Tara Pump Performance Monitoring - Terminal Report - June 1991 - Department of Public Health Engineering - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Regional Water and Sanitation Group - South Asia
Fibre Reinforced Plastic System for Water Cisterns and Latrines - Phase 2 Addendum - TNO Report 3273/93 - Ing. G. Hamm - TNO Industrial Research - TNO Plastics and Rubber Research Institute
Technology for the Use of Natural Fibers with a Water Soluble Resin and Inflatable Molds - Final Project Report - Internal Report - May 15, 1993 - A Collaborative Project between UNICEF and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water
Internal Review and Mini Workshop Report on Workplan 1994 of Danida Assisted DPHE Hand Pump Training and Monitoring Project at Rajshahi - February 7-11, 1994 - Organized by Department of Public Health Engineering with the Technical and Management
Environmental Input - Manual on Pour-Flush Latrines in India - September 1993 - Prepared for United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank by Water and Earth Science Associates Limited
Rural Water Supply Privatization - A Successful Commercial Approach - Cost Comparison of Handpump Components - The West African Experience - February 1994 - Company Profile - Paper Presented at the Water Africa 1994 Conference - Accra, Ghana - May 1994
Technology Promotion within the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program and Technical Assistance to Regional Water and Sanitation Groups - Project Document - August 1994
Greater Mekong Regional Program - Annual Report on Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - East Asia and Pacific [EAP] Support Inputs to Lao People's Democratic Republic [PDR] and Cambodia Plus Regional Networking - Draft - January 1999 - Vientane and Phnom
Hygiene Education for Water and Sanitation - Consultancy Report - Development of a National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education Programme for the 21st Century - Della Dash - August 1998 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], AusAID
Third Global Forum - People and Water - Partners for Life - Meeting Report - Draft - January 1996 - Third Meeting of the Collaborative Council - Barbados Water Authority - Government of Barbados
Institutional and Management Options [IMO] Working Group of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council - Report for Consideration at the Barbados Meeting of the Council - October 30 - November 3, 1995 - Volume 2 - Main Report - Draft
Water and Environmental Sanitation - Improved Programming through Communication, Mobilization, Participation - A Programme Approach on a New Footing - Draft - May 1995 - The Hague
Water and Sanitation in the Caribbean - Arthur B. Archer - Draft - Water and Sanitation Collaborative Council - Third Global Forum - Barbados - October 30 - November 3, 1995
Fiber Reinforced Plastic System for Water Cisterns and Latrines - Phase 1 - TNO Report 108/92 - Ing. G. Hamm, A.S. Verheus, Ing. V.L. Vlasblom - July 9, 1992
Decentralization of the Rural Water and Sanitation Programme in Zimbabwe - A.C. Mpamhanga - Barbados - West Indies - October 30 - November 3, 1995 - Government of Zimbabwe - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
Water Supply for a Rapidly Growing Population - Taking a Resource Base Approach - Malin Falkenmark - Draft - The Third Collaborative Council Forum - Barbados - October 30 - November 3, 1995 - Keynote Paper
Operation and Maintenance in Water Supply and Sanitation - Report for Consideration at the Barbados Meeting of the Council - October 30 - November 3, 1995 - Volume 1 - Executive Summary - Draft
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council - Mandated Activity on Communication and Information - Executive Summary - October 29 - November 3, 1995 - Draft
Water Supply and Sanitation in Central and East European Countries, New Independent States and Mongolia - Concise Country Issue Papers - Draft Final Report - October 1995 - Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council