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Press Releases - Photographs - Correspondence
Press Releases - Photographs - Correspondence
World Bank Films - Development is People - Ekta - B Roll - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Ekta - B Roll - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Ekta - A Roll - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Ekta - A Roll - Reel
World Bank Films - World Bank - Reel
World Bank Films - World Bank - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - S/T - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - S/T - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 2 - Sound - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 2 - Sound - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 1 - Sound - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 1 - Sound - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 4 - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 4 - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 3 - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Part 3 - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Punched Paper Tape
World Bank Films - Development is People - Punched Paper Tape
World Bank Films - Development is People - S/T - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - S/T - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Color - I/N - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Color - I/N - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Spanish - S/T - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Spanish - S/T - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Spanish - Color - I/N - Reel
World Bank Films - Development is People - Spanish - Color - I/N - Reel
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/86 - Agreement between Government of Norway and World Bank - Remarks by J Burke Knapp, Senior Vice President of World Bank and Soren Christian Somerfelt, Abassador of Norway to the United States - December 20, 1973 - English
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/86 - Agreement between Government of Norway and World Bank - Remarks by J Burke Knapp, Senior Vice President of World Bank and Soren Christian Somerfelt, Abassador of Norway to the United States - December 20, 1973 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/16 - Garry Lightowler announcing a 35 Million Dolar Loan for Agriculture in Israel - March 27, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/16 - Garry Lightowler announcing a 35 Million Dolar Loan for Agriculture in Israel - March 27, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/15 - Interview with Aron Broches, General Counsel of World Bank and Secretary General of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes - March 25, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/15 - Interview with Aron Broches, General Counsel of World Bank and Secretary General of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes - March 25, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/14 - Mohamed Hakki announcing a 63 Milion Dollar Loan and 10 Million Dolar Credit for Balikh Irrigation Project in Syria - March 22, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/14 - Mohamed Hakki announcing a 63 Milion Dollar Loan and 10 Million Dolar Credit for Balikh Irrigation Project in Syria - March 22, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/13 - Population and World Bank - Interview with Ishrat Husain of Population and Nutriton Projects Department of World Bank on Activities of World Bank in the Population Sector - March 14, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/13 - Population and World Bank - Interview with Ishrat Husain of Population and Nutriton Projects Department of World Bank on Activities of World Bank in the Population Sector - March 14, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/12 - Signing of Two Credits totalling 8.55 Million Dollars for the Sana'a Water Supply Project and Industrial Estate Project by Mohamed Hakki - March 4, 1974 - Arabic
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/12 - Signing of Two Credits totalling 8.55 Million Dollars for the Sana'a Water Supply Project and Industrial Estate Project by Mohamed Hakki - March 4, 1974 - Arabic
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/11 - Presentation de l 'Atlas Mondial Edition 1973 - March 4, 1974 - French
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/11 - Presentation de l 'Atlas Mondial Edition 1973 - March 4, 1974 - French
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/10 - Announcement of a New Issue of World Bank Atlas - February 26, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/10 - Announcement of a New Issue of World Bank Atlas - February 26, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/9 - Interview by Garry Lightowler with Paul Danquah regarding Two Loans to Yugoslavia by World Bank - February 22, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/9 - Interview by Garry Lightowler with Paul Danquah regarding Two Loans to Yugoslavia by World Bank - February 22, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/8 - Dos Prestamos a Mexico por 124 Million US Dolars para Riego en Sinaloa y la Cuenca del Panuco un Anuncio de Jorge Bravo - February 14, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/8 - Dos Prestamos a Mexico por 124 Million US Dolars para Riego en Sinaloa y la Cuenca del Panuco un Anuncio de Jorge Bravo - February 14, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/7 - Interview with Dennis Garff of Western Africa Regional Ofice of World Bank on Onchocerciasis (River Blindness Disease) - February 13, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/7 - Interview with Dennis Garff of Western Africa Regional Ofice of World Bank on Onchocerciasis (River Blindness Disease) - February 13, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/6 - Aparecio 8a Edicion del Atlas del Banco Mundial un Anuncio del Jorge Bravo - February 12, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/6 - Aparecio 8a Edicion del Atlas del Banco Mundial un Anuncio del Jorge Bravo - February 12, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/5 - Prestamo de 90 Million US Dolars a Mexico para Carreteras un Anuncio de Jorge Bravo - February 12, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/5 - Prestamo de 90 Million US Dolars a Mexico para Carreteras un Anuncio de Jorge Bravo - February 12, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/4 - Announcement of a 50 Million Dolar Credit for an Imports Program in Bangladesh - February 4, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/4 - Announcement of a 50 Million Dolar Credit for an Imports Program in Bangladesh - February 4, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/3 - Anuncio Credito de la Asociacion Internacional de Fomento a Bolivia por 6.2 Million US Dollars en Apoyo de un Programa de Credito Minero - January 15, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/3 - Anuncio Credito de la Asociacion Internacional de Fomento a Bolivia por 6.2 Million US Dollars en Apoyo de un Programa de Credito Minero - January 15, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/2 - Annucio Prestamo de 22 Million US Doll ars del Banco Mundial a Venezuela para un Programa de Credito Agricola - January 10, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/2 - Annucio Prestamo de 22 Million US Doll ars del Banco Mundial a Venezuela para un Programa de Credito Agricola - January 10, 1974 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/1 - Announcement of a 14 Million Dollar Loan to Cyprus for Irrigation - January 8, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 74/SR/1 - Announcement of a 14 Million Dollar Loan to Cyprus for Irrigation - January 8, 1974 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/34 - Akin Fatoyinbo Interview with Professor Rweyeoram - September 30, 1977
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/34 - Akin Fatoyinbo Interview with Professor Rweyeoram - September 30, 1977
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/33 - Round table Discussion with Minister of Finance, Marcel Yondo, Cameroon, Journalist for Fraternite Matin, Do Rego, Ivory Coast, Hashim El Tinay and Akin Fatoyinbo - September 30, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/33 - Round table Discussion with Minister of Finance, Marcel Yondo, Cameroon, Journalist for Fraternite Matin, Do Rego, Ivory Coast, Hashim El Tinay and Akin Fatoyinbo - September 30, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/37 - Peter Chatenay with Robert McNamara's Airport Statement in Senegal - October 28, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/37 - Peter Chatenay with Robert McNamara's Airport Statement in Senegal - October 28, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/36 - Peter Chatenay with Robert McNamaras Airport Statement in Ivory Coast - October 28, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/36 - Peter Chatenay with Robert McNamaras Airport Statement in Ivory Coast - October 28, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/35 - Peter Chatenay with Robert McNamaras Airport Statement in Guinea - October 28, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/35 - Peter Chatenay with Robert McNamaras Airport Statement in Guinea - October 28, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/32 - One Billion People - Special Report from 32nd Annual Meetings of World Bank and International Monetary Fund in 1977 - Interview by Paul Danquah with Robert S McNamara, A Abdallah, Jose Martinez de Hoz, A G N Kazi
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/32 - One Billion People - Special Report from 32nd Annual Meetings of World Bank and International Monetary Fund in 1977 - Interview by Paul Danquah with Robert S McNamara, A Abdallah, Jose Martinez de Hoz, A G N Kazi
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/31 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with Osman Hashim Abdel Salam, Minister of State for Finance and National Economy and Governor
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/31 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with Osman Hashim Abdel Salam, Minister of State for Finance and National Economy and Governor
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/30 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with Minister of Economy, Jose de Hoz, Argentina - September 30, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/30 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with Minister of Economy, Jose de Hoz, Argentina - September 30, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/29 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Development, P S Preston, United Kingdom - September 29
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/29 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Development, P S Preston, United Kingdom - September 29
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/28 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with A Abdallah, Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Kenya - September 28, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/28 - 1977 Annual Meetings of Boards of Governors of International Monetary Fund and World Bank - Interview by Paul Danquah with A Abdallah, Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Kenya - September 28, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/27 - Pre Enregistrement par Robert McNamara, President de la Banque Mondiale Extrait de son Discours qui sera Prononce a l 'Assemblee Annuelle des Gouverneurs de la Banque Mondiale - September 9, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/27 - Pre Enregistrement par Robert McNamara, President de la Banque Mondiale Extrait de son Discours qui sera Prononce a l 'Assemblee Annuelle des Gouverneurs de la Banque Mondiale - September 9, 1977 - French
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/26 - Puntos Salientes del Discurso de Robert McNamara, Presidente del Banco Mundial en la Reunion Anual de la Junta de Gobernadores del Banco en Washington D C - September 8, 1977 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/26 - Puntos Salientes del Discurso de Robert McNamara, Presidente del Banco Mundial en la Reunion Anual de la Junta de Gobernadores del Banco en Washington D C - September 8, 1977 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/25 - Pre Recording by Robert McNamara, President of World Bank of Excerpts of his Speech being made to the Annual Meeting of Governors of World Bank in Washington DC on September 26, 1977 - September 7, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/25 - Pre Recording by Robert McNamara, President of World Bank of Excerpts of his Speech being made to the Annual Meeting of Governors of World Bank in Washington DC on September 26, 1977 - September 7, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/24 - World Bank's Lending for Development Reaches Record Level during the Past Year - Paul Danquah, Maria del Solar - August 30, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/24 - World Bank's Lending for Development Reaches Record Level during the Past Year - Paul Danquah, Maria del Solar - August 30, 1977 - English
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/23 - Informe Especial Informe Anual del Banco Mundial Destaca Mejoramiento de Situacion Economica de America Latina y el Caribe en 1976 - Fecha August 29, 1977 - Embargo September 19, 1977 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 77/SR/23 - Informe Especial Informe Anual del Banco Mundial Destaca Mejoramiento de Situacion Economica de America Latina y el Caribe en 1976 - Fecha August 29, 1977 - Embargo September 19, 1977 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/23 - Interview with Irving S Friedman, Economic Executive of World Bank and Vice President of Society for International Development by Thomas Blinkhorn - April 19, 1973 - English
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/23 - Interview with Irving S Friedman, Economic Executive of World Bank and Vice President of Society for International Development by Thomas Blinkhorn - April 19, 1973 - English
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/33 - Papa Nalla Fall comenting on a 6.7 Million Dollar International Development Association Credit for a Transportation Project in Mali - May 24, 1973 - French
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/33 - Papa Nalla Fall comenting on a 6.7 Million Dollar International Development Association Credit for a Transportation Project in Mali - May 24, 1973 - French
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/32 - Anuncio sobre Curso de Proyectos Agricolas por Jorge Bravo - May 21, 1973 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/32 - Anuncio sobre Curso de Proyectos Agricolas por Jorge Bravo - May 21, 1973 - Spanish
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/31 - Garry Lightowler reporting on the Signing of Joint Financing between Sweden and International Development Association for Foodgrain Storage Project in Bangladesh - Sweden providing Equivalent of 5.53 Million Dollars
Special Report - Tape 73/SR/31 - Garry Lightowler reporting on the Signing of Joint Financing between Sweden and International Development Association for Foodgrain Storage Project in Bangladesh - Sweden providing Equivalent of 5.53 Million Dollars
Résultats 1 à 50 sur 4753