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Showing 6551-6600 of 6925 results
54 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Symposium Activity File
Symposium Activity File
Donors - Spain - 1v
Donors - Spain - 1v
Governance, management and oversight
Governance, management and oversight
ESMAP - Unfunded Projects - 1v
ESMAP - Unfunded Projects - 1v
ADM - IEN Oil and Gas Division - 1v
ADM - IEN Oil and Gas Division - 1v
ESMAP Annual Report, 1991 - 1v
ESMAP Annual Report, 1991 - 1v
Finance and Private Sector Development (FPD) - 1v
Finance and Private Sector Development (FPD) - 1v
Regional Study of Petroleum Products Supply and Distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa; Report on Project Planning Phase - 1v
Regional Study of Petroleum Products Supply and Distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa; Report on Project Planning Phase - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Petroleum Guidelines (IENGU) - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Petroleum Guidelines (IENGU) - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Petroleum Energy Research - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Petroleum Energy Research - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: LNG Trade - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: LNG Trade - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Gas - LNG Financing - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Gas - LNG Financing - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: LNG Regulation - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: LNG Regulation - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: World Bank Lending to the Natural Gas Sector FY73-89 - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: World Bank Lending to the Natural Gas Sector FY73-89 - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Gas, Strategy Planning - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Gas, Strategy Planning - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Energy Issues - Research - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Energy Issues - Research - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Energy Issues - Privaization, Eastern Europe - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: Energy Issues - Privaization, Eastern Europe - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas, Italy ENI - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas, Italy ENI - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas, LNG Netback - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas, LNG Netback - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas Marginal Cost - Pricing (IENGU) - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas Marginal Cost - Pricing (IENGU) - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas Financing - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Gas Financing - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Sub-Sahara Informal Sector Paper - 1v
Policy Development and Research Records: ESMAP Activities General - Sub-Sahara Informal Sector Paper - 1v
Mining Taxation in Southern Africa - Recent Trends - Constantine Chikosi
Mining Taxation in Southern Africa - Recent Trends - Constantine Chikosi
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Rapport d'Etude de Faisabilite du Projet Bouda - Etude de Faisabilite et Installation de Centres Miniers Pilots Contrat N
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Rapport d'Etude de Faisabilite du Projet Bouda - Etude de Faisabilite et Installation de Centres Miniers Pilots Contrat N
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Execution des Trade Off - Avantages et Inconvenients des Differentes Formes d'Imposition
Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - Execution des Trade Off - Avantages et Inconvenients des Differentes Formes d'Imposition
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Development Credit to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau - Report Number P-2928-GUB - December 19, 1980
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Development Association to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Development Credit to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau - Report Number P-2928-GUB - December 19, 1980
General Petroleum Company - GPX-1 - Final Report - Volume 2 - Drilling Testing and Chemical Analysis
General Petroleum Company - GPX-1 - Final Report - Volume 2 - Drilling Testing and Chemical Analysis
General Petroleum Company - Final Report on GPT-1 Exploratory Well - Abu Sennan Area - Western Desert - April 1981
General Petroleum Company - Final Report on GPT-1 Exploratory Well - Abu Sennan Area - Western Desert - April 1981
General Petroleum Company - Well GPT-1 - Test 2A - Production Services and Well Testing Division - Core Lab - June 1, 1981;
General Petroleum Company - Well GPT-1 - Test 2A - Production Services and Well Testing Division - Core Lab - June 1, 1981;
Recommendation and Drilling Program for GPX-1 Exploratory Well - July 1980
Recommendation and Drilling Program for GPX-1 Exploratory Well - July 1980
Note on the Drilling Results of GPX-1 - Western Desert - The General Petroleum Company - Memo Number 238
Note on the Drilling Results of GPX-1 - Western Desert - The General Petroleum Company - Memo Number 238
Ministry of Energy and Mines - Geological Survey Department - Fact Finding Mission - Final Report - GTK - Geological Survey of Finland 2000
Ministry of Energy and Mines - Geological Survey Department - Fact Finding Mission - Final Report - GTK - Geological Survey of Finland 2000
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Projet Phase 4 - Mineral Environmental Information Database - December 1999
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Projet Phase 4 - Mineral Environmental Information Database - December 1999
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Projet Phase 1 - Minerals Concession Cadastre - March 1999
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Projet Phase 1 - Minerals Concession Cadastre - March 1999
British Geological Survey - Technical Report - Overseas Geology Series - Ghana Curriculum Review Project - Natural Environment Research Council
British Geological Survey - Technical Report - Overseas Geology Series - Ghana Curriculum Review Project - Natural Environment Research Council
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Project Phase 2 - Geological Information Database - July 1999
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Project Phase 2 - Geological Information Database - July 1999
Reforme Juridique et Institutionnelle du Secteur Minier en Cote d'Ivoire - Contrat de Consultants pour des Prestations de Services Passe Entre la Ministere des Mines et de l'Energie de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire et International Mining Consultants
Reforme Juridique et Institutionnelle du Secteur Minier en Cote d'Ivoire - Contrat de Consultants pour des Prestations de Services Passe Entre la Ministere des Mines et de l'Energie de la Republique de Cote d'Ivoire et International Mining Consultants
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 2000
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 2000
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1996 - Version Sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1996 - Version Sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali
International Mining Consultants [IMC] Mackay and Schnellman - Ministere des Mines de l'Energie et de l'Hydraulique - Evaluation Technico Economique et Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - Rapport de la Visite de
International Mining Consultants [IMC] Mackay and Schnellman - Ministere des Mines de l'Energie et de l'Hydraulique - Evaluation Technico Economique et Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - Rapport de la Visite de
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Etude sur la Commercialisation de l'Or et le Role du CBMP - Rapport - December 1995 - Bruzelles, Belgium
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Etude sur la Commercialisation de l'Or et le Role du CBMP - Rapport - December 1995 - Bruzelles, Belgium
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1995 - Version sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et e Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali - 2 Copies
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1995 - Version sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et e Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali - 2 Copies
Evaluation Technico Economique et Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - Rapport d'Activites - Bamako - September 1994 - Ref 5104 3 - International Mining Consultants Limited
Evaluation Technico Economique et Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - Rapport d'Activites - Bamako - September 1994 - Ref 5104 3 - International Mining Consultants Limited
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Elaboration et Mise en Place d'Une Politique et d'Une Strategie Miniere Ainsi que Definition et Mise en Place d'Une Structure Institutionnelle Appropriee - Offre Technique
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Elaboration et Mise en Place d'Une Politique et d'Une Strategie Miniere Ainsi que Definition et Mise en Place d'Une Structure Institutionnelle Appropriee - Offre Technique
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Elaboration et Mise en Place d'Une Politique et d'Une Strategie Miniere Ainsi que Definition et Mise en Place d'Une Structure Institutionnelle Appropriee - Offre Financiere
Bureau of Geological Consultancy [BUGECO] - Elaboration et Mise en Place d'Une Politique et d'Une Strategie Miniere Ainsi que Definition et Mise en Place d'Une Structure Institutionnelle Appropriee - Offre Financiere
Proposition au Ministere de l Economie des Finances et du Plan du Burkina Faso - Office National des Marches Publics pour Services de Consultant Relatifs a la Formulation, Redaction et Proposition d une Nouvelle loi Miniere - Report in Foreign Language
Proposition au Ministere de l Economie des Finances et du Plan du Burkina Faso - Office National des Marches Publics pour Services de Consultant Relatifs a la Formulation, Redaction et Proposition d une Nouvelle loi Miniere - Report in Foreign Language
Projet d Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - Preparation d un Document sur la Politique et Strategie Miniere du Burkina Faso - February 17, 1995 - Report in Foreign Language
Projet d Assistance Technique au Secteur Minier - Preparation d un Document sur la Politique et Strategie Miniere du Burkina Faso - February 17, 1995 - Report in Foreign Language
Mineral Resources of Burkina Faso - Ministere de l Industrie du Commerce et des Mines - Direction Generale de l Energie et des Mines - January 1994 - Report in Foreign Language
Mineral Resources of Burkina Faso - Ministere de l Industrie du Commerce et des Mines - Direction Generale de l Energie et des Mines - January 1994 - Report in Foreign Language
Resultados 6551 a 6600 de 6925