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Showing 101-150 of 6935 results
60 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Tanzania - Geology - Final Report - Songo Songo
Tanzania - Geology - Final Report - Songo Songo
PEN - Energy General 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 5
PEN - Energy General 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 5
Costa Rica - Documents - Volume 3 - Report in Foreign Language
Costa Rica - Documents - Volume 3 - Report in Foreign Language
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology - Final Report
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology - Final Report
PEN - Thermal Generation Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
PEN - Thermal Generation Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
Portugal - Geology - Final Report - Petroleum Exploration
Portugal - Geology - Final Report - Petroleum Exploration
PEN - General Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 3
PEN - General Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 3
Pakistan - Geology - Geological Maps and Material
Pakistan - Geology - Geological Maps and Material
Uruguay - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Uruguay - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Madagascar - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Madagascar - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology
Liberia - Documents
Liberia - Documents
Columbia - Documents - Volume 2 - Reports in Foreign Languages
Columbia - Documents - Volume 2 - Reports in Foreign Languages
PEN - Policy Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
PEN - Policy Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
Renewable Energy Sector - General Correspondence - 1980
Renewable Energy Sector - General Correspondence - 1980
Niger - Geology - Geological Maps and Material
Niger - Geology - Geological Maps and Material
PEN - Thermal Generation Efficiency Study 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
PEN - Thermal Generation Efficiency Study 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
PEN - Energy General 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 6
PEN - Energy General 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 6
Dominican Republic - Documents - Volume 1 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Dominican Republic - Documents - Volume 1 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project ? Liberia ? Loan 1907 ? P001436 - Geology - Transmitted Data to Mr Rochet
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project ? Liberia ? Loan 1907 ? P001436 - Geology - Transmitted Data to Mr Rochet
PEN - Research Correspondence - Volume 1
PEN - Research Correspondence - Volume 1
Project Implementation Review - General Correspondence - 1980
Project Implementation Review - General Correspondence - 1980
Portugal - Geology - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
Portugal - Geology - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen [PDRY] - Geology - Geologist Notes - Petroleum Exploration
Peru - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Volume 3 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Peru - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Volume 3 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Turkey - Geology - Final Report - Presidents - Petroleum Exploration
Turkey - Geology - Final Report - Presidents - Petroleum Exploration
Zaire - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Reports in Multiple Languages;
Zaire - Energy Sector Assessment Program - Background Documents - Reports in Multiple Languages;
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (01) - Guinea-Bissau ? Credit 1095 ? P000977 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (01) - Guinea-Bissau ? Credit 1095 ? P000977 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Suriname - Geology - Petroleum Exploration
Suriname - Geology - Petroleum Exploration
Abu Gharadig - Western Desert Petroleum Exploration Project - Egypt, Arab Republic of ? Loan 1928 ? P005030 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Abu Gharadig - Western Desert Petroleum Exploration Project - Egypt, Arab Republic of ? Loan 1928 ? P005030 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Jamaica - Energy Sector Management Program - Background Documents - Volume 1
Jamaica - Energy Sector Management Program - Background Documents - Volume 1
Panama - Geology - Geologist Drafts
Panama - Geology - Geologist Drafts
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation - Report Number P-2871-EGT - November 17, 1980
Report and Recommendation of the President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the Executive Directors on a Proposed Loan to the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation - Report Number P-2871-EGT - November 17, 1980
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (01) - Guinea-Bissau ? Credit 1095 ? P000977 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project (01) - Guinea-Bissau ? Credit 1095 ? P000977 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Abu Gharadig - Western Desert Petroleum Exploration Project - Egypt, Arab Republic of ? Loan 1928 ? P005030 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Abu Gharadig - Western Desert Petroleum Exploration Project - Egypt, Arab Republic of ? Loan 1928 ? P005030 ? Geology - Seismic Maps
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project ? Liberia ? Loan 1907 ? P001436 - Geology - Seismic Maps
Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project ? Liberia ? Loan 1907 ? P001436 - Geology - Seismic Maps
PEN - Renewable Energy Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
PEN - Renewable Energy Documents 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
Latin America and Caribbean - Documents - Reports in Multiple Languages
Latin America and Caribbean - Documents - Reports in Multiple Languages
Global - W.A.S.P. Code for Power Generating Systems Expansion Planning - 01/02
Global - W.A.S.P. Code for Power Generating Systems Expansion Planning - 01/02
Global - W.A.S.P. Code for Power Generating System Expansion Planning - 02/02
Global - W.A.S.P. Code for Power Generating System Expansion Planning - 02/02
UNDP - INT/80/009 - Energy Sector Assessment - Correspondence 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
UNDP - INT/80/009 - Energy Sector Assessment - Correspondence 1978 / 1980 - Volume 1
Petroleum Sector - General Correspondence - 1980
Petroleum Sector - General Correspondence - 1980
Energy Sector - Correspondence - 1980
Energy Sector - Correspondence - 1980
PEN - Policy Renewable Energy 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 3
PEN - Policy Renewable Energy 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 3
Portugal - Geology - Geological Maps and Drilling Material
Portugal - Geology - Geological Maps and Drilling Material
PEN - Energy General 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 7
PEN - Energy General 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 7
Equatorial Guinea - Study of Natural Resources in Hydrocarbons - Preliminary Report - Report in Foreign Language
Equatorial Guinea - Study of Natural Resources in Hydrocarbons - Preliminary Report - Report in Foreign Language
Ecuador - Documents - Volume 1 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Ecuador - Documents - Volume 1 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Columbia - Documents - Volume 1 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Columbia - Documents - Volume 1 - Reports in Multiple Languages
Chile - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Chile - Documents - Reports in Foreign Language
Résultats 101 à 150 sur 6935