Showing 6801-6850 of 6925 results

Records of the Energy Sector
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Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Consumo de Energia y Situacion Socio Economica en Areas Urbano Marginales y Rurales del Ecuador - September 1994 - Reports
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Consumo de Energia y Situacion Socio Economica en Areas Urbano Marginales y Rurales del Ecuador - September 1994 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Jamaica - Energy and Economic Analyses for the Jamaica Energy Efficiency Building Code - Final Report - Volume 2 - Appendices - October 1992 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Jamaica - Energy and Economic Analyses for the Jamaica Energy Efficiency Building Code - Final Report - Volume 2 - Appendices - October 1992 - Reports
Africa - Kenya - Coal Conversion, Energy Conservation and Substitution Action Plan - Volume 2 - Reports ;
Africa - Kenya - Coal Conversion, Energy Conservation and Substitution Action Plan - Volume 2 - Reports ;
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Peru - Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] Country Paper - Report Number ECP 003 / 94 - Report 003/94
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Peru - Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] Country Paper - Report Number ECP 003 / 94 - Report 003/94
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Bolivia - Primer Seminario Sobre Reformas en el Sector Electrico Boliviano - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Bolivia - Primer Seminario Sobre Reformas en el Sector Electrico Boliviano - Reports
Global - Regulatory Structuring and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies 2 - Power Sector Reform - International and Conceptual Background - July 1993 - Reports
Global - Regulatory Structuring and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies 2 - Power Sector Reform - International and Conceptual Background - July 1993 - Reports
Global - The Solar Initiative - March 1995 - Reports
Global - The Solar Initiative - March 1995 - Reports
Africa - Ethiopia - Report of a Household Fuel Survey in Addis Ababa - Cooking Efficiency Program Planning in Ethiopia - Reports
Africa - Ethiopia - Report of a Household Fuel Survey in Addis Ababa - Cooking Efficiency Program Planning in Ethiopia - Reports
Africa - Zambia - Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] Country Paper - Report Number ECP 009 / 93 - Final Draft - Green Cover - April 1993 - Report 009/93
Africa - Zambia - Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] Country Paper - Report Number ECP 009 / 93 - Final Draft - Green Cover - April 1993 - Report 009/93
Global - Biomas Survey Report Project Working Document - By Emmanuel N Chidumayo - December 1990 - Reports
Global - Biomas Survey Report Project Working Document - By Emmanuel N Chidumayo - December 1990 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Chile - Regulation, Structure and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolie 2 - Chile Power Sector Reform - July 1993 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Chile - Regulation, Structure and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolie 2 - Chile Power Sector Reform - July 1993 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Morocco - Seminarie - MAGHREB - Enjeux et Strategies Energetiques - June 1991 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Morocco - Seminarie - MAGHREB - Enjeux et Strategies Energetiques - June 1991 - Reports
Asia - India - Biomass Estimation and Changes in the Vegetal Cover in the Fuelwood Catchment of Hyderabad by IMPRINT - July 1995 - Reports
Asia - India - Biomass Estimation and Changes in the Vegetal Cover in the Fuelwood Catchment of Hyderabad by IMPRINT - July 1995 - Reports
Asia - New Zealand - Creation of the New Zealand Wholesale Electricity Market by Strategic Development Group - December 1996 - Report 96/29
Asia - New Zealand - Creation of the New Zealand Wholesale Electricity Market by Strategic Development Group - December 1996 - Report 96/29
Asia - Nepal - New Disgns for Rural Electrification - Private Sector Experiences in Nepal - Consultnat Report by Allen R Inversin - Reports
Asia - Nepal - New Disgns for Rural Electrification - Private Sector Experiences in Nepal - Consultnat Report by Allen R Inversin - Reports
A Review of the Energy Service Company [ESCO] Industry in the United States - By Richard D Cudahy and Thomas K Dreessen - March 1996 - Reports
A Review of the Energy Service Company [ESCO] Industry in the United States - By Richard D Cudahy and Thomas K Dreessen - March 1996 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Energy Pricing and Policy for Household Sector - Main Report - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Energy Pricing and Policy for Household Sector - Main Report - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Energy Pricing and Policy for Household Sector - Annexes - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Energy Pricing and Policy for Household Sector - Annexes - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Firewood Markets in Pakistan - Supply, Distribution and Profitability - By William Dougherty - July 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Firewood Markets in Pakistan - Supply, Distribution and Profitability - By William Dougherty - July 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Forest Energy in Pakistan - The Evidence for Sustainability - July 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Forest Energy in Pakistan - The Evidence for Sustainability - July 1993 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Poland - Regulations, Structure and Pricing Decisions of Natural Resources - Poland Energy Sector Reform - July 1993 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Poland - Regulations, Structure and Pricing Decisions of Natural Resources - Poland Energy Sector Reform - July 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Farm Trees and Wood Markets - A Review and Economic Appraisal - By Gerald Leach - February 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] Farm Trees and Wood Markets - A Review and Economic Appraisal - By Gerald Leach - February 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] - Household Energy Demand - Consumption Patterns - July 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] - Household Energy Demand - Consumption Patterns - July 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] - Household Energy Demand Handbook for 1991 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Pakistan Household Energy Strategy Study [HESS] - Household Energy Demand Handbook for 1991 - Reports
Africa - Botswana - Petroleum Supply - Pricing and Policy Analysis - May 1991 - Reports
Africa - Botswana - Petroleum Supply - Pricing and Policy Analysis - May 1991 - Reports
Africa - Botswana - Woody Biomass Resources for the Urban Sectors in Botswana - May 1991 - Reports
Africa - Botswana - Woody Biomass Resources for the Urban Sectors in Botswana - May 1991 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Bolivia - Preparation of Capitalization of the Hydrocarbon Sector - Volume 1 - March 1995 - Report 14005 BO
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Bolivia - Preparation of Capitalization of the Hydrocarbon Sector - Volume 1 - March 1995 - Report 14005 BO
Global - Rural Energy in Developing Countries - A Challenge for Economic Development - By Douglas F Barnes and Willem M Floor - Reports
Global - Rural Energy in Developing Countries - A Challenge for Economic Development - By Douglas F Barnes and Willem M Floor - Reports
Global - Roundtable on Energy Efficiency and the Economics - Six Perspective and an Assessment - Reports
Global - Roundtable on Energy Efficiency and the Economics - Six Perspective and an Assessment - Reports
Global - Household / Rural Energy and the Environment Recent Experience and Prospects - A Background Paper for Discussion at Energy Sector Management Assistance Programs [ESMAPs] Annual Meeting - November 27 - 29, 1989 - Reports
Global - Household / Rural Energy and the Environment Recent Experience and Prospects - A Background Paper for Discussion at Energy Sector Management Assistance Programs [ESMAPs] Annual Meeting - November 27 - 29, 1989 - Reports
Global - Handbook on Solar Water Pumping by Intermediate Technology Power Limited - February 1984 - Reports
Global - Handbook on Solar Water Pumping by Intermediate Technology Power Limited - February 1984 - Reports
Global - The George Washington University [GWU] Forecast of Emerging Technology A Continuous Assessment of Technology Revolution - Reports
Global - The George Washington University [GWU] Forecast of Emerging Technology A Continuous Assessment of Technology Revolution - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Lighting Efficiency Improvement Program Phase 1 - Commercial Building - Fiver Year Plan - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Lighting Efficiency Improvement Program Phase 1 - Commercial Building - Fiver Year Plan - Reports
Egypt - Renewable Energy Strategy and Institutional Strengthening Study Activity Completion Report - June 1999 - Reports
Egypt - Renewable Energy Strategy and Institutional Strengthening Study Activity Completion Report - June 1999 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Egypt - Energy Sector Assessment Challenges for the Egyptian Energy Sector - Volume 1 - Executive Summary - White Cover - September 1995 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Egypt - Energy Sector Assessment Challenges for the Egyptian Energy Sector - Volume 1 - Executive Summary - White Cover - September 1995 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Hungary - Natural Gas Imports Study - May 1992 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Hungary - Natural Gas Imports Study - May 1992 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Morocco - Study of Improving the Efficiency of Electric Power Distribution System - Consultant Report - English / French - July 1994 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Morocco - Study of Improving the Efficiency of Electric Power Distribution System - Consultant Report - English / French - July 1994 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Bolivia - Household and Rural Energy Strategy - February 1992 - Reports;
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Bolivia - Household and Rural Energy Strategy - February 1992 - Reports;
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Jamaica - National Building Code Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency Building Code [EEBC] - 94 Section 1 Requirements - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Jamaica - National Building Code Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency Building Code [EEBC] - 94 Section 1 Requirements - Reports
Global - Regulatory Structuring and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies 2 - Power Sector Reform - World Bank Policies - July 1993 - Reports
Global - Regulatory Structuring and Pricing Decisions of Natural Monopolies 2 - Power Sector Reform - World Bank Policies - July 1993 - Reports
Global - Proceedings of the World Bank Electric Power Distribution Design Workshop - October 1993 - Reports
Global - Proceedings of the World Bank Electric Power Distribution Design Workshop - October 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Woodfuel Use in Pakistan Sustainability of Supply and Socio Economic and Environmental Implication - February 1993 - Reports
Asia - Pakistan - Woodfuel Use in Pakistan Sustainability of Supply and Socio Economic and Environmental Implication - February 1993 - Reports
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Status of Ongoing Activities as of September 30, 1997 - October - November 1997 - Reports
Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme [ESMAP] - Status of Ongoing Activities as of September 30, 1997 - October - November 1997 - Reports
Global - Charcoal Production Report - Project Working Document - December 1990 - Reports
Global - Charcoal Production Report - Project Working Document - December 1990 - Reports
Africa - Uganda - Energy Efficiency in Tobacco Curing and Brick and Tile Production Industries - Reports
Africa - Uganda - Energy Efficiency in Tobacco Curing and Brick and Tile Production Industries - Reports
Global - Development of Regional Electric Power Networks by London Economic - Reports
Global - Development of Regional Electric Power Networks by London Economic - Reports
Global - Demand Side Efficiency Voluntary Agreements with Industry Working Paper by Mark Storey - December 1996 - Reports
Global - Demand Side Efficiency Voluntary Agreements with Industry Working Paper by Mark Storey - December 1996 - Reports
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Jamaica - National Building Code Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency Building Code [EEBC] - 94 Section 2 Guidelines - Reports;
Latin America and the Caribbean [LAC] - Jamaica - National Building Code Volume 2 - Energy Efficiency Building Code [EEBC] - 94 Section 2 Guidelines - Reports;
Africa - Southern African Development Community [SADC] - Energy Project AAA 3.8 Regional Power Interconnection - Study Phase 2 - Volume 3 - Reports
Africa - Southern African Development Community [SADC] - Energy Project AAA 3.8 Regional Power Interconnection - Study Phase 2 - Volume 3 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Poland - Restructuring Proposals for the Polish Energy Sector - Summary of Key Recommendations - March 1991 - Reports
Europe and Central Asia [ECA] - Middle East and North Africa [MENA] - Poland - Restructuring Proposals for the Polish Energy Sector - Summary of Key Recommendations - March 1991 - Reports
Resultados 6801 a 6850 de 6925