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Showing 6751-6800 of 6925 results
54 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Hanoi - Vietnam - Viet Nam - Energy and Mining Development Unit - Greater Mekong Sub Region [GMS] Development a Regional Electricity Market- Workshop 3 - Financing Issues and Role fo the Private Sector - December 17 - 19, 2001 - Proceedings
Hanoi - Vietnam - Viet Nam - Energy and Mining Development Unit - Greater Mekong Sub Region [GMS] Development a Regional Electricity Market- Workshop 3 - Financing Issues and Role fo the Private Sector - December 17 - 19, 2001 - Proceedings
East Asia and the Pacific Region - Energy and Mining Development Unit - Greater Mekong Sub Region [GMS] Development a Regional Electricity Market- Technical situation of the GMS Power Systems in March 2000 - Consultant Reports
East Asia and the Pacific Region - Energy and Mining Development Unit - Greater Mekong Sub Region [GMS] Development a Regional Electricity Market- Technical situation of the GMS Power Systems in March 2000 - Consultant Reports
East Asia and the Pacific Region - Energy and Mining Development Unit - Power Trade Strategy for the Greater Mekong Sub Region - September 1998 - Report 17033-EAP
East Asia and the Pacific Region - Energy and Mining Development Unit - Power Trade Strategy for the Greater Mekong Sub Region - September 1998 - Report 17033-EAP
South Africa - Selected Financial Issues - Opportunities and Challenges Facing the New Government of South Africa - Draft - November 1995 - Reports
South Africa - Selected Financial Issues - Opportunities and Challenges Facing the New Government of South Africa - Draft - November 1995 - Reports
Decisions of the Executive Directors under Article X of the ARticles of Agreement on Questions of Interpretation of the Articles of Agreement - Legal
Decisions of the Executive Directors under Article X of the ARticles of Agreement on Questions of Interpretation of the Articles of Agreement - Legal
Articles of Agreement and Report of the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on the Articles of Agreement - September 24, 1960 - Legal
Articles of Agreement and Report of the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on the Articles of Agreement - September 24, 1960 - Legal
Africa - Sub Saharan Africa Transport Policy [SSATP] Program - The World Bank and Economic Commissions for Africa - Business Plan Update Note - June 2002 - Documents
Africa - Sub Saharan Africa Transport Policy [SSATP] Program - The World Bank and Economic Commissions for Africa - Business Plan Update Note - June 2002 - Documents
Africa - Sub Saharan Africa Transport Policy [SSATP] Program - The World Bank and Economic Commissions for Africa - Governance Arrangements - SSAT Framework - February 2001 - Legal
Africa - Sub Saharan Africa Transport Policy [SSATP] Program - The World Bank and Economic Commissions for Africa - Governance Arrangements - SSAT Framework - February 2001 - Legal
Quarterly Reports on Pending Tranche Releases of Adjustment Operations - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - Reports
Quarterly Reports on Pending Tranche Releases of Adjustment Operations - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] - Reports
Jamaica - National Building Code - Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency Building Code - Requirements and Guidelines - 1994 - Jamaica Bureau of Standards [JBS] - For New Buildings, Additions and Retrofits Except Low Rise Residential Buildings - Reports
Jamaica - National Building Code - Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency Building Code - Requirements and Guidelines - 1994 - Jamaica Bureau of Standards [JBS] - For New Buildings, Additions and Retrofits Except Low Rise Residential Buildings - Reports
Africa - Regional Seminar on Reducing Electric Power System Losses - November 23 - 27, 1987 - Reports
Africa - Regional Seminar on Reducing Electric Power System Losses - November 23 - 27, 1987 - Reports
Africa - Proceedings fo the Joint Southern African Power Pool [SAPP] and World Bank - Workshop on Project Finance - By Harare, Zimbabwe, Meikles Hotel - May 11 - 12, 1997 - Reports
Africa - Proceedings fo the Joint Southern African Power Pool [SAPP] and World Bank - Workshop on Project Finance - By Harare, Zimbabwe, Meikles Hotel - May 11 - 12, 1997 - Reports
Poland - Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] World Bank - Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Restructuring Proposals for the Polish Energy Sector - Summary of Key Recommendations - Preliminary Draft - March 1991 - Repor
Poland - Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] World Bank - Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Restructuring Proposals for the Polish Energy Sector - Summary of Key Recommendations - Preliminary Draft - March 1991 - Repor
Poland - Study of Economic Policy Instrument for the Control fo Air Pollution - Phase 2 - Final Report - Prepared by London Economics - December 1993 - Reports
Poland - Study of Economic Policy Instrument for the Control fo Air Pollution - Phase 2 - Final Report - Prepared by London Economics - December 1993 - Reports
Global - An Assessment of The Energy Toolbox Planning Model - A Report to the World Bank Industry and Energy Department Energy Strategy and Management Assistance Program of the Results of a Summer Research Internship - By Ernesto Cordova - September 1991
Global - An Assessment of The Energy Toolbox Planning Model - A Report to the World Bank Industry and Energy Department Energy Strategy and Management Assistance Program of the Results of a Summer Research Internship - By Ernesto Cordova - September 1991
Global - Impact of Power Sector Reform on International Electricity Trade - Consultants Report prepared by London Economics - Volume 2 - Annexes - Case Studies - January 1996 - Reports
Global - Impact of Power Sector Reform on International Electricity Trade - Consultants Report prepared by London Economics - Volume 2 - Annexes - Case Studies - January 1996 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Independent Power Producers [IPP] in LAC and Comparison of Selected IPP Contracts - By Rafael A. Moscote / Energy and Regulatory Adviser - Technical Department - January 1994 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Independent Power Producers [IPP] in LAC and Comparison of Selected IPP Contracts - By Rafael A. Moscote / Energy and Regulatory Adviser - Technical Department - January 1994 - Reports
Costa Rica - Rural Electrification - A Case Study - By Geral Foley - Final Draft - November 14, 1996 - Reports
Costa Rica - Rural Electrification - A Case Study - By Geral Foley - Final Draft - November 14, 1996 - Reports
Global - Impact of Power Sector Reforms on International Electricity Trade - Consultants Report Prepared by London Economics - March 1996 - Reports
Global - Impact of Power Sector Reforms on International Electricity Trade - Consultants Report Prepared by London Economics - March 1996 - Reports
Jamaica - Energy and Economic Analyses for the Jamaica Energy Efficiency Building Code - Final Report - Volume 2 - By John G. Cumper Resource Engineering Limited and Steven D. Marston Enertech Limited - October 1992 - Reports
Jamaica - Energy and Economic Analyses for the Jamaica Energy Efficiency Building Code - Final Report - Volume 2 - By John G. Cumper Resource Engineering Limited and Steven D. Marston Enertech Limited - October 1992 - Reports
Global - A Facilitator's Handbook - Structuring Change in the Electricity Sector - By Jose Maria Bakovic / Professional Financial Analyst - World Bank - Reports
Global - A Facilitator's Handbook - Structuring Change in the Electricity Sector - By Jose Maria Bakovic / Professional Financial Analyst - World Bank - Reports
Checklist for Improving Electric Power Utility Efficiency - Compiled by the Central Project Team of the Electric Power Utility Efficiency Improvement Study - By Christoph Menke / Manager - P. Gregory Fazzari / Consultant - November 1993 - Reports
Checklist for Improving Electric Power Utility Efficiency - Compiled by the Central Project Team of the Electric Power Utility Efficiency Improvement Study - By Christoph Menke / Manager - P. Gregory Fazzari / Consultant - November 1993 - Reports
Cote d' Ivoire - Projet d' efficacite Energetique Dans les Batiments - 1990 -1993 - Volume 1 - Proposition de rapport final - Decembre 1993 - Reports
Cote d' Ivoire - Projet d' efficacite Energetique Dans les Batiments - 1990 -1993 - Volume 1 - Proposition de rapport final - Decembre 1993 - Reports
Cote d' Ivoire - Les elements critiques pour le succes d' une strategie de l' Energie Destinee au Secteur Industriel et Commercial - Etude de cas - Project d' efficacite energetique - Mars [March] 1993 - Reports
Cote d' Ivoire - Les elements critiques pour le succes d' une strategie de l' Energie Destinee au Secteur Industriel et Commercial - Etude de cas - Project d' efficacite energetique - Mars [March] 1993 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Regional Studies Program - Report Number 1 - World Bank Strategy for the Natural Gas Sector - March 1991- Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Regional Studies Program - Report Number 1 - World Bank Strategy for the Natural Gas Sector - March 1991- Reports
Thailand - Rural Electrification in Thailand - Lessons from a Successful Program - By Voravate Tig Tuntivate and Douglas F. Barnes - Draft - February 23, 1996 - Reports
Thailand - Rural Electrification in Thailand - Lessons from a Successful Program - By Voravate Tig Tuntivate and Douglas F. Barnes - Draft - February 23, 1996 - Reports
Pakistan - Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] - Forest Energy in Pakistan - The Evidence for Sustainability - July 1993 - Reports
Pakistan - Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] - Forest Energy in Pakistan - The Evidence for Sustainability - July 1993 - Reports
Philippines - Energy Conservation Study - Results of a Joint Study by Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] and the Philippines Department of Energy - August 1994 - Reports
Philippines - Energy Conservation Study - Results of a Joint Study by Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] and the Philippines Department of Energy - August 1994 - Reports
Trinidad and Tobago - Issues and Options in the Energy Sector - November 1995 - Draft - World Bank and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Report 5930-1
Trinidad and Tobago - Issues and Options in the Energy Sector - November 1995 - Draft - World Bank and United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Report 5930-1
Uganda - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] and Energy Sector Management and Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Energy Assessment - October 1995 - Reports
Uganda - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] and Energy Sector Management and Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Energy Assessment - October 1995 - Reports
Jamaica - Energy and Economic Analyses for the Jamaica Energy Efficiency Building Code - Final Report - Volume 1 - By John G. Cumper Resource Engineering Limited and Steven D. Marston Enertech Limited - November 1992 - Reports
Jamaica - Energy and Economic Analyses for the Jamaica Energy Efficiency Building Code - Final Report - Volume 1 - By John G. Cumper Resource Engineering Limited and Steven D. Marston Enertech Limited - November 1992 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean - Chile - The Chilean Electric Power in the Last Decade - The Design and Implementation of a New Policy - By Dr. Bruno Philippi - 1991 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean - Chile - The Chilean Electric Power in the Last Decade - The Design and Implementation of a New Policy - By Dr. Bruno Philippi - 1991 - Reports
Bolivia - Preparations of Capitalization of the Hydrocarbon Sector - Volume 1 - March 1995 - Report 14005 BO
Bolivia - Preparations of Capitalization of the Hydrocarbon Sector - Volume 1 - March 1995 - Report 14005 BO
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Egypt - Energy Sector Assessment Challenges for the Egyptian Energy Sector - Volume 2 - Main Report - White Cover - September 1995 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Egypt - Energy Sector Assessment Challenges for the Egyptian Energy Sector - Volume 2 - Main Report - White Cover - September 1995 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Egypt - Energy Sector Assessment - Core Topic - Institutional Development - Draft - August 1994 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Egypt - Energy Sector Assessment - Core Topic - Institutional Development - Draft - August 1994 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Main Report to ODA and World Bank - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Main Report to ODA and World Bank - Reports
Africa - Uganda - Review of Renewable and Traditional Energy - Draft - June 1995 - Reports
Africa - Uganda - Review of Renewable and Traditional Energy - Draft - June 1995 - Reports
Africa - Uganda - Uganda Energy Assessment - Green Cover - October 1995 - Reports
Africa - Uganda - Uganda Energy Assessment - Green Cover - October 1995 - Reports
Global - Financing of Energy Services for Small Scale Energy Users - Draft Report - Prepared by Meridian Corporation - Januray 1991 - Reports
Global - Financing of Energy Services for Small Scale Energy Users - Draft Report - Prepared by Meridian Corporation - Januray 1991 - Reports
Asia - China - Issues and Operations in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control Energy Use, Efficiency and Potential for Improvement in the Industrial, Transport and Agricultural Sector - January 1995 - Reports
Asia - China - Issues and Operations in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control Energy Use, Efficiency and Potential for Improvement in the Industrial, Transport and Agricultural Sector - January 1995 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendices 10 - 12 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendices 10 - 12 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendix 9 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendix 9 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendices 6 - 8 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendices 6 - 8 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendix 5 - Reports
Global - Critical Success Factors for Energy Efficiency Programmes and Agencies - Appendix 5 - Reports
Global - A guide to Solar Pumping - An Introduction and Update on the Technical Performance, Costs and Economics - May 1991 - Reports
Global - A guide to Solar Pumping - An Introduction and Update on the Technical Performance, Costs and Economics - May 1991 - Reports
Asia - Private Investment in Power and Coal in Asia Selected Case Studies and Lessons - Green Cover - Report Number 9884 - July 1992 - Report 9884-AISA
Asia - Private Investment in Power and Coal in Asia Selected Case Studies and Lessons - Green Cover - Report Number 9884 - July 1992 - Report 9884-AISA
Asia - China - Planning and Management of Decentralized Power Companies - Interim Report - April 1992 - Reports
Asia - China - Planning and Management of Decentralized Power Companies - Interim Report - April 1992 - Reports
China - United Nations Development Project [UNDP] and Energy Sector Management Assitance Programme [ESMAP] - Power Efficiency Pilot Study - April 1993 - Reports
China - United Nations Development Project [UNDP] and Energy Sector Management Assitance Programme [ESMAP] - Power Efficiency Pilot Study - April 1993 - Reports
Global - Document de Travail sur la Pre Electrifiation Solaire Individuelle - Consultant Report - By Bernard Meunier - Reports
Global - Document de Travail sur la Pre Electrifiation Solaire Individuelle - Consultant Report - By Bernard Meunier - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Natural Gas Reserve Assessment and Imports Strategy - Green Cover - March 1994 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Natural Gas Reserve Assessment and Imports Strategy - Green Cover - March 1994 - Reports
Resultaten 6751 tot 6800 van 6925