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Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

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Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector
Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]
Population Donor's Meeting - London - December 1977 - Volume 2 - Documents - Draft - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Population Donor's Meeting - London - December 1977 - Volume 2 - Documents - Draft - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Health Sector Papers - Volume 2 - From Draft - March 30, 1979
Health Sector Papers - Volume 2 - From Draft - March 30, 1979
Liaison with International and other Organizations - USAID / State Department - Volume 1 - 1970 -...
Liaison with International and other Organizations - USAID / State Department - Volume 1 - 1970 - June 1974
Urban Poverty Project - 1976
Urban Poverty Project - 1976
Nutrition Sector Program Papers
Nutrition Sector Program Papers
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Food and Agriculture Organization of the Uni...
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO]
Sub Saharan Africa - Population - Correspondence
Sub Saharan Africa - Population - Correspondence
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 1
Country Assistance Management [CAM] - Correspondence
Country Assistance Management [CAM] - Correspondence
Economic Development Institute John R Evans [JRE] - Correspondence
Economic Development Institute John R Evans [JRE] - Correspondence
Department of Health and Social Security [DHSS] - United Kingdom - John R Evans - Correspondence
Department of Health and Social Security [DHSS] - United Kingdom - John R Evans - Correspondence
Epidemiology - Correspondence
Epidemiology - Correspondence
International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] - Correspondence
International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] - Correspondence
Lending Program - Correspondence
Lending Program - Correspondence
Mental Health - Correspondence
Mental Health - Correspondence
Population Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Miscellaneous Correspondence - Volume 1
Population Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Miscellaneous Correspondence - Volume 1
Oral Rehydratation Therapy [ORT] - Front Office
Oral Rehydratation Therapy [ORT] - Front Office
Advisory Committee on Medical Research - 20th Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization [PAHO] Committee on Medical Research - Washington, DC - June 8 - 11, 1981
Advisory Committee on Medical Research - 20th Meeting of the Pan American Health Organization [PAHO] Committee on Medical Research - Washington, DC - June 8 - 11, 1981
United Nations Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] - Correspondence
United Nations Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] - Correspondence
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - John R Evans - Correspondence
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - John R Evans - Correspondence
United Nations - General - Correspondence
United Nations - General - Correspondence
United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF] - John R Evans - Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF] - John R Evans - Correspondence - Volume 1
Urban Health Care - Correspondence
Urban Health Care - Correspondence
World Development Report - Correspondence
World Development Report - Correspondence
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Services Research - Correspondence - Volume 3
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Services Research - Correspondence - Volume 3
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Resources Consortium for Primary Health Care [HRC] - Dr ...
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Resources Consortium for Primary Health Care [HRC] - Dr John Evans - Correspondence
World Health Organization [WHO] - Documentation - Volume 1
World Health Organization [WHO] - Documentation - Volume 1
Onchocerciasis - Front Office - Volume 4
Onchocerciasis - Front Office - Volume 4
Population Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Miscellaneous Correspondence - Volume 2
Population Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Miscellaneous Correspondence - Volume 2
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 2
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 2
Health Policy - Volume 2 - November 1, 1974
Health Policy - Volume 2 - November 1, 1974
Demographic Briefs - 1978 - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Demographic Briefs - 1978 - Dr K Kanagaratnam
External Advisory Panel on Population - Board Meeting - January 18, 1977 and Follow Up - Kearns' Memorandum - Dr K Kanagaratnam
External Advisory Panel on Population - Board Meeting - January 18, 1977 and Follow Up - Kearns' Memorandum - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Protein Advisory Group [PAG]
Protein Advisory Group [PAG]
External Advisory Panel on Population - Documents - Volume 1
External Advisory Panel on Population - Documents - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UN Population Division - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UN Population Division - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Asian Development Bank - Correspondence - Vo...
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Asian Development Bank - Correspondence - Volume 1
Population External Advisory Panel - Population - Review of Operations - Dr K Kanagaratnam - December 15, 1975
Population External Advisory Panel - Population - Review of Operations - Dr K Kanagaratnam - December 15, 1975
Population Lending Program - Panel Report Follow Up with Mr Warren C Baum and Mr Robert S McNamara - Mr K Kanagaratnam
Population Lending Program - Panel Report Follow Up with Mr Warren C Baum and Mr Robert S McNamara - Mr K Kanagaratnam
Sectoral Analysis and Linkages - Kenya Health and Worker Productivity Studies - Kenya Research - ...
Sectoral Analysis and Linkages - Kenya Health and Worker Productivity Studies - Kenya Research - Correspondence - Volume 1
Project management records : work program for FY91 submitted February 20, 1990 - set
Project management records : work program for FY91 submitted February 20, 1990 - set
Safe Motherhood Conference - Donor funding - Proposals for Action
Safe Motherhood Conference - Donor funding - Proposals for Action
Ann Hamilton records : president's correspondence - 5v
Ann Hamilton records : president's correspondence - 5v
Sante - Politique Sectorielle - Deuxieme Edition - Fevrier 1980 - Banque Mondiale
Sante - Politique Sectorielle - Deuxieme Edition - Fevrier 1980 - Banque Mondiale
Bank Lending for Health - Draft - December 26, 1978 - Office of Environmental and Health Affairs Central Projects Staff
Bank Lending for Health - Draft - December 26, 1978 - Office of Environmental and Health Affairs Central Projects Staff
Preliminary Review and Comments on Health Impact Estimation and Related Issues in Developing Countries - July 1981 - J.A. Tieffenbeg, MD, MPH
Preliminary Review and Comments on Health Impact Estimation and Related Issues in Developing Countries - July 1981 - J.A. Tieffenbeg, MD, MPH
Background Paper on Population - Health and Population in Developing Countries - Bellagio, Italy - April 18 - 21, 1979 - Bernard Berelson, W. Parker Mauldin, and Sheldon J. Segal
Background Paper on Population - Health and Population in Developing Countries - Bellagio, Italy - April 18 - 21, 1979 - Bernard Berelson, W. Parker Mauldin, and Sheldon J. Segal
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 2 - November 1972 - May 1974
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 2 - November 1972 - May 1974
Resultados 1 a 50 de 1922