Showing 1-50 of 4753 results


29 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Functional Railway Cost Accounting and Statistical System for Traffic and Managerial Control - July 31, 1970
Functional Railway Cost Accounting and Statistical System for Traffic and Managerial Control - July 31, 1970
Capacity of a Single Railway Line - June 1970 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Capacity of a Single Railway Line - June 1970 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - Appendices - August 30, 1971
The Future Market for Tankers with Special Emphasis on Ships between 70,000 and 80,000 T.DW - Project 1250 - Appendices - August 30, 1971
The Urbanization Problem in the Less Developed Countries - Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications for the Bank Group - R.M. Westebbe - Draft - April 6, 1970
The Urbanization Problem in the Less Developed Countries - Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications for the Bank Group - R.M. Westebbe - Draft - April 6, 1970
Migration to Urban Areas - Economic Staff Working Paper 107 - Pamela H. Brigg - June 15, 1971 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
Migration to Urban Areas - Economic Staff Working Paper 107 - Pamela H. Brigg - June 15, 1971 - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - International Development Association
Legal Documents - Exhibit 10 - 1970 Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Legal Documents - Exhibit 10 - 1970 Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Annual Report - 1971 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Annual Report - 1971 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Agricultural and Economic Development in the Lowland Tropics - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Agricultural and Economic Development in the Lowland Tropics - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Annual Report - 1969 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Annual Report - 1969 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
A Proposal for the Improvement and Development of Field Beans and Soybeans - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
A Proposal for the Improvement and Development of Field Beans and Soybeans - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources - Annual Report 1974 - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources - Annual Report 1974 - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - Decree of 1967 - Supplement to Official Gazette Number 64, Volume 54 - July 27, 1967 - Part A
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - Decree of 1967 - Supplement to Official Gazette Number 64, Volume 54 - July 27, 1967 - Part A
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees - July 1968
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees - July 1968
Proposed Budget - 1971 - Revised September 10, 1970 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Proposed Budget - 1971 - Revised September 10, 1970 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical [CIAT]
Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Board of Directors - September 9 - 10, 1970 - Report of the Program Committee - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo
Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Board of Directors - September 9 - 10, 1970 - Report of the Program Committee - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo
International Institue of Tropical Agriculture - 1971 Report
International Institue of Tropical Agriculture - 1971 Report
A Five Year Plan for Cotton Research and Development - August 1970 - International Institute for Cotton Technical Research Division
A Five Year Plan for Cotton Research and Development - August 1970 - International Institute for Cotton Technical Research Division
Hydro Assessment - RAF / 87 / 030 - Summary of Project Proposals and Tablets
Hydro Assessment - RAF / 87 / 030 - Summary of Project Proposals and Tablets
Metric Guide for Forestry - A Guide to the Introduction of the Metric System in British Forestry - 1969 - Forestry Commission Booklet Number 27 - London - Her Majesty's Stationery Office
Metric Guide for Forestry - A Guide to the Introduction of the Metric System in British Forestry - 1969 - Forestry Commission Booklet Number 27 - London - Her Majesty's Stationery Office
Forestry Needs Technology
Forestry Needs Technology
Tropical Forestry Action Plan - Recent Developments and Netherlands Involvement - Herman Savenije - Document 11 - 1990
Tropical Forestry Action Plan - Recent Developments and Netherlands Involvement - Herman Savenije - Document 11 - 1990
Cross River National Park Oban Division - Plan for Developing the Park and its Support Zone - November 23, 1989 - World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF] and the Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute [ODNRI]
Cross River National Park Oban Division - Plan for Developing the Park and its Support Zone - November 23, 1989 - World Wide Fund for Nature [WWF] and the Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute [ODNRI]
Facts and Comments on Deforestation - Tropical Forestry Action Plan - R.M. Keogh
Facts and Comments on Deforestation - Tropical Forestry Action Plan - R.M. Keogh
The Tropical Forestry Action Plan - What Progress - Marcus Colchester and Larry Lohmann - 1990
The Tropical Forestry Action Plan - What Progress - Marcus Colchester and Larry Lohmann - 1990
Brief Descriptions of Some Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs for Agroforestry - Appendix - 1989 - Bashir Jama and P.K.R. Nair
Brief Descriptions of Some Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs for Agroforestry - Appendix - 1989 - Bashir Jama and P.K.R. Nair
Environmental Guidelines for Forestry Projects - May 1990 - Non Traditional Business (Forestry) -...
Environmental Guidelines for Forestry Projects - May 1990 - Non Traditional Business (Forestry) - 2 Copies
The Role of Forestry in Sustainable Development of Dryland Regions - Training Manual - Forestry for Sustainable Development - May 13 - 25, 1989
The Role of Forestry in Sustainable Development of Dryland Regions - Training Manual - Forestry for Sustainable Development - May 13 - 25, 1989
Plantation Forestry in the Tropics - Julian Evans - 1982
Plantation Forestry in the Tropics - Julian Evans - 1982
Working Papers - Internation Economics Department - The World Bank - September 1989 - WPS 265 - Do African countries pay More for Imports - Yes - Alexander J. Yeats
Working Papers - Internation Economics Department - The World Bank - September 1989 - WPS 265 - Do African countries pay More for Imports - Yes - Alexander J. Yeats
Papua New Guinea - The Forestry Sector - A Tropical Forestry Action Plan Review - February 1, 1990
Papua New Guinea - The Forestry Sector - A Tropical Forestry Action Plan Review - February 1, 1990
Land Tenure Systems and Social Implications of Forestry Development Programs - World Bank Staff Working Paper - March 1981 - Prepared by Michael M. Cernea
Land Tenure Systems and Social Implications of Forestry Development Programs - World Bank Staff Working Paper - March 1981 - Prepared by Michael M. Cernea
Forestry Development - A Review of Bank Experience - Volume 2 - Annexes - March 12, 1991
Forestry Development - A Review of Bank Experience - Volume 2 - Annexes - March 12, 1991
Environmental Program for the Mediterranean - Environmental Priorities for Sustainable Development - Managing a Shared Heritage and a Common Resource - August 31, 1989 - The World Bank - The European Investment Bank
Environmental Program for the Mediterranean - Environmental Priorities for Sustainable Development - Managing a Shared Heritage and a Common Resource - August 31, 1989 - The World Bank - The European Investment Bank
Draft - National Social Forestry Project - Mid Term Review - June 6, 1988
Draft - National Social Forestry Project - Mid Term Review - June 6, 1988
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Credit of SDR Million to the Republic of Sudan for a Forestry Resource Conservation Project - May 30, 1989 - Report Number
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Credit of SDR Million to the Republic of Sudan for a Forestry Resource Conservation Project - May 30, 1989 - Report Number
Staff Appraisal Report - Republic of Sudan - Forestry Resource Conservation Project - May 30, 1989 - Report Number 7457-SU
Staff Appraisal Report - Republic of Sudan - Forestry Resource Conservation Project - May 30, 1989 - Report Number 7457-SU
Project Agreement - Forestry Resource Conservation Project - between International Development Association and Forests National Corporation - 1989
Project Agreement - Forestry Resource Conservation Project - between International Development Association and Forests National Corporation - 1989
Development Credit Agreement - Forestry Resource Conservation Project - between The Republic of Sudan and International Development Association - 1989
Development Credit Agreement - Forestry Resource Conservation Project - between The Republic of Sudan and International Development Association - 1989
Environmental Program for the Mediterranean - The World Bank - The European Investment Bank - Working Paper 2 - Natural Resource Management
Environmental Program for the Mediterranean - The World Bank - The European Investment Bank - Working Paper 2 - Natural Resource Management
Background Papers - The Long Term Perspective Study of Sub Saharan Africa - Volume 4 - Proceedings of a Workshop on Regional Integration and Cooperation
Background Papers - The Long Term Perspective Study of Sub Saharan Africa - Volume 4 - Proceedings of a Workshop on Regional Integration and Cooperation
Background Papers - The Long Term Perspective Study of Sub Saharan Africa - Volume 2 - Economic and Sectoral Policy Issues
Background Papers - The Long Term Perspective Study of Sub Saharan Africa - Volume 2 - Economic and Sectoral Policy Issues
Background Papers - The Long Term Perspective Study of Sub Saharan Africa - Volume 3 - Institutional and Sociopolitical Issues
Background Papers - The Long Term Perspective Study of Sub Saharan Africa - Volume 3 - Institutional and Sociopolitical Issues
Fast-Growing Trees in Social Forestry Programmes with Proposals for Guidelines in Preparing Projects - August 9, 1988 - P G Adlard
Fast-Growing Trees in Social Forestry Programmes with Proposals for Guidelines in Preparing Projects - August 9, 1988 - P G Adlard
IUFRO Information Service for Development Countries - Number 90/2 - Selected from Forestry Abstracts and Forest Products Abstracts and Reproduced by Gracious Authorization of CAB International
IUFRO Information Service for Development Countries - Number 90/2 - Selected from Forestry Abstracts and Forest Products Abstracts and Reproduced by Gracious Authorization of CAB International
Tropical Forest Action Plan - Challenges Facing Tropical Forest Action Plan and Opportunities for Enhanced Commonwealth Involvement - September 1989 - R.D.H. Rowe
Tropical Forest Action Plan - Challenges Facing Tropical Forest Action Plan and Opportunities for Enhanced Commonwealth Involvement - September 1989 - R.D.H. Rowe
Sustainability Issues in Agricultural Development - Proceedings of the Seventh Agriculture Sector Symposium - Ted J. Davis and Isabelle A. Schirmer
Sustainability Issues in Agricultural Development - Proceedings of the Seventh Agriculture Sector Symposium - Ted J. Davis and Isabelle A. Schirmer
Demand of Technology Research in Irrigation and Drainage in China - Annex 3
Demand of Technology Research in Irrigation and Drainage in China - Annex 3
Irrigation and Drainage Research - A Proposal for an Internationally-Supported Program to Enhance Research on Irrigation and Drainage Technology in Developing Countries - The World Bank / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Irrigation and Drainage Research - A Proposal for an Internationally-Supported Program to Enhance Research on Irrigation and Drainage Technology in Developing Countries - The World Bank / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Research Activities in Irrigation and Drainage in the People's Republic of China - June 28, 1989 - Agriculture and Production Services Division and Agriculture and Rural Development Department
Research Activities in Irrigation and Drainage in the People's Republic of China - June 28, 1989 - Agriculture and Production Services Division and Agriculture and Rural Development Department
Resultaten 1 tot 50 van 4753