Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - Africa - Briefing papers
Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - South Asia - Briefing papers
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: UNCTAD Final Act - UNCTAD final act
Annual Meeting briefing papers, 1965 - Europe and Middle East - Briefing papers
President George D. Woods - Correspondence - Volume 1 - 1963 - 1965
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 13
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: New York Meeting on Supplementary Finance, February 7-11, 1966 - Correspondence 01
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 14
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Geneva Meeting on Supplementary Finance, April 13-20, 1966 - Comments to President's Council Board and Economic Committee
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Geneva Meeting on Supplementary Finance, April 13-20, 1966 - Correspondence 01
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Press Commentary on Supplementary Finance Study - Correspondence
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 15
President George D. Woods Travel Files: Portugal - Travel file 02
President George D. Woods Travel Records - East Africa - Volume 1 - July - September 1966
George D Woods - Twenty First Annual Meeting Briefing Papers, 1966 - Latin America
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 16
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Draft Article of Agreement of the Proposed International Agency fo Supplementary Financial Assistance - Draft article of agreement
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Economic Committee Memos on Supplementary Finance - Memos on supplementary finance
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Salient Points by Governors on Supplementary Finance, Annual Meetings, 1966 - Correspondence 01
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Geneva Meeting on Supplementary Finance, February 1967 - Documents and notes
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Geneva Meeting on Supplementary Finance, February 1967 - Staff papers
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Geneva Meeting on Supplementary Finance, February 1967 - UNCTAD documents
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: Geneva Meeting on Supplementary Finance, February 1967 - IMF compensatory financing
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 18
Irving Friedman UNCTAD Files: New York Meeting on Supplementary Finance, April 1967 - Documents and correspondence
President George D. Woods Chronological Records - Volume 19