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ESSD Vice President's conference attendance and participation

  • WB IBRD/IDA 92 WB_IBRD/IDA_92-03
  • Séries
  • 1998 - 2003

Series consists of records related to ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson's attendance and participation at various conferences, seminars, and workshops organized by governments, agencies, and institutions external to the Bank. Records include: correspondence; briefing notes; agendas; list of participants; presentation notes; background papers and speeches written by Johnson or by other attendees; pamphlets; travel itineraries; and speakers' biographies.

Briefing reports for World Bank President and related materials

  • WB IBRD/IDA 92 WB_IBRD/IDA_92-04
  • Séries
  • 1999 - 2003

Series consists of briefing reports prepared by the ESSDVP and its sector departments for World Bank President James Wolfensohn. Records also include research materials used in the creation of the briefs (including reports, biographical information, and correspondence) as well as correspondence discussing brief requirements and meeting details. Briefs were created in preparation for the President's meetings with representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and other external agencies and institutions. Topics include: climate change; environmental law; resettlement policy; environmental and social safeguard policy; agriculture science and technology; food security; climate change; biodiversity; energy; dams and water resources; forest policy; and empowerment, culture, and civic engagement.

A small number of letters drafted by the ESSDVP for the President's signature are also included in this series.

ESSDVP correspondence files

  • WB IBRD/IDA 92 WB_IBRD/IDA_92-05
  • Séries
  • 1998 - 2001

Series consists of correspondence files created by the ESSDVP. All of the correspondence in this series was authored by, addressed to, or forwarded to ESSD Vice Presidents Ismail Serageldin and Ian Johnson. There are, however, different forms of correspondence. Numbered correspondence in the form of a Lotus Notes log book is the most voluminous; these records span March 1998 to July 1999 and include correspondence to and from both Serageldin and Johnson. Correspondence of similar type, but that was not managed under the log book system, is included from 1999 to 2001 and is exclusively authored by or addressed to Johnson. Included in these records are a small number of short briefing notes authored by Johnson and/or the ESSDVP for the World Bank President. Memoranda files created in 2000 to 2001 are also included in this series as are a small number of records filed separately that only contain correspondence between the ESSDVP and the World Bank President between 1999 and 2001. The latter contains correspondence related to event and meeting attendance and planning, information exchange, briefing reports, and letters written by the ESSDVP for the President's signature.

Trust Fund management and oversight

  • WB IBRD/IDA 92 WB_IBRD/IDA_92-06
  • Séries
  • 1996 - 2003

Series consists of records related to ESSD's role in providing management, oversight, and resource allocation for those trust funds that involve ESSD sectors. Records relating to trust funds provided by Denmark (TF024153), Norway (TF0231295), and Italy (TF023333) are the most numerous. Records related to Denmark are dated from 1996-1997 and 2000 and include: proposals; trust fund agreements; budget requests; initiating briefs; and correspondence between ESD and Danish government ministers. Records from 2000 relate to a proposal for a possible second phase of the Danish ESSD Trust Fund. These records include a proposal by SDV to the Government of Denmark as well as debriefing and consultation notes and a copy of Denmark's Development Policy (2000). Records related to Italy include correspondence between Bank officials (including the Bank President and ESSD Vice President) and Italian officials including their American Ambassador. Also included is background material on the Trust Fund for Culture and Sustainable Development for which Italy provided funding. Records related to Norway include funding proposals by SDV as well as other Bank units external to ESSD. Also included are records relating to the Norwegian Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (NTF-ESSD). These records include: status reports; reports; meetings notes; and background information on the Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program related to Water Resources Management. A small amount of correspondence from 1999 related to a proposed Social Development Trust Fund funded by Japan is also included.

Records relating to funds managed or overseen by ESSDVP are also included. Records related to the launch and subsequent Donor Councils of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund are included; correspondence related to this Fund is also included. In addition, the series also contains correspondence files for the Prototype Carbon Fund.

A variety of records related to the general management of ESSD-related trust funds is also included. These include: records related to fund allocation and transfer; a list of task managers and division chiefs for specific, ESSD-related trust fund projects; and notes, slides and announcement emails for a Trust Fund Awareness Training program organized by the ESSDVP.

Management and oversight

  • WB IBRD/IDA 92 WB_IBRD/IDA_92-07
  • Séries
  • 1998 - 2003

Series consists of records related to management and oversight activities of ESSDVP. Records primarily relate to high-level meetings attended by ESSD Vice President Ian Johnson within ESSD as well as other units and committees of the World Bank. This includes meetings with Bank President Wolfensohn and Managing Director Shengman Zhang as well as meetings of the Bank's Operational Vice Presidents. Records from Bank-wide Corporate Days (1998-2002) and Strategic Forums (2000-2001) are also included. These records include: background notes (prepared for ESSDVP Ian Johnson by ESSD staff); presentation notes and slides; correspondence; progress reports; agendas; and follow-up materials.

Records related to management and organizational meetings of the ESSD include: ESSD Council meetings (2001-2003); ESSD Anchor meetings (2000-2001, 2003); ESSD FY02-04 Business Planning MD/VP Meeting; ESSD FY04-06 Strategic Planning; ESSD Knowledge Management strategy (1998-2000); and ESSD Management Retreats (including EnvironmentSector Board retreat [2002]) and Team Meetings.

Policy and guidelines development and supporting materials

  • WB IBRD/IDA 92 WB_IBRD/IDA_92-08
  • Séries
  • 1994 - 2003 (predominant 1998 - 2003)

Series consists of records related to ESSD and Bank-wide policy and guidelines development. In some cases, ESSDVP and Vice President Ian Johnson played active roles in the development of policy and guidelines while in others reports and correspondence were forwarded to ESSDVP for comment or for informational purposes. The series contains some records that evidence the formation of institutional rules and policies, namely Operational Policy and Business Practice (OP/BP). However, the majority of records in this series are the product of ESSDVP research and information exchange on various topics for the purpose of writing reports, planning projects, or developing relationships with external agencies, institutions, and governments.

The series contains a significant amount of records related to the development and evaluation of OP/BP. Records related to Bank forestry policy are numerous and include: a copy of Forest Policy Implementation Review and Strategy (OP/BP 4.36); a copy of Revised Forestry Strategy for the World Bank Group; minutes of an ad hoc group on the topic; ESSD Council meeting minutes on the topic; related correspondence; and an inventory of projects having to do with the topic. Series also contains records related to OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and OP/BP 13.05 Guidelines for Projects Supervision. These include: correspondence; drafts of policy; and comments made by ESSDVP staff.

Records of the Operational Policy Committee Meeting from 1999 to 2002 are also included; records discuss OP/BP and guideline development. Records include: minutes; agendas; reports; comments; correspondence; and supporting materials.

Records in this series that do not relate to the development of specific policy may relate to ESSDVP and Ian Johnson's involvement in the research and writing of guidelines, reports, and evaluations but may also be limited to providing comments or receiving reports and correspondence for informational purposes. Topics include but are not limited to: human rights; indigenous peoples; safeguard policies; social development strategic directions; civil society; disaster management; water management and infrastructure; food assessment; climate change; desertification and drylands management; fisheries; commodity price risk management; global public policy; investment in energy infrastructure; promoting sustainability in development ; and Green procurement. Records on these topics include but are not limited to: final and draft versions of reports; comments from ESSDVP and, most often, Vice President Johnson; correspondence; meeting agendas and minutes; and briefing notes. Records from meetings and workshops attended and, in some cases, participated in by Johnson are included. These records include event and background materials and Johnson's notes.

A small amount of files contain records forwarded to Johnson from the Social Development Department (SDV) of ESSD. Topics of these records include: NGO/Bank relations; community driven development; cultural development; civil society; and post conflict development. Records generally include reports and correspondence.

Records related to Johnson's activities involving the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are also included, although small in number. These include correspondence and informational reports forwarded to Johnson and materials from replenishment meetings attended by Johnson.

The series also contains final reports and other records that the Operations Evaluation Department (OED, now the Independent Evaluation Group [IEG]) created that relate either directly to ESSD or to topics relevant to ESSD's sectors. OED reports found in this series include: OED Review of the Bank's Performance on the Environment (2001, draft, accompanied by presentation slides); Phase I Interim Report: 'Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Development: An Evaluation of the World Bank's Performance' (2000); Safeguard Policy Framework: OED Comments on Systemic Issues (2000); OED Forest Strategy Review (2000); OED Review of the World Bank Forest Strategy and Its Implementation (2000); The World Bank and Global Public Policies and Programs: An Evaluation Strategy (2001); How Far into the Mainstream? A Review of Environmental Issues in IDA Activities (2001); IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) (2001); and OED IDA Review: Environmental Sustainability Issues in IDA 10-12 (2000). A number of reports on Forest Development and World Bank Assistance related to specific countries (China, India, and Brazil) are also included and are accompanied by briefing materials. Records that accompany reports include comments from ESSDVP and sector department staff as well as correspondence. A small amount of correspondence and reports forwarded to ESSDVP for informational purposes that relate to the Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE) are also included in this series.

Board of Governors support and reference

Series consists of records relating to the functions of the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC) created between 1946 to 1977 that were maintained in the centralized files system. The records in this series primarily originated from the Secretary's Department and the Office of the President. As described in the archival history section, Secretary's Department is the custodian of Board of Governors records and proceedings, but distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while maintaining its own official files. Types of records in the series include internal memoranda, letters and cables, and original letters from government officials. Occasionally accompanying the correspondence are Board documents, press clippings, and printed material such as booklets.

A sizable portion of the series contains records related to World Bank Group Annual Meetings beginning from 1950 to 1977. Meeting files include correspondence regarding meeting arrangements, guests, consultations and briefing appointments, panel discussions, committee agendas, staffing, joint procedures, social events, public relations, and liaison and agreements with International Monetary Fund (IMF). There is also correspondence and other records relating to the President's speech to the Annual Meetings such as: proposals of topics; provision of data including ten-year figures on Bank activities; preliminary and final speech issued as a press release; and governors' reactions to the addresses in the form of letters. Summary of proceedings from 1965 are included in a portion of the files.

Series also contains records relating to the preparation of IBRD, IDA, and IFC annual reports (1950 - 1977) presented by the Bank president at the Annual Meetings. Although there is no first annual report booklet for IFC within the files, the series contains IFC's second and other printed annual reports, as well as memoranda concerning the preparation and drafting of the first IFC annual report. Records of the earliest annual reports from the first to fifth reports are absent from the IBRD and IDA files, although there are memoranda and a press release summary of the sixth annual IBRD annual report and subsequent reports. Also included in the files is a statement of Bank policies for the 1950 annual report outlined in a memorandum from Martin Rosen to J. Burke Knapp and memoranda regarding submissions of text for inclusion and draft reports, and printing of the reports.

General files beginning from 1946 contain mostly routine correspondence regarding travel of Governors to annual meetings, expenses, and allowances. The substantive correspondence includes discussion of procedural issues in accordance with the articles and by-laws, first IFC investment involving equity and a drafted letter to be sent by President Black to governors regarding IFC chairmanship.

Series also contains records relating to early Board committees (1948 - 1950) such as the Committee on Rules and Regulations, Committee on Membership, and Ad Hoc Committee to consider provisions to duties and renumeration of Executive Directors. The Committees file contains outgoing memoranda primarily from the Bank secretary and Board committee reports and resolutions. Most of the correspondence is administrative and relates to travel and distribution of documentation. A file on the Advisory Council (1948 - 1950) includes draft notes and resolutions.

Also included in the series is the Board of Governors supplementary report to United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC, 1965) and two files on Board resolutions (1969 - 1971).

Board of Directors support and reference

Series consists of records related to the functions of the Board of Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC) that were maintained in the Bank's centralized filing system since 1946, originally General Files, then Central Files. The centralized records originated primarily from Secretary's Department as well as the Office of the President. As described in the archival history section, Secretary's Department is the custodian of Board of Directors records and proceedings but distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while maintaining its own official files.

Records in this series include general correspondence files (1947 - 1977) concerning IBRD composition of standing committees, statements of directors, board schedules, procedural issues, information on monthly reports, and routine administrative matters. Correspondence is occasionally filed with related Board reports. While the IDA general correspondence file (1960 - 1966) is sparse, the more substantive general correspondence files for IFC (1956 - 1967) contain draft and issued Board reports regarding country membership and rules of procedure, memoranda concerning routine announcements and amendments to rules of procedure, directors' membership, formation of the IFC Board, statements and meeting summary of the IFC Directors, and investment processes. The IFC general correspondence file also contains the Rules of Procedure and By-laws booklets (1956). Individual correspondence files (1947 - 1971) consist of internal memoranda, outgoing cables and letters, and original letters primarily to and from the Bank president, secretary, and government officials regarding appointments and resignations of directors and alternates, their travel, and other administrative issues. Some individual files occasionally include the director's biographical statement.

There are also cables, memoranda, and Board reports relating to elections (1950 - 1971) and salaries and expenses (1948 - 1971), the latter which includes the report of the Board of Governors Ad Hoc Committee to consider provisions of the Articles of Agreement and By-laws relating to duties and renumeration of executive directors (1949 - 1950).

The series also includes meeting correspondence (1950 - 1971), agenda for IBRD and IDA executive director meetings (1966 - 1974), minutes of some IBRD, IDA, and IFC executive director meetings (1966 - 1974) including IFC directors' 1956 first meetings, IBRD special meetings minutes (1964), summaries, and IBRD, IDA, and IFC resolutions (1967 - 1971).

The series also includes a small volume of records relating to: the establishment and proceedings of the Bank Committee on Directors' Administrative Matters (CODAM, 1967 - 1971); agreement and administration of the Bank-Fund Executive Directors' Library (1968 - 1971); establishment of the Joint Audit Committee of the Executive Directors (1969 - 1971); and revisions of the Operational Policy Manual including the section on aid coordination and well as the approach paper on aid coordination (1970 - 1971).

Administration and organization

  • Séries
  • 1937, 1942 - 1980

Series consists of records related to the internal administration and organization of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) maintained in the centralized filing system from 1946 to 1980. Records related to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are less voluminous and were created between 1956 and 1974.

Records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over time including, but not limited to: Administration; Organization and Planning; Development Services Department; Controller's Department; Program and Budgeting; Information Solutions; and the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President whose files were centralized until 1968. Although Secretary's Department records were considered specialized according to the Administration Manual and were decentralized beginning from 1947, there is a significant volume of correspondence between the Secretary's Department and other centralized departments in this series. The types of records comprising the series include internal memoranda occasionally filed with accompanying Board or committee reports and other internal reports and drafts, as well as cables, incoming and outgoing letters, minutes of meetings and proceedings, copies and drafts of contracts and agreements, press releases, press clippings, external reports and articles, and architectural plans and drawings.

The series contains records related to the organization and procedures of theBank as well as the establishment of its departments and subordinate offices. A small volume of files related to the President's Office and Vice President's Office (1947 - 1971) document general and personal activities and congratulatory letters, as well as two files regarding the organization of the President's Council (1969 - 1968) and subjects for discussion at the council meetings, together with organizational charts and bulletins. The records also document Bank-wide reorganizations as well as work programs, budgets, staffing requirements, internal relations, and activity reports of various Bank departments and divisions from 1946 to the 1970s including: Administration, Economic Department, Loan Department, Legal Department, Development Services and its successor Information and Public Affairs, Technical Operations and its successor Projects Department, Programming and Budgeting, Technical Assistance and Planning Staff, Secretary's, and Treasurer's. Several files relate to the organization of the Bank's early economic research program as well as meeting summaries and monthly progress reports of the Loan Department and Economic Department and its' sector division staff. These department files mostly contain memoranda that is occasionally attached to administrative circulars announcing staffing assignments and organizational changes, press clippings, or other records. A few files in the series relate to Economic Development Institute (EDI) administration, inquiries, and library project (1969 - 1971). Field offices files document administrative procedures for the setting-up and operations of offices. Correspondence is mostly between the Bank's representatives or field office staff, and senior management and staff at headquarters. The more substantive letters in the representative files describe the economic situation in the countries. Field offices files include the following record date ranges: Paris Office, also referred to as the European Office, first opened in Europe (1947 - 1979), New York (1947 - 1971), Beirut (1952 - 1954), London (1956 - 1979), Geneva (1965 - 1968), Copenhagen (1969 - 1971), and Treasurer Department's various offices in Europe (1947 - 1949). A small number of resident mission files (1969 - 1980) mostly relate to the offices' functions, leasing of premises, and other administrative matters.

Other records in the series document policies and operations of the Bank's administrative and support services such as: records management and the maintenance and disposition of World Bank records and official documents; Joint Library and Legal Library; internal audit; translation and document printing services; communications; the use of devices and computers; and data processing.

Series also contains records related to the Articles of Agreement and By-Laws of IBRD and IDA (1946 - 1971). Included are: internal memoranda; cables; copies of the Articles including in French and Spanish; printed by-laws; drafts and official Board documents and decisions; reports of the Committee on Interpretations and Committee on Procedure; and correspondence concerning the interpretation and amendments of these instruments as well as the IFC Articles of Agreement and Charter; and voting of countries on the articles and by-laws. Other files concern the IBRD, IDA, and IFC budget (1948 - 1971) language (1950 - 1968), and seals (1956 - 1965).

There are records such as internal memoranda and reports, United Nations resolutions and minutes, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) reports, press clippings, and speeches related to the history and inauguration of IFC (1956 - 1974), history of the Bank, and history projects such as the Brookings Institution publication and oral history planning (1942, 1944, 1947 - 1974). There is a single file related to the origin of IDA, labeled as General Counsel "Mr. Sommers' working file on IDA" including legislation, summaries of President Black's meetings, statements of Board of Governors, and country member notes on the IDA proposal (1959 - 1960). Also included is a list of bibliographic sources from pre-Bretton Woods period. The 1942 and 1944 documents are copies of outlines and draft "Proposal for a Bank of Reconstruction and Development of the United and Associated Nations" by the United States Treasury research department. Also includes correspondence regarding the planning of anniversary celebrations (1956 - 1971), draft statements, and press coverage booklets of the tenth and twentieth anniversaries of IBRD (1966).

Donations and organizational membership records in the series (1956 - 1968) relate to policy discussion about Bank financial contributions to international and local institutions, professional societies, as well as club memberships and membership dues.

Series also contains records of various Bank meetings and the functions and procedures of committees beginning from 1946 to 1977. Includes correspondence and minutes of professional staff meetings (1951 - 1968), senior staff meetings (1969 - 1971), department heads meetings outside of Washington, or "lost weekends" (1952 - 1968), Administration Department staff meetings (1947 - 1968), and other department meetings (1966 - 1968). Committee records include minutes or reports of: the Board Committee on Administration and Administrative Policy (1946 - 1957); Board Committee on Interpretation and Procedure (1946 - 1949); Joint Bank-Fund Committee on Integrated Services and Functions (1949 -1953); Joint Library Committee (1946 - 1947); Committee on Bank Organization (1952); Committee on Staff Utilization (1955); PublicationsCommittee (1969 - 1971); and others.

The series contains a substantial volume of records concerning the preparation and amendment of directives and manuals that set out the policies, procedures, and standards for the overall management and administration of the World Bank from 1946. Includes correspondence and statements regarding the preparation of the Administrative Manual, Organizational Bulletin and Policies and Procedures Statements (1947 - 1966), IFC Administrative Manual (1956 - 1966), Basic Documents Manual (1961 - 1971), and Organizational Manual (1966 -1971). There are also sets of the Administrative Order and Information Circular (1946 - 1947), Administrative Circulars (1947 - 1974) and Weekly Bulletins (1965 - 1971), and related memoranda. The Weekly Bulletins replaced the Information Bulletin in December 1952 and were prepared successively by the Administrative Planning Division, the Organization and Procedures Division (1970), the Administrative Services Department's Document Services Division (1972), and Information and Public Affairs (1973). There are also copies of the Development Services Department newsletter (1969 - 1971).

The series contains memoranda and other records concerning agreements (1949 - 1975) of an administrative nature such as cost-sharing between IBRD and IDA, Bank and IFC, and between the Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Other agreements pertain to library services of the Joint Library and the Legal Library, United Nations and the Bank, and leasing of space and office rentals. There are also records related to authorized signatures for written instruments.

Series contains correspondence, copies of contracts, building and floor plans, technical drawings, and other records relating to the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of World Bank Group buildings and management of premises in Washington, Paris, London, and New York (1949 - 1977). There are several files documenting the construction of the Bank "D" building at 1809 G Street, Washington. Also included are New York office plans dated 1963 and reproductions of 1937 plans.

Series also contains records related to Bank assets such as vehicles and apartments and facilities for Economic Development Institute (EDI) participation, insurance coverage of buildings and vehicles, as well as other administrative files on office services, conference rooms and cafeterias, maintenance contracts, office space and security, parking facilities, and the creation of the Bank-Fund Credit Union.

There are also records related to general staff services and policies, financial assistance, privileges and immunities, taxation including Bank staff exemptions, travel policy and travel services, retirement plan, staff health and welfare, insurance coverage, and the Staff Association. Includes privileges and immunities files for IFC (1955 - 1968). Other files deal with contributions to charity, allowances for official entertainment, and policy regarding the acceptance of gifts, civil defense, and other matters.

Series also contains a small portion of reports, correspondence, and other records relating to varied topics including: studies of the Bank's organization and procedures conducted by General Counsel Davidson Sommers (1962 - 1966) and Vice President Mohamed Shoaib's Study Committee (1966 - 1967); the Bank's involvement in the establishment of the Washington International School (1969 - 1971); public relations (1972 - 1974); and copy of the report "The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1946 - 1953".

Operations policy and procedures

Series consists of records related to the formulation of policies, guidelines, standards, and advisory support for lending, economic sector work, and other operations of the International Bank for Reconstruction of Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and International Development Association (IDA) that were maintained in the centralized files. Records date from 1946 to 1986. There are no records from 1987 in this series, likely because files were handed over to the functional departments following the closure of the NRIC in July 1987. The offices and non-regional departments whose records were centralized over time and are represented most prominently in this series include, but are not limited to: Office of the President and Vice President; Treasurer's Department; Office of the Controller; Research, later Economic Department (years of operation between 1946 - 1952); Technical Operations and divisions (1952 - 1965) and its successors Projects Department (1965 - 1972), Central Projects Staff (1972 - 1982), and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (1982 - 1986); Technical Assistance and Liaison Department (1951 - 1967) and successor, Development Services (1967 - 1973).

Records comprising the series include internal memoranda, incoming and outgoing letters, cables, copies of Board records and committee documents, legal document drafts, concept and strategy papers, external reports, summaries, minutes or excerpts of senior staff and other department or external meetings, and published articles and press clippings. Back-to-office reports and Terms of Reference are often in the form of internal memoranda.

Development and debt policy

A significant volume of records relate to general development and foreign aid policy, strategy, and activities for developing countries. Records cover the period 1947 to 1977 and contain internal memoranda and Bank-produced reports or comments on reports on development including the Tinbergen Report (1953 - 1958), Horowitz Proposal (1964 - 1968), Machado proposal (1963 - 1968), and an article by Hollis B. Chenery entitled "Effectiveness of Foreign Assistance". Also contains original letters sent to and from Presidents Woods and McNamara, and memoranda between the president, vice president, president's Economic Advisor Irving Friedman, with directors or advisors of Economic Department, Development Services, Area Departments, general counsel of the Legal Department, and IFC. There is correspondence regarding President Woods' proposal for a grand assize on development assistance and responses from government officials, and correspondence related to the Bank's support to the Commission on International Development (or Pearson Commission) formed in 1968 at President McNamara's request. There is also correspondence to and from McNamara and senior Bank staff following the Pearson Commission's findings as well as proceedings of the Bank's Committee of the Whole on Pearson Commission Recommendations. Other development topics covered are: development finance trends and outlook; Bank's role as aid coordinator; coordination of bilateral project financing; multilateral financing; Bank study of aid results; use of leverage in development aid; land reform; and the Brandt Commission (1976 - 1983) also known as the Independent Commission on International Development Issues. Development correspondence is often filed together with external reports, copies of Economic Committee papers, published articles and press clippings, and excerpts of senior staff meetings.

Series also includes correspondence, reports, and other documents relating to the Bank's policy on indebtedness (1947 - 1977), debt information compiled for the Annual Report, communication with regional development banks on joint debt, and the Foreign Bondholders Council (1946 - 1971).

IDA operational policy and procedures

The series contains a set of IDA general operational policy and procedure files (1960 - 1971) and files regarding credit regulation, creditworthiness, and Statements of Credits (1966 - 1968). General IDA policy files include reports from the Staff Loan Committee, Board of Directors meetings, IDA Financial Policy committee, and a draft of the Report of the Working Group on IDA policies by Benjamin B. King (1968). Other records concerning IDA policy and guidelines are found throughout this series filed according to the subject matter.

Lending and non-lending policy and procedures

A large volume of records comprising this series relate to IBRD, IFC, and IDA lending policy (1948 - 1986) including specific topics such as: loan regulations and agreements; loan administrative reports; procedures for handling loan applications; lending forecasts including Five-Year Program; structural adjustment lending; Special Project Preparation Facility; Third Window loans; cancellation of loans and credits; and consultative and negative pledge clauses in loan agreements. There are also files on colonial lending (1948 - 1952), effective date, determination of loan grace periods, and amortization payment and maturity.

The series also contains records related to the Bank's technical assistance function from 1946 to 1977 and includes material on the UN Technical Assistance Board, correspondence with technical research institutes and training centers, and quarterly reports.

Project policy and procedures

A sizable portion of records also relate to the development of standards and policy surrounding Bank projects (1946 - 1977) such as appraisal of proposed projects, preparation and costs of projects, supervision of Bank and IDA project loans, project monitoring and identification of problem projects, performance audit reports, and origin of supply particularly for civil works projects.

Also included are records related to the creation, development, and review of Bank Group-wide and divisional procurement and consultant policies (1947 - 1986). Procurement policy issues and advice cover topics such as: assistance to borrowers in procuring materials needed for a project; contract bidding; selection of consultants; sector project contracts; review visits and discussions with governments; and comments on Bank procurement guidelines.

Specific files regarding consultants and contractors selected for Bank projects include correspondence on bidding, bonds, contractual arrangements, and international industry federations. There are also contractor files for certain member countries as well as the 1956 Colquhoun consultancy report.

Mission policy and procedures

Mission files comprising the series (1947 - 1971) relate to the establishment, administration, and functions of economic and sector missions, project supervision missions, technical assistance missions and special missions undertaken primarily by the Area Departments and Projects Department. Correspondence containing mostly internal memoranda, details practices and procedures for the collection of data and reports, scheduling and staffing for missions, cooperation with United Nations other international organizations and financial support of missions, and country updates. Memoranda is occasionally attached to lists of missions, tables with comparative data, Economic Committee reports on missions, and excerpts of senior staff meetings. Also includes a 1947 report on European missions and description of proposed missions. There are a portion of files (1972 - 1974) containing cables and outgoing letters drafted by the Projects Department and its sectors, mostly pertaining to administrative arrangements for missions and meetings and occasionally mission follow up discussions.Also included are correspondence and reports from the Bank's resident offices and missions (1947 - 1968).

Operational committees, working groups, task forces, and meetings

Series also contains the centralized records related to the practices, procedures, composition, and functions of the Bank's committees, working groups, and task forces concerned with operations. Includes memoranda, agenda, minutes, or reports of the Loan Committee (1946 - 1971), Economic Committee (1953 - 1968), Statutory Loan Committee (1947 - 1968), Financial Policy Committee (1949 - 1967), Technical Assistance Committee (1961 - 1964), Committee on Development Projects and Prospects (1975 - 1977), Operational Policy Subcommittee (1982), Advisory Panel on Bank Operations (1966 - 1968) and Working Parties on Financial Aspects of Development Assistance (DAC, 1969 - 1971). The functions of the Technical Assistance Committee that was established in 1961 under the chairmanship of the director of Development Services to review proposals forBank/IDA technical assistance were taken over in 1964 by the Loan Committee. Loan Committee records document committee deliberations, function, structure of meetings, designation of officers, drafting of Operational Memoranda, and subjects for discussion presented by Bank staff. Among the committee records are also files related to senior staff meetings (1963 - 1968).

External aid coordination

The series also contains records concerning the development and implementation of policy and strategies for co-financing covering the period 1975 to 1986 including joint and parallel financing. Records also cover development aid coordination with bilateral and multilateral organizations, aid untying, and guidelines and procedures related to consortia and consultative aid groups sponsored by the Bank (1971 - 1980). Also contains correspondence and documents related to the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries (CGFPI, 1974 to 1977).

Arbitration policy and procedures

Arbitration records in the series (1960 - 1971) concern policy and practices for the settlement of differences between member country clients, consultants, contractors, and manufacturers involved in Bank projects. Included is correspondence sent and received primarily by IBRD general counsel and staff and occasionally from operations or sector departments. There is also material concerning the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes (SID), and the establishment of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) including summary of meeting proceedings (1964 - 1968).

Finance policy and procedures

Financial audit records in the centralized files were primarily created by Treasurer's Department, Office of the Controller, Technical Operations Department, its sector divisions, and successors and relate to external auditing of Bank and IDA borrowers accounts by independent and corporate auditors. Letters and cables to and from government officials, companies, and private banks provide information on balances of loans and loan details, and internal memoranda outlines countries with project loans and contains arrangements and reviews of accounting practices of industrial borrowers.

Records related to the Bank's policy on investment were created between 1950 - 1973 and covers the advancement and protection of private and foreign investments, guarantees, insurance, and the Symington Plan (1953 - 1957). There is also correspondence with international investment institutions and memoranda from Shirley E. Boskey, policy planning officer and senior policy planning advisor in the Development Services Department, concerning the Working Party on International Investment Guarantees.

Portfolio sales and participation records in the series (1947 - 1968) include memoranda to and from Legal and Treasurer's Departments and the Office of the President including President Black. There are also letters, cables, and other material related to the sales of bonds received under loan agreements and participation by outsiders in loans. Includes approvals for borrowing filed by country, certificates of investment, exchange transfers, and statements of borrowers' obligations. Also includes correspondence relating to the Ford Foundation participation (1956 - 1962), German purchasers, and transactions handled by the Bank's New York and Paris Offices.

Development banks and development finance companies

Several files in the series relate to development banks and development finance companies (1951 - 1978) including Bank Group meetings with regional development banks and development finance companies. Other records relate to IFC's appointment of directors to the boards of development banks and of finance companies in which IFC is a shareholder. There are also a few files regarding the Conference of Development Finance Companies (1965 - 1971).

Operations administration

Series contains records concerning Bank operations administration from as early as 1946 and departments' status of projects, reports to andfrom department heads, country assignments, schedules of operations, operational vice president meetings (1978 - 1986), operations evaluation system (1975 - 1977), and operations evaluation reports including the annual report (1978 - 1983). There are also records related to the preparation of Board reports and working papers such as Future Role of the Bank (1977), Possible Improvements in Techniques of Lending - A Study by the Staff of the World Bank (1970), and a review of Bank experience with proposals for the future (1969). Two general reports files (1975 - 1977) relate to the distribution, format, quality of various reports proposals and standards for the president's report, appraisal report, economic and sector reports, annual report, and drafting of confidentiality agreement of contractors regarding Bank records.

The series also includes correspondence and other records related to policies, practices, and preparation for Bank Group operational reports and statements including: Monthly Operational Summary of Bank and IDA projects (1955 - 1971); Semi-Monthly Operational Report to the Executive Directors on Bank and IDA Operations (1967 - 1971); IFC Monthly Report (1966 - 1968); Statement of Loans (1952 - 1976); Status of Loans (1954 - 1970); Statement of Credits (1969 - 1975); World Tables (1969 - 1976); Country Data and Economic Indicators, Country Economic Brief and Country Program Papers (1969 - 1985).

There is also material concerning the planning and preparation of the Bank's operational directives including the Operational Memorandum and Manual (1952- 1986), Central Projects Notes and Operational Policy Note (1981 - 1986) and Projects Department Director's Memoranda (1969 - 1971).

Fellowship and training files in this series (1969 - 1971) primarily originated in the Projects Department and its sectors, particularly the Education Sector, and contain mostly internal memoranda and cables related to: administrative arrangements of member country trainees for operational projects also known as manpower trainees; nominations of trainees; proposed training for Projects Department professional staff; trainee and fellowship recipient reports; and comments on a draft manual on an "overseas" training program.

Membership files

Series contains records maintained in Central Files and semi-centralized filing stations from 1946 until 1977 that relate to membership of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and International Development Association (IDA). The records originated in the departments and offices whose files were centralized over a period of time including, but are not limited to: Offices of the President and Vice President; Treasurer's Department and its Cashier's Division; Office of the Controller; Legal Department; and others. Records also originated from the Secretary's Department responsible for coordinating the membership process. The department distributed certain correspondence and related documents to the Central Files while likely maintaining its own official files.

Records include internal memoranda, letters, cables, drafts and final Board resolutions, Secretary's memoranda, financial statements, handwritten notes, press releases, press clippings, external reports, national legislation documents, and other records. Informal meeting notes and summaries of discussion during visits to countries are in the form of internal memoranda. There are also summaries of annual meeting discussions between regional staff with delegations prepared as internal memoranda. Letters are primarily between the Bank president, vice president, Secretary's or Treasurer's Departments and government officials such as ministers, central bank authorities, and ambassadors.

Individual country membership files were separately maintained for IBRD, IFC, and IDA. The files document early discussions of membership, changes in membership status, and occasionally refers to the political situation of the country interested in membership.

Within the IBRD membership records (1946 - 1977), country files are subdivided into membership, capital, depository, governors and alternates, and withdrawals of membership for certain countries. Correspondence specifically relates to: notifications of interest or intention for membership; acknowledgement of applications and updates on membership process; opening and closing of accounts; payments of contributions by central banks; revaluations and devaluations of contributions; problems of interest due and unpaid subscriptions; bearing demands; audit and policy questions; monthly statements of transactions; procedures for maintenance of accounts in the name of IBRD; and adjustments of loans.

IFC country membership files (1954 - 1971) contain correspondence regarding background material for Bank/IFC/International Monetary Fund membership, discussions on projects financed by IFC, payments required from each country on its pending capital subscription to IFC, statements showing the balance of accounts, IFC loans, and a file concerning United States budget contribution to IFC. There is a smaller volume of files related to general IFC membership matters, IFC capital, and replenishment resources. General membership correspondence covers issues such as pending increases in member's capital subscriptions, holdings of non-convertible currencies in member countries as of June 1971 and matters relating to China's membership. Other files concern IFC capital stock and capital increase, subscriptions of member countries, replenishment of IFC capital, correspondence from IBRD to IFC concerning the use of Bank funds loaned to IFC, financial statements, schedules of projected subscriptions adjustments of IFC capital subscription. IFC replenishment resourcesfiles include correspondence documenting IFC needs for additional loan, increase of IFC equity resources, or capital stock, and new projection capital invested in equities.

IDA membership correspondence (1960 - 1977) concerns requests for the maintenance of accounts, additional subscriptions under IDA replenishment resources and payment process, requests for opening accounts in IDA books, balance of accounts, and maintenance of value due on initial subscription.

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research planning files

Series contains records documenting the origins and first year of operation of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) that were maintained by Central Files and created primarily by the Development Services Department (DSD) between 1969 and 1971. A single item dated 1968 is a copy of the by-laws of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Co-sponsored by the World Bank Group, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), CGIAR was established in May 1971 as an informal association of countries, international development agencies, and private foundations to support a network of international agricultural research centers.

Records in this series consist mostly of correspondence between Bank staff assigned responsibility for implementing proposals for CGIAR including DSD Director Richard H. Demuth and Arie Kruithoff and their counterparts at the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the individual research institutes to be financed through CGIAR, and senior managers of the Bank principally Warren C. Baum and Vice President, Operations J. Burke Knapp. A smaller volume of correspondence is from L.J.C. Evans of the Bank's Agriculture Projects Department, concerning agricultural research summary of meetings.

Other records included in the series are summaries of meetings of agricultural research institutes including the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, speeches, and study papers and reports produced by the initial agricultural research institutes funded by CGIAR including annual and financial reports. The series also consists of a set of documents on the first meeting of the CGIAR held in January 1971.

Operational sector files

  • Séries
  • 1944, 1946 - 1987 (predominant 1969 - 1986)

Series consists of records concerning the formulation of policies, guidelines and standards, and advisory support for lending as well as economic sector work of the International Bank for Reconstruction of Development (IBRD). These records were maintained in the centralized files from 1946 to 1987. The 1987 records in this series are very few. The remainder of 1987 files were likely handed over to the functional departments following the closure of the NRIC in July 1987. The offices and non-regional departments whose records were centralized over time and are represented most prominently in this series include (but are not limited to): Office of the President and Vice President (beginning 1946); Research, later Economic Department (1946 - 1952); Technical Operations and sector divisions (1952 - 1965) and its successors Projects Department (1965 -1972), Central Projects Staff (1972 - 1982), and Operations Policy Vice Presidency (1982 - 1986).

Records in the series predominantly cover the period 1946 to 1986, apart from a file on pulp and paper that contains a copy of an external report dated 1944. The 1987 records are limited to a single file concerning urban development. Records are mostly in the form of internal memoranda or incoming and outgoing letters that are sometimes filed with cables, project data reports, evaluation reports, commodities notes, study reports or concept papers written by staff or consultants, private sector proposals, external publications and reports from governments and agencies, press clippings, external articles, conference and meeting invitations, list of participants, and booklets. Draft and final case studies, back-to-office reports, terms of reference, and progress reports are often in the form of internal memoranda.

The series contains a substantial quantity of records concerning the Bank lending policy and guidelines as well as economic sector work in the form of projects and studies for operational sectors including (but not limited to): agriculture; education; industry; rural and urban development; housing; energy; ecology; environment; population and family planning; health and nutrition; trade; transportation; water supply and waste; public utilities; and public finance. Specific industries covered in the files are mining, forestry, construction, ports and shipping, tourism, and science and technology, among others.

Sector lending policy and guidelines files consists mostly of internal memoranda originating in the Economic Department (1946 - 1952) and its successors later under the vice president then senior vice president of operations including Central Projects, its sector departments, and Operations Policy Vice Presidency. Correspondents outside of the Bank include consulting firms, assorted United Nations agency officers, country and university officials, and private industry representatives. The records contain general policy formulation and discussion on the following subjects: project evaluation; studies to support consideration of Bank loans and terms of reference for the studies; comments on concept papers and on industry guidelines; Bank staff visits to the field and missions; project performance audit reports; unit activities and work program; participation in seminars, conferences or other events; and requests for technical information from international industry experts regarding pulp and paper management, seed processing machinery, animal breeding, and other specialized topics.

Also included in the series are several files, many originating from the Projects Advisory Staff and units, concerning procurement (1978 - 1986), consultants and consulting services (1980 - 1986), cofinancing (1983 -1986), and feasibility program files which concern project and sector studies of the Development Service Department (1960 - 1965). There is also a single file dated 1978 regarding the Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Development Countries (CGFPI), and three photographs depicting a World Bank display of publications and posters for an environment sector event in the 1970s.

Project and study files also include the Bank's research and policy analyses on numerous commodities as well as commodity prices stabilization, development aid, economic data and reporting, capital markets and capital mobilization, imports and exports, Bank financing, and other subjects. The commodities files include several on coffee which provide information about statistics on prices, production, distribution and export, project participation with the International Coffee Organization and ICO meetings in which the Bank participated as observers, and the International Coffee Agreement (1969 - 1971). Other commodities included among the files are oil, gold, metals, sugar, jute, livestock, and several others.

Liaison with external organizations, individuals, and United States government

  • Séries
  • 1946 - 1971 (predominant 1969 - 1971)

The series consists of records related to liaison activities of the World Bank Group that were maintained in the centralized files. The records detail the arrangement and proceedings of meetings hosted by the Bank and meetings the Bank attended that were organized by external organizations, as well as exchanges of information and collaborative programs. Records were predominantly created between 1969 and 1971 and originated in departments who records were centralized including (but not limited to): The Technical Assistance and Liaison Department (TAL) and successor, Development Services Department (DSD); Economics Department; and Projects Department and its sector divisions. A very small volume of correspondence is authored by the Bank president or vice president, field office representatives, country departments, and IFC departments.

Organizations covered in the files include, but are not limited to: International Monetary Fund (IMF); United Nations (UN); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (UNACC), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and other UN bodies. UNDP files (1969 - 1971) mostly contain correspondence relating to UNDP representatives on assignment and detailing country activities. There are also numerous liaison files with economic commissions, private foundations, academic and scientific institutes, industry and professional associations, religious organizations, international organizations such as Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) containing correspondence to and from the Bank President McNamara, director of Development Services Department, and others. The correspondence is general in matter regarding meetings, visits, conferences, information sharing, ideas for development assistance and occasionally, Bank projects and operations. A portion of the alphabetical files (1972 - 1974) also include individual correspondents external to the Bank such as ministry and central bank officials and heads of corporations, business organizations, or academic institutions, mostly addressed to Bank president. Outgoing replies are from various country departments, Economics Department, Projects Department and sectors, development finance companies director, and others.

Internal memoranda are occasionally in the form of briefing notes, back-to-office reports, and terms of reference. Other records found in the external organization files include external reports and concept papers, and conference and meeting agenda.

The series also contains a smaller volume of records regarding the Bank's early relations with the United States government executive and legislative branches and federal agencies (1946 - 1971). Most of the records are in the form of internal memoranda and incoming and outgoing letters regarding support for foreign aid and operations. Many letters are between senior White House officials, congressmen, and the Bank president, vice president, or US executive director, and between independent US executive branch and federal government agency representatives and Bank senior staff. Bank staff correspondents include the Loan and Economic Departments, Technical Operations and Treasurer's Departments, Information and Public Affairs Department (IPA, initially under DSD), in collaboration mainly with the US Export-Import Bank (EXIM), US Agency for International Development (USAID), and US Department of Agriculture. Some correspondence is filed with proposals, meeting summaries, minutes, financial statements, data tables, Board, Economic and Staff Loan Committee documents, press clippings, copies of US legislation, agency speeches and press releases, and other records. There is also a preliminary draft paper by Carl B. Fritsche titled "The Role of the World Bank in Global Development" (1949).

Records cover routine information exchange and attendance at seminars and roundtables in addition to more substantive subjects such as: the role of the Bank in the European Recovery Project (also known as the Marshall Plan); the establishment and activities of the Bank interdepartmental committee drawn from Research Department and Loan Department to study the Marshall Plan; cooperation with the House Committee of Foreign Affairs and economic policy subcommittee; loan operations of the Bank and US Export-Import Bank and credit applications to countries, also discussion of disbursement rate, joint financing, private capital flows, and proposed US legislation; the Bank's involvement in the missions and hearings of the Committee on Banking and Currency chaired by Senator Homer E. Capehart. The Capehart Committee commissioned a study of IBRD and the Export-Import Bank operations and their relationship to expansion of international trade in 1954. There are several memoranda authored by DSD Senior Policy Planning Adviser Shirley E. Boskey reporting on the proceedings of the committee hearings and comments on draft Bank presentations to the committee.

Borrowing and bond issues

  • Séries
  • 1937, 1944 - 1974

Series consists of records maintained in Central Files and semi-centralized filing stations that relate to the formation and management of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) borrowing operations in international capital markets, between 1946 and 1974. The records detail the development of bonds, or debt securities, as a method of financing Bank lending operations, the marketing of bonds, and issuance of the first IBRD bonds and others that followed. The first two bond issues totaling $250 million were sold on the New York Stock Exchange on July 15, 1947. The first issue of bonds in a currency other than United States dollars was a Swiss franc private placement with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1948, and the first public bond offering outside of the United States was a sterling issue on the London market in 1951. Records in the series also cover the selling of securities from the early 1950s through 1974 in the capital markets mainly concentrated in Canada (first issue in 1952), western Europe, Japan, Kuwait, and other countries.

The records originated in the units whose files were centralized over a period of time and whom worked closely together on borrowing, including Treasurer's Department, Legal Department, Marketing Department based in the Bank's New York office, and Office of the Controller. Records of the Office of the President were also centralized until 1968 and there is correspondence originating mainly from Presidents John McCloy, Eugene R. Black, and George D. Woods.

General and background records

Bond records contain general correspondence files (1946 - 1968) and background material (1946 - 1947) related to the establishment of borrowing operations. Other general files in the series relate to matters concerning bond holders, quotations, inquiries, purchase contracts, printing, prospectus, cancellations, cremations, taxes, and other subjects. There is a smaller volume of files concerning a price study by G. Holzman regarding the sale and repurchase of securities (1947).

Borrowing records

A large volume of files relate to approvals for borrowing are arranged according to banking or financial institution and specific bond issue. Records are predominantly created from 1946, apart from a few files with background documents dated 1937 to 1945; these include copies of the United States Department of the Treasury regulations governing the destruction of United States securities. There are original incoming and outgoing letters, including letters of approval from Bank president or vice president to country ministers or central bank executives, and letters to and from Bank secretary and general counsel with country officials outlining proposed changes to related legislation. Correspondence between the Bank chief, Securities Division of Treasurer's Department and the chief, Accounting Division of Controller's Department to the banking institutions document the underwriting and offering arrangements with information about the percentage, account, details of purchase transaction, and any settlement of amounts. Correspondence is often filed with copies of country legislation regulating the trade of securities and terms, as well as receipts, cables, copies of certificates, draft and final Board resolutions authorizing proposed borrowings, handwritten notes, data tables, and external records such as the United States Security and Exchange Commission and US Treasury press releases. Internal memoranda periodically details the Bank's operations in the lending country, condition of markets, and summaries of Bank senior officials' visits to the country.

Bond issues

The series also contains a large volume of bond issue files arranged by country and specific issue. Several bond issue files are further arranged into 'general', 'printing', 'prospectus', 'purchase contracts', 'registration' and 'redemption'. Most of the records originated in the Treasurer's Department and Legal Department and relate to bond arrangements and transactions with international banking institutions and trust companies.

The general bond issue files mostly contain internal memoranda and letters that detail the proposed bond issues and terms of conditions for purchase, arrangements with international banks to list bonds on the stock exchanges and publish advertisements, regulatory and tax status of bonds, meetings with country officials, and other matters. Correspondence is often filed with: Bank press releases; draft and final Board resolutions detailing bond issues and attached purchase agreements, temporary stock certificate, and form of definitive bond (or coupon); memorandum of sale; and meeting summaries and minutes including those of the Staff Loan Committee. There are also copies of correspondence between the Bank president and country finance minister related to the approval for proposed borrowing. Certain bond issue files provide information about the relationship between the Bank and country, particularly in the case of the early Switzerland files.

Printing files contain letters between the Bank's Legal Department or others, and corporations regarding the approval of specimen bond certificates and printing of bonds. Correspondence in the United States files is primarily with the American Bank Note Company. Other records in the files include specimen bond certificates and press clippings from international newspapers.

The prospectus correspondence concerns the distribution of the prospectus to dealers, comments on preliminary drafts and registration statement, primarily between Legal and Secretary's Departments and government officials.

Bond registration records contains correspondence to and from the Bank's general counsel to the secretary and others, with attached copies of the registration statement, Bank Articles of Agreement and By-Laws, loan agreement, and preliminary prospectus in accordance with legal requirements under United States Securities Act and other national legislation.

The redemption records relate to various matters including payment of redemption price, draftBoard resolutions authorizing redemption, letters from the Bank treasurer to fiscal agents authorizing payments on principal, interest, and redemption premium, other cables and letters with private banks regrading refunding operations of bonds, publication of redemption notices, and sinking fund payments.

Purchase contract files contains primarily letters concerning the purchase of bond issues outlining terms of contract and payment details, mostly between the Bank's chief of Finance Department, the director of Marketing Department, and commercial banks.


The series also contains a substantial quantity of records regarding marketing of bonds arranged by country (1947 - 1974) and include: internal memoranda and incoming and outgoing letters, many sent and received from the Marketing Department based in New York City and the director of Public Relations; copies of public releases and newspaper advertisements inviting tenders on bond issues, several of them notarized as certification of advertising. There is also internal memoranda from Bank secretary to president and outgoing letters from Presidents Black and McCloy to executive directors and alternate directors proposing expanding marketing of World Bank bonds. Memoranda from 1947 discusses a program of advertising for World Bank securities and the benefits of advertising.

Fiscal agents

Records comprising the series also include fiscal agent files (1946 - 1974) representing the following institutions from the earliest years of operation (1946 to 1949): Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Chase Manhattan Bank; Bank of Canada; Bank of Mexico; Bank of Paris; and agents in Germany and United Kingdom. Records relate to arrangements and draft agreements between the Bank and fiscal agents performing financial duties such as authentication, registration, and bond redemption.

Records comprising the series are primarily in English, however, some bond advertisement press clippings, prospectuses, and Board documents are in other languages indicated belowin the Language note.

Finance files

The series consists of records related to the management of IBRD, IFC, and IDA funds that were maintained in the Central Files system. The records were predominantly created between 1946 and 1977, except for a single file dating to 1978. Records originated primarily in the Treasurer's Department and its divisions as well as the Office of the Controller that was initially established in the Administration Department in 1948. Records of the Office of the President and Office of the Vice President were also centralized until 1968 and there is some correspondence originating mainly from Presidents John McCloy, Eugene R. Black, and George D. Woods. The correspondence includes internal memoranda mostly between the Bank treasurer or controller and the president or vice president, as well as letters exchanged between these Bank offices and government and corporate bank officials. The records in this series cover the development and maintenance of accounts and accounting systems, reporting of financial information, management of investments, and advancement of overall financial policy of the World Bank Group. This series does not contain records of the World Bank units responsible for donor-based resource mobilization functions related to cofinancing and trust funds or program and budgeting.

The general subject files (1946 - 1974) comprising the series contain mostly internal memoranda to and from the treasurer and controller. Incoming and outgoing cables, draft and final Board of Executive Directors resolutions and reports, Financial Policy Committee reports, Advisory Council notes, data tables, Secretary's memorandum, and other records are also often found within the files. There are also files containing IBRD and IDA monthly financial statements (1946 - 1968) from the Treasurer's Department and a financial statement prepared by Price Waterhouse & Co. dated June 30, 1946 shortly after IBRD began operations. Bank press releases are also attached to some of the financial statements. Other financial statement files arein the form of memoranda regarding the translation, printing, and proofing of financial statements in other languages (1952 - 1969).

Also among the general subject files, capital stock records provide information about the Bank's earliest financial operations and policy decisions. These files contain mostly internal memoranda regarding various capital stock subscription issues such as calls for payment of subscriptions and delays in payment, enquiries about exchange rates, data regarding Bank and Fund member subscriptions and quotas, and procedures of payment with gold. Early records also relate to potential income of the Bank and establishment of the fiscal year. Memoranda is occasionally filed with: data tables such as a comparison of subscriptions or capital structure; excerpts of resolutions of Advisory Council or Board of Directors; draft circulars, some with handwritten annotations; final printed circulars and revised copies, such as the instruction to depositories on the establishment and maintenanceof accounts for IBRD; draft letter to government officials notifying of subscription payment written in June 1946 prior to the Bank's operations; draft and final first reports and second report (both dated May 1946) of the Committee on Capital appointed by the executive directors and chaired by Bank Treasurer Daniel Crena de Iongh; and the Committee on Interpretation 1946 report and note on interpretation of the Articles on Agreement.

Finance subject files also relate to general investment and pension fund investment management, also referred to as staff retirement plan (1948 - 1977), portfolio sales and participation (1972 - 1978), audits and appointment of auditors (1946 - 1974), and overdue service payments (1987). The investment files cover various matters including the development of policy and procedures, interpretation of the Articles of Agreement, and discussions and decisions about investment of Bank holdings in various countries, investment returns, the sale of gold, and audit of investments. Data tables occasionally filed with the memoranda detail schedules of investment securities, U.S. government bonds owned by IBRD, and other financial data.

A set of individual files for each IBRD account according to bank name (1946 - 1974) contains mostly correspondence relating to opening of accounts and policy regarding transactions. The earliest institutions represented in the files include the United States Federal Reserve Bank and American Security and Trust (from 1946), Bank for International Settlements (1947), Banque National Suisse (1948), Chase Manhattan Bank (1949).

IBRD general currency files (1946 - 1974) include correspondence and other material concerning local expenditure and local currency loans, devaluations of currencies on loans, convertibility, exchange rates and risks, repayment of non-dollar currency and supplying non-dollars under dollar loans, losses as a result of devaluation, maintenance of value, and Bank policy material on clauses in loan agreements and denomination. The series also contains currency files by country of origin (1951 - 1971), several which are thin in volume, and cover a variety of topics including currency proposals and problems, loan transactions, and revaluations. Correspondence is filed with financial data tables and forecast reports.

There is also correspondence and statements relating to time deposit investment accounts (1959 - 1972) held in various commercial banks. Files are arranged according to bank.

Records related to IFC finance include general accounts management arranged by bank (1956 - 1971), and time deposit files (1961 - 1971) also organized by bank name. Among the earliest account files (1956) are Federal Reserve Bank and American Security and Trust. Other files (1956 - 1971) relate to financial statements, investments, audits, forecast on income, interest on late payments, reserve against losses, stock options and equity holdings, consultants, and two files concerning borrowing (1969 - 1971).

IDA finance files contain correspondence and other records related to general accounts and opening of accounts by bank (1960 - 1977), several of which relate directly to transactions with the US Federal Reserve and depository statements (1960 - 1971). There are files related to financial statements (1961 - 1971) and related correspondence, time deposits (1960 - 1971), currencies (1960 - 1971), and audits (1961 - 1971). From 1972 to 1977 there are only files titled "Miscellaneous IDA" and a "general" file (1987) and these cover the various aforementioned subjects. There is also a small volume of records related to the fourth, fifth, and eighth IDA replenishments (1971 - 1977, 1987) originating mostly from the Controller and Legal Departments as well as the Office of the Vice President of Finance. Also included in the IDA files is a transcript of proceedings of the IDA meeting on criteria for country allocation of IDA resources, June 3, 1977.

Chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1978 - 1987, 1992 - 1995

The series consists of records created by the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and its subordinate divisions and units for the years 1978 to 1987. The series also includes records for AGR's successor, the Agriculture, Technology and Natural Resources Department (AGR) for years 1992 and 1995.

The records of AGR from 1978 to 1987 are similar to those of its successor. The records consist almost exclusively of correspondence. A significant amount of the records relates to Bank projects andthe Department's role in their design, preparation, support, and evaluation. Also included are records related to the writing and analysis of technical, research, and issues papers as well as country and sector policy papers by Department staff and Bank staff external to AGR. In some cases, a draft of the paper is included. Records in this series also relate to: budget and work planning; administration; conference and workshop planning and attendance; information exchange (primarily within the Bank); communications and liaison; grant and trust fund negotiation and allocation; CGIAR-related activities; staff missions (often in the form of Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports); and donor meetings.

As noted above (2.3 Archival history), it is likely that the records classification and file titling of the files in this series was done by IISC staff once individual pieces of correspondence were sent to the IISC for filing. Some of the records (approximately one third) were provided with subject- or function-based classification; these files are from May 1992, to July 1993, and are generally very small and in many instances contain only one or two pieces of correspondence. However, the subjects of the records they contain are indistinguishable from the rest of the files in this series which were titled 'Chronological file' and are considerably larger. The files titled 'Chronological file' are from May 1993 to December 1995.

UNDP project administration

Series consists of records related to UNDP projects for which the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) was the executing agency. Projects date from between 1977 and 1992. Records relate to project planning, project budgeting and review, workshop planning, and hiring and management of consultants. Records primarily consist of correspondence between AGR staff and UNDP staff, country representatives, consultants, and other Bank staff. Other records include Project Documents, Preparatory Assistance Documents, copies of contracts, Terms of Reference, back-to-office reports, and reports.

Also contained are budget revision records for UNDP projects dating from 1986 to 1992. Records date from 1992 to 1998. Revisions consist of originals, signed by both the World Bank and the UNDP, and are unattached to any other records. However, some of the records are attached to correspondence to or from the UNDP or to the Bank's Legal Department (LEG) or Controller (CTR). A small number of complete project contracts are also included.

Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment records

Series consists of records related to the Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (SSAHA) project. The SSAHA was a United Nations Development Programme project (UNDP, Project # RAF/87/030). However, the World Bank served as the primary implementer of the project. The World Bank also helped finance the project, along with the UNDP, the African Development Bank (ADB), the French Ministry of Cooperation, and the European Community (EC).

The SSAHA was developed in response to requests from African governments to review the hydrological services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its aim was to assist sub-Saharan countries in the creation and/or improvement of a sound hydrometric base for the purposes of planning and evaluating water resources development programs and projects. The project would evaluate the status of all existing water resource data and information and make recommendations for the filling of important gaps and for the general enhancement of the capability to measure, retrieve, process and publish hydrological data and information (Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment Project Document; c. December, 1986; File #30187398). The project involved: preparing inventories of the present status of data collections, processing and publication including the listing of bibliographies; identifying the more important gaps that exist in present programs; and making recommendations on priority programs to fill the gaps including institutional and training aspects.

The SSAHA project was prepared by the World Bank in1986-1987 in consultation with the UNDP, the United Nations Department of Technical Co-Operation for Development (UNDTCD, later the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development [UNDESD]), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), regional African agencies, and African national governments. The UNDP approved the project in June, 1987 and the World Bank signed the Project Document as Executing Agency in the same month. The project became effective in September, 1987. A Steering Committee comprised of donor agencies, regional agencies, country representatives, WMO and UNESCO was established at this time. The UNDP chaired the Committee with the World Bank and ADB serving as co-chairs. It began to meet twice annually (or when convened by the Chairman) in November, 1987, to assist in the supervision of the project, to redirect approaches as needed, and to evaluate the project results.

Within the World Bank, the Agriculture and Rural Development Department's Production and Services Division (AGRPS) was designated the executing unit. Ulrich Kuffner served as task manager from 1987 until January 1, 1992 when Geoffrey Matthews, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Technology and Natural Resources (AGRTN), replaced him. Torbjorn Damhaug of the African Regional Office, Environmentally Sustainable Division (AFTES), was made a co-task manager in 1994 or earlier. A Project Management Committee (PMC) was established in 1987 to serve as a liaison between the Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) and the African Regional Office (AGR).

Series contains records created and received by the AGRPS that relate to SSAHA project planning, financing, execution, oversight, and evaluation. The majority of the records are organized into numbered volumes according to: consultant firm; African region; project organizer and/or financer; Steering Committee meeting; and general correspondence files.

Records relating to Regional African Agencies are numerous and contain correspondence between the Bank andthe Agencies' representatives. Folders are labeled according to region: South African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC, in 1992 renamed the South African Development Community [SADC]), and the International Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD, in 1996 renamed the Intergovernmental Authority on Development [IGAD]), as well as Madagascar, which is not included in one of the aforementioned Regions. Records relate to: project planning and negotiation; consultants' reports; planning of meetings and workshops; and coordinating with consultants. Records contain: drafts of consultants' reports and Regions' comments; back-to-office reports; Terms of Reference; consultants' proposals and contracts; and aide memoires.

Records also contain correspondence with consultants who have been awarded a contract. Records relate to: payment; revisions to Terms of Reference or payment; negotiation of completion and reporting dates; publishing; and coordination of consultants with Regions and countries.

The series also contains multiple volumes labeled General Correspondence. These records include correspondence with Regional African Agencies as described earlier. Correspondence with consultants is also included, although the majority of this material was created before contracts were awarded and thus contain Terms of Reference, proposals, minutes of negotiations, and related records. General correspondence files also contain correspondence with: the Bank's country and regional offices; country officials and representatives; participating agencies (UNDP, WMO, EC, ADB, etc.); and short-term consultants. Records relate to: project planning; meetings; training exercises; workshops; project coordination and logistics; contracts; financial issues; Bank staff reporting; evaluation of consultants' reports; project funding; and project research and planning.

The series contains folders for each of the eight Steering Committee meetings held between November, 1987 and July, 1996. Records relate to meeting planning and coordination and the invitation of participants. Records include: agendas; minutes; list of participants; preparatory materials (i.e. reports); and back-to-office reports by meeting attendees. A lesser amount of records relating to the World Bank's Project Management Committee meetings are also included; records are of similar type to those previously described.

Separate folders for correspondence with WMO, UNESCO, and the Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEF) are also contained in this series.

Budget files containing reports, budgets, copies of contracts, revisions, and disbursement records are also included.

The series also contains numerous folders labeled General Files. Records include: reports and articles used as background or research; reviews of the SSAHA project written by Bank staff or consultants; copies of contracts with consultants; correspondence with consultants; budget and financing summaries; consultant negotiation materials; cost estimates; drafts of SSAHA pamphlets; correspondence related to meetings; comments on consultants' reports from Bank staff and external; Project Performance Evaluation Reports (PPER) for RAF/87/030 (1992 and 1994); correspondence between AGR staff related to project planning and development; multiple drafts of the original SSAHA Project Document; final versions of the original SSAHA Project Document; copy of signed WB/UNDP SSAHA agreement; meeting notes; progress reports of consultants; recommendations for future action; World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) project document and supporting materials, including materials related to its regional components; files on individual and short-term consultants; records related to SSAHA hydrological workshop (1994); copies of booklet, Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment (1993); text of the SSAHA Program Completion Brochure (1996); and a paper by Geoffrey J. Matthews, Communications for Bridging Different Water Perspectives.

Also included are numerous copies of draft and final SSAHA country and regional reports prepared by project consultants. These include: Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Pieces Annexes (1996); Madagascar: Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA), Rapport Principal (1996); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: Namibia (1995, draft report); Sub Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment, SADC Countries - Country Report: South Africa (1996, draft report, two copies); Regional Strategic Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in the SADC Countries (1999-2004) - SADC Water Co-ordination Unit, Maseru, Lesotho (1998, 1st draft); Evaluation Hydrologique en Afrique Subsaharie: Madagascar -- Proposition Technique et Financiere (1995); Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment West African Countries: Regional Report (1992, also a copy in French); and Madagascar: Evaluation hydrologique en Afrique Sub-Saharienne (HASSA) - Addendum au rapport principal (1997).

Subject files of the Office of the Director of the Economics and Policy Division

  • Séries
  • 1972 - 1986

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files, A C, of the Economics and Policy Division. The records include memoranda, letters, reports, policy papers, numbered research proposals, and speeches, but primarily consist of drafts (some annotated) of papers and book chapters. A range of agricultural development issues are covered, such as credit and rural finance, price policies, technological innovation, and trade. The records include discussions of the Division's methods and techniques of analysis, the quality of its work and ways to improve it, and the relationship of the Division's work to the country-based work carried out in the Bank's regional offices. A few files deal with computers and their use by the Division for economic modeling and organizing economic reference data, and a few others are on conferences that members of the Division attended.

Eleven files are coded with a Research Project Output (RPO) code number, which was assigned to projects throughout the Bank by the Development Economics department. However, another four such RPO coded files, listed on the original transfer to the archives, are not among these records and probably were returned to the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector after the initial transfer of the records to the archives in 1989. One research project, RPO 671 42, on agricultural prices and subsidies, is a broad study of many countries and their pricing policies, while others are on the pricing policy of a single country (Turkey in RPO 672 78, for example) or a single topic (agriculture technology and innovation in RPO 671 44).

The correspondence is mostly that of Graham Donaldson, who was chief of the division between 1977 and 1984, but a few correspondence files postdate his tenure. Also included is a set of files on agriculture and credit that seem to be those of J. D. Von Pischke, and a file labeled Agricultural development. Reports is for the most part the speeches of Montague Yudelman.

The principal value of these records for research is the view that the records provide of the process of research and policy paper development within the Division. Some material on particular countries is found in the records, including India, the Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Senegal, Mexico, and Indonesia, much of which has probably subsequently been published. A report on the World Food Program contractual study of agricultural development in Korea is in the file Agricultural development. Reports.

Reference material on agricultural policies

This series consists of a set of reference materials on forestry, probably assembled to support the development of the forest policy paper published in 1991.

Conference and seminar files of irrigation engineering advisor

  • Séries
  • 1976, 1985 - 1994

The series has two parts: records of the annual water seminars 1985 - 1994 and records of the water study tours 1976, 1987, 1991, and 1993. The records are the files of Herve L. Plusquellec, the irrigation engineering adviser in the Agriculture and Rural Development Department who was the organizer of the conferences.

In January 1985 the Agriculture and Rural Development Department started an annual seminar on irrigation and drainage. At that time irrigation was the largest component in the Bank's investment portfolio, and the Department believed it was the Bank's most stable and successful program in agriculture. The seminar was for Bank staff, and both Bank staff and external experts spoke. Only the Department director's speech to the seminar and the background papers exist from the first seminar. Thereafter the files include agendas, participant lists, a few administrative items and handwritten notes, speeches, and background materials. The papers and background readings include both broad topics (for example, A second look at irrigation development in the seventh annual seminar or Tradable water rights and water markets: Issues in the ninth) and case studies on a variety of countries and projects. In 1993 the annual seminar was retitled Water Resources Management Seminar, reflecting the breadth of issues the seminar had come to consider during its nine previous sessions. The last file is on the seminar of December 1994. The file for the sixth annual seminar is missing.

In 1976 the Bank sent a study tour mission of Bank staff to the southwestern and western United States to look at irrigation and agriculture projects and practices. In 1987 the Bank organized an irrigation study tour to Mexico and Arizona. This was followed by irrigation study tours to China in 1991 and to Mexico and Spain in 1993. The records include agendas, administrative correspondence, notes, lists of participants, and final reports of the missions.

Anyone researching water issues, whether irrigation, drainage, water supply, sanitation or water engineering, will find in these records the best contemporary information, both within the Bank and in the larger development community. In addition, researchers interested in the development of the Banks water policy will find these files an important source of information.

Subject Files of the Forestry Program

  • Séries
  • 1988 - 1992 (predominant)

This series consists of the alphabetical subject files of the forestry program. The records include memoranda, correspondence, reports, policy papers, and drafts of papers and book chapters. The principal focus of the files is the development of the World Bank's forest policy paper of 1991, including a series of background reports commissioned from world forestry experts during 1990.

The records also contain files on the Tropical Forest Action Plan, a program sponsored jointly by the Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Development Program, and the World Resources Institute, including records that reflect the establishment of the Bank's policy on the Plan. Files on forestry projects throughout the world between 1991 and 1993 include correspondence, mission reports, sometimes project supervision and completion reports, and publications. A few files on the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, although labeled Weekly staff bulletin, actually contain useful reports,background papers, and handbooks on the operation of the Board.

The records are unusually complete, and it is possible to trace the development of the 1991 forest policy paper in its entirety. The paper itself is published, but these files provide important background content and context for research on forestry policy.

Subject Files of the Fisheries Program

  • Séries
  • 1988 - 1992 (predominant)

This small series consists of the subject files of the fishery program. The records include memoranda, correspondence, mission reports and reports of meetings, policy papers, and drafts of papers. The files seem to have been created during the period when an aquaculture study was undertaken by the Bank. The file Banque Mondial includes the terms of reference for an aquaculture study and notes and reports of meetings on fisheries.

Most of the files relate to meetings, a few within the Bank but mostly international meetings, and information about fisheries studies undertaken by other organizations. Some files relate to a World Bank mission to Chile, Peru, and Ecuador to study international fisheries research, including background information and mission reports. A file on the advisory committee for a study of international fisheries research, undertaken by the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations Development Program, and the Commission of European Communities, includes notes on the issues raised in the committee.

The records provide an overview of international cooperation on fisheries research at the beginning of the 1990s. Although small, these files provide useful explanatory material on the setting of international priorities on fisheries research.

Video recordings

The annual meeting of the CGIAR sponsors and centers is routinely videotaped. Normally these tapes are destroyed once the verbatim transcript of the meeting is produced. For especially significant meetings, however, the videotapes are preserved; the two meetings that fall into this category are the Ministerial level meeting on CGIAR reform and renewal held in Lucerne, Switzerland, in February 1995, and the twenty-fifth anniversary meeting held in 1996. The twenty-fifth anniversary program was taped in full, including sessions, panel discussions, a parallel session on genetics resources conservation, exhibitions, and the concluding press conference.

On the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary, CGIAR taped a number of interviews with individuals important in its history, both persons who worked at CGIAR and international agricultural scientists. It also produced videos titled CGIAR: The first 25 years and Serving the world through science: An introduction to the CGIAR. In the process it shot and acquired both stock footage of its operations, particularly in Ethiopia, and finished productions on topics ranging from rice to farming in Rwanda.

A few other videotaped interviews, speeches, and press conferences have been retained, including interviews with Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug, several speeches by CGIAR chairman Ismail Serageldin, and footage of the mid-term meeting in New Delhi in 1994.

Third System Review

The series consists of records related to CGIAR's Third System Review conducted in 1996-1998. The Review's purpose was to assess the role, relevance and future directions of the CGIAR System and make recommendations for improving its overall effectiveness. Its focus included, but was not limited to:

  • Mission and strategy: mission, scientific orientation, goals, principal activities, priorities, and strategies of the System

  • Governance and finance: roles and responsibilities of System-wide units, System-level management processes (priority setting, resource allocation, evaluation); funding modalities

  • Operational effectiveness: quality, relevance, and efficiency of the science practiced by the centers; partnerships; structural considerations.

The Review was conducted by an external panel which was supported by separate Working Groups and facilitated by a secretariat. The series contains Review Panel meeting minutes along with extensive background readings and other supporting materials. Indexes for meeting-related materials are included. Series also contains correspondence related to the System Review. Correspondence relates to the selection of Panel and Working Group members as well as meeting and conference planning and requests for comments on Review-generated reports. The series also contains a file of reports commissioned by the Review Panel as well reports created or collected by the Panel. Finally, the series contains a copy of the Review's final report, The International Research Partnership forFood Security and Sustainable Agriculture, dated October 8, 1998. A draft of the final paper by the Specialist Panel on Governance and Finance (August 24, 1998) is also included.

Center Directors Committee (CDC) meeting and informational files

The series consists of records that evidence the relationship between the CGIAR Secretariat and the International Agricultural Research Centers' (IARC) Directors and the Center Directors Committee (CDC). The majority of the records in the series are informational reports and other materials forwarded, most commonly, by the CGIAR Executive Secretary to CDC members. These records include topical reports, CGIAR-authored reports, CGIAR-related external publications, and CGIAR project and initiative updates. Some records also relate to the recruitment of new CGIAR members/donors. Series also consist of reports authored by the CDC or CDC members as well as a small amount of CDC meeting agendas and minutes.

Committee of Center Board Chairpersons (CBC) meeting files

The series primarily consists of CBC meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting materials for meetings held between 1987 and 1991. Included with the materials for the CBC meeting held on October 25 and 26, 1990, is an attachment entitled CBC Corporate Memory which includes a summary of CBC meetings and meeting activities, subjects, and decisions for meetings held between 1985 and 1990.

The series also contains records related to Board surveys conducted by two of the International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) represented on the CDC: the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA). A small amount of other informational material is also included.

CGIAR's International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) general files

The series consists of records created and received by the CGIAR Secretariat as a result of its ongoing relationship with the International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC). The series contains records relating to three of the IARCs: the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), and the International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP). These IARCs no longer exist; in 1994, INIBAP was absorbed into theInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI, renamed Bioversity International in 2006) and, in the same year, the ILAC and ILRAD merged and formed the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

Records related to the ILRAD include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and ILRAD; schedule of the Chairman's visit to ILRAD and other IARCs; position search and announcements; ILRAD Board of Directors annual meeting agenda (1989); correspondence and announcements concerning funding disbursements; external reviews; survey of ILRAD board members; Director General's report to the ILRAD Board of Directors (1990); and other materials.

Records related to ILCA include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and ILCA; schedule of the Chairman's visit to ILCA and other IARCs; ILCA newsletters; ILCA Board of Trustees meeting minutes; ILCA Board orientation program materials; correspondence and announcements concerning funding disbursements; external reviews; ILCA board member surveys; an ILCA-authored paper entitled Management Information Requirements at ILCA: A Discussion Paper (1987); annual meeting and other committee meeting minutes; and other materials.

Records related to INIBAP include: correspondence between the CGIAR Chairman and INIBAP; INIBAP strategy document (1991); International Musa Testing Program materials; collaborative research agreements; INIBAP workshop materials; program committee reports; position search and announcements; INIBAP program surveys; Board of Trustees meeting minutes; Donor Support Group meeting minutes and supporting materials; budget proposal (1992); an initial offer of support by the CGIAR Chairman to INIBAP (21 November, 1990) and related materials; external reviews; and other materials. Records related to INIBAP's absorption into INGRI are also contained in this series. These include: records from the 1993 meeting in which the incorporation of INIBAP and INGRI was discussed and the Memorandum of Understanding between INIBAP and INGRI.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) CGIAR files

The series consists of records created and collected by the Associate Director (Research), Office of Agriculture, Technical Advisory Bureau, of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The majority of the records relate to the first five years of the CGIAR. The series contains two types of files: chronological correspondence files and files relating to specific meetings and conferences.

The correspondence files are exclusively related to communication between USAID and the CGIAR Secretariat. Subjects of the correspondence include: International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) appraisal, IARC financial practices and policy, and deliberations on and accounting of USAID funding. Records include: CGIAR meeting summary of proceedings; reports authored by the CGIAR's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC); CGIAR reports and records distributed to member countries for informational purposes; and materials related to International Centers Week (ICW). A small amount of correspondence sent within USAID departments on the topic of the CGIAR is also included in these files.

The majority of records relating to meeting or conference attendance relate to CGIAR's annual ICW meetings. A number of other USAID-CGIAR meetings are represented as are meetings of the CGIAR North American donors. Further, meetings relating to agricultural research that do not directly involve CGIAR but which are attended by USAID representatives are also present in small number. Records relating to meetings or conferences attended by USAID representatives include meeting agendas, minutes, summary of proceedings, and supporting documents. Also included are meeting and conference summaries authored by USAID attendees as part of their reporting responsibilities. A small number of Action Memoranda composed in response to issues raised and the subsequent need for deliberation are also included.

Chairman's chronological correspondence files

  • Séries
  • 1996 - 2000

Series consists of chronological correspondence files of CGIAR Chairman Ismail Serageldin. Records provide evidence of fund-raising, communications, and public relations activities as well as activities related to CGIAR organizational and committee management. The majority of the records in this series are copies of the Chairman's outgoing mail. Letters are addressed to CGIAR member and potential member representatives (primarily ambassadors and agriculture ministers), CGIAR committees, International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC), and other agricultural research institutes and universities. Topics of correspondence include CGIAR membership, fund-raising and donations, meetings, CGIAR projects and initiatives, committee nominations and appointments, the Chairman's travel and visitation, conference attendance, speaking engagements, and IARC research, funding, and management.

Publications of international agricultural research centers

  • Séries
  • 1963 - 1990

This series contains publications acquired from international agricultural research centers for the CGIAR CD-ROM publication project Compact International Agricultural Research Library - Basic Retrospective Set (CIARL - BRS). A few publications from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, which provide important support for the centers, also are included. Not all of the publications in this series ultimately were reproduced on the CD-ROM.

The purpose of the CD-ROM publication was to provide a resource on agriculture for developing countries. CGIAR solicited the publications from the research centers, the centers made the first selection on relevance to the purpose of the publication, and the CGIAR project staff made the final determinations.

The publications selected include guidelines, instructional manuals, studies, handbook, directories, monographs, annual reports, and proceedings of internal symposia and workshops, among others. Duplicate copies of some of these publications are found in the CGIAR Central Files, particularly in file categories G and H. The publications reflect the state-of-the art of agricultural research at the time they were published. Taken together with the Central Files, they illuminate the research emphases of the centers, showing changing attitudes toward, for example, environmental issues, small farmers, and various species of plants and animals. The series as a whole provides a worldwide overview of agricultural research.

Compact International Agricultural Research Library project files

  • Séries
  • 1984 - 1995

In the late 1980s the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research became interested in finding a means to distribute current agricultural research information more effectively. The Group contracted for a study of the issue and then contracted for a prototype of a CD-ROM publication and distribution system. Following the production and evaluation of the prototype, a full-scale CD-ROM publication was initiated, containing publications from nineteen international agricultural research centers plus the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. The final CD-ROM set, called the Compact International Agricultural Research Library - Basic Retrospective Set (CIARL-BRS), was a single master disc that contained the catalogue and synopticon records and sixteen text-image discs that contained the documents from the centers. They were accompanied by a paper A-Z Reference Guide in English, French, and Spanish, and a Tutorial Guide.

This series consists of the background records of the project; the contracts with each center for use of its publications; contracts for the studies, the production of the CD-ROMs, and the translations of the paper publications; record of the preparation of the paper publications and master copies of them; correspondence with the evaluation sites and the advisory committee; and records related to the marketing of the final CD-ROM set. The records are essential to understand the authorized uses of the publications from the centers.

The records reflect CGIAR's effort to preserve and disseminate the bountiful research information that was being produced by the centers. As an early CD-ROM project, it also provides a miniature study of the developmental steps that were required; for example, the project had not intended to create a paper Tutorial, but the users had difficulty with the unfamiliar CD-ROM technology so a Tutorial was devised. While the project staff hoped that the CIARL-BRS would be the first of many editions of the CD-ROM, website technology soon replaced CD-ROMs for CGIAR distribution purposes and no further editions were produced.

Central files

  • Séries
  • 1972 - 1987 (predominant)

This series is the key record of the first fifteen years of the history of CGIAR. All of the efforts to create the organization are documented, as are the general meetings held once or twice a year, the CGIAR staff liaison with the members and donors, the work of the Technical Advisory Committee (as the Science Council was called during those years), and the periodic reviews of the CGIAR program.

Other important records in the series are those in file category G, records of the international agricultural research centers. A set of files exists for each center, containing correspondence with and about the center, records of periodic reviews, appointments, projects and work plans, budgets and financing, and publications. These are an excellent source for the history of agricultural research and the choices made to support or not support a particular research emphasis. Files also exist on associated centers and programs that were not part of the core institutions supported by CGIAR. These files are not as extensive as those relating to the CGIAR centers, but they contain useful information on institutions such as the International Soybean Resource Base (INTSOY) and the International Agricultural Development Services (IADS).

Also included in the series are speeches, addresses and outgoing memos and letters of S. Shahid Husain as Chairman of CGIAR, 1984 - 1987.

International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) reports

  • Séries
  • 1973 - 1994

Series consists of records created by the CGIAR's International Agricultural Research Centers (IARC) and which relate to their financial, operational, and reporting responsibilities. The series includes records from two IARCs: the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), based in Ethiopia, and the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), based in Kenya. In 1994, the two programs merged to form the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) which based itself in Kenya.

ILCA records include: materials related to the origins of the ILCA, including a report entitled Final Report of the Initial Stage of the Proposal for the Establishment of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) (1975); conference materials, including conference papers; ILCA authored and commissioned reports; annual reports (1981-1994); the ILCA Staff Regulations and Rules (January, 1980); reports related to long term planning and strategies; ILCA Board of Trustees meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting material; ILCA Board of Trustees Handbook (undated) and Rules of Procedure (1983); financial statements, budget statements, Auditors' Report and Accounts reports (1975-1987), and Programme and Budget reports (1975-1988); board appointments records; the ILCA Bulletin (1978-1989); the ILCA Newsletter (1982-1991); other related newsletters; external management reviews; ILCA Directors' statements; and International Centers Week (ICW) presentations.

ILRAD records include: ILCA authored reports; Programme and Budget reports (1974-1986); annual reports (1980, 1986-1994) and Annual Scientific Reports (1987-1993); board appointments records; reports related to medium and long term planning; annual accounts (1974-1988); minutes of the first meeting of the ILRAD Board of Trustees (November 26-27, 1973); external management reviews; and financial statements and audit reports.

Memoranda, notes, and press articles

  • Séries
  • 1966 - 1985, (predominant 1966 -1980)

This series contains various record types: draft memos; correspondence (e.g., from Clark to World Bank President George D. Woods; from Lars J. Lind to Clark); drafts of speeches; press articles; notes on meetings and conversations (e.g., Clark?s notes on his conversation with Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr on January 18, 1977; Clark?s notes on McNamara?s conversation with Willy Brandt on March 7, 1979); drafts of professional memoir; a survey on major international conferences and resolutions on development issues in the 1970s; a press release about the ?Delhi Announcement on Brandt Commission;? a copy of Willy Brandt?s opening address on December 9, 1977; and many more. Records in this series cover a broad range of topics, including Clark?s travel schedule between 1968 and 1980; Clark?s thoughts on the type of job he wanted to do at the World Bank Group (e.g., to be involved in discussions about the future of the Indian Consortium); Clark?s notes on World Bank policies; relations with the United Nations; development issues; public support strategies for the Bank Group; the Pearson and Brandt Commissions that studied development issues during the McNamara years; Clark's and McNamara's appointment to the World Bank; and the development of Clark's memoirs.

Task Force Chairman's Records

This series consists of the records related to the Task Force on Local Financing under Adjustment Operations. The records were created and collected by Salah El Serafy, Economic Adviser in Economic Advisory Staff (EAS), who served as chairman of the Task Force on Local Cost Financing Under Adjustment Operations. The series contains a copy of the final Task Force report which was forwarded to President Conable on December 18, 1990; copies of comments on the final report from members of the President's Council; various drafts of the report; Serafy's correspondence with the Task Force members; hand written notes from Task Force meetings; and background documents including minutes of the May 24, 1990 Executive Directors' meeting at which questions were raised regarding the appropriateness of using credit proceeds to finance local costs for credits to Ghana (Credit No. 214GH) and Nigeria (Credit No. 2139-UNI). It was that Board discussion which led to the establishment of this task force. Also included among the background documents are copies of many of the records, dated from November 1989 to May 1990, of the Task Force on Cost Sharing and Local Cost Financing (also called the Project Cost Sharing Task Force) chaired by Randolph L. P. Harris. The final report of that Task Force which was issued on May 31, 1990, is not in this series, but copies of comments on various drafts of the report are included.

EDI Task Force Secretary's records

This series consists of records related to the research and consultation undertaken by the task force. This includes the reports on consultations; some items relating to EDI and its programs that pre-date the task force (includinga copy of the Bank's 1976 EDI/20 : Memoir of a Fellowship); memoranda to and from the task force members; interim reprots; drafts; and a copy of the final report to the Board.

Task Force Chairman's records

Series consists of records relating to the Task Force on Cost Sharing and Local Cost Financing created and received by task force Chairman Randy Harris of the Central Operations Department (COD). Records include what was likely reference material for: the initial response to the Board regarding the determination of the levels of local cost financing and cost sharing for individual projects; and for the work of the actual Task Force on Cost Sharing and Local Cost Financing. These records primarily date from the mid- to late-1980s, but also include a November 29, 1968 memorandum by the Bank's general counsel in response to a policy paper on "Foreign exchange loans for local expenditures". Reference material dating from the 1980s primarily takes the form of memoranda discussing specific cases of cost sharing in Bank projects. A review of Bank practices and policies relating to cost sharing, dated March 14, 1986 and distributed by Operational Policy Vice President S. Shahid Husain, is also included.

The series includes records relating to the Bank's initial response to questions on cost sharing from the Executive Directors. These records primarily include memoranda and correspondence discussing the review of the drafted response but also include lists showing then current country cost sharing limits. A transcription of the portion of the June 13, 1989, Board meeting where questions about cost sharing in Bank projects were initially raised is included and what appears to be the final text of the response coordinated by COD Director Ducksoo Lee and shared with Secretary's Vice President and Secretary Timothy T. Thahane for distribution to the Executive Directors on October 2, 1989.

Records relating to the establishment of the Task Force begin in late October 1989 and consist almost exclusively of memoranda. Memoranda includes attachments in the form of reference material, Task Force report drafts and draft reviews, and responses by Task Force members to a request for thoughts on the subject of project cost sharing. Minutes of Task Force meetings are also included.

An early draft (February 14, 1990) distributed to Task Force members and to Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi is included. Responses to a subsequent draft circulated to Task Force members on April 27, 1990 is also included, although the draft itself is not. Two copies of the final report submitted to Qureshi on May 31, 1990 are also included, with a cover letter authored by Mr. Lee.

Records dating from after the submission of the report to Qureshi relate to implementation of the report's suggestions and to the drafting of OD 6.30 Local Cost Financing and Cost Sharing.

Dissertation and data collection sheets

Gloria Davis completed her Ph.D. in anthropology at Stanford University in 1976 with a dissertation titled, Parigi: A Social History of the Balinese Movement to Central Sulawesi, 1907-1974. The series consists of a copy of the dissertation and the data sheets that Davis compiled in preparing it.

As Davis describes in the introduction to the dissertation, In early 1973 I began a systematic census of the migrant area [Parigi, central Sulawesi], followed by a detailed questionnaire administered to 1,000 migrants. In this effort I was assisted by a number of school teachers in the various villages, and also by two assistants . . . who together administered about one-half the questionnaires and coded and compiled all the results. In early 1974 the three of us returned to Bali and gave the same questionnaire to 500 Balinese from sending areas for migrants in Sulawesi. The original questionnaires, filled out by hand and including the name of the person interviewed and the location, make up the series. Nine groups were surveyed in Sulawesi and six in Bali. Within each group, each survey sheet was numbered, and they are in numerical order. Appendix B of the dissertation provides an English translation of the survey form.

Because of the completeness of the survey data, the data sheets are an important resource for persons interested in tracing communities, families, or individuals in the survey area; reviewing the early stages of the transmigration program in Indonesia; or replicating the survey.

Personal file

The series appears to have been established by Davis when she began work at the World Bank, although it incorporates two papers that she wrote before coming to the Bank. Each file is titled with her name, the subject of the document it contains and usually a date. A file of drafts, primarily of papers Davis wrote in the 1970s, was added to the subject files.

Most of these items are memos or reports written by Davis during her first years at the Bank. They all concern Indonesia, and in them Davis' voiceand opinions are clearly expressed. Particularly interesting are notes she wrote following a visit to Saimen in August 1978, reporting on what residents told her about the Kali Tapan demonstration project.

Edited conference volume

A Conference on Indonesian Culture was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 3 through August 3, 1976. Gloria Davis edited the papers from the conference for publication in 1979 as :What Is Modern Indonesia Culture? in Ohio University's Southeast Asia Series. The series consists of the conference papers, with editorial changes, sometimes in several versions. Also included is some correspondence with the authors. The publication is not included.

Correspondence file

  • Séries
  • 1978 - 1990, 1992

The series appears to have been established by Davis when she began work at the World Bank. It contains incoming letters and memoranda, almost all relating to Indonesia, some mission reports, notes, and drafts of working papers by Davis and others. Documents from the Government of Indonesia are found in the file, primarily as duplicate copies.

The file begins in 1978, but the heart of the series is the period after the completion of the World Bank's transmigration program review in Indonesia (published in 1981) and leading up to the publication of the Bank's transmigration sector review in 1986. The records provide a good overview of the steps in preparing a major sector review, from the first memos in 1984 outlining the possible topics to be covered, through the data collection phases and statistical analyses, to the drafting and review within the Bank, to the final publication.

Indonesia transmigration program subject file

The first Indonesian transmigration program that the World Bank financed (Transmigration I) involved the areas of Baturaja and Way Abung. Transmigration II involved the areas of Rimbo Bujang, Alai Hilir, and Singkut along the trans-Sumtra highway in Jambi province. The files in this series are primarily on those locations, with additional files on topics such as cassava and land tenure. Davis incorporated in the files documents from her previous work on Indonesia, such as a bibliography from 1972, and writings from other Indonesia specialists that she used. The files Baturaja - Way Abung Computer Analysis and Notes include notes that Davis made in 1976.

Some interview notes are included, as are maps, documents from the Government of Indonesia, reports from consultants, and a draft of Beyond Subsistence: A Report on the Agricultural Economies of Way Abung and Baturaja, a study prepared by Davis. The Way Abung file includes summaries based on a brief survey of 240 informants in 12 WA villages and supplementary material from a report from IPB Bogor based on interviews with 90 migrant families. A survey was conducted in the Rimbobujang area, and the files contain information, data, and analysis from that survey.

While most of the files relate to the geographic areas included in the transmigration program review that was conducted between 1979 and 1981, the series also includes a file on a review of the North Sumatra smallholder development project. At the end of the series is a file containing progress reports 3 through 10 on the South Sumatra and Lampung Transmigration and Rural Development Project, prepared for the Government of Indonesia by its consultants.

The files are useful for an historical perspective on the villages and areas where transmigration occurred.

Indonesia transmigration notebooks

  • Séries
  • 1974, 1978 - 1979

This series consists of notebooks that Davis kept or obtained during surveys of villages in Indonesia involved in transmigration. The first five notebooks relate to villages that she studied for her Ph.D. dissertation, of which the first four are Davis' notes and the fifth is a report written to her.

The next four notebooks are numbered, and the last is annotated very rapid general survey please hold and return. The second notebook is dated 12-3-78, giving the date for the survey. Each reports survey data from the villages of Pulung Kencana, Candra Kencana, Penumangan, Panaragan Jaya, Tara Karya, Bangun Sari, Sidomukti, Purbasakri, Makari, Marga Mulyo, Daya Sakri and Daya Murni. The names of the persons interviewed are not included. The data are date of arrival, originally from, type of migration, how many people were at home and how many migrated, what property is owned here and what property in Java, what type of house, occupation in Java, money brought from Java when migrating, number of times returned to Java, number of people who followed you here, and questions about the land given and purchased, crops grown and productivity of farm, fertilizer use, off-farm work, income here and in Java, expectations as against reality, and biggest difficulty.

The third set of notebooks are numbered 1-5 and labeled Unit Desa I (3 volumes) and Unit Desa II (2 volumes). They contain the same type of data as the second set of notebooks. These villages were organized by blok; in village I the bloks had letters for identification (for example, Blok E) while in the second village the bloks carried both a letter and the numeral II (Blok C II). In these surveys the name of the family surveyed is included.

Finally, 1 notebook marked Way Abung Apr. May 1978 Baturaja Mar 78? and 1 notebook marked Sitiung contain lists of variables and codes to be used in analyzing data.

Indonesia transmigration program - data and statistics

  • Séries
  • 1978 - 1979, 1983

This series consists of the original data sheets, coded tabulations, and computer analyses from surveys in the areas involved in the first two transmigration projects funded by the World Bank, including Way Abung, Rimbo Bujang, Singkut, Sitiung, Upang, and villages designated only by unit number.

The first group, labeled Data sheets - Original Sit, Up & RB forms, consists of 3-page, 7-part completed interview forms in ten villages identified as Unit I through Unit X. Part 1 of the form gives basic demographic information, part 2 is on agricultural land provided by the government, part 3 is use of other land, part 4 is on water, part 5 on agricultural production (crop yields), part 6 is agricultural inputs, and part 7 is possessions. Names are not included. The survey was taken after May 1978 (the latest date recorded for arrival of migrants) and before the coding was done in September 1978. Included are the coding sheets and data analysis.

The second group of survey data sheets is from 1979. The survey covered the villages of Bataraja-Matapura, Sitiung, Upang, and Way Abung. The folder containing the Upang forms is marked Delta data collected June 79. The form used had 2 pages and asked many of the same questions as the 1978 form. After the initial section of demographic information, there are sections on agricultural land, agricultural production, agricultural inputs, house type, property (agricultural and personal), and information about returns made to Java, comparison of income in Java and in current location, expectations and reality, and problems encountered.

The 1979 data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program. There are cross-tabulations for all villages or a subset of villages, variables broken down by village, and Pearson correlation coefficients.

In 1983, the project completion review team for the Bank's Transmigration I project, led by Gloria Davis, requested that a census of village units be conducted in village units V, VI, VII, VIII,IX, X and XI of Batumarta and Units XII and XII of the Transmigration I extension area. The data was to be collected on about 200 families. The 1979 form was used. No analysis of the data is included.

Because the survey forms appear to be complete, they could serve as a baseline for further analytical work in the same villages.

Fiji economic mission

Gloria Davis was a member of the June 1984 World Bank economic survey mission to Fiji, and this series is the set of subject files she compiled before and during the mission. The files contain correspondence, notes she took while in Fiji and while doing research, drafts, schedules, and information obtained from other Bank missions and from governments with projects in Fiji. At the end of the subject files is the draft report she wrote following the mission, Fiji: Equity Issues and Rural Development. Also included are two files of background information.

Although this series is small, Davis assembled a quantity of grey literature on Fiji that makes it a useful supplement to research on Fiji in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Indonesia projects file

In addition to the large program review of the Indonesia transmigration projects and the later review of the entire transmigration sector, Gloria Davis was involved with or closely followed other projects in Indonesia. This series consists of files on the Second Swamp Reclamation project, a Transmigration Income Survey project, the UN Development Program's Bank-funded Transmigration Management and Monitoring Service Project, and UN Food and Agriculture Organization/World Food Program projects. The files include correspondence, reports, survey forms, drafts, copies of contracts, and work plans.

The three files on the UNDP program are helpful to understand the background of the monitoring service. By 1979 the Bank and other funders were concerned that the transmigration project had grown beyond the capacities of the Government of Indonesia's current management structure. The Bank agreed that the Government could use $2 million of the funds already lent to the Government to establish a monitoring project; UNDP provided a grant of $1.5 million; and the Government of Indonesia made a contribution, all of which funds would be administered by UNDP which would contract with a management firm to provide assistance to the Junior Minister of Transmigration to improve the management of the overall transmigration program and to assist in establishing procedures and training for the staff and establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the development of and benefits of the Transmigration II project. In 1980 the firm of Resources Management, International, was awarded the contract. Gloria Davis was involved in the negotiations for the monitoring program, and reports on the program are found in her file of project and research reports and other correspondence on the monitoring project is found in the correspondence file.

Indonesia transmigration sector review files

  • Séries
  • 1976 - 1986 (predominant 1984 - 1986)

In September 1984 the Bank began preparing for a review of the entire Indonesian transmigration sector. Gloria Davis led the sector review, and she and two colleagues went to Indonesia in November 1984 on the initiating mission. The final report of the sector review was published on October 24, 1986.

The series consists of a few files arranged by topic, followed by computer printouts of statistical analysis concerning population projections and working files of data and analysis. The working files include information from previous World Bank studies. The series concludes with data and statistics from the Government of Indonesia, primarily dating from 1982 to 1985 but including two items from 1976. Related items from the Government of Indonesia from this period are found in the series of Indonesia project and research reports (Bahasa), and correspondence about the review is found in the correspondence files.

Indonesia project and research reports (English)

  • Séries
  • 1972 - 1988, 1996

Each project, whether funded by the World Bank or by other donors, requires formal reports. In addition, research reports on Indonesia published by various institutions were obtained by Gloria Davis as background to her work on Indonesia, including a few pre-publication versions.

This series contains project and research reports in English; Bahasa language reports are in a separate series. The first section includes reports from the Government of Indonesia and reports to it by its contractors. The second section has reports of research undertaken by Indonesian institutions. Of particular interest are the reports of a Bogor Agricultural University project established in 1977 to do long term social-economic monitoring of the two transmigration settlements of Batu Marta, South Sumatra, and Way Abung, North Lampung. The third section has reports from projects undertaken by a foreign government, the fourth section has reports from projects and research undertaken by international institutions., and the finalsection contains reports by research institutions outside Indonesia.

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