Report on the Penyiapan Lahan Pemukiman [PLP] Unit of Departemen Transmigrasi during PELTA III - June 1984
Phase II Studies, Phase IIIA Studies and Technical Assistance for Transmigration Settlement Development - Transmigration Pilot Project - Spontaneous Transmigration Development - Stage I Report - Halcrow Fox and Associates in association with Indulexco
Screening Study (Phase II) for Transmigration Settlement Development - Data Supplement - Jambi Province and Agricultural Supplement - SKP in Kab Musi Rawas, Sumatera Selatan - May 1983 - Halcrow Fox and Associates in co-operation with Indulexco
A Report on the Implementation of Transmigration II Project in Jambi - March 1982 - Office of the Junior Minister for Transmigration - Department of Manpower and Transmigration
Transmigration II Project - Jambi Province - Interim Report - January 1983 - Euroconsult in association with ID Consultants
Transmigration Programme - An Overview - May 1981 - Government of Indonesia
Project Identification of Transmigration III and IV - Republic of Indonesia - April 1979
The Final Result on Cropping Systems Research in Transmigration Areas - Southern Sumatera (1976-1977) - March 1978 - Cooperation Work between the Directorate General of Transmigration and Central Research Institute for Agriculture
Summary Report - On three case studies in Transmigration areas with different Agricultural Patterns
Indonesia - Government Decrees, Statutes and Regulations
Income - Reports and Tables
Costs - Reports and Charts
Budget Information - Charts and Reports
Transmigration and Development Budgets Allocated and Realized 1984-1988 - Sector and Province - Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia - Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jendral Anggaran - JLN Lapangan Banteng Timor Number 2 (Kotak Pos 139)
Survey Data 1983 - Units V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII - Reports and Charts
Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Village 5 Variables
Village 3 Variables
Variables Broken Down by Village
Sitiung and Upang - Means and Crosstabs
Rimbobujang - Means by Villages 1-10 - Crosstabs by Villages 1-10
All Villages Crosstabs - Volume 2
All Villages Crosstabs - Volume 1
Data - Various 1979 - Charts and Reports
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and Statistics - Survey Data - Sittiung
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and statistics - Units 1, 6 -10 - 1978
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and Statistics - Rimbo Bujang - Coding
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and Statistics - Rimbo Bujang Survey Results 1978
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and Statistics - Rimbo Bujang - Code Sheets
Gloria Davis - Indonesia Transmigration Program Review - Data and Statistics - Key Punching
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 3
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 2
Indonesia Transmigration Program - Notebook 1
Indonesia - Transmigration Program Review - Luwu Agriculture Development Loan - Capital Assistance Paper
Gloria Davis - Chronological file - 1990, 1992 and undated