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Showing 6851-6900 of 6925 results
54 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Yemen Arab Republic - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents
Yemen Arab Republic - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents
Africa - Geology - Stratigraphic Chart
Africa - Geology - Stratigraphic Chart
Antilles - Dominican Republic - The Main Sedimentary Basins of the Dominican Republic and Their Petroleum Possibilities - Report in Foreign Language
Antilles - Dominican Republic - The Main Sedimentary Basins of the Dominican Republic and Their Petroleum Possibilities - Report in Foreign Language
Dominican Republic - Geology - Geologist Notes
Dominican Republic - Geology - Geologist Notes
Mauritania - Geology - Geological Maps
Mauritania - Geology - Geological Maps
Madagascar - Geology - Plan 2 Proposal to Manage the Tsimiroro Heavy Oil Exploration Project
Madagascar - Geology - Plan 2 Proposal to Manage the Tsimiroro Heavy Oil Exploration Project
Dominican Republic - Geology - Geological Maps
Dominican Republic - Geology - Geological Maps
Morocco - Geology - Reservoir Studies - TKM 2 and TKM 201 Soundings - Report in Foreign Language
Morocco - Geology - Reservoir Studies - TKM 2 and TKM 201 Soundings - Report in Foreign Language
India - Geology - Geologist Notes - Oil Exploration
India - Geology - Geologist Notes - Oil Exploration
Petroleum Exploration in the Dominican Republic - Enriquillo Basin - Canadian Superior Oil Limited
Petroleum Exploration in the Dominican Republic - Enriquillo Basin - Canadian Superior Oil Limited
Burundi - Geology - Geological Maps
Burundi - Geology - Geological Maps
Environmental and Social Systems Analysts Limited [ESSA] - Technologies Limited - Empty Folder
Environmental and Social Systems Analysts Limited [ESSA] - Technologies Limited - Empty Folder
Tanzania - Geology - Geological Maps
Tanzania - Geology - Geological Maps
Romania - Geology - Preliminary Study Concerning the Program of Maintenance and Development of Oil Production in Romania
Romania - Geology - Preliminary Study Concerning the Program of Maintenance and Development of Oil Production in Romania
Romania - Geology - Programme for Enhanced Oil Recovery by Thermal Methods at Videle, Balaria, Otesti and Suplacul of Barcau Fields
Romania - Geology - Programme for Enhanced Oil Recovery by Thermal Methods at Videle, Balaria, Otesti and Suplacul of Barcau Fields
Tanzania - Geology - Geologist Notes - Songo Songo
Tanzania - Geology - Geologist Notes - Songo Songo
Romania - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
Romania - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology - Geologist Drafts - Petroleum Exploration
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology - Geologist Drafts - Petroleum Exploration
Pakistan - Geology - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
Pakistan - Geology - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
Papua New Guinea - Geology - Geologist Notes
Papua New Guinea - Geology - Geologist Notes
Turkey - Geology - Geologist Notes
Turkey - Geology - Geologist Notes
Panama - Geology - Geologist Notes
Panama - Geology - Geologist Notes
Syria - Energy Strategy and Efficiency Improvement - Document
Syria - Energy Strategy and Efficiency Improvement - Document
Syria - Refining and Gas Utilization Strategy - Project Management Records - Correspondence
Syria - Refining and Gas Utilization Strategy - Project Management Records - Correspondence
Comoros - Energy Assessment - Document Drafts
Comoros - Energy Assessment - Document Drafts
Bangladesh - Small Uses of Natural Gas - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bangladesh - Small Uses of Natural Gas - Correspondence - Volume 1
Establishing the Energy Regulatory Authority [ERA] - Poland - PE23735 - Poland - Licenses for the Oil Sector - Working Paper - By National Economic Research Associates [NERA]
Establishing the Energy Regulatory Authority [ERA] - Poland - PE23735 - Poland - Licenses for the Oil Sector - Working Paper - By National Economic Research Associates [NERA]
Establishing the Energy Regulatory Authority [ERA] - Poland - PE23735 - Third Party Access in Poland - National Economic Research Associates [NERA]
Establishing the Energy Regulatory Authority [ERA] - Poland - PE23735 - Third Party Access in Poland - National Economic Research Associates [NERA]
Project Management Records : power technical assistance - 1v
Project Management Records : power technical assistance - 1v
Household Energy Strategy Study : population and surveys, procurement records, reference materials, chron - 4v
Household Energy Strategy Study : population and surveys, procurement records, reference materials, chron - 4v
Household Energy Strategy Study : personnel, CV's, consultant files, administrative issues, local contracts, scheduling - 3v
Household Energy Strategy Study : personnel, CV's, consultant files, administrative issues, local contracts, scheduling - 3v
Records of the Energy Sector
Records of the Energy Sector
Waste to energy : technologies - set
Waste to energy : technologies - set
Amelioration de l'Exploitation Miniere Artisanale - Site de Banouassi - Evaluation Geologique - Groupement Geoman Consult - Teams - Ouagadougou
Amelioration de l'Exploitation Miniere Artisanale - Site de Banouassi - Evaluation Geologique - Groupement Geoman Consult - Teams - Ouagadougou
The Practical Side of Mineral Taxation from the Sahelian African Experience - Micheline Mescher
The Practical Side of Mineral Taxation from the Sahelian African Experience - Micheline Mescher
Country Strategy Papers - set
Country Strategy Papers - set
CIDA Review of Electricity Tariff Study - set
CIDA Review of Electricity Tariff Study - set
Caribbean Energy Survey - set
Caribbean Energy Survey - set
Energey Assessment Papers - set
Energey Assessment Papers - set
Energy Sector Review Study - set
Energy Sector Review Study - set
Monitoring of Biomass Gasifier : tors and activity initiating brief - set
Monitoring of Biomass Gasifier : tors and activity initiating brief - set
Project Management Records : hydro feasibility study - 1v
Project Management Records : hydro feasibility study - 1v
Project Management Records : management of power subsector - 1v
Project Management Records : management of power subsector - 1v
Project management records : windfarm development study, reports - set
Project management records : windfarm development study, reports - set
Project management records : windfarm development study consultant reports, general - set
Project management records : windfarm development study consultant reports, general - set
Chronological files
Chronological files
Waste to energy : bibliography - set
Waste to energy : bibliography - set
Operations research and reference material
Operations research and reference material
Knowledge and learning events and products
Knowledge and learning events and products
Amelioration de l'Exploitation Miniere Artisanale - Site de Zinigma - Evaluation Geologique - Groupement Geoman Consult - Teams - Ouagadougou
Amelioration de l'Exploitation Miniere Artisanale - Site de Zinigma - Evaluation Geologique - Groupement Geoman Consult - Teams - Ouagadougou
Results 6851 to 6900 of 6925