Showing 51-100 of 81508 results

4816 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Madagascar - MAG/89/001 - Master File - Strengthening of Planning Capacity and Economic Management - Documents and Correspondence
Madagascar - MAG/89/001 - Master File - Strengthening of Planning Capacity and Economic Management - Documents and Correspondence
Indonesia - INS/88/005 - UN008900 - Community Water and Sanitation Project - Documents and Correspondence
Indonesia - INS/88/005 - UN008900 - Community Water and Sanitation Project - Documents and Correspondence
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Ethiopia - Department for International Development [DFID] - Trust Fund TF050490 - P098056, P109163 - Volume 1
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Ethiopia - Department for International Development [DFID] - Trust Fund TF050490 - P098056, P109163 - Volume 1
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [SDC] - Peru, Latin and Central America, Pakistan
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [SDC] - Peru, Latin and Central America, Pakistan
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Australian Agency for International Development [AusAid] - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [SDC] - Indonesia, World, Albania, East and South Africa, South Asia, Bangladesh
Water and Sanitation Program [WSP] - Australian Agency for International Development [AusAid] - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation [SDC] - Indonesia, World, Albania, East and South Africa, South Asia, Bangladesh
UNDP/GLO/78/006 - Low Cost Water Sanitation Techniques - Documents - Volume 2
UNDP/GLO/78/006 - Low Cost Water Sanitation Techniques - Documents - Volume 2
UNDP/INT/81/026 - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project - Fields, Trials and Technology Development Project - 1981 / 1983 Correspondence - Volume 13
UNDP/INT/81/026 - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project - Fields, Trials and Technology Development Project - 1981 / 1983 Correspondence - Volume 13
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - 1978 / 1980 Documents - Volume 1
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - 1978 / 1980 Documents - Volume 1
UNDP/GLO/78/006 - Low Cost Water Sanitation Techniques - 1981 / 1983 Correspondence - Volume 25
UNDP/GLO/78/006 - Low Cost Water Sanitation Techniques - 1981 / 1983 Correspondence - Volume 25
RAB/88/009 - Improvment of Water Supply and Waste Management in the Arab States Region - Water Development Sector - Correspondence
RAB/88/009 - Improvment of Water Supply and Waste Management in the Arab States Region - Water Development Sector - Correspondence
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - Applied Investigations - Correspondence
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - Applied Investigations - Correspondence
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - Administrative Correspondence
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - Administrative Correspondence
Botswana - INT/81/047 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Water Development Sector - Correspondence
Botswana - INT/81/047 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Water Development Sector - Correspondence
Brazil - INT/81/047 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Water Development Sector - Correspondence
Brazil - INT/81/047 - United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] - Water Development Sector - Correspondence
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - General Donors - Correspondence - Volume 2
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - General Donors - Correspondence - Volume 2
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - General Donors - Correspondence - Volume 2
INT/81/047 - Water Development Sector - General Donors - Correspondence - Volume 2
INT/81/026 - Field Testing and Technological Development of Rural Water Supply Hand Pumps - Water Development Sector - Correspondence - Volume 2
INT/81/026 - Field Testing and Technological Development of Rural Water Supply Hand Pumps - Water Development Sector - Correspondence - Volume 2
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Ninth Meeting of the Steering Committ...
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Ninth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action - World Bank Headquarters, Washington, 15-16 April 1982 - Volume 2
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Tenth Meeting of the Steering Committ...
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Tenth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action - UNICEF Headquarters, New York, 9-10 November 1982
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Eleventh Meeting of the Steering Comm...
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade - Eleventh Meeting of the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action - FAO Headquarters, Rome, 30 November - 2 December 1983 - Volume 1
United Nations Development Program [UNDP] Project RAS/81/001 - Project Documents - 1982 / 1985
United Nations Development Program [UNDP] Project RAS/81/001 - Project Documents - 1982 / 1985
Diversified secondary curriculum study - box
Diversified secondary curriculum study - box
Financing education in developing countries : general - set
Financing education in developing countries : general - set
Literacy retention (RPO 671-55) - set
Literacy retention (RPO 671-55) - set
Human capital accumulation and urban wage employment - set
Human capital accumulation and urban wage employment - set
Tanzania teacher survey - set
Tanzania teacher survey - set
Tanzania teacher analysis - set
Tanzania teacher analysis - set
Research material from Michael Wilson - box
Research material from Michael Wilson - box
Research material from Michael Wilson - box
Research material from Michael Wilson - box
Research material : Pakistan higher education and scientific research, Development Sector Paper (drafts an exam runs) - 2v
Research material : Pakistan higher education and scientific research, Development Sector Paper (drafts an exam runs) - 2v
Research material from Wadi Haddad (Advisor PHR Department) - box
Research material from Wadi Haddad (Advisor PHR Department) - box
Research material from A. Schwartz - box
Research material from A. Schwartz - box
Research material on education and environment from Boh Thulstrup - box
Research material on education and environment from Boh Thulstrup - box
Research material on education and environment from Boh Thulstrup - box
Research material on education and environment from Boh Thulstrup - box
Research material : Handbook of University of Pakistan - set
Research material : Handbook of University of Pakistan - set
Research material : Allame, Iqbal - set
Research material : Allame, Iqbal - set
Research material : Blamae University Bahawalpur - set
Research material : Blamae University Bahawalpur - set
Research material : University of Baluchistan - set
Research material : University of Baluchistan - set
Review of the technical and vocational education and training system in Colombia, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) - 2v
Review of the technical and vocational education and training system in Colombia, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) - 2v
Liberating search reform of schools in Japan, Finland and Singapore - set
Liberating search reform of schools in Japan, Finland and Singapore - set
Vocational training : Venezuela documentation - set
Vocational training : Venezuela documentation - set
Brazil, vocational training for industry, Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI) - set
Brazil, vocational training for industry, Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI) - set
Research Material on Education and Informal Sector Employment - September 1983 to December 1984 -...
Research Material on Education and Informal Sector Employment - September 1983 to December 1984 - RPO 673-26 - Volume 1
Research material on Peru household survey - set
Research material on Peru household survey - set
Microcomputer Application in Education by Robin Horn - 1v
Microcomputer Application in Education by Robin Horn - 1v
The Quality of Education and Economic Growth by Lewis Solmon - 1v
The Quality of Education and Economic Growth by Lewis Solmon - 1v
Social Science Information by G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
Social Science Information by G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
International Journal of Development Economics by J.P. Tan - 1v
International Journal of Development Economics by J.P. Tan - 1v
Escuelas Nuevas: The New School as an Alternative for Educational Planners in Less Developed Cities by Clemencia Chiappi - 1v
Escuelas Nuevas: The New School as an Alternative for Educational Planners in Less Developed Cities by Clemencia Chiappi - 1v
Effecting Change in Plantation Schools: A Case from Sri Lanka by Angela Little and R. Sivasithambaram - 1v
Effecting Change in Plantation Schools: A Case from Sri Lanka by Angela Little and R. Sivasithambaram - 1v
Resultados 51 a 100 de 81508