Showing 1-50 of 1922 results
314 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
![A Background Paper for a DAC Seminar on "The Role of Non Governmental Organizations [NGO] in...](/uploads/r/world-bank-group-archives/a/1/3/a1364dc397dff71b28f07923d1b866238a2864808d7924e71e857fc62933474d/WorldBankGroupArchivesFolder40527I_142.jpg)
A Background Paper for a DAC Seminar on "The Role of Non Governmental Organizations [NGO] in Agriculture and Rural Development in Sub Saharan Africa to be held in Paris - June 3 - 4, 1986 - World Bank / NGO Cooperation in Agricultural and Rural
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome [AIDS] - Correspondence
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome [AIDS] - Correspondence

Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group on Demographic Estimates and Projections - New York - November 1986
Administration and technical structure (WHO) - set
Administration and technical structure (WHO) - set
Adolescent Fertility
Adolescent Fertility
Advisory Committee on Medical Research - 20th Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization [PAHO] Committee on Medical Research - Washington, DC - June 8 - 11, 1981
Advisory Committee on Medical Research - 20th Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization [PAHO] Committee on Medical Research - Washington, DC - June 8 - 11, 1981
Africa - Sub Sahara - OAU - General - Correspondence
Africa - Sub Sahara - OAU - General - Correspondence
Agency for International Development [AID]
Agency for International Development [AID]

Allocating Resources for Health in Developing Countries - Coping with the Epidemiological Transition - Discussion Paper
American Enterprise Institute
American Enterprise Institute
Ann Hamilton records : correspondence on poverty - box
Ann Hamilton records : correspondence on poverty - box
Ann Hamilton records : president's correspondence - 5v
Ann Hamilton records : president's correspondence - 5v
Annexes : A, B, C, D - Literature Review, Focus Group Discussions,Workers Survey - Vol. II
Annexes : A, B, C, D - Literature Review, Focus Group Discussions,Workers Survey - Vol. II
Annexes E, F : Discussions with Family Planning Acceptors andNon-Acceptors, Clinic-based Survey of Sterilization Clients - Vol. III
Annexes E, F : Discussions with Family Planning Acceptors andNon-Acceptors, Clinic-based Survey of Sterilization Clients - Vol. III
Annexes G, H : Survey of Tubectomy and Matched Cases, Quarterly survey of Tubectomy and Vasectomy Clients - Vol. IV
Annexes G, H : Survey of Tubectomy and Matched Cases, Quarterly survey of Tubectomy and Vasectomy Clients - Vol. IV
Annual Meetings 1981 - Correspondence
Annual Meetings 1981 - Correspondence
Annual Operational Review for Fiscal 1992 - WPS 1152
Annual Operational Review for Fiscal 1992 - WPS 1152
Annual report (TRD) - set
Annual report (TRD) - set
Articles on Health - Reports and Studies
Articles on Health - Reports and Studies
Asian Communication Training Service Proposal - 1977 - 1978 - Mr K Kanagaratnam
Asian Communication Training Service Proposal - 1977 - 1978 - Mr K Kanagaratnam
Attitude Survey III - Front Office - Correspondence
Attitude Survey III - Front Office - Correspondence
Australian Development Assistance Bureau [ADAB] - Correspondence
Australian Development Assistance Bureau [ADAB] - Correspondence
Background Documents - Vol. I
Background Documents - Vol. I
Background Documents - Vol. II
Background Documents - Vol. II
Background Documents - Vol. II
Background Documents - Vol. II
Background Documents - Vol. II
Background Documents - Vol. II
Background material for Bank participation in tropical diseases research - set
Background material for Bank participation in tropical diseases research - set
Background Paper for Aid Health Strategy Development - Nepal - Draft - September 1978
Background Paper for Aid Health Strategy Development - Nepal - Draft - September 1978

Background Paper on Health - October 17, 1974 - Development Economics Department and Population and Nutrition Projects Department - Report Number 554a
Background Paper on Population - Health and Population in Developing Countries - Bellagio, Italy - April 18 - 21, 1979 - Bernard Berelson, W. Parker Mauldin, and Sheldon J. Segal
Background Paper on Population - Health and Population in Developing Countries - Bellagio, Italy - April 18 - 21, 1979 - Bernard Berelson, W. Parker Mauldin, and Sheldon J. Segal
Bank Lending for Health - Document of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
Bank Lending for Health - Document of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
Bank Lending for Health - Draft - December 26, 1978 - Office of Environmental and Health Affairs Central Projects Staff
Bank Lending for Health - Draft - December 26, 1978 - Office of Environmental and Health Affairs Central Projects Staff
Bank participation, correspondence - set
Bank participation, correspondence - set
Bank Staff Working Paper Number 163 - Fertility, Mortality and Population Growth - Interrelation and Policy Implications - K C Zachariah and G Zafros - September 1973 - Three Copies
Bank Staff Working Paper Number 163 - Fertility, Mortality and Population Growth - Interrelation and Policy Implications - K C Zachariah and G Zafros - September 1973 - Three Copies
Barnum Files - Tobacco Correspondence - UN Agencies - FAO, WHO, UNCTAD, ECOSOC, UN Special Session
Barnum Files - Tobacco Correspondence - UN Agencies - FAO, WHO, UNCTAD, ECOSOC, UN Special Session
Results 1 to 50 of 1922