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6 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
International Training Network for Rural Water and Waste Management in India - Project Report - April 1991 - October 1995 - ITN Centre, India - Department of Sanitary Engineering - Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition - All India Institute of Hygiene
International Training Network for Rural Water and Waste Management in India - Project Report - April 1991 - October 1995 - ITN Centre, India - Department of Sanitary Engineering - Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition - All India Institute of Hygiene
The Indian Training Network [ITN] - Report of a Joint Review - July 1996 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme - Government of India
The Indian Training Network [ITN] - Report of a Joint Review - July 1996 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme - Government of India
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development - Annual Report - W/O 23/93 - 1995
Institute of Water and Sanitation Development - Annual Report - W/O 23/93 - 1995
United Nations Development Programme - Inter-Country Project - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Evaluation Mission - Part 2 - Country
United Nations Development Programme - Inter-Country Project - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Development Team for Asia - RAS/86/160 - Report of the Joint United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Evaluation Mission - Part 2 - Country
Joint Danida / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Review - The International Training Network [ITN] Centre for Water Supply and Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Bangladesh - Review Report
Joint Danida / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Review - The International Training Network [ITN] Centre for Water Supply and Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Bangladesh - Review Report
Second Curricula Development Workshop on Water Supply and Waste Management - Proceedings - September 16, 1997 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology - Dhaka
Second Curricula Development Workshop on Water Supply and Waste Management - Proceedings - September 16, 1997 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology - Dhaka
International Training Network [ITN] Bangladesh - An Overview - November 1997 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Dhaka
International Training Network [ITN] Bangladesh - An Overview - November 1997 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Dhaka
International Training Network - Bangladesh - Report on Needs Assessment Survey for Capacity Building of International Training Network [ITN] Sub Cntres - October 1998
International Training Network - Bangladesh - Report on Needs Assessment Survey for Capacity Building of International Training Network [ITN] Sub Cntres - October 1998
Semi Annual Progress Report - July - December 1998, February 1999 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Dhaka
Semi Annual Progress Report - July - December 1998, February 1999 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Dhaka
Semi Annual Progress Report - July - December 1997 - Publication ITN 9710 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Dhaka
Semi Annual Progress Report - July - December 1997 - Publication ITN 9710 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [BUET] - Dhaka
Training of Trainers Course on Low Cost Sanitation - Module 2 - Participants Notes - July 1998 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh
Training of Trainers Course on Low Cost Sanitation - Module 2 - Participants Notes - July 1998 - International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management - Bangladesh
Implementacion del Enfoque de Genero en el Proyecto Yacupaj - Informe Final de la Consultoria - Marta Noya I., Marcos Bustamante M.
Implementacion del Enfoque de Genero en el Proyecto Yacupaj - Informe Final de la Consultoria - Marta Noya I., Marcos Bustamante M.
Report of the Danida Workshop on Participatory Training - April 29 - May 11, 1991 - Goa - The Academy for Community Development and International Living [ACDIL] - Goa - Technical Support by United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS
Report of the Danida Workshop on Participatory Training - April 29 - May 11, 1991 - Goa - The Academy for Community Development and International Living [ACDIL] - Goa - Technical Support by United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / PROWWESS
Rural Water and Sanitation Project - Bolivia - Staff Appraisal Report - Draft - October 13, 1994
Rural Water and Sanitation Project - Bolivia - Staff Appraisal Report - Draft - October 13, 1994
Monitor - Sast Activity - Strategic Analysis in Science and Technology - Research and Technological Development for the Supply and Use of Freshwater Resources - Sast Project 6 - Report on Freshwater Demand and Use - F. Siccardi, Techware - July 1992
Monitor - Sast Activity - Strategic Analysis in Science and Technology - Research and Technological Development for the Supply and Use of Freshwater Resources - Sast Project 6 - Report on Freshwater Demand and Use - F. Siccardi, Techware - July 1992
Monitor - Sast Activity - Strategic Analysis in Science and Technology - Research and Technological Development for the Supply and Use of Freshwater Resources - Sast Project 6 - Report on New Sources and Better Use of Existing Sources - J.J. Peters
Monitor - Sast Activity - Strategic Analysis in Science and Technology - Research and Technological Development for the Supply and Use of Freshwater Resources - Sast Project 6 - Report on New Sources and Better Use of Existing Sources - J.J. Peters
Development and International Economic Cooperation - An Agenda for Development - Report of the Secretary General - A/48/935 - May 6, 1994 - English - Original - United Nations - General Assembly - Forty Eighth Session
Development and International Economic Cooperation - An Agenda for Development - Report of the Secretary General - A/48/935 - May 6, 1994 - English - Original - United Nations - General Assembly - Forty Eighth Session
Latin America and Caribbean Seminar on Water and Sanitation for Low Income Groups - Report - September 29 to October 5, 1988 - Recife
Latin America and Caribbean Seminar on Water and Sanitation for Low Income Groups - Report - September 29 to October 5, 1988 - Recife
The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - 1985 - World Health Statistics - World Health Organization - Geneva
The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - 1985 - World Health Statistics - World Health Organization - Geneva
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - 1981 - 1990 - Project Programme Information System - Publication 1 - Revision - April 1983
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - 1981 - 1990 - Project Programme Information System - Publication 1 - Revision - April 1983
Final Draft - Management Contract for Service Improvement Program for Water and Wastewater Systems in the Gaza Strip - January 15, 1996
Final Draft - Management Contract for Service Improvement Program for Water and Wastewater Systems in the Gaza Strip - January 15, 1996
Programme d' Approvisionnement en Eau des Quartiers Populaires de Port-au-Prince - Rapport de la Mission d' Evaluation - Fevrier 1998 - Bernard Collignon - Hydro Conseil
Programme d' Approvisionnement en Eau des Quartiers Populaires de Port-au-Prince - Rapport de la Mission d' Evaluation - Fevrier 1998 - Bernard Collignon - Hydro Conseil
Proposal to The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [SIDA] for support Inputs in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic [PDR] and Cambodia by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Phase B
Proposal to The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [SIDA] for support Inputs in Lao Peoples Democratic Republic [PDR] and Cambodia by the United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - Phase B
Draft Sample Bidding Documents for the Procurement of Handpumps - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project - Applied Research and Technology (WUDAT) - Note Number 1 - A Joint United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Contribution to the
Draft Sample Bidding Documents for the Procurement of Handpumps - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project - Applied Research and Technology (WUDAT) - Note Number 1 - A Joint United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Contribution to the
Here is a Document that can change the Way - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG] East Asia and the Pacific [EAP] Communications Strategy
Here is a Document that can change the Way - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation Group [RWSG] East Asia and the Pacific [EAP] Communications Strategy
Alternative Solutions for Supply of Water and Sewerage in Sectors with Low Financial Resources - World Bank - February 25, 1998 - Washington, DC - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
Alternative Solutions for Supply of Water and Sewerage in Sectors with Low Financial Resources - World Bank - February 25, 1998 - Washington, DC - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
The Katwe Urban Pilot Project - Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned - August 1995 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
The Katwe Urban Pilot Project - Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned - August 1995 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP]
Guia para la Capacitacion en el Manejo de las Diarreas - Conasupo - United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF]
Guia para la Capacitacion en el Manejo de las Diarreas - Conasupo - United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF]
Learning What Works - Aprendiendo de la Experiencia - Les Lecons de l' Experience - Water and Sanitation Program
Learning What Works - Aprendiendo de la Experiencia - Les Lecons de l' Experience - Water and Sanitation Program
Evaluation of New York City Toilet Rebate Program - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Final Report - December 16, 1996 - Westat, Incorporated
Evaluation of New York City Toilet Rebate Program - Customer Satisfaction Survey - Final Report - December 16, 1996 - Westat, Incorporated
Proceedings of the Urban and Peri-Urban Strategic Sanitation Conference - East Asia Region - March 25 - 27, 1996 - Jakarta - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Proceedings of the Urban and Peri-Urban Strategic Sanitation Conference - East Asia Region - March 25 - 27, 1996 - Jakarta - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] / World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Public Policy for the Private Sector - Note 126 - The Private Sector in Water and Sanitation - How to Get Started - September 1997 - The World Bank Group - Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Network
Public Policy for the Private Sector - Note 126 - The Private Sector in Water and Sanitation - How to Get Started - September 1997 - The World Bank Group - Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure Network
Annual Report on Water and Sanitation Program East Asia and the Pacific [WSP-EAP] Support Inputs to Lao People Democratic Republic and Cambodia plus Regional Networking - January - December 1998 - Draft - January 1999 - Vientiane and Phnom Penh
Annual Report on Water and Sanitation Program East Asia and the Pacific [WSP-EAP] Support Inputs to Lao People Democratic Republic and Cambodia plus Regional Networking - January - December 1998 - Draft - January 1999 - Vientiane and Phnom Penh
Integrated Waste Management and Resource Recovery Program 1981-1990 - August 1994 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Terminal Report - UNDP - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Integrated Waste Management and Resource Recovery Program 1981-1990 - August 1994 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] Terminal Report - UNDP - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Defi pour le 21 Siecle - Durban 2000 - Challenge for the Twenty First Century - Number 63 - December 1999 - UADE - UAWS Informations
Defi pour le 21 Siecle - Durban 2000 - Challenge for the Twenty First Century - Number 63 - December 1999 - UADE - UAWS Informations
Fortalecimiento del Grupo Regional de Agua y Saneamiento - Regional Andina - Enero 31 - Febrero 1 de 1998 - La Paz, Bolivia - Patricio Barriga - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento
Fortalecimiento del Grupo Regional de Agua y Saneamiento - Regional Andina - Enero 31 - Febrero 1 de 1998 - La Paz, Bolivia - Patricio Barriga - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento
Managing the Process and Regulating the Sector - Private Sector Participation in Urban Water and Sanitation - December 5 - 6, 2001 - Manesar, Haryana, India - Nagari - South Asia Region - Thirteenth Meeting of the Urban Think Tank
Managing the Process and Regulating the Sector - Private Sector Participation in Urban Water and Sanitation - December 5 - 6, 2001 - Manesar, Haryana, India - Nagari - South Asia Region - Thirteenth Meeting of the Urban Think Tank
24-Hour Water Supply - Is This Goal Achievable - Drawing Lessons from Rapid Distribution System Diagnostic Assessments in India Cities - Nagari - South Asia - Fifteenth Meeting of the Urban Think Tank - September 23 - 24, 2003 - Hyderabad, India
24-Hour Water Supply - Is This Goal Achievable - Drawing Lessons from Rapid Distribution System Diagnostic Assessments in India Cities - Nagari - South Asia - Fifteenth Meeting of the Urban Think Tank - September 23 - 24, 2003 - Hyderabad, India
Regional Support Network Workshop Proceedings - June 7-9, 1999 at the Landmark Hotel in Nairobi - Kenya - Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation [PHAST] - Regional Support Network [RSN] East and Southern Africa
Regional Support Network Workshop Proceedings - June 7-9, 1999 at the Landmark Hotel in Nairobi - Kenya - Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation [PHAST] - Regional Support Network [RSN] East and Southern Africa
Workshop on Mainstreaming a Gender Equality Perspective into Government Budgets - Charlotta Adelstal - December 17, 1997 - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [SIDA] - 3/98 - Secretariat for Policy and Corporate Development / Economic
Workshop on Mainstreaming a Gender Equality Perspective into Government Budgets - Charlotta Adelstal - December 17, 1997 - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency [SIDA] - 3/98 - Secretariat for Policy and Corporate Development / Economic
Woman, Water, Sanitation - 1996 - Annual Abstract Journal, Number 6 - Joint Publication by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and PROWESS / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Woman, Water, Sanitation - 1996 - Annual Abstract Journal, Number 6 - Joint Publication by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and PROWESS / United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Water and Health in Underprivileged Urban Areas - Round Table of Sophia Antipolis - February 1994 - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - GRET, Water Solidarity Network
Water and Health in Underprivileged Urban Areas - Round Table of Sophia Antipolis - February 1994 - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - GRET, Water Solidarity Network
Rapport de Conference - Rencontre du 25 au 29 Septembre 1999 - Les Operateurs Prives Independants de l' Eau et de L' Assainissement en Afrique de l' Ouest - Severine Champetier, Luis Brusco and Mamdou Diallo
Rapport de Conference - Rencontre du 25 au 29 Septembre 1999 - Les Operateurs Prives Independants de l' Eau et de L' Assainissement en Afrique de l' Ouest - Severine Champetier, Luis Brusco and Mamdou Diallo
Summary Report Regional Workshop on Urban Environmental Sanitation - Strategic Approaches to Environmental Sanitation for the Urban Poor - May 19 - 23, 1997 - Nairobi, Kenya - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank - Water
Summary Report Regional Workshop on Urban Environmental Sanitation - Strategic Approaches to Environmental Sanitation for the Urban Poor - May 19 - 23, 1997 - Nairobi, Kenya - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - World Bank - Water
Strategic Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning - Developing a Concerted and Integrated Approach - The West African Experience - Alain Mathys
Strategic Urban Environmental Sanitation Planning - Developing a Concerted and Integrated Approach - The West African Experience - Alain Mathys
Whose Choice is it Anyway - Excerpts from Local Voices Heard, a Study of Community Based Approaches utilized in United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF] Water and Environmental Sanitation [WES} Program in Indonesia - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation
Whose Choice is it Anyway - Excerpts from Local Voices Heard, a Study of Community Based Approaches utilized in United Nations Childrens Fund [UNICEF] Water and Environmental Sanitation [WES} Program in Indonesia - 1998 - Regional Water and Sanitation
Final Report - November 1999 - June 2000 - November 2000 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Final Report - November 1999 - June 2000 - November 2000 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Report on Presentations and Participation in the HTN Workshop, 2000, India - April 20, 2000 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Report on Presentations and Participation in the HTN Workshop, 2000, India - April 20, 2000 - Technology Transfer Division Bombas de Mecate S.A.
Institutions, Organizations and Viable Water Services - A Capacity Development Model for Drinking Water Provision and Production - 1998 - Jarmo J. Hukka - Tampere University of Technology Publications 230
Institutions, Organizations and Viable Water Services - A Capacity Development Model for Drinking Water Provision and Production - 1998 - Jarmo J. Hukka - Tampere University of Technology Publications 230
Rural Water Supply Programme in India - Peoples Participation in Drinking Water Supply Sector Reforms - The Emerging Scenario - Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission - S.K. Tripathi and Anil Kumar
Rural Water Supply Programme in India - Peoples Participation in Drinking Water Supply Sector Reforms - The Emerging Scenario - Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission - S.K. Tripathi and Anil Kumar
Resultados 51 a 100 de 382