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Showing 6601-6650 of 6935 results

Records of the Energy Sector

60 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Non-Timber Tree Product Market Research Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, Dec. 12-14, 1994 - 1v
Non-Timber Tree Product Market Research Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, Dec. 12-14, 1994 - 1v
Mozambique - Analysis of ENH Training/Workshop Requirements and Proposed Short Term Training - 1v
Mozambique - Analysis of ENH Training/Workshop Requirements and Proposed Short Term Training - 1v
Mexico - Seminar on Power Sector Regulatory Issues, September 21-24, 1993 - 1v
Mexico - Seminar on Power Sector Regulatory Issues, September 21-24, 1993 - 1v
Independent Energy Forum, New York - 1v
Independent Energy Forum, New York - 1v
Independent Power Projects in Developing Countries, WB & IFC Roundtable, Washington, DC - 1v
Independent Power Projects in Developing Countries, WB & IFC Roundtable, Washington, DC - 1v
How to Finance Energy Projects in the Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt - 1v
How to Finance Energy Projects in the Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt - 1v
How to Finance Energy Projects in the Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt - 1v
How to Finance Energy Projects in the Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt - 1v
ESMAP - Seminar on Regulation, Structure and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies III - 1v
ESMAP - Seminar on Regulation, Structure and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies III - 1v
ESMAP - Seminar on Politiques D'Echanges Electriques et Gaziers en Mediterranee Occidentale in Seville, Spain - 1v
ESMAP - Seminar on Politiques D'Echanges Electriques et Gaziers en Mediterranee Occidentale in Seville, Spain - 1v
Energy Sector Workshop - 1v
Energy Sector Workshop - 1v
Energy Efficiency Roundtable - 1v
Energy Efficiency Roundtable - 1v
Energy Policy Seminar - 1v
Energy Policy Seminar - 1v
Workshop on Commercialisation of Natural Gas - 1v
Workshop on Commercialisation of Natural Gas - 1v
Chile - Energy Conferences - 1v
Chile - Energy Conferences - 1v
Conferences - General - 1v
Conferences - General - 1v
Conferences - Annual Meetings 1994 & 1996 - 1v
Conferences - Annual Meetings 1994 & 1996 - 1v
Conferences - Clean Coal Initiative, June 24-25, 1996 Washington DC - 1v
Conferences - Clean Coal Initiative, June 24-25, 1996 Washington DC - 1v
Conferences - 1. Africa Symposium on Power Sector Reform, Dec. 5-7, 1995, Johannesburg, South Africa 2. Aspen Energy and Environment Roundtable III, Sept. 25-28, 1996 Aspen, Colorado - 1v
Conferences - 1. Africa Symposium on Power Sector Reform, Dec. 5-7, 1995, Johannesburg, South Africa 2. Aspen Energy and Environment Roundtable III, Sept. 25-28, 1996 Aspen, Colorado - 1v
Conferences - 1. Seminar on Electricity & Gas Trade in the Western Mediterranean, Oct. 6-7, 1994 Seville, Spain 2. Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) 4th Annual Conference, Sept. 25-27, 1996, Washington, DC 3. H... <FULL_TITLE_IN_NOTES> - 1v
Conferences - 1. Seminar on Electricity & Gas Trade in the Western Mediterranean, Oct. 6-7, 1994 Seville, Spain 2. Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) 4th Annual Conference, Sept. 25-27, 1996, Washington, DC 3. H... <FULL_TITLE_IN_NOTES> - 1v
Conferences - 1. Energy Sector Staff Workshop, Jan. 23-24, 1996 2. Energy Sector Staff Workshop/Energy Week'97, March 13-14, 1997 Washington, DC - 1v
Conferences - 1. Energy Sector Staff Workshop, Jan. 23-24, 1996 2. Energy Sector Staff Workshop/Energy Week'97, March 13-14, 1997 Washington, DC - 1v
Conferences - 1. Independent Power Projects, WB/IFC Annual Roundtable, May 2-3, 1996 Washington, DC 2. Infrastructure Symposium, Sept. 22-23, 1993 - 1v
Conferences - 1. Independent Power Projects, WB/IFC Annual Roundtable, May 2-3, 1996 Washington, DC 2. Infrastructure Symposium, Sept. 22-23, 1993 - 1v
Conferences - Symposium on Marshaling Technology for Development, National Research Council/WB, Nov. 28-30, 1994 Irvine, CA - 1v
Conferences - Symposium on Marshaling Technology for Development, National Research Council/WB, Nov. 28-30, 1994 Irvine, CA - 1v
Conferences - 1. Power Project Finance Summit, 4th Annual World Economic Development Congress, Oct. 4-6, 1995 2. Power Sector - 1st Joint International Symposium - London Business School/IFORS, July 18-20, 1995 London, U.K 3. R... <FULL_TITLE_IN_NO - 1v
Conferences - 1. Power Project Finance Summit, 4th Annual World Economic Development Congress, Oct. 4-6, 1995 2. Power Sector - 1st Joint International Symposium - London Business School/IFORS, July 18-20, 1995 London, U.K 3. R... <FULL_TITLE_IN_NO - 1v
Conferences - 1. Large Dams Workshop, April 10-11, 1997 Gland, Switzerland 2. Seminar on Regulation, Structure & Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies III, Aug. 15-26, 1994 Vienna, Austria 3. Sub-Saharan Oil & Mineral C... <FULL_TITLE_IN_NOTES> - 1v
Conferences - 1. Large Dams Workshop, April 10-11, 1997 Gland, Switzerland 2. Seminar on Regulation, Structure & Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies III, Aug. 15-26, 1994 Vienna, Austria 3. Sub-Saharan Oil & Mineral C... <FULL_TITLE_IN_NOTES> - 1v
Conferences - STAP Workshop on Private Sector Initiatives for Accelerating the Introduction of Renewable Energy Technologies into the Power Sector of Developing Countries, June 6-8, 1996 Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 1v
Conferences - STAP Workshop on Private Sector Initiatives for Accelerating the Introduction of Renewable Energy Technologies into the Power Sector of Developing Countries, June 6-8, 1996 Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 1v
Conferences - World Bank Seminar on Technical and Economic Nuclear Issues, June 15, 1994 - 1v
Conferences - World Bank Seminar on Technical and Economic Nuclear Issues, June 15, 1994 - 1v
Conferences - 1. WB/Motorola Brainstorming Session, Jan. 29, 1996 2. 5th Annual World Economic Development Congress - Power Project Finance Summit, Sept. 25-27, 1996 3. 16th World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Oct. 8-13, 1995 Tokyo, Japan - 1v
Conferences - 1. WB/Motorola Brainstorming Session, Jan. 29, 1996 2. 5th Annual World Economic Development Congress - Power Project Finance Summit, Sept. 25-27, 1996 3. 16th World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Oct. 8-13, 1995 Tokyo, Japan - 1v
Conferences - World Solar Summit, Sept. 16-17, 1996, Harare, Zimbabwe - 1v
Conferences - World Solar Summit, Sept. 16-17, 1996, Harare, Zimbabwe - 1v
Conferences - Conference Proceedings - General - 1v
Conferences - Conference Proceedings - General - 1v
Conferences - 16th World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Oct. 8-13, 1995 Tokyo, Japan - 1/2
Conferences - 16th World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Oct. 8-13, 1995 Tokyo, Japan - 1/2
Conferences - 16th World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Oct. 8-13, 1995 Tokyo, Japan - 2/2
Conferences - 16th World Energy Council (WEC) Congress, Oct. 8-13, 1995 Tokyo, Japan - 2/2
Liaison - Communications Strategy & Electronic Media Center - 1v
Liaison - Communications Strategy & Electronic Media Center - 1v
Liaison - Road Shows - IEN & FPDVP Products - 1v
Liaison - Road Shows - IEN & FPDVP Products - 1v
China Coal Sector Development and Reform Conference - December 11, 2003 - National Development and Reform Commission PRC - World Bank and ESMAP - China Coal Information Institute - Jade Palace Hotel - Beijing - Volume 1
China Coal Sector Development and Reform Conference - December 11, 2003 - National Development and Reform Commission PRC - World Bank and ESMAP - China Coal Information Institute - Jade Palace Hotel - Beijing - Volume 1
China Coal Sector Development and Reform Conference - December 11, 2003 - National Development and Reform Commission PRC - World Bank and ESMAP - China Coal Information Institute - Jade Palace Hotel - Beijing - Volume 2
China Coal Sector Development and Reform Conference - December 11, 2003 - National Development and Reform Commission PRC - World Bank and ESMAP - China Coal Information Institute - Jade Palace Hotel - Beijing - Volume 2
Mining and the Community for Asian and Pacific Nations - Speeches - Papua New Guinea - Madang Resort Hotel - July 26 - 29, 1998 - 1W ET 56153 - EMTIM
Mining and the Community for Asian and Pacific Nations - Speeches - Papua New Guinea - Madang Resort Hotel - July 26 - 29, 1998 - 1W ET 56153 - EMTIM
Gas - Training (IENGU) - 1v
Gas - Training (IENGU) - 1v
Manuel Des Procedures Administratives - Comptable et Financieres - Avril 1998 - Report in Foreign Language
Manuel Des Procedures Administratives - Comptable et Financieres - Avril 1998 - Report in Foreign Language
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert Parsons - May 1993
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert Parsons - May 1993
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Part 12 - Robert Parsons
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Part 12 - Robert Parsons
Some Practical Aspects of Mineral Taxation and the Development of Modern Mining in the Sahel - Micheline Mescher
Some Practical Aspects of Mineral Taxation and the Development of Modern Mining in the Sahel - Micheline Mescher
Methods of Investment Promotion in the Mineral Industries - How to Attract, Obtain, Negotiate and Regulate Foreign Mineral Investment - Thomas Walde - January 1991
Methods of Investment Promotion in the Mineral Industries - How to Attract, Obtain, Negotiate and Regulate Foreign Mineral Investment - Thomas Walde - January 1991
Doing Business in the Host Country - Non-Tax Considerations for a Mineral Exploration Company - P...
Doing Business in the Host Country - Non-Tax Considerations for a Mineral Exploration Company - Paper 15 - James Armstrong
Designing the Investment Vehicle - Mining - Paper 19 - Peter Machin
Designing the Investment Vehicle - Mining - Paper 19 - Peter Machin
Mining Taxation in Southern Africa - Recent Trends - Constantine Chikosi
Mining Taxation in Southern Africa - Recent Trends - Constantine Chikosi
The Art of Creating a Financially Rewarding Royalty - M Craig Haase - Redstone Resources Incorporated - Reno, Nevada - March 31, 1992
The Art of Creating a Financially Rewarding Royalty - M Craig Haase - Redstone Resources Incorporated - Reno, Nevada - March 31, 1992
International Seminar on Mining Taxation - Montreal, Canada - October 1991 - Substantive Criteria to Assess the Fiscal Regime of a Developing Country - Paul Fortin
International Seminar on Mining Taxation - Montreal, Canada - October 1991 - Substantive Criteria to Assess the Fiscal Regime of a Developing Country - Paul Fortin
Part 12 - Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert B Parsons
Part 12 - Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Robert B Parsons
Comparison of Average Effective Tax Rates for Selected Mining Jurisdictions - Background Study on Mineral Taxation Concerns - The Canadian Mineral Investment Climate - Intergovernmental Working Group on the Mineral Industry - September 1993
Comparison of Average Effective Tax Rates for Selected Mining Jurisdictions - Background Study on Mineral Taxation Concerns - The Canadian Mineral Investment Climate - Intergovernmental Working Group on the Mineral Industry - September 1993
Mineral Sector Taxation Methods - A Global Review - James M Otto - United Nations ESCAP - August 1992
Mineral Sector Taxation Methods - A Global Review - James M Otto - United Nations ESCAP - August 1992
Resultados 6601 a 6650 de 6935