Showing 1-50 of 1922 results

Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

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Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

  • Fondo
  • 1963-2001 (predominant 1972 - 2000)

The fonds contains records predominantly created between 1972 and 2000 by the Population, Health and Nutrition Sector. A small portion of records that date from 1963 are external reports and other material used for background reference by department staff. While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations in the 1940s until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. See the arrangement note below for more information about the centralized files.

The records reflect the range of the sector's functional responsibilities including: producing studies and publications; policy development; operational support to the Regions regarding quality review of Bank projects; maintaining Bank partnerships and sponsorship of joint programs with United Nations agencies and other multilateral and private-sector organizations; managing and monitoring global trust funds; and participation or organization of conferences, training, and other learning events.

Sin título

Chronological files

  • Serie
  • 1988 - 1995

The series consists of records created by the Population, Health and Nutrition Division (PHRHN) and its subordinate units beginning from 1988 and continuing through 1995 under its' successor, the Population, Health and Nutrition Department (PHN) of the Human Resources Development (HRO) Vice Presidency.

Records generally consist of outgoing memoranda and letters, specifically hard copies of All-In-1 messages and attachments. Much of the correspondence is between division staff and external agencies, institutions, and governments discussing information exchange, collaboration on projects, and conferences. Correspondence between PHN staff and other Bank departments relates to: research paper publication; peer review and comments on research, strategy, and policy papers; conference attendance and planning; preparation of sector reviews; grants and trust funds; and assistance to and collaboration with the regions. Other records occasionally found among the correspondence are back-to-office reports; terms of reference (TORs); aide memoires; published and unpublished reports and policy papers; sector reviews; and business plans.

A small body of correspondence files all dated 1993 were provided classification by country or subject presumably by IISC (see Archival History field for further information). Most of the country files contain a single memorandum regarding projects, pre-appraisal and reviews, or country health or nutrition data. The subject files are also thin, and cover a variety of topics under: administration (including budget, work program, special grant or donor funding, and fiscal review); policy development and research; dissemination and training (including publications and attendance at conferences, workshops, roundtables, and other events); and general functional areas). This set of files contain mostly memoranda between PHRHN division staff and other Bank staff, including the Regions, often in the form of TORs and back-to-office reports.

Resultados 1 a 50 de 1922