Showing 6501-6550 of 6628 results

Records of the Energy Sector Dossier

50 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Consultant Records : Research on Electric Power Utility Efficiency - Situation du Secteur de l'Electricite (Central African Republic) - Pierre Ander Dutoit - 1v
Consultant Records : Research on Electric Power Utility Efficiency - Situation du Secteur de l'Electricite (Central African Republic) - Pierre Ander Dutoit - 1v
Consultant Records - Research on EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - DECON - 1v
Consultant Records - Research on EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - DECON - 1v
Consultant Records - Research on Electric Power Utility Eficiency - Enquette Sur les Performances des Centrales Thermiques Diesel (Republic de Guineee) - DECON - 1v
Consultant Records - Research on Electric Power Utility Eficiency - Enquette Sur les Performances des Centrales Thermiques Diesel (Republic de Guineee) - DECON - 1v
Consultant Records : Research on Electric Power Utility Efficiency - Efficiency Mesures for Diesel Electric Power Plants - W. E. Diewert - 1v
Consultant Records : Research on Electric Power Utility Efficiency - Efficiency Mesures for Diesel Electric Power Plants - W. E. Diewert - 1v
ESMAP Consultant Records : Estudio de Lineamientos de Estrategia a Cortoy Mediano Plazo para el Sector Energetico - Peru - 1v
ESMAP Consultant Records : Estudio de Lineamientos de Estrategia a Cortoy Mediano Plazo para el Sector Energetico - Peru - 1v
ESMAP Consultant Records - Proyecto Conservacion y Sustitucion de Energia - CEENERGIA - 1v
ESMAP Consultant Records - Proyecto Conservacion y Sustitucion de Energia - CEENERGIA - 1v
Reference Material for EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - Update 3 - 1991 - 1v
Reference Material for EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - Update 3 - 1991 - 1v
Reference Materials on Donors - EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - Multi - Agency Working Group on Power Sector Innovation (MAGPI) - 1v
Reference Materials on Donors - EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - Multi - Agency Working Group on Power Sector Innovation (MAGPI) - 1v
Reference Materials on Donors - EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - World Health Organization (WHO) - 1v
Reference Materials on Donors - EPUES - Electric Power Utility Efficiency Study - World Health Organization (WHO) - 1v
Research Material on Rural Development - Russian Studies - (Kubota) - 1v
Research Material on Rural Development - Russian Studies - (Kubota) - 1v
Publications - General - 1v
Publications - General - 1v
Publications - Population Growth and Household Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa - 1v
Publications - Population Growth and Household Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa - 1v
Publications - Environmental and Ecological Considerations in Land Transport: A Resource Guide - 1v
Publications - Environmental and Ecological Considerations in Land Transport: A Resource Guide - 1v
Publications: Rural Energy - Electricity for Rural People, by Gerald Foley - 1v
Publications: Rural Energy - Electricity for Rural People, by Gerald Foley - 1v
Press Reports on Gas Unit (IENGU) - 1v
Press Reports on Gas Unit (IENGU) - 1v
Press - General - 1v
Press - General - 1v
Proved Natural Gas Reserves - 1v
Proved Natural Gas Reserves - 1v
Promoting Natural Gas as a Clean Fuel - 1v
Promoting Natural Gas as a Clean Fuel - 1v
Press - Energy - 1v
Press - Energy - 1v
Africa Energy and Mining - Natural Gas Promotion - 1v
Africa Energy and Mining - Natural Gas Promotion - 1v
Rebuilding Eastern Europe - 1v
Rebuilding Eastern Europe - 1v
Development Business - Developing Countries Plan Major Expansions for the 1990's - 1v
Development Business - Developing Countries Plan Major Expansions for the 1990's - 1v
Economic Times: Gas is the Only Option - 1v
Economic Times: Gas is the Only Option - 1v
Financial Time: Confidence is Rising - 1v
Financial Time: Confidence is Rising - 1v
FT International Gas Report: World Bank to spend $ 5 millions on Gas Studies in 1990 - 1v
FT International Gas Report: World Bank to spend $ 5 millions on Gas Studies in 1990 - 1v
Herald Tribune: Soviet Oil Sets Up Freedom Dilemma - 1v
Herald Tribune: Soviet Oil Sets Up Freedom Dilemma - 1v
Naturgass - 1v
Naturgass - 1v
New Orleans Times Picayune: World Bank Opens Campaign to boost World Gas Use - 1v
New Orleans Times Picayune: World Bank Opens Campaign to boost World Gas Use - 1v
New York Times: High Price for Energy Freedom - 1v
New York Times: High Price for Energy Freedom - 1v
New York Times: Natural Gas Gets New Attention - 1v
New York Times: Natural Gas Gets New Attention - 1v
New York Times: Pressure on World Bank to Save the World - 1v
New York Times: Pressure on World Bank to Save the World - 1v
Petroleum Economist: Green and Growing Markets - 1v
Petroleum Economist: Green and Growing Markets - 1v
Petrostrategies: The Changing World of LNG - 1v
Petrostrategies: The Changing World of LNG - 1v
The Times: Enron to Build 700M LSTG Gas Power Station - 1v
The Times: Enron to Build 700M LSTG Gas Power Station - 1v
The Wall Steet Journal: Alternative Fuels Strutting their Stuff - 1v
The Wall Steet Journal: Alternative Fuels Strutting their Stuff - 1v
World Bank Watch: World Bank Fast on New Natural Gas Unit - 1v
World Bank Watch: World Bank Fast on New Natural Gas Unit - 1v
World Bank President's Reports - 1v
World Bank President's Reports - 1v
World Bank / IMF: THe Twelve Apostles - 1v
World Bank / IMF: THe Twelve Apostles - 1v
Environment - Harvard (IENGU) - 1v
Environment - Harvard (IENGU) - 1v
Reference Material - 1v
Reference Material - 1v
A dialogue between Oil Producers and the Consumers; The Why and the How, 1991-06 - 1v
A dialogue between Oil Producers and the Consumers; The Why and the How, 1991-06 - 1v
Petroleum: Gulf and World Oil Issues Series, Series 1/8 - 1v
Petroleum: Gulf and World Oil Issues Series, Series 1/8 - 1v
Petroleum: Exploration and Production - 1v
Petroleum: Exploration and Production - 1v
World LNG Trade; CEDIGAZ - 1v
World LNG Trade; CEDIGAZ - 1v
Petroleum: Markets - 1v
Petroleum: Markets - 1v
Petroleum: Indicators (IENGU) - 1v
Petroleum: Indicators (IENGU) - 1v
Gas Technology; Reference Material - 1v
Gas Technology; Reference Material - 1v
Gas - Regulations in Japan - 1v
Gas - Regulations in Japan - 1v
Gas - Regulations in Russia - 1v
Gas - Regulations in Russia - 1v
Gas - Trade: Asia (IENGU) - 1v
Gas - Trade: Asia (IENGU) - 1v
Résultats 6501 à 6550 sur 6628