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Records of the Urban Development Sector Serie

Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance files

Series consists of records relating to the Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance held in Washington on December 2-6, 1985. The Conference was convened by the World Bank to evaluate the previous decade's experience in the area of urban development and to develop plans for the future. Records include general Conference information and planning materials such as agendas, workshop plans, tour preparation, and planning committee correspondence. The series also includes speeches, biographies of speakers, and a published copy of the summary of proceedings. Correspondence relating to presenter, delegate, and donor invitations is also included as are thank-you and feedback letters from attendees.

Urban Poverty Program files

Series consists of records created and received by the Urban Operations Review and Support Unit (URBOR) and related to the Urban Poverty Program. Records relate to the various objectives and activities of the Program, including defining, identifying, and quantifying developing countries? urban poor; identifying urban poverty target groups; estimating poverty incomes levels; creating lending policy; developing guidelines on project implementation and review; setting targets; and measuring impacts. Series iscomprised of chronological files consisting of correspondence, memoranda, and reports dating from the beginning of the Task Group?s existence in July of 1975. Included is a memorandum entitled ?Bank Action Program to Attack Urban Poverty? submitted to President McNamara by Warren C. Baum, Vice President, Central Projects Staff, on July 11, 1975, as well as two early ?Action Program and Interim Reports? submitted by Edward V. K. Jaycox to Warren C. Baum; these are dated Oct. 23, 1975, and March 29, 1976. Other interim reports and project reviews submitted between 1976 and 1981 are also included, as is feedback on the reports from Department staff. Reports and memoranda submitted to the project Chairman from internal and external offices are contained. Memoranda from the Bank?s regional offices? Chief Economists reporting on their efforts to combat urban poverty and offering feedback on the Group?s reports and memoranda are included. A small amount of meeting minutes and notes are included, as are photocopies of newspaper and journal articles.

There are also records from the Office of the Director of the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBPDR) and the Office of the Director of the Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department (EWTDR), between 1975 and 1977, concerning the Urban Poverty Program?s Urban Poverty Task Group. Files contain correspondence by Yves Rovani (director, PBP, then EWT), Richard N. Middleton (Sanitary Engineer) and John M. Kalbermatten (Water and Wastes Advisor), as well as with divisions in the regional projects departments, including regional chief economists, dealing with water supply and sewerage issues. Correspondence generally deals with the implementation of the Urban Poverty Program, specifically the impact of water supply and sewerage projects or operations and sanitation lending on the urban poor, and EWT's input into the water supply and wastewater aspects of the Task Group's work.

Urban development reference subject files

Series consists of reference materials created or received by the Water Supply and Urban Development Department (WUD) and, more specifically, the Water Supply and Urban Development Department Operations Support and Research Unit (WUDOR).

The majority of the records within this series are published and unpublished research and discussion papers created by the WUDOR, World Bank regional offices, other World Bank departments, and external authors. External authors include consultants, academics, NGOs, and other multilaterals, such as United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Topics of these papers relate to urban-rural relations, urban development strategy implementation, housing and shelter, municipal finances, spatial policy, urbanization, urban infrastructure, rent controls, electricity and energy pricing, participant/observer project evaluation, structural adjustment, urban transport, project budget management, and urban population. Records include background and theoretical papers as well as papers specific to individual countries and regions; all regions are represented, although African countries are most common. A small percentage of records relate to topics that are not directly related to the urban development sector, such as agriculture, healthcare, education, rural development, and water.

Series also includes a small amount of records created and used during the research and writing of World Bank-authored papers, including memoranda, back-to-office reports and consultant terms of reference.

Other types of papers included in the series include small numbers of regional strategy papers, project proposals and summaries, loan committee reviews, country and project appraisal reports, mission notes, policy papers, research and discussion paper drafts, project case studies, research proposals, program statistical data, Country Economic Memoranda, sector reports, conference papers, regional status reports, project monitoring reports and guidelines, and WUD annual reports for 1984 and 1986.