- Subseries
- 1970 - 2001
The files in this sub-series, compiled by the Directors of OED (OEDDR), outline the policies and procedures affecting OED programs and work products. Included in the first segment (1970 - 1994) are files concerning: the Project Completion Report / Project Performance Audit Report (PCR/PPAR) evaluation system and the pass-through procedures for PCRs that began in 1982; the dissemination and use of OED findings; the various revisions of the Procedural Guidelines for Operations Evaluation Staff and of the chapters in the Operational Manual regarding Project Completion Report / Implementation Completion Report (PCR/ICR) guidelines and project supervision in the Bank; the development and use of the Project Information Form (PIF); the development of OED's evaluation seminars; and the role of environmental issues in Bank evaluations. One file (Lessons Learnt from Project Performance Audit Reports - Agriculture) contains the OEDDR's copies of memoranda dated December 1980 to July 1986 from the Assistant Director ofthe Agriculture and Rural Development Department (AGR) to AGR division chiefs outlining the lessons learned from reviews of Agricultural PCRs and PPARs. Another file (Operations Evaluation Department - General) contains copies of key documents in the history of OED from 1970 to 1988.
Much of the second segment (1985 - 2001) contains documentation regarding the Bankwide ICR Process Review Working Group which was co-chaired by OED Director Elizabeth McCallister and was established in December 1997 to make the ICR process more efficient, effective, and timely. The records for the working group include agenda and minutes of meetings, various drafts of the group's final report, comments on the drafts, and intra-OED correspondence on the workings of the group. Other files contain: correspondence concerning changes in the PIF and instructions for completing the form; intra-OED correspondence regarding the discrepancy between OED and Regional project ratings (PPAR-Project Ratings); internal OED e-mail discussions of the ICR review process and the development of the ICR Evaluation Summary form; intra-OED correspondence regarding specific ICR reviews; draft ICR guidelines and comments on them; revisions to the OED handbook, Procedural Guidelines for Operations Evaluation Staff (Guidelines - Amendments); the drafts of a style manual standardizing the format for OED reports; and a proposal for dealing with the workflow problems associated with ICR bunching, i.e. the receipt of the majority of ICRs during the months of May, June, and July. Filed under PPAR - General is a copy of July 1995 Performance Audit Guidance, which was prepared by the OED Audit Guidance Working Group in 1995.