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Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector Unidad documental compuesta Con objetos digitales
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Tropical Disease Research [TDR] Files - Background Mater...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Tropical Disease Research [TDR] Files - Background Materials for Bank Participation in Tropical Disease Research
Safe Motherhood Initiative - Proposals for Action
Safe Motherhood Initiative - Proposals for Action
Task Force for Child Survival - Bellagio
Task Force for Child Survival - Bellagio
World Health Organization [WHO] - Action Program on Essential Drugs
World Health Organization [WHO] - Action Program on Essential Drugs
Task Force for Child Survival - Correspondence
Task Force for Child Survival - Correspondence
Anthony R. Measham Papers - Correspondence
Anthony R. Measham Papers - Correspondence
Allocating Resources for Health in Developing Countries - Coping with the Epidemiological Transit...
Allocating Resources for Health in Developing Countries - Coping with the Epidemiological Transition - Discussion Paper
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UNFPA - Volume 1 - 1969 - October 1971
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UNFPA - Volume 1 - 1969 - October 1971
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations [UN] International Labour Off...
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations [UN] International Labour Office [ILO] United Nations Industrial Development Organization [UNIDO]
Miscellaneous Files - Projects General - Mr. K. Kanagaratnam - General - Visits - 1975
Miscellaneous Files - Projects General - Mr. K. Kanagaratnam - General - Visits - 1975
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations [UN] Economic and Social Comm...
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations [UN] Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific [ESCAP] - Formerly Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East [ECAFE]
Contraceptive Research and Development - Correspondence - Volume 1
Contraceptive Research and Development - Correspondence - Volume 1
Coopertive Program - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] / World Health ...
Coopertive Program - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] / World Health Organization [WHO] - Front Office - Correspondence
National Council for International Health [NCIH] - John R Evans
National Council for International Health [NCIH] - John R Evans
Policy and Research Unit - 12.1.1 Tropical Disease Research [TDR]
Policy and Research Unit - 12.1.1 Tropical Disease Research [TDR]
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Project Preparation Facility [PPF]
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Project Preparation Facility [PPF]
Country Health Surveys [CHS]
Country Health Surveys [CHS]
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Gambia Family Planning Association...
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Gambia Family Planning Association [GFPA]
Policy and Research Unit - 2.3 Health Project Program Evaluation
Policy and Research Unit - 2.3 Health Project Program Evaluation
Hospitals - Correspondence
Hospitals - Correspondence
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Telecommunications
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Telecommunications
Policy and Research Unit - 14.2 - Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] Input to Mr. Clausen Spe...
Policy and Research Unit - 14.2 - Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] Input to Mr. Clausen Speeches - Volume 1
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Appraisal
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Appraisal
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Architecture
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Architecture
Policy and Research Unit - 12.1.2 Control of Diarrheal Diseases [CDD]
Policy and Research Unit - 12.1.2 Control of Diarrheal Diseases [CDD]
Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group on Demographic Estimates and Projections - New York - November 1986
Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group on Demographic Estimates and Projections - New York - November 1986
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Fourth Health, Nutrition and Population (...
Health Sector Strategy Paper Project Files, 1996/1997 - Fourth Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Sector Retreat - 1v
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - General Correspondence
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - General Correspondence
Bellagio - Cartagena - 1985
Bellagio - Cartagena - 1985
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Population
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Population
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Nutrition
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Nutrition
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Reports
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Reports
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - General Correspondence - Mark Wheeler
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - General Correspondence - Mark Wheeler
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Staff Appraisal Report [SAR]
National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Staff Appraisal Report [SAR]
Policy and Research Unit - 2.4 Health Services Research
Policy and Research Unit - 2.4 Health Services Research
Policy Research Papers - Jamison, Dean T
Policy Research Papers - Jamison, Dean T
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 7 - November 7, 1972
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 7 - November 7, 1972
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - July 1 - December 30, 1976
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - July 1 - December 30, 1976
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 11, 1978 - June 19, 1978
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 11, 1978 - June 19, 1978
Policy Research Papers - Miller - Research Proposal Primary Health Care [PHC]
Policy Research Papers - Miller - Research Proposal Primary Health Care [PHC]
Policy Research Papers - Squire, Lyn - Economics of Financing Education in Kenya
Policy Research Papers - Squire, Lyn - Economics of Financing Education in Kenya
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zimbabwe - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volu...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zimbabwe - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Bulgaria - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volu...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Bulgaria - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zambia - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Zambia - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - General - 1988 Chronological File - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - General - 1988 Chronological File - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Publications - 1993 Corresp...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Publications - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Conferences and Workshops -...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Conferences and Workshops - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Uganda - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Uganda - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Kenya - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volu...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Kenya - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Tunisia - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Vo...
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Tunisia - Nutrition - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Resultados 1 a 50 de 312