Showing 6801-6850 of 6925 results

Records of the Energy Sector

54 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Project implementation review of energy sector - set
Project implementation review of energy sector - set
Consultant Records - Energy and Economic Reform in the Former Soviet Union - (Kubota) - 1v
Consultant Records - Energy and Economic Reform in the Former Soviet Union - (Kubota) - 1v
Consultant Records - Gas Distribution Pricing Study - Egypt - (Kubota) - 1v
Consultant Records - Gas Distribution Pricing Study - Egypt - (Kubota) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Gas Network Records of the Bangladesh Gas Transmission System in Years 1993 to 2004 (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Gas Network Records of the Bangladesh Gas Transmission System in Years 1993 to 2004 (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Russian Gas Export Study (TCA) - Arthur D. Little (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Russian Gas Export Study (TCA) - Arthur D. Little (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Natural Gas Subsector Background Report - Russia (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Natural Gas Subsector Background Report - Russia (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Novacorp (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - Novacorp (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - International Gas Consulting (Dalby) - 1v
Consultant Records - Research - International Gas Consulting (Dalby) - 1v
Jeffrey Davidson - International Finance Corporation [IFC] - Bank - Chronological Records
Jeffrey Davidson - International Finance Corporation [IFC] - Bank - Chronological Records
Conference: ESMAP Household Energy, Dakar, Senegal, January 1989 - 1v
Conference: ESMAP Household Energy, Dakar, Senegal, January 1989 - 1v
Chloro Fluoro Carbons Research (CFC) - set
Chloro Fluoro Carbons Research (CFC) - set
Energy Pricing Study - set
Energy Pricing Study - set
Coal Sector Rehabilitation Project - India - Credit 2986 - Loan 0409, Loan 4226, Loan P226 - P009979 - Annexure 1 - Performance of Opencast Operations - ICICI Consulting
Coal Sector Rehabilitation Project - India - Credit 2986 - Loan 0409, Loan 4226, Loan P226 - P009979 - Annexure 1 - Performance of Opencast Operations - ICICI Consulting
Pakistan Food Security Management Project - Urban Survey Data
Pakistan Food Security Management Project - Urban Survey Data
Zelin Data - Wood, Kerosene (Kr-Oil), Cow Dung (C-Dng), Coal
Zelin Data - Wood, Kerosene (Kr-Oil), Cow Dung (C-Dng), Coal
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Project Phase 2 - Geological Information Database - July 1999
Ministry of Mines and Energy - Minerals Commission - Geological Survey of Finland - Final Report - Mining Sector Information System - Project Phase 2 - Geological Information Database - July 1999
Final Project Report - Consultancy Service for Developing Improved Processing Techniques and Testing of Processing Equipment for Small Scale Mining - Tafiya Engineering and Management Services Incorporated - Geological Management Consultancy Limited
Final Project Report - Consultancy Service for Developing Improved Processing Techniques and Testing of Processing Equipment for Small Scale Mining - Tafiya Engineering and Management Services Incorporated - Geological Management Consultancy Limited
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 1995
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 1995
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 1999
The Trust Relating to the Guelbs Iron Ore Project in Mauritania - Trustees Report and Accounts - December 31, 1999
Recommandations Destinees a Ameliorer les Systemes de Controle Interne et les Procedures Comptables et Administratives - PriceWaterhouse
Recommandations Destinees a Ameliorer les Systemes de Controle Interne et les Procedures Comptables et Administratives - PriceWaterhouse
Pollution Problems in the Mineral and Metallurgical Industries - Fathi Habashi
Pollution Problems in the Mineral and Metallurgical Industries - Fathi Habashi
Annexe 5 - Sommaire Technique - Geologie - Exploitation Miniere - Traitement Metallurgique et Extraction de l'Or
Annexe 5 - Sommaire Technique - Geologie - Exploitation Miniere - Traitement Metallurgique et Extraction de l'Or
Offre de Services - Offre Financier Dossier de Consultation Restreinte No 001 PATSM pour l'Evaluation Techno Economique et l'Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - November 1993 - International Mining Consultants Limited
Offre de Services - Offre Financier Dossier de Consultation Restreinte No 001 PATSM pour l'Evaluation Techno Economique et l'Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - November 1993 - International Mining Consultants Limited
Offre de Services - Offre Technique - Dossier de Consultation Restreinte No 001 PATSM pour l'Evaluation Techno Economique et l'Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - November 1993 - International Mining Consultants Limited
Offre de Services - Offre Technique - Dossier de Consultation Restreinte No 001 PATSM pour l'Evaluation Techno Economique et l'Assistance Technique dans la Privatisation de la Mine d'Or de Kalana - November 1993 - International Mining Consultants Limited
Rapport de l'Atelier de Formation des Operateurs Miniers Nationaux Tenu au Palais des Congres de Bamako du March 22 - 25, 1999 - ACI 2000 Hamdallaye Route de Lafiabougou Bamako
Rapport de l'Atelier de Formation des Operateurs Miniers Nationaux Tenu au Palais des Congres de Bamako du March 22 - 25, 1999 - ACI 2000 Hamdallaye Route de Lafiabougou Bamako
Development Plan and Report - Kalana Gold Mine - Republic of Mali - June 1997 - Nelson Gold [NG] Corporation Limited - GBM Minerals Engineering Consultants Limited
Development Plan and Report - Kalana Gold Mine - Republic of Mali - June 1997 - Nelson Gold [NG] Corporation Limited - GBM Minerals Engineering Consultants Limited
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1997 - Version sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali
Etats Financiers au December 31, 1997 - Version sans Amortissements - EGCC International - Cabinet d'Expertise Comptable et de Commissariat aux Comptes - Bamako, Mali
Audit des Comptes Annuels au December 31, 1997 - Price Waterhouse - Immeuble Colina - Cote d'Ivoire - GMI Audit - BP 854 - Bamako, Mali
Audit des Comptes Annuels au December 31, 1997 - Price Waterhouse - Immeuble Colina - Cote d'Ivoire - GMI Audit - BP 854 - Bamako, Mali
Base Case Study - Tambao Manganese Mine Development - Burkina Faso - West Africa - KHE Reicher - Interstar Mining Group Incorporated - November 1992 - Report in Foreign Language
Base Case Study - Tambao Manganese Mine Development - Burkina Faso - West Africa - KHE Reicher - Interstar Mining Group Incorporated - November 1992 - Report in Foreign Language
Recueil Annote des Textes Applicables au Droit du Travail au Burkina Faso - Chambre de Commerce d Industrie et d Artisanat du Burkina Faso - Report in Foreign Language
Recueil Annote des Textes Applicables au Droit du Travail au Burkina Faso - Chambre de Commerce d Industrie et d Artisanat du Burkina Faso - Report in Foreign Language
On Common Ground - Integrating Socioeconomic and Environmental Issues into Mining Sector Development in Ghana - Lessons Learned and the Way Forward - March 1999 - Shelagh Houston
On Common Ground - Integrating Socioeconomic and Environmental Issues into Mining Sector Development in Ghana - Lessons Learned and the Way Forward - March 1999 - Shelagh Houston
Direction Generale des Impots - Code de l Enregistrement du Timbre et de l Impot sur les Valeurs ...
Direction Generale des Impots - Code de l Enregistrement du Timbre et de l Impot sur les Valeurs Mobilieres - 1963 - Report in Foreign Language
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Credit 2743 GH - Borrower's Contribution to Implementation Completion Report - April 30, 2002 - Republic of Ghana - Ministry of Mines - Minerals Commission
Mining Sector Development and Environment Project - Credit 2743 GH - Borrower's Contribution to Implementation Completion Report - April 30, 2002 - Republic of Ghana - Ministry of Mines - Minerals Commission
Environmental Protection Agency - Republic of Ghana - Strategic Plan - 1999 - 2003
Environmental Protection Agency - Republic of Ghana - Strategic Plan - 1999 - 2003
Aide Memoir - Papua New Guinea - Energy Reconnaissance Mission - Issues on Options in the Energy Sector - July 1982
Aide Memoir - Papua New Guinea - Energy Reconnaissance Mission - Issues on Options in the Energy Sector - July 1982
National Public Expenditure Plan 1982 to 1985 - November 1981
National Public Expenditure Plan 1982 to 1985 - November 1981
Forum Des Energies Alternatives Pour L' Agriculture - Bujumbura, Burundi - 18-24 May 1985 - Ministry Des Travaux Publics, Energie Et Mines - Organisation - Centre D' Etudes Burundais En Energies Alternatives [CEBEA]
Forum Des Energies Alternatives Pour L' Agriculture - Bujumbura, Burundi - 18-24 May 1985 - Ministry Des Travaux Publics, Energie Et Mines - Organisation - Centre D' Etudes Burundais En Energies Alternatives [CEBEA]
Burundi - Programme De Gestion Des Ressources Naturelles Et De L' Environnement - Mission De Pre-Preparation - Volume 1 Texte Principal Et Annexes 1-3 - Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L' Alimentation Et L' Agriculture Rome - Centre D' Investissement
Burundi - Programme De Gestion Des Ressources Naturelles Et De L' Environnement - Mission De Pre-Preparation - Volume 1 Texte Principal Et Annexes 1-3 - Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L' Alimentation Et L' Agriculture Rome - Centre D' Investissement
Burundi - Programme De Gestion Des Ressources Naturelles Et De L' Environnement - Mission De Pre-Preparation - Volume 2 Annexes 4-9 - Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L' Alimentation Et L' Agriculture Rome - Centre D' Investissement
Burundi - Programme De Gestion Des Ressources Naturelles Et De L' Environnement - Mission De Pre-Preparation - Volume 2 Annexes 4-9 - Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L' Alimentation Et L' Agriculture Rome - Centre D' Investissement
Republic Du Of Burundi Ministry Des Travaux Publics, De L' Energie Et Des Mines - Project De Development Urbain De Bujumbura - Report Semestriel Number 19 - January A June 1987
Republic Du Of Burundi Ministry Des Travaux Publics, De L' Energie Et Des Mines - Project De Development Urbain De Bujumbura - Report Semestriel Number 19 - January A June 1987
Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Program - Activity Completion Report - Number 012/84 - Burundi - Review Of Petroleum Import And Distribution Arrangements - January 1984
Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Program - Activity Completion Report - Number 012/84 - Burundi - Review Of Petroleum Import And Distribution Arrangements - January 1984
Burundi Issues And Options In The Energy Sector - June 1982
Burundi Issues And Options In The Energy Sector - June 1982
Analysis of Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos [ENH] and Direcao Nacional de Carvao et Hydrocarbonetos [DNCH] Training Needs and Proposed Short Terms Training - June 1994
Analysis of Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos [ENH] and Direcao Nacional de Carvao et Hydrocarbonetos [DNCH] Training Needs and Proposed Short Terms Training - June 1994
Projet De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment [PRECAGEME] - Credit Fonds Interimaire Number 029 Bur Audit Des Etats Certifies Des Depenses Periode Allant - June 30, 2000 - Report in Foreign Language
Projet De Renforcement Des Capacites Nationales Du Secteur Minier Et De Gestion De L Environment [PRECAGEME] - Credit Fonds Interimaire Number 029 Bur Audit Des Etats Certifies Des Depenses Periode Allant - June 30, 2000 - Report in Foreign Language
Rapport d Evaluation des Consultants - Titres des Services de Consultants - Mise en Place d un Espace de Navigation et d Information en Geologie Mines et Environnement [ENIGME] - July 18, 2000 - Report in Foreign Language
Rapport d Evaluation des Consultants - Titres des Services de Consultants - Mise en Place d un Espace de Navigation et d Information en Geologie Mines et Environnement [ENIGME] - July 18, 2000 - Report in Foreign Language
Convention Dej Constitution D Une Societe De Recherche Et d Exploitation Minieres Au Burkina FASO - September 24, 1991 - Report in Foreign Language
Convention Dej Constitution D Une Societe De Recherche Et d Exploitation Minieres Au Burkina FASO - September 24, 1991 - Report in Foreign Language
State Economic and Trade Commission - PR China - Department of Resources Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization
State Economic and Trade Commission - PR China - Department of Resources Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization
Documents for the World Banks Mid Term Supervision - Beijing Energy Management Company [EMC] - October 2000
Documents for the World Banks Mid Term Supervision - Beijing Energy Management Company [EMC] - October 2000
Financial Report of Beijing Energy Management Company [EMC] - Beijing Yuanshen Energy Saving Technology Limited - September 30, 1999
Financial Report of Beijing Energy Management Company [EMC] - Beijing Yuanshen Energy Saving Technology Limited - September 30, 1999
World Bank Revision Meeting in October 1999 - Project Summary by Shandong Energy Management Company [EMC] - Shandong Energy Conservation Engineering Company Limited - October 1999
World Bank Revision Meeting in October 1999 - Project Summary by Shandong Energy Management Company [EMC] - Shandong Energy Conservation Engineering Company Limited - October 1999
Resultados 6801 a 6850 de 6925