Showing 6651-6700 of 6925 results
54 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Topical Information - International Finance Corporation [IFC] - Extractive Industries Review [EIR] Documents - Oil Gas Mining and Chemicals Department - July 2004 - General Correspondence - Volume 1
Topical Information - International Finance Corporation [IFC] - Extractive Industries Review [EIR] Documents - Oil Gas Mining and Chemicals Department - July 2004 - General Correspondence - Volume 1
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Preparation Mission - June 7 - 19, 2004 - Aide Memoire - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Preparation Mission - June 7 - 19, 2004 - Aide Memoire - General Correspondence
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - Cameroon - Gulf of Guinea Workshop - January 26 - 27, 2005 - Younde Hilton Cameroon - Hosted Jointly by SNH and World Bank - Committee Records
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - Cameroon - Gulf of Guinea Workshop - January 26 - 27, 2005 - Younde Hilton Cameroon - Hosted Jointly by SNH and World Bank - Committee Records
Mining Sector Capacity Building and Environmental Management Project - Burkina Faso - Credit N029, Credit P784, Credit P911 - P000283 - Reports and Studies
Mining Sector Capacity Building and Environmental Management Project - Burkina Faso - Credit N029, Credit P784, Credit P911 - P000283 - Reports and Studies
African Development Bank - INF - Liaison - Partnerships - Administration - Chronological Records
African Development Bank - INF - Liaison - Partnerships - Administration - Chronological Records
Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources - Nigeria - Credit 4012, Credit Q431 - P086716 - General Correspondence
Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources - Nigeria - Credit 4012, Credit Q431 - P086716 - General Correspondence
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - Trust Fund TF050523 - P060330 - Self Reliance Programs for Women in Remote Mining Company - JSDF - General Correspondence
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - Trust Fund TF050523 - P060330 - Self Reliance Programs for Women in Remote Mining Company - JSDF - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - General Correspondence
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - Trust Fund TF050523 - P060330 - Artisanal and Small Scale Mining - General Correspondence
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - Trust Fund TF050523 - P060330 - Artisanal and Small Scale Mining - General Correspondence
Hard Coal Social Mitigation Project - Poland - Loan 7224 - P066512 - Development Activities - WPA - COCPD - General Correspondence - Volume 7
Hard Coal Social Mitigation Project - Poland - Loan 7224 - P066512 - Development Activities - WPA - COCPD - General Correspondence - Volume 7
Topical Information - Ecuador - Gas Sector - Green Plus Combustion - Executive Summary - Presentation - Quito, Ecuador Summary - Petroequador and University Letters
Topical Information - Ecuador - Gas Sector - Green Plus Combustion - Executive Summary - Presentation - Quito, Ecuador Summary - Petroequador and University Letters
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - Trust Fund TF050523 - P060330 - SPN - General Correspondence - Volume 25
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - Trust Fund TF050523 - P060330 - SPN - General Correspondence - Volume 25
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Pre Appraisal Preparation Mission - September 6 - 14, 2004 - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Pre Appraisal Preparation Mission - September 6 - 14, 2004 - General Correspondence
Competitiveness Project - Guatemala - Loan 7044 - P055084 - Development Activities - Cross Support - COCPD - General Correspondence - Volume 1
Competitiveness Project - Guatemala - Loan 7044 - P055084 - Development Activities - Cross Support - COCPD - General Correspondence - Volume 1
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Procurement - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Procurement - General Correspondence
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - Letters to Steering Committee Members - Dated September 30, 2004 - Committee Records
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - Letters to Steering Committee Members - Dated September 30, 2004 - Committee Records
Project Progress Report for Project Supervision Review Autumn 2004 - Project Management Office - October 2004
Project Progress Report for Project Supervision Review Autumn 2004 - Project Management Office - October 2004
Supervision Review Report for Project Supervision Report - Autumn 2004 - Project Management Office - October 2004
Supervision Review Report for Project Supervision Report - Autumn 2004 - Project Management Office - October 2004
Energy Conservation Project - China - Loan 4304 - P003606 - Global Environment Facility [GEF] - October 2004 - Supervision Mission
Energy Conservation Project - China - Loan 4304 - P003606 - Global Environment Facility [GEF] - October 2004 - Supervision Mission
Documents for World Bank Autumn Term Appraisal in 2004 - Beijing Energy Management Company [EMC] - October 2004
Documents for World Bank Autumn Term Appraisal in 2004 - Beijing Energy Management Company [EMC] - October 2004
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - 4th Steering Committee Meeting - Sascha Djumena - 2004 - Committee Records
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - 4th Steering Committee Meeting - Sascha Djumena - 2004 - Committee Records
Natural Resources Canada - INF - Liaison - Partnerships - Administration - Chronological Records
Natural Resources Canada - INF - Liaison - Partnerships - Administration - Chronological Records
Sri Lanka - Topical Information - Mining Sector - Correspondence
Sri Lanka - Topical Information - Mining Sector - Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Board Presentation - December 16, 2004 - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Board Presentation - December 16, 2004 - General Correspondence
Budget and Trust Fund Request Allocations - INF - Budget - Work Program - Business Plan - Administration
Budget and Trust Fund Request Allocations - INF - Budget - Work Program - Business Plan - Administration
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Negotiations - July 14, 2005 - Room MC 7 500 - Christopher Sheldon - General Correspondence - Volume 2
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Negotiations - July 14, 2005 - Room MC 7 500 - Christopher Sheldon - General Correspondence - Volume 2
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - Nigeria - Standard Roll Out Workshop - November 9 - 10, 2004 - Nicon Hilton - Abuja, Nigeria - Committee Records
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - Nigeria - Standard Roll Out Workshop - November 9 - 10, 2004 - Nicon Hilton - Abuja, Nigeria - Committee Records
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Minutes - Negotiations - November 1 - 4, 2004 - Conference Room MC C1 108 - Christopher Sheldon - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - Minutes - Negotiations - November 1 - 4, 2004 - Conference Room MC C1 108 - Christopher Sheldon - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 -Negotiations Package - November 1 - 4, 2004 - Notes - Christopher Sheldon - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 -Negotiations Package - November 1 - 4, 2004 - Notes - Christopher Sheldon - General Correspondence
Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources - Nigeria - Credit 4012, Credit Q431 - P086716 - Minutes - Disbursement Strategy - Implementation Schedule - General Correspondence
Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources - Nigeria - Credit 4012, Credit Q431 - P086716 - Minutes - Disbursement Strategy - Implementation Schedule - General Correspondence
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - 4th Steering Committee Meeting - December 9, 2004 - BP, London, United Kingdom [UK] - Committee Records - Volume 1
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - 4th Steering Committee Meeting - December 9, 2004 - BP, London, United Kingdom [UK] - Committee Records - Volume 1
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - 4th Steering Committee Meeting - December 9, 2004 - BP, London, United Kingdom [UK] - Committee Records - Volume 2
Global Gas Flaring Reduction [GGFR] - 4th Steering Committee Meeting - December 9, 2004 - BP, London, United Kingdom [UK] - Committee Records - Volume 2
Mining Sector Reform Project - Madagascar - Credit 3111 - P056487 - General Correspondence
Mining Sector Reform Project - Madagascar - Credit 3111 - P056487 - General Correspondence
Mineral Resources Management Capacity Building Project - Mozambique - Credit 3486, Credit Q265 - P001808 - SPN - General Correspondence - Volume 19
Mineral Resources Management Capacity Building Project - Mozambique - Credit 3486, Credit Q265 - P001808 - SPN - General Correspondence - Volume 19
Mineral Resources Governance Project - Madagascar - Credit 3754, Credit Q312 - P076245 - Development Activities - WPA - COCPD - General Correspondence - Volume 4
Mineral Resources Governance Project - Madagascar - Credit 3754, Credit Q312 - P076245 - Development Activities - WPA - COCPD - General Correspondence - Volume 4
Projet De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment [PRECAGEME] - Credit Fonds Interimaire Number 029 Bur - Recommandations Destinees A Ameliorer Les Systems De Controle - Report in Foreign Language
Projet De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment [PRECAGEME] - Credit Fonds Interimaire Number 029 Bur - Recommandations Destinees A Ameliorer Les Systems De Controle - Report in Foreign Language
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Part 12 - Robert Parsons
Taxation and Mine Evaluation - Part 12 - Robert Parsons
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - P060330 - Reports and Studies
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project - Papua New Guinea - Loan 7018 - P060330 - Reports and Studies
Propositions Pour la Formulation d une Nouvelle Loi Miniere - Projet Minier - Groupement De Cabinets - Report in Foreign Language
Propositions Pour la Formulation d une Nouvelle Loi Miniere - Projet Minier - Groupement De Cabinets - Report in Foreign Language
CODE - de l Enregistrement, du Timber et de l Impot sur les Valeurs Mobilieres - Republique de Haute Volta - Ministere des Finances - Direction Generale des Impots - Report in Foreign Language
CODE - de l Enregistrement, du Timber et de l Impot sur les Valeurs Mobilieres - Republique de Haute Volta - Ministere des Finances - Direction Generale des Impots - Report in Foreign Language
Designing the Investment Vehicle - Mining - Paper 19 - Peter Machin
Designing the Investment Vehicle - Mining - Paper 19 - Peter Machin
Mining Taxation in Southern Africa - Recent Trends - Constantine Chikosi
Mining Taxation in Southern Africa - Recent Trends - Constantine Chikosi
Proposition au Ministere de l Economie des Finances et du Plan du Burkina Faso - Office National des Marches Publics pour Services de Consultant Relatifs a la Formulation, Redaction et Proposition d une Nouvelle loi Miniere - Report in Foreign Language
Proposition au Ministere de l Economie des Finances et du Plan du Burkina Faso - Office National des Marches Publics pour Services de Consultant Relatifs a la Formulation, Redaction et Proposition d une Nouvelle loi Miniere - Report in Foreign Language
Some Practical Aspects of Mineral Taxation and the Development of Modern Mining in the Sahel - Micheline Mescher
Some Practical Aspects of Mineral Taxation and the Development of Modern Mining in the Sahel - Micheline Mescher
Recueil Annote des Textes Applicables au Droit du Travail au Burkina Faso - Chambre de Commerce d Industrie et d Artisanat du Burkina Faso - Report in Foreign Language
Recueil Annote des Textes Applicables au Droit du Travail au Burkina Faso - Chambre de Commerce d Industrie et d Artisanat du Burkina Faso - Report in Foreign Language
Small Scale Mining - A Review of the Issues - Richard Noetstaller
Small Scale Mining - A Review of the Issues - Richard Noetstaller
Etude de Base Sur l Exploitation Miniere Artisanale au Burkina Faso - Boubacar B Zanga Docteur en Geologie Vincent Kabore Docteur en Foresterie Josephine Ouedraogo Sociologue - Bureau d Appui Recherche Action Conseils [ARC] - Report in Foreign Language
Etude de Base Sur l Exploitation Miniere Artisanale au Burkina Faso - Boubacar B Zanga Docteur en Geologie Vincent Kabore Docteur en Foresterie Josephine Ouedraogo Sociologue - Bureau d Appui Recherche Action Conseils [ARC] - Report in Foreign Language
Papua and New Guinea - Topical Information - Mining Sector - Reports
Papua and New Guinea - Topical Information - Mining Sector - Reports
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - 2005 - General Correspondence
Mine Closure Environment and Socio Economic Regeneration Project - Romania - Loan 4759 - P087807 - 2005 - General Correspondence
Atelier de Restitution du Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - December 9 - 10, 2004 - Rapport - February 2005
Atelier de Restitution du Projet de Renforcement des Capacites Nationales du Secteur Minier et de Gestion de l'Environnement [PRECAGME] - December 9 - 10, 2004 - Rapport - February 2005
Résultats 6651 à 6700 sur 6925