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Records of the Energy Sector

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Records of the Energy Sector

  • Archief
  • 1958 - 2013 (predominant 1980 - 2002)

The fonds contains records created and received between 1958 and 2013 beginning from the Public Utilities Department and several successors through the Sustainable Energy Department (SEG). Records document the energy units' functional responsibilities including support to operational projects carried out by regional units, formulation of policy, preparation of research studies and publications, organization and participation in knowledge and learning events, liaison with external partners, and program collaboration across the energy sector. A large portion of records reflect the department's function as administrators of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) established in 1983 and ESMAP's precursor technical assistance program, the Energy Assessment Program (EAP) created in 1980 in response to the global energy crises of the 1970s.

While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the energy sector that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. See the arrangement note below for more information about the centralized files. The sector's rapid rate of growth and frequent organizational changes between the late 1970s until the mid-2000s are reflected in the various record-creating units in this fonds, their changes in names and reporting structure, and different filing systems. Primary sector functions however, as mentioned above, remained consistent over time.

The earliest records in the fonds, dating from 1958 to the late 1960s, are externally produced maps and reports that were used as reference for projects. The fonds also contains earlier records maintained by Assistant Director Efrain Friedmann that represent the department's energy sector work in the 1970s and cover discussion of nuclear power and energy conservation. Records are, however, predominantly from between 1980 and 2002.

Records in the fonds cover a broad range of subsectors and topics under energy development, including: electric power; fuel sources and technologies and hydrocarbons, such as coal, oil, natural gas; renewable and non-conventional energy sources, such as photovoltaic cells, solar power, hydropower, wind power, thermal power, and biomass; environmental issues and assessments; climate change; power systems and energy efficiency; gas trading; electricity supply and grid extension; rural electrification; power sector rehabilitation and institutional restructuring of power utilities; legislation and market forces; and competition and regulatory policy.

Mining sector records are also represented in the fonds, to a lesser extent. Although mining was originally situated within the industry sector in the Bank's organizational structure, the mining and oil and gas units coexisted under the same departments from 1982 until their merger into the Oil, Gas, Mining Division, Sustainable Energy Department (SEGOM) in 2010. Records related to the mining sector primarily cover the period from the 1990s to 2013, although there is some earlier material dating from the early 1980s. See the arrangement note for more information.

Zonder titel

UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Programs management and donor coordination

  • Reeks
  • 1981 - 2005 (predominant 1983 - 1997)

Series consists of records related to the management of the joint United Nations Development Programme / World Bank Energy Sector Assessment Program (EAP) and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The Bank's Energy Department (EGY) was the executing agency of both the EAP technical assistance program (in existence from 1980 to 1987) and ESMAP, created in April 1983 as a companion to EAP to follow up on energy assessments. Records in the series were created by the Office of the Energy Director (EGYDR) and Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR), positions that were merged after the January 1993 reorganization. Records in the series were also maintained by EGY divisions and successor units. The body of records reflects liaison activities with EAP and ESMAP cosponsor UNDP, organization of ESMAP donor annual meetings, donor coordination, fundraising, and ESMAP governance.

Donor coordination

A substantial portion of records in the series concerns relations with donors, financial contributions, and cofinancing (1981 - 1997) for EAP and ESMAP activities. Donor files represent the energy units' liaison with government development agencies of Australia, Austria, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States. Multilateral donor coordination files include African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Commission of European Communities (EEC), International Labor Organization, and Nordic Development Bank. A small set of records (1994 - 2005) related to the management of ESMAP trust funds indicate the trust fund number and/or Bank project number and are organized by government donor, then name of the specific ESMAP project financed.

Internal memoranda are primarily between the Bank's energy divisions (Energy Strategy and Pre-Investment Division II [EGYS2], successor Energy Efficiency and Strategy Unit [IENEE] and others) and include Terms of Reference (TORs) and back-to-office reports (BTORs) of donor visits and consultations, summaries of meetings, discussions about financing and cofinancing, funding allotments, proposals for activities, eligible countries for cofinancing, and other matters. Letters and cables between EGY and donors communicate contribution amounts, lists of activities financed or cofinanced, special assignment agreements, recruitment of staff and consultants, and other administrative matters. Other records are occasionally attached to the correspondence including: ESMAP project reports such as Activity Initiation Briefs (AIBs), assessment aide-memoires, financial data tables, project proposals, meeting agenda, Memorandum of Understanding and Letter of Agreement drafts or copies, externally printed material of donor organizations, and reports dating from 1981.

There are also several general donor files (1983 - 1992) and individual files regarding cofinancing (1983 - 1987), Consultants Trust Funds Program (1990 - 1991), ESMAP Financial Committee (1992), Energy Education Donors Conference in Cote d'Ivoire (1990) and Energy Research Donors Meeting (1990).

Liaison and coordination with UNDP

Records in the series also reflect coordination with EAP and ESMAP cosponsor, UNDP through the UNDP Division for Global and Interregional Projects and UNDP regional offices (1984 - 1996). Letters and facsimiles between UNDP and the Energy Assessment Division (EGYEA), later Office of the ESMAP Manager (ESMMR) and other successors, cover various management issues of the joint energy programs, such as the distribution of reports, recruitment of personnel, work program and financial support of ESMAP activities, ESMAP country studies, discussion of bilateral donor contributions, and support of the ESMAP governance bodies. Internal memoranda include summaries of meetings and joint UNDP and donor meetings, BTORs, and ex-post evaluation. Records filed with the correspondence are project proposals and reports, task descriptions, draft MOUs, financial reports, and other items.

Annual ESMAPmeeting coordination

Records also relate to the organization of ESMAP annual consultative meetings (1987 - 1991) that were mostly created by the Energy Strategy, Management and Assessment Division, Industry and Energy Department (IENES) donor relations manager and IEN Director's Office. Included are: draft and final summary of proceedings sent by the director to IEN staff; statements by IEN and UNDP directors; transcripts and aide-memoires for certain meetings; invitations and post-meeting follow up letters to donors and recipient representatives sent by the IEN director; letters, facsimiles, telexes regarding responses of invitees and administrative arrangements for meetings; provisional and final list of participants and agenda; background discussion reports (some authored by UNDP); and internal memoranda in the form of BTORs outlining donor relations manager and IEN senior management missions to ESMAP donor countries and multilateral donors. Other memoranda from IENES donor relations manager to IEN divisions and UNDP outline discussions with donors and multilateral meetings.

The series also contains records related to the ESMAP in the Nineties Commission set up in 1990 and the subsequent formation of a structured governance body in the form of the ESMAP Consultative Group (CG) and the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in 1991. Files include agenda and minutes of the first meeting of the commission in May 1990 as well as position papers, background material on work program and donors, proposal for the committee, and internal memoranda. Memoranda concerns internal and external peer review, nominations of the Natural Gas Development Unit (IENGU) chief for individuals to serve on the panel, notes for a second commission meeting prepared by IENEE, and meeting preparations.

ESMAP governance relations

ESMAP CG and TAG meeting records were maintained by the executive secretary for the ESMAP secretariat, former donor relations manager, until around 1992 when the executive secretary position was eliminated. They were also kept by ESMAP manager and IEN Office of the Director. CG records (1991 - 1996) include letters of invitation from CG Chair and Vice President V. Rajagopalan and responses with discussion of agenda, reports distributed for meetings, agenda, list of participants, minutes, transcripts, and communiques distributed to ESMAP staff. Technical Advisory Group records (1991 - 1992) relate to planning the inaugural TAG meeting in July 1991 and subsequent meetings and contain draft and final Terms of Referencefor TAG, list of members, agenda, position descriptions, a briefing note on the genesis of ESMAP, and letters from the CG Chair, FDPVP to TAG members with attached meeting documents and pre-meeting notes, and letters from ESMAP Manager, later IEN Director Richard D. Stern regarding involvement in ESMAP activities. Internal memoranda, mostly between Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPD) and IEN, covers topics such as the status of implementation of the commission's recommendations, meeting arrangements, and TAG membership with attached biographical notes and curriculum vitae.

Reports and other program management records

The series also contains a set of ESMAP Annual Reports (1987 - 1997), audit report with related correspondence (1992), evaluation report jointly authored by the governments of Canada and the Netherlands (1988), commission report on ESMAP (1990), and periodic Information and Status Reports (1987 - 1990) that describe current and prospective activities and priorities and provide statistical data.

The series also contains a set of various reports (1984 - 2002) likely collected for reference, including: proceedings and reports of ESMAP workshops and seminars and jointly organized workshops between ESMAP, sector and regional units; final and draft ESMAP country proposal numbered reports; ESMAP technical working papers; Energy Development Information Note reports; Board reports; regional sector unit reports; internal discussion papers on financial and trust fund matters; meeting files; external reports; and reprint of the 1960 International Development Association (IDA) Articles of the Agreement.

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