senior DECVP staff are also included.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's International Economics Department (IEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: access to World Bank socio-economic data; world economic projections; departmental staffing and recruitment; world debt tables; debt forgiveness; IEC publications; structural adjustment; and World Development Indicators (WDI) collaboration. A single file containing correspondence with external individuals and institutions created during Linn's time as Director of IEC is also contained in this series. It primarily contains invitations to participate in conferences and letters from individuals seeking employment or information.

Records contained in chronological files created during Linn's time as Director of DECVP's Country Economics Department (CEC) contain correspondence, memoranda, and notes between Linn and World Bank staff. Topics include: departmental budget, staffing, and work program review; country strategy papers (CSPs); structural and sectoral adjustment; coordination and support of policy workand research; review of staff papers and reports; private sector development (PSD) policy brief and PSD Working Group; publication of Linn's and others' articles and monographs; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; privatization in developing countries; and constraints on lending. A small amount of material in these files relate to Linn's role in supporting the incoming World Bank Chief Economist Larry Summers. Records include correspondence with Summers and briefing materials.

FPRVP chronological files

Series consists of chronological files created by Johannes Linn while serving as the Vice President of the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP). Files primarily consist of correspondence and memoranda between Linn and World Bank staff including Senior Vice President of Finance (SVPFI) Ernest Stern as well as World Bank managing directors. Drafts of reports and papers for review and information sharing often accompany correspondence. Topics of correspondence include: lending constraints; FPRVP staffing and budget; IBRD disbursement projections; privatization in developing countries; loan loss provisioning; Soviet Union and former Soviet republics membership in the World Bank; single currency loans and the Asset-Liability Management Committee; risk-based capital investments; IDA replenishments (including United States funding issues); IDA country performance ratings; FPRVP annual and mid-year reviews; FPRVP advisory role on Loan Committee; country risk management and portfolio reviews; sector paper reviews; Joint Audit Committee (JAC) activities; lending allocation reviews; negative pledge policy; Global Environment Facility (GEF) replenishment; and multilateral debt overhang.

This series also contains correspondence with external individuals and institutions. These records discuss speaking engagements, information exchange, commenting on drafts, and offers of employment. They also contain announcements (often related to IDA replenishments) and letters of gratitude.

Project officer, Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND) chronological correspondence files

Series contains the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as a project officer in the Industrial Projects Department (NDP/IPD/IND) from 1976 to 1982. The records in this series relate to the various activities of sectoral project officers. Regarding involvement with lending operations, records evidence Rischard's role in multiple projects and countries. Common project types include funding of chemical industries, fertilizer production, and industrial energy conservation and diversification. Specific projects include: P008691 - Tecuci Fertilizer Project (Romania) P006289 - Copesul Petrochemical Project (Brazil) P008710 - Craiova Chemical Project (Romania) P009665 - Gorakhpur Fertilizer Expansion Project (India) P009369 - Ashuganj Fertilizer Project (Bangladesh) and P008639 - Industrial Energy Conservation and Diversification Project (Portugal) Records related to travel logistics and expenses and the exchange of information within the World Bank and with external organizations are also included.

Records primarily consist of correspondence between Rischard and other World Bank staff (in the form of office memoranda and telexes) and official correspondence between Rischard and external individuals, including country representatives. In addition to correspondence, back-to-office reports, Terms of Reference, and reports and studies on industrial sector topics are included.

Financial analyst and division chief, Financial Policy and Analysis Department (FPA) chronological correspondence files

Series contains the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as a financial analyst in the Financial Policy and Analysis Department FPA; he worked in both the Financial Analysis Division (FPAFA) and the Financial Studies Division (FPAFS). The series also contains records maintained by Rischard after he was named the Department's division chief for the new Financial Management and Analysis Division (FPAMA) in 1984. Records in this series relate to the various activities for which these units were responsible. Work areas included: IBRD financial forecasting (as part of the IBRD Financial Projections Task Force that Rischard participated in and, at times, led); IBRD and IDA program and financial policy review; the Bank's relationship with high debt countries and its advisory role in debt restructuring; exchange rate and currency availability and disbursements; commercial loan sales; guarantee pricing; and the creation of an IBRD subsidiary bank. Many of the records in this series were created in the context of the FPA's Management Support Group (formerly the Data Support Group). The Group's work consisted of: IBRD forecasting; FPA work scheduling; and development of management information and monitoring tools (including management of resource mobilization, net transfer, and income).

Director, Investment Department (INV) chronological correspondence files

Series consists of the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as Director of the Investment Department (INV) in the Treasury Vice President (TREVP). Records relate to Rischard's position as director of the department and manager of its various units and their activities. The majority of the correspondence are in the form of office memoranda between Rischard and other Bank staff discussing: divisional work programs; specific topics related to unit activities; the creation of the new products and strategies division; staffing; workshop and meeting planning, scheduling, and attendance; and information sharing. Monthly portfolio and annual retrospective reports are also found amongst the office memoranda. A smaller amount of correspondence are letters between Rischard and external individuals and organizations primarily discussing meetings and the exchange of information.

Note that the series contains correspondence authored and received by Rischard's predecessor in the role of INV Director, Bernard Holland, from January 1989 to July 1989. Rischard became the INV Director in September of 1989. It appears that the correspondence of the new Director was added to the folder for the year 1989 initiated by Holland.

Interim Committee files

This series contains Stern's records relating to the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors on the International Monetary System, known as the Interim Committee. The Interim Committee was created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1974 to advise in the supervision of the management and adaptation of the evolving international monetary system until the establishment of a permanent decision-making body. Stern attended the meetings of the Interim Committee on behalf of the Bank. The records consist of agendas, reports, and records of discussion of the Interim Committee meetings from August 1975 to December 1981. Also included is Stern's correspondence regarding Interim Committee meetings and issues.

Economic Advisory and Development Policy chronological files

This series documents Stern's functions covering the period from when he joined World Bank in 1972 as Senior Advisor in the Office of the Economic Advisor to the President (January-October 1972), to his successive positions in the Office of the Vice President, Development Policy (VPD) as Senior Advisor (October 1972-April 1974) and Director (1974-1975).

The files relating to his role as Senior Advisor in the Office of the President primarily includes memoranda addressed to or from Vice President Hollis Cheney, the Bank's Research Committee, and other colleagues in the Office of the Economic Advisor. The correspondence documents the establishment and organization of the World Bank's economic research program, activities of the Research Committee and the Development Research Center, research proposals and decisions, publication of economic reports, discussions on policy papers, joint projects with external organizations, and evaluation of the Bank's economic activities.

The files relating to Stern's Development Policy functions associated with the Front Office of the Vice President include memoranda and letters addressed to the managers of the constituent departments of the Development Policy complex, the President, senior managers, UN offices, government officials, and other outside development organizations and experts. Reports, notes, and other supporting documents are occasionally attached to the memoranda. Records document program, budget, and staffing matters in the Office of the Vice President, management of the research program, country program reviews, growth prospects of developing countries, U.S. aid to development countries, International Development Association (IDA) replenishments, capital markets, Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocations, World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund cooperation, the European Economic Community, the Committee of Twenty, G-24, the Pearson Commission, the Technical Committee on the transfer of Real Resources, the oil crisis, and some region and country-specific economic statistics. Further, they include comments on the Bank's policy structure regarding the 1972 reorganization, draft speeches for President McNamara and Vice President Hollis Chenery, and reviews of books and articles relating to development.

Senior Vice President of Finance chronological files

The series consists of memoranda, letters, and telexes written or received by Stern during his tenure as Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV) from 1988 to 1991. Stern assumed his duties in FINSV in May 1987 but there is a gap in his chronological files for the year 1987. Records consist mostly of internal memoranda to the President, the Regional Vice Presidents, other senior managers in the Finance Vice Presidency and President's Council as well as the Board of Directors. A smaller portion of the correspondence is with external banks or institutions and country ministers. Reports and draft papers are occasionally attached to the correspondence in addition to handwritten notes and annotations.

Issues covered in the files relate to: investment guidelines and operations; lending arrangements; monthly financial reports for clearance; market updates; currency management and policies to borrowers; country loan payments; comments on internal and external reports and papers; IDA9 deputies meeting administration and IDA9 negotiations; World Bank-International Monetary Fund collaboration and debt reduction; pension fund management; capital subscriptions; FINSV's work program and budget; and staffing matters. Topics of note are: U.S. Treasury's Brady Plan for international debt reduction and the role of the World Bank; review of the Bank's reimbursable programs; and the establishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in 1991.

Managing Director files

The series consists of records created and received by Stern while serving as Managing Director from December 1991 until his retirement in 1995. The majority of the records are chronological files containing outgoing memoranda, letters, reports, and handwritten notes addressed to his fellow Managing Directors Atilla Karaosmanoglu and Sven Sandstrom, President Lewis Preston, Regional Vice Presidents, and other senior managers. The files cover issues including: Loan Committee proceedings for which Stern served as Chairman; Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) food security, staffing, and other matters; initiation and status of country loans; country debt; planning and review of Bank program and budget; recruitment; and comments contributing to internal papers and strategy discussions. Other external correspondents include senior government officials, academic institutions, and private sector executives. Series also contains a small portion of files relating to lending operations and portfolio management, Lending Allocation Review (LAR) guidelines, Policy Review Committee guidelines, and Country Strategy Assistance Program guidelines.

Correspondence with World Bank Presidents

The series consists of correspondence between Stern and World Bank Presidents McNamara, Clausen, Conable, and Preston accumulated over the course of his time at the Bank. Correspondence includes copies of memoranda and attachments authored by Stern and sent to the President as well as some of the President's incoming and outgoing correspondence from others, which was forwarded to Stern. Correspondence serves a variety of purposes: information dissemination; briefing for President's meetings; responding to requests for information; authoring correspondence for the President; and submitting reports, announcements, and correspondence for the President's approval. A small portion of the memoranda are originals sent by Stern or the President, and many also contain attached reports and papers or articles. Other record types include telexes and letters. The files document a broad range of policy and management issues during Stern's various appointments such as country economic issues, debt repayment, World Bank program review and budget, Bank-Fund relations, annual meetings, and women in development. One folder from 1987 to 1990 exclusively relates to activities of the Finance Vice Presidency.

Correspondence with Executive Directors

Series contains primarily outgoing copies of memoranda and typewritten or handwritten notes sent or received by Stern relating to his business with the World Bank's Executive Directors. The records span the period when Stern was Senior President of Operations (SVPOP), Senior Vice President of Finance (FINSV), and Managing Director and therefore documents a crossover of operational, financial, and executive management matters. Correspondence is addressed to and from individual or all Executives Directors asa group, or is authored by other senior officials and sent to Stern for his consideration or comments. A significant volume of the correspondence contains attached letters, reports and telexes and covers issues including: county projects, loans and repayments; aid coordination; International Development Association (IDA) resources; and governance and operational policy and procedures such as Board management and overdue loans and arrears.

Speeches and related material

  • Série organique
  • 1971, 1973 - 1995 (predominant 1986 - 1993)

Series consists of a variety of records primarily documenting speaking appearances made by Stern during his time at the World Bank Group. The majority of the records consist of full-text speeches given at academic institutions, external conferences, seminars, symposia and at various meetings of country ministers and International Development Association (IDA) replenishment meetings. Other speeches were made by Stern at internal World Bank Group functions such as Board and Executive Directors meetings, presidents' retreats, and senior operations manager retreats. The series also includes press releases, talking points prepared for Stern, copies of articles written by Stern, or publications containing interviews with him. The series also contains a copy of a 1971 speech "Foreign Assistance Agencies and the Problem of Unemployment" given by Stern prior to his World Bank employment when he was at USAID. His farewell speech as Managing Director in 1995 is also included.

Chronological files

Series contains chronological files of Debrework Zewdie that cover her various activities related to managing the Bank's HIV/AIDS programs and partnerships. Three files date 1999 to 2001 and cover the period when Zewdie led the AIDS Campaign Team for Africa (ACTAfrica) in the Africa Regional Vice Presidency (AFRHV). The 1999 chronological file contains only a single letter. The records reflect Zewdie's collaboration with external organizations, attendance at externally organized events, and peer review of reports, and include: hard copies of emails to World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) colleagues, including comments on a UNAIDS/WHO working paper; invitation letters to external meetings and conferences; letters from development organizations; and letters from country officials addressed to Bank President James Wolfensohn regarding concessional funding and the World AIDS campaign. There are internal hard copy emails addressed to colleagues of the Africa Region AIDS Campaign Team and director of the Human Development, Health, Nutrition, and Population Team (HDNHE) on meetings of common interest or participation. Correspondence is filed with provisional agenda and reports, internal and external working papers and guidance documents sent for Zewdie's review, and UNAIDS press releases and meeting papers.

Chronological files dated 2002 to 2004 cover Zewdie's tenure as director, Global HIV/AIDS Program (HDNGA). Files contain mostly hard copy emails and facsimiles between Zewdie and her reporting unit, Human Development Network Vice Presidency (HDNVP), and Zewdie's responses to requests addressed to the Bank president or HDN vice president. Topics covered in the files include program audit, relations with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, HIV/AIDS research, Bank-organized consultation workshops, partnership between the Global HIV/AIDS unit and AIDS Campaign Team for Africa Region, and administrative matters. Other record types found in thefiles are external newsletters, conference booklets, project proposals, a unit progress report (2002), and financial reports to UNAIDS on use of funds.

HIV/AIDS program management files

Series consists of various records maintained by Debrework Zewdie while managing the Bank's HIV/AIDS program and developing its strategic direction. Records included in the series are: reports on Global HIV/AIDS activities and work program (1999- 2003); summaries of internal meetings regarding the Bank's HIV/AIDS portfolio and minutes of a briefing to Bank President Wolfensohn by Zewdie and colleagues on portfolio implementation (2002); action plan on accelerating implementation (2002); draft papers submitted to the Development Committee (2002); and regional AIDS sectoral strategies (2001 - 2002).

The series also contains a small volume of records related to evaluation of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and UNAIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (2002), World HIV/AIDS Campaign strategy (2002 - 2003) as well as comments on HIV/AIDS project design and other records regarding projects in Brazil (2002), Guinea (2003), and Sri Lanka (no date). There are also individual filesregarding HIV/AIDS treatment projects in Africa (2003), telemedicine (2002), lending numbers (2002), and partnership for social justice with faith groups (2002).

Knowledge and learning

Series contains records related to the preparation and participation at workshops, training courses, conferences, and other events facilitated or attended by Debrework Zewdie primarily during her tenure as director of the Global HIV/AIDS Program Team (HNDGA). Records include: agenda; list of participants; working papers; correspondence and copies of agreements on funding inter-agency workshops with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) or World Health Organization (WHO); and hard copies of emails from HDNGA operations adviser regarding organization and participation in events, some attended with Zewdie. A portion of the records pertain to administrative matters such as transfer of funds to external conference organizers, travel, and accommodation.

Workshops and courses include: Monitoring and Evaluation of National HIV/AIDS response (2006); Dissemination of the World Bank Procurement Guide Publication "Battling Aids" (2004); and HIV/AIDS Workshop for Faith-Based Organizations and National AIDS Councils (no date). Other events include, but are not limited to: Consultative Meeting on Improving Access of Faith-Based Organizations to Funding from National HIV/AIDS Programs (2003), and the Global HIV Monitoring and Evaluation Team (GAMET) retreat (2005).

The series also contains a briefing book compiled for the Chief Economist Advisory Council (2002), in which some of the contents mention HIV/AIDS activities.

FPBVP and FPRVP subject and activity files

This series includes subject and activity files collected by Joseph Wood while Vice President of the Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting Vice Presidency (FPBVP, 1983-1987) and the Financial Policy and Risk Management Vice Presidency (FPRVP, 1987-1991). The FPBVP contained the Financial Policy Department (FPA) and the Planning and Budgeting Department (PBD). The FPRVP contained the Financial Policy Department as well as the Resource Mobilization Department (FRM). Records in this series relate to Wood's role overseeing the work of these units. Subject files include: lending programs; adjustment lending; debt and debt servicing; cofinancing; Bank relations with external institutions; Bank sectors (i.e. environment, women in development, etc.); risk management; Bank capital and currency management; borrowing and liquidity policy; International Finance Corporation (IFC) operations; International Development Association (IDA) policy; IDA replenishment; IBRD General Capital Increase (GCI); country positions on various topics; and the Brady Proposal. Records include correspondence and memoranda between Wood and the Office of the President (EXC), Senior Vice President of Finance Ernest Stern, other high-ranking World Bank staff, and staff of departments reporting to the FPBVP and FPRVP. Many of the correspondence and memoranda are forwarded to Wood for information or comment. Many contain handwritten annotations by Wood.

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