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Chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1983 - 1998

Series includes Desmond McCarthy's chronological files covering nearly his entire career at the World Bank, beginning just prior to his transfer from the Comparative Analysis and Projections Division of the Economic Analysis and Projects Department (EPDCA) in 1983 to his time as Economic Adviser in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DECVP) in 1998. Records generally consist of correspondence and memoranda between McCarthy and World Bank colleagues. Correspondence between McCarthy and individuals and institutions external to the Bank are included in lesser number. A significant amount of correspondence relates to the exchange of articles and reports for information, research, and review purposes; as such, articles and reports in final or draft form often accompany correspondence. Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports relating to mission travel by McCarthy and colleagues are included, as is correspondence related to work programs and research projects.

Records created during McCarthy's time as an Economist in the Latin America and the Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) between 1985 and 1988 are plentiful and primarily relate to his work as country economist for Argentina. Records relate to McCarthy's authorship or review of Argentina's Country Program Paper (CPP) and Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) and related discussion and research on macro-economic issues including: trade, financial sector reform, public sector expenditure, economic recovery and growth, and debt management. Records also relate to a variety of new initiatives in Argentina including a Cofinancing Task Force, debt equity swaps, and a significant refinancing package. Records also include periodic economic updates on Argentina.

Records relating to McCarthy's time in the International Economic Analysis and Prospects Division (IECAP) of the International Economics Department (IEC) between 1988 and 1992 include research on and discussion of a variety of topics including: World Bank-International Monetary Fund (IMF) relationship; impacts of the 1990 Middle East crisis on development; global economic outlooks; global capital shortages; and the environment and the world economy.

Records relating to McCarthy's work as an Economic Adviser in the Development Policy Group (DPG) between 1992 and 1993 primarily relate to his contribution to and review of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs). Substantial records relating to CSPs for Kenya, Columbia, Chili, Bulgaria, Poland, and Indonesia are included in this series. Comments by McCarthy on drafts of CSPs for other countries are also included. Records relating to McCarthy's participation in Paris Club Meetings are also included.

Records relating to McCarthy's time as Economic Adviser to the Chief Economist and Development Economist Vice President (DECVP) between 1993 and 1999 primarily relate to his research efforts. Topics include: public sector expenditure; impacts of environment on trade and development economics; and guidance and review of Country Assistance Strategy papers (CAS). Briefs on a variety of topics and countries for senior DECVP staff (including Chief Economists Michael Bruno [1993-1996] and Joseph Stiglitz [1997-2000]) are also included.

Personal papers of Desmond McCarthy

  • Fundos
  • 1964, 1976 - 2006

Fonds consists of chronological files compiled by McCarthy that cover nearly his entire career at the World Bank. Fonds also contains reports and articles authored by McCarthy in both draft and published form as well as records related to his attendance and participation in a number of conferences and working groups. Records related to his work for the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) in 2004 and 2005 are also included.

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World Bank operations and personnel manuals

  • Séries
  • 1973 - 1992

Series consists of World Bank operations manual with updates from 1987 to 1992 and World Bank personnel manual with updates from 1973 to 1987.

Arthur Andersen LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers project records

  • Séries
  • 1990 - 2000

Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other materials created or received by Frank Vita while employed by Arthur Andersen LLP as Managing Director, Global Emerging Markets Services (GEMS) and, in lesser amount, by PricewaterhouseCoopers (Asia) as a senior consultant. Records relate to a variety of management and administrative functions in support of projects and technical assistance funded by the World Bank and other development agencies, including the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Main functions include project management, technical support, and program identification. Records in this series relate to participation in project identification and management in a number of countries, including Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Slovenia, India, and Vietnam. The majority of the projects involve the banking and financial sector. Records are filed according to project or country and include: correspondence related to project proposals or contract work; contracts for services; Project Implementation Unit (PIU) guides; Terms of Reference; and requests for proposals.

Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP) chronological and project files

  • Séries
  • 1986 - 1995 (predominant 1990 - 1993)

Series consists of correspondence, reports, and other records created or received by Frank Vita while serving as Senior Country Officer in the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa Vice Presidency (EMENA) and, following the 1991 reorganization of the World Bank's operational units, the Europe and Central Asia Vice Presidency (ECAVP). Vita left this position and retired from the World Bank in 1992. During most or all of his time in EMENA and ECAVP, Vita was the Country Officer for Czechoslovakia, or Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). As a result, almost all of the records in this series relate to CSFR project lending and sector research. Of these, records relating to the "Technical and Financial Advisory Project" are most common; note, however, that the CFSR government eventually withdrew from the project. Records related to the Technical and Financial Advisory Project include: project cycle documents, including project briefs, appraisal and post-appraisal documents, final executive project summary, and legal documents; Terms of Reference; back-to-office reports; Aide-Memoires; country strategy notes (including drafts); and correspondence with and briefing notes for CFSR government and state Bank officials.

Other CFSR records relate to: country risk assessment; privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and infrastructure (the latter through the Build, Own, Operate Transfer [BOOT] system); sector reports and research materials (including banking and financial sector, energy sector, and transportation sector); country briefs; a VHS videocassette related to CFSR "Enterprise for Privatization" initiatives; and Annual Meeting briefs. Records relating to senior Bank management mission trips to CFSR are also included. Vita often acted as liaison and facilitator for these trips, which included Moeen Qureshi (Senior Vice President of Operations [OPNSV]) and Willi A. Wapenhans (EMENA Vice President). A small amount of loan documents related to other CFSR projects are also included.

International Finance Corporation (IFC) chronological and subject files

  • Séries
  • 1983 - 1993 (predominant 1986 - 1990)

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while he was Manager of Corporate Development in the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Records are contained in chronological files and, in fewer number, subject files. Records relate to: the identification of investment opportunities; project proposals; establishing contacts in the private sector; IFC policies and procedures; and responding to inquiries.

Tokyo Office chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1984 - 1987 (predominant 1984 - 1985)

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita while serving as Deputy Chief of Mission in the World Bank's Tokyo Office between 1984 and 1985. The Tokyo Office primarily existed to assist in the Bank's borrowing program in the Japanese capital market. It also assisted in the dissemination of information on World Bank activities in Japan. Records include: briefing notes; speeches and presentations; policy and guideline papers; newspaper and magazine clippings related to Japan and its banking system and financial markets; and capital market studies. Correspondence in this series relates to: Tokyo Office administration, budgeting, and staffing; Tokyo capital markets; and currency swaps.

Finance Operations Department (FOD) chronological and subject files

  • Séries
  • 1970 - 1991 (predominant 1980 - 1986)

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a Senior Economist for Financial Operations in the Finance Operations Department (FOD) of the Treasury Vice Presidency (TREVP). Vita led FOD's Capital Markets and Economic Studies Unit (CAMES) from 1980 to 1984 and much of the records in this series relate to its activities. CAMES was responsible for supporting the Bank's borrowing activities by conducting research and reporting on country markets and financial standing, currency markets, capital markets, and central banks. It was the vehicle through which FOD developed borrowing policies and strategies for the World Bank. Series primarily consists of chronological files that contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, summaries, and handbooks related to these activities. Records related to central bank investments in the World Bank are particularly numerous. Records relate to the establishment of a Central Bank Facility that would provide a new avenue for World Bank borrowing and central bank investment in the World Bank. Among other reports and studies on central bank investment in the World Bank is the 1983 report "Central Banks as Sources of World Bank Financing: Financial Operations Review" authored by Vita.

Also contained in this series are "Wednesday Reports", a weekly internal document generated by FOD and often coordinated by Vita that reported on Bank borrowings, currency swaps, Bank bond offerings, and external market issuances and performances. Draftsof reports are included in some cases.

Annual and mid-year review of the Bank's borrowing operations are also found in this series, as are records relating to departmental staffing and mission travel.

Industrial Development and Finance Division, Western Africa Projects Department (WAPID) country and project records

  • Séries
  • 1975 - 1980, 1990

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as Senior Operations Officer in the Financial Division of the Western Africa Industrial Development and Finance Projects Department (WAPID) of the West Africa Vice Presidency (WAN). Vita was primarily involved in project appraisal and supervision during his time in WAPID. Records were primarily filed according to country and thereunder by project name or type of records (i.e. supervision reports, official project documents, correspondence). Ghana is represented the most while records relating to Liberia, Nigeria, Malawi, and Kenya are also included. Project-related records include supervisory reports; project appraisals; project completion reports (PCRs); appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies; country sector reports (particularly on industry, financial institutions, and development banks); and correspondence discussing the writing and dissemination of these materials. Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports related to project appraisal and supervision are also included. Series contains a significant number of records related to the following Ghanaian projects: National Investment Bank Project (01) National Investment Project (02) Highway Project (02) and Highway Project (03) - Emergency Maintenance Project records related to the Development Finance Corporation Project (01) in Liberia are also numerous.

Note that a small amount of records relating to the identification of financial technical assistance projects prepared by Vita in 1990 while working in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are filed in a folder alongside Ghana project files.

Development Finance Companies Department (DFC) chronological files

  • Séries
  • 1975 - 1977

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his tenure as an Economist in the Development Finance Companies Department (DFC). Vita was placed in the Financial Development Unit (FDU) and the majority of the records in the series relate to its primary activity, namely the review of the World Bank's activities in the area of financial development. FDU records primarily relate to the research and authorship of the FDU report "The World Bank's Approach to Interest Rate and CreditAllocation Issues". Records include what appears to be the final version of the report presented to Bank President Robert McNamara as well as drafts of the report. Comments and research materials related to the report are also included. Research materials include reports on meetings with the Bank's regional staff and reports on regional and country finance development issues.

Records also include correspondence with development finance companies discussing the appraisal of projects submitted for financing by development finance companies. The majority of this correspondence is with the Industrial Development Bank (IDB).

Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN) project and subject files

  • Séries
  • 1972 - 1973

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as loan officer in the Latin America and Caribbean Vice Presidency (LCN). Series contains a variety of records related to operations mission travel made by Vita to Uruguay. Records include Terms of Reference and back-to-office reports and other supporting material. Mission travel activities included project appraisal (Fourth Livestock Development Project) and supervision (Highway Project) as well as conducting research for sector studies. A subject file on Chile and Uruguay is also contained in this series. Records include World Bank authored reports and memoranda on country lending activities.

Eastern Africa Department (EAF) chronological file

  • Séries
  • 1969 - 1973

Series consists of correspondence created and received by Frank Vita during his time as a loan officer in the Eastern Africa Department (EAF). Series contains correspondence, memoranda, and telexes primarily between Vita and WorldBank colleagues. Records exclusively discuss the country of Malawi and World Bank operations in that country. Specifically, records discuss the writing of country sector studies, Country Program Papers, and country lending programreports. Series contain drafts and final versions of these documents as well as supporting office memoranda and back-to-office reports.

Personal Papers of Frank K. Vita

  • Fundos
  • 1969 - 1995

This fonds contains records that span Frank Vita's entire twenty-three year career at the World Bank Group. Records relate to his involvement in lending operations in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Central Asia in the 1970s and 1990s as well as his work in the Finance Operations Department (FOD) in the 1980s undertaking research and policy work on capital markets and central banks investment. Records relating to his time as Deputy Director in the Tokyo Office in 1984-1985 and his work in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) between 1985 and 1990 are also included.

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Financial Policy, Planning, and Budgeting

  • Fundos
  • 1956 - 2011

This fonds has been provisionally arranged into one sub-fonds and five series. Sub-headings are used to break up the content of this field according to provisional sub-fonds and series. For a complete list of the provisional sub-fonds and series, see the "Systems of Arrangement" field below.

Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) records (sub-fonds)

Sub-fonds contains the records of the Office of the Strategy and Resource Management Vice Presidency (SRMVP) created during its existence from 1997 to 2003. The SRMVP was led first by Mark Baird from 1997 to 1999 and then by Anil Sood from 1999 to 2003. The SRMVP oversaw units responsible for the planning and budgeting function as well as support of the Strategic Compact review. Included are records related to the formulation, approval, and subsequent assessment of the Strategic Compact. Records take the form of correspondence, reports, weekly and monthly meeting minutes and agendas, and materials from presentations on the Compact made to internal and external audiences. Sub-fonds also consists of program support files of the SRMVP which document other unique activities of the Vice Presidency. Activities evidenced in these records include: cost effectiveness reviews; strategic staffing; matrix management; Bank-wide programming and budgeting; and auditing. Subject files created and maintained by the Office of the Vice President are also contained in this sub-fonds. Topics include: performance indicators; human resources and personnel issues; corruption; partnerships; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); budgeting; the Strategic Forum; and the Bank's budgeting activities. Records also contain correspondence with Bank President Wolfensohn, Managing Directors, and other senior staff and external individuals. Meeting minutes and speeches are also included.

Financial Policy

Series contains records related to the financial policy function of the Bank. Activities supporting this function include: analysis of both the Bank's financial position and the international financial environment; and development and recommendation of policies, programs, and strategies that enable access to finances by the Bank and its borrowers. Records include a compendium of financial policies and a list of principal references and copies of key reference documents. Other correspondence, memoranda, and reports relate to the analysis of the Bank's financial position and specifically to management of Bank capital and IBRD subscription. Specific topics include: past policies regarding reserve targets; the financial structure and operations of IBRD; cost competitiveness of the Bank; overview of changes in IBRD financial policies; review of IBRD lending rate policy; review of IBRD income prospects and policies; review of IBRD/IDA programs and financial policies; variable lending rates; currency pooling; liquidity policy; investment guidelines; and capital subscription.

Also included are the records of the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALMC) which makes recommendations in the areas of financial policy, the adequacy and allocation of risk capital, and oversight of financial reporting. Records of ALMC's two subcommittees, the Market Risk and Currency Management Subcommittee and the Credit Risk Subcommittee, are also included in this series.

Records related to the development and review of lending policies are also included. Specifically, these policies relate to member country eligibility criteria, commitments, disbursements, loan income, and loan portfolio. Records are in the form of subject files. Topics include: currency management; currency composition of loans; lending rates; prepayments; country credit risk exposure; debt restructuring and negotiations; interest rate swaps; repayment terms; cofinancing operations; and single currency loans. Records also relate to development and review of financial risk policy. Specifically these include interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, borrowing risk, and others. Records may include policies on the subject as well as correspondence, memoranda, and other background material related to the policy.

Series also contains records related to financial models and projections used to develop and review various financial policies related to Bank Group lending, borrowing, risk management, asset management, and other activities.

Series also includes a small number of speeches and presentation materials produced and/or presented by financial policy staff when reporting to the Bank's regions, senior management and Executive Directors.

Country Creditworthiness and Program Review

Series contains records related to country creditworthiness review and the credit risk inherent in IBRD's loan portfolio. Activities involve managing credit risk at both the individual country level and the portfolio level that directly affects the lending volumes IBRD may be willing to extend to its borrowers. Records relate to topics such as: debt management and reporting; export credits; Berne Union meetings; developments in portfolio credit quality; and loan loss provisioning requirements. Series also contains external debt studies done by the Budget and Planning Department's Financial Studies Division (PABFS) in conjunction with the International Finance Division of the Economic Projections and Analysis Department (EPDIF) in the 1970s. Series contains annual country risk assessments, final creditworthiness reports, portfolio reviews, and any essential information related to these. Periodic reports, forecasts, and summarydiscussion memoranda are also included as are records of the Short Term Risk Management Group which was responsible for informing senior management about economic and political developments in countries that are at risk of falling into crisis or are of systematic regional importance for Bank member countries. A set of historical debt case files primarily from the 1960s and early 1970s used for reference purposes are also included as are a set of debt rescheduling case files dating from 1967 to 1976.

Country program review activities consist of the review, analysis, and coordination of Country Program Papers (CPPs). Specifically, units within the Planning and Budget Department and its successors were responsible for: measuring the size and composition of the country program proposed to the account constraints on the volume of IBRD and IDA lending; evaluating country creditworthiness and the Bank's exposure to risk; and determining the feasibility and appropriateness of the country program in terms of the country's ability to prepare and implement the projects. Activities include: establishing guidelines for the form and content of CPPs; selective participation in the preparation of CPPs in the form of working level reviews; participating selectively in Regional Vice President review meetings; and review final CPPs. Records related to these activities include copies of CPPs as well as the successor of CPPs, Country Assistance Strategy Papers (CAS); a complete set of CPPs from their introduction in 1968 through1987 are included. Also included are lending program files that supported the review of CPPs. Records include memoranda, reports, statistical tables, spreadsheets, Lending Program Monthly Status Reports, and Lending Operations Monthly Reports relating to the analysis and review of country lending. General lending files of PAB's Country Program Review Division (PABCP) and its predecessor the Program and Operations Review Division (PABPO) are also contained in this series. Subjects include: commercial bank lending, IDA allocations, disbursements, local cost financing, and creditworthiness. Document types include reports, statistical tables, and spreadsheets. Sector files of the Planning and Budgeting Department's Country Program Review Divisions (PABCP) are also contained in this series. These include reviews of economic sector work (ESW) performed in the regions and in the Central Projects Staff (CPS). Records include memoranda, statistical tables, and spreadsheets as well copies of reports from the Operations and Development Policy complexes that PABCP reviewed. Many of the records related to CPP review, general lending, and sector review contain annotations, handwritten notes, and calculations.

Institutional Planning

Series contains records related to organizational effectiveness review, Bank reorganizations, and long term institutional planning. Series includes records created and maintained by the Planning and Budgeting Department's Institutional Planning Division (PBDIP) in the mid-1980s that supportedthe "Future Role of the Bank" exercise which sought to determine the direction of the Bank by examining issues such as trade and capital flows, the Bank's competitiveness, and the Bank's leadership role in research and aid coordination. Records include numerous studies and reports that were disseminated among Bank stuff and submitted to the Board. Topics relate to capital management, IDA replenishment, the Bank's role in the 1990s, Bank/Fund collaboration, staffing, and competitiveness. In addition to final versions of studies and reports, records include report drafts, comments on drafts, memoranda and correspondence, and small amounts of reference material. Also included are the files of Joseph D. Woods that relate to the "Future Role of the Bank" exercise. As Vice President of the Financial Policy, Planning and Budgeting Vice Presidency from 1983 to 1987, Woods had a leading role in the exercise.

Also included in this series are records relating to other committees and task forces that focused on institutional planning from a financial policy perspective. The majority of the records relate to the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization and the Strategic Compact review that took place between 1997 and 1999. The series is comprised of the proceedings of the committee/task force meetings in which units responsible for financial policy, planning, and budgeting activities within the Bank participated in management reviews or in support of relevant institutional committee/task force either as the secretariat or as a member. Records include: terms of reference (TOR); agendas and minutes of meetings; background papers; and related materials.

Budgeting Policy and Planning

Series contains records relating to budget policy development and planning activities. Records are primarily contained in subject files on various topics including: reorganization budgeting; the Special Grants Program; cofinancing and trust funds; project review and aid effectiveness; portfolio management; capital budget management; debt and debt restructuring; staffing; and annual lending reporting. Series also contains chronological files of staff in the Planning and Budgeting Department's Budget Planning and Systems (PBDPS) and Office of the Director (PBDDR) departments that relate to the same topics as subject files. Records of John Blaxall, Assistant Director in the Programming and Budgeting Department (1969-1973, 1976) are also included in this series. These records relate to his involvement in the development of the Bank's Five Year Program (1969-1973) as well as the writing of The Scale of IBRD Financial Operations, FY74-78 discussed at the Executive Directors Meetings in 1972 and Report of the Planning, Programming and Budgeting Working Group which was presented to the President's Council in 1977.

Bank-wide Budget Support and Review

Records in this series relate to the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of the Bank's planning and budgeting processes and the submission of budget materials to the Board for review and approval. The series includes records of the main document production cycle (including Planning Directions papers and budget documents) as well as monitoring, evaluation and implementation documents (including Retrospective Reviews, Midyear Reviews, Apex Reports, and Budget Management Manuals). Other budget documents contained in this series include: medium-term framework reports; business plans outlining units' work programs for the next three years; notes presenting Policy and Budgeting Department (PBD) analysis and recommendations; submissions from vice presidencies; analysis of retrospective reviews; requests for clarification/modification of issues in budget submissions; tables detailing expenditures by service categories; and draft reports, staff comments, tables, framework papers, and correspondence relating to Bank planning and budgeting activities. The series also includes: minutes of monthly budget meetings with clients; copies of contingency funding requests and responses to them; budget contract models; accruals overrun/underrun tables and memoranda; and other papers relating to dollar budgeting implementation.

The series contains a reference collection in the form of copies of summary information regarding the plans and budgets of the World Bank Group from 1949 to 1975. Specifically, these records consist of papers presented to the Board of Governors and Executive Directors regarding the administrative and operations budgets of the World Bank Group as well as related internal memoranda and tables.

Series also consists of subject files created by units responsible for budget support and review. Records served as analytical, statistical, historical, and background information for cross cycle activities related to Bank-wide programming, planning and budgeting processes. The series is comprised of correspondence and papers relating to: budget policies and procedures; service categories; organizational units' plans and budgets; object of expenditures; source of external funds; program objectives; capital budget; service category files (e.g. operational planning, borrowing/investment operations, loan administration, personnel, Special Grants Program); organizational unit budgeting (e.g. vice presidencies, administrative tribunal, appeals committee, ombudsman); source of external funds; program objectives (e.g. debt and adjustment, poverty reduction, human resources development, private sector development, public sector management, environment, and forestry); and capital budget.

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Personal records

  • Séries
  • 1972-1987

A business card file containing various business cards of James L. Theodores and of other individuals in the fields of international development, media, and hospitality is included in this series. Numerous versions of Theodores's Curriculum Vitae and commendation letters are also included.

World Bank Group Field Coordinator security policy and planning

  • Séries
  • 1979-1987, 1993, 1996

Series consists of records relating to World Bank Group security policy, planning, coordination, and response activities, and James L. Theodores's role leading this work as Field Coordinator (FC) between 1981 and 1987. Records include: official Bank policies and procedures on security in the field and other materials authored by Theodores and distributed to Bank staff; external publications on security and terrorism; undated and uncredited briefing papers on hijackings, letter and parcel bombs, and telephone threats; consultants' reports on World Bank Group security policy and planning; staff guidelines regarding street crime, burglary, vehicles and travel, and fire protection; reports and summaries of political incidents, security advisories, and incidents involving Bank staff; correspondence regarding specific travel bans; work program and other materials related to the Field Office Improvement Program developed by Theodores upon taking over the position of FC; and the FC transition program that resulted in the transfer of the Field Security System to the General Service Department's (GSD) Security Division upon Theodores's departure from the World Bank in 1987. Some records also relate back to Theodores's time as Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan (1977-1980) and the various security plans and guidelines he followed and enforced.

Series also includes records related to the hijacking of Pakistan International Airlines PK326 in March 1981. One of the hostages was World Bank staff member Jeffrey Balkind. Theodores served as the coordinator and major spokesman for the World Bank's informal Crisis Management Team during the hostage taking. Records include regular updates on the hijacking, primarily in the form of wires from the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan. Security updates authored by Theodores presumably for internal World Bank consumption are also included.

Records in this series related to the hijacking were subsequently used by Balkind for research purposes. A letter from Balkind to Theodores thanking him for the use of these records is included as is the packaging used to courier the records back to Theodores. The packaging is dated June 26, 1996. A complete draft of Balkind's unpublished history of the hijacking, "Life and Death on a Tarmac: The Hijacking of PK326" is included. Other chapters of the book that were reviewed and annotated by Theodores are also included, as is correspondence between Theodores and Balkind.

Records related to the May 1985 abduction of consultant Dr. Robert Williams, his wife Jenny Williamson, and their driver are also included. Williamson was engaged in work on a World Bank supervised project in Pakistan. Records include initial reports and notes on the incident and regular updates, including those made to senior staff World Bank staff.

World Bank Resident Representative for Afghanistan activities and related research and reference materials

  • Séries
  • 1966-1995, 2002 (predominant 1970-1983)

Series consists primarily of records related to Theodores's role as Resident Representative for Afghanistan between 1977 and 1980. Many of the records in this series appear to have been compiled by Theodores as either research or memory aids; they have been placed in plastic sleeves and, in many cases, given annotations in the form of sticky notes affixed to the front page of a document or group of documents that describe the document(s) or, in some cases, provide commentary. As part of these compilations,records relating to Afghanistan that were received or collected by Theodores previous or subsequent to his time as Resident Representative have also been included.

Series consists of records relating to the role and mission of the Resident Representative and its relationship with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) representative in Afghanistan. These records date back to the opening of the World Bank country office in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1969. Specifically, records relate to: the establishment of the Afghanistan Resident Mission in 1969; briefings on the country's military and political situation (including after the 1973 coup d'etat); the World Bank's role in Afghanistan; Theodores's assignment to Kabul, Afghanistan; the role and objectives of the Resident Mission in Afghanistan; the Mission's relationship and communications with the UNDP representatives regarding operations and security policy; and the diplomatic status of the Resident Representative.

Records related to Theodores's activities as Afghanistan Resident Representative are contained in a chronological file divided into sections according to topic (credentials/identification, receiving guests, health, insurance, taxes, and shipping) and correspondent (World Bank headquarters, family, and personal). Correspondence with World Bank colleagues relates to administration, staffing, travel, housing logistics, and expressions of congratulations or gratitude. Substantive discussion of ongoing or prospective lending operations or economic and sector work is minimal.

Series also consists of four maps of Afghanistan. These include two maps showing political regions (1976), a navigational map (1966), and a general map (1975).

Records compiled by Theodores that appear to be research or memory aids relate to a variety of topics, including: the origins and early days of the Soviet/Afghan war; World Bank security policy and updates; encryption of correspondence; evacuation guidelines; Afghan office budgeting; Bank and resident mission staffing;Theodores's emergency evacuation from Afghanistan in January 1980 for health reasons; assistance of Afghan nationals in communication with the American embassy; transfer of confidential records upon closure of the Kabul office; the Theodores family's final departure from Afghanistan in June, 1980; the closure of the World Bank's Kabul office; and updates on local office staff subsequent to Theodores's departure from Afghanistan. The majority of the records are from Theodores's time in Afghanistan, but somerecords date subsequent to his departure. Records are in the form of correspondence (typed, handwritten, telexes), reports, newspaper clippings, and Afghan government issuances.

Theodores compiled records related to the 1973 and 1978 coups and subsequent Soviet invasion in 1979 as well as the murder of United States Ambassador Adolph "Spike" Dubs in February 1979. These records primarily consist of correspondence between Theodores and Bank colleagues. Records also contain lengthy handwritten letters fromTheodores to his family. Speeches, decrees, and reports made by the various Afghan leadership regimes in 1978 and 1979 are also included.

In addition to correspondence, newspaper clippings from Afghanistan and from other international publications reporting on events in Afghanistan as well as editorials and speeches by external experts commenting on the events and future of Afghanistan are included. Included is a collection of materials related to the nearly decade-long conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union and is primarily newspaper clippings and magazine articles.

Series also consists of three sets of photograph prints. The first consists of fifteen black and white prints depicting Afghani citizens and landscapes. The images appear to be shot by John Siceloff of the American Peace Corps and are not dated. The other two sets of photographs consist of ten color prints and three black and white prints depicting Afghani citizens, landscapes, and towns. Prints appear to have been sold and acquired by Theodores commercially.

A small amount of records related to a talk that Theodores gave at the Newport Public Library in 2002 on the past and future of Afghanistan are also included. Records include presentation notes, articles, and correspondence.

Personal Papers of James L. Theodores

  • Fundos
  • 1966 - 2002

Fonds consists of records from Theodores's time as Resident Representative in Kabul, Afghanistan and as Field Coordinator for the World Bank Group. Many of the records in this fonds appear to be a selection made by Theodores either during his time employed at the Bank or upon his departure. Some of the records, such as those relating to Afghanistan after Theodores had completed his time as Resident Representative there, may have been collected by Theodores for personal interest or in support of potential research projects to be undertaken at a later date. A small number of records relating to Theodores's employment with the World Bank or to the history and future of Afghanistan are also included.

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PSDVP business plan, work program, and budget monitoring records

  • Séries
  • 2002 - 2006

The series includes business plans, work programs, and budget monitoring records for the PSDVP. PSDVP business plans for fiscal years 2004 to 2006 are included, and consist of budget summary tables and departmental budget proposals. The fonds also consists of work programs that outline the functions and activities of PSDVP and its subordinate departments for the fiscal year 2004. The work program records include: organizational structure compact records that detail the objectives and activities of PSDVP and its units; budget distribution reports; compact deliverables for economic sector work (ESW) for PSDVP units; work program progress tables; and staffing information. The series also consists of numerous types of budget monitoring records, including: monthly monitoring tables for fiscal year 2004; reposting, budget transfer, and reimbursable income reports for fiscal year 2004; cross support budget records; quality assurance budget reports for fiscal years 2005 and 2006; trust fund budget reports; discretionary budget reports; and budget records related to the Investment Climate Survey and Assessment (ICA) program for fiscal year 2004.

Records of the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 2002 - 2006

The fonds includes budget, business plan, and work program records for the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (PSDVP) and its subordinate units.

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PSD and PSAS business plan, work program, and budget monitoring records

  • Séries
  • 1997 - 2003

The series includes budget monitoring, business plan, and work programs records for: the Private Sector Development Department (PSD); its numerous units; and its successor, the Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS) in PSIVP. The PSD units were mapped and merged into PSAS in late 1999, which came after the establishment of PSIVP in February 1999. Much of the PSD related records consists of correspondence and memoranda that details the carryover of funding for PSD projects to PSAS, and reorganization and merging of PSD units with other Bank and IFC units. Budget monitoring records for PSD and PSAS include: monthly monitoring tables for fiscal years 2000 to 2003; year-end projections reports; overrun cost reports; quarterly and mid-year review reports; reposting and dispute budget reports; chargeback reports; reimbursable income reports; cross support funding reports; staff budget reports; and discretionary budget reports. European Union trust fund reports and economic sector work (ESW) budget records for PSDrelated projects are also included, and discuss carryover and extension of projects to PSAS of PSIVP. Business plan and work program records for PSD and PSAS are included for fiscal years 2000 to 2003. The business plans and work programs include: staff and consultant information; thematic group activities reports; sector board compacts; Time Reporting System Adjustments and Cross Support Ratio budget reports; PSAS set-up information; and correspondence and memoranda regarding restructuring and reorganization of PSD.

Records of the Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Vice Presidency

  • Fundos
  • 1997 - 2003

The fonds includes budget, business plan, and work program records from the Private Sector Development Department (PSD) units mapped into PSIVP in 1999, and similar records for PSD's successor of the Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS).

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Liaison records

The series consist of records related to liaison with organizations external to the Bank. This includes correspondence maintained by Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) related to the joint United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - World Bank Water and Sanitation Program from 1978, and correspondence maintained by TWT and WUD related to the joint World Health Organization (WHO) / World Bank Cooperative Program, which also focused on water and sanitation, from 1977 to 1987.

Operations policy and project support records

The series includes records from: the Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) from 1978 to 1982; the Urban Projects Department (URB) from 1978 to 1982; the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD) from 1983 to 1987; and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1983 to 1987. These departments were primarily mixed sector departments, therefore, the records cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: highway maintenance and development; port development; railways;maritime transportation; water and sanitation systems maintenance and development; tourism services and infrastructure development; urban development; and telecommunication infrastructure and public utilities development. The records include: internal and external correspondence, including letters and memoranda; initiating memoranda; project files; project completion and audit reports; sector support and research files; sector policy papers; back to office reports (BTOs); terms of reference (TORs); and departmental publications. Records related to the Bank's Urban Project Program, which was originally launched in 1975 and supported by URB and later WUD are also included. The Urban Poverty Program records primarily include correspondence and reports related to various sector projects done in support of the program.

Transportation, telecommunication, water, and urban development

  • Subfundos
  • 1975 - 1986 (predominantly 1978-1986)

The sub-fonds includes operations policy and project support records from the following departments: the Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT) from 1978 to 1982; the Urban Projects Department (URB) from 1978 to 1982; the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD) from 1983 to 1986; and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1983 to 1986. The sub-fonds also includes records related to liaison with external organizations, which were maintained by TWT from 1978 to 1983.

Records of the Senior Vice President of Operations

  • Fundos
  • 1967 - 1991

Records of Vice President of Operations and SVPOP J. Burke Knapp

The fonds includes records maintained by Vice President and Senior Vice President of Operations (SVPOP) J. Burke Knapp. The records include memoranda sent between Knapp and Bank President Robert McNamara from 1967 to 1978. Much of the memoranda are originals authored by Knapp and annotated and sent back by the President. There are also copies of records addressed to McNamara by other staff and copies of minutes of the President's Council or other meetings with the President. The memoranda to the President focus on IBRD and IDA lending programs, papers on financial and lending policy, loan overruns, and other particular loan issues.

Knapp records also include a set of briefs for the 1972 Annual Meeting. The briefs contain briefing memoranda and reports on the politico-economic situation and the Bank's lending program in individual member countries. In preparation for scheduled meetings between the Bank President and the delegations of membercountries, the briefs provide a summarized background for the meeting, talking points for the President, summaries of subjects likely to be raised by the delegation, and a list of delegates. Filed with some of the briefs are related Country Program Papers (CPP). In addition to briefs for individual countries, filed at the beginning of the series are briefs on the African and Latin American Caucuses, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Records of OPNSV Moeen Qureshi

The fonds also includes records maintained by Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. The records consist of briefing materials prepared for Qureshi from 1987 to 1991. Briefings cover his foreign travel and any formal meetings he attended in New York or Washington, DC. In addition, there are records for his August 17 - September 8, 1984, trip to London, Pakistan, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. A typical briefing file contains: Qureshi's itinerary and schedule; biographies of people with whom he would be meeting; outlines, drafts, and copies of speeches he delivered; press releases; correspondence; conference agenda and programs; and background papers regarding the Bank's relationship with the countries visited.

Joint IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting briefs prepared for Qureshi are also included for the years 1988 to 1990. The briefs consist of a separate folder for each day of the Annual Meeting. A typical folder contains Qureshi's schedule for that day and a sub-folder for each event he was scheduled to attend. The briefs also include: lists of delegates attending each event; agenda for meetings; Annual Meeting briefs for each country whose delegation met with Qureshi; talking points for and copies of speeches for Qureshi or President Barber Conable; copies of Conable's schedule for the day; and seating charts.

Qureshi's records also include materials concerning the 1987 Bank-wide reorganization from 1986 to 1989. The records consist of: memoranda exchanged between Conable, Qureshi and members of the Operations Complex regarding implementation of the reorganization plan and specific staff appointments; copies of memoranda from Conable updating Bank staff on the reorganization; records outlining interim personnel procedures; Steering Committee issuances regarding staff selection, redeployment, and redundancy; copies of letters from Conable to specific staff affected by the reorganization; Bank press releases; the Support Unit Task Force Report; and studies completed by an external management consulting firm. Much of the records concern implementation of the reorganization within the Operations Complex. Specific records focus on the Operations Task Force Report, which includes: comments from staff regarding that report; draft position descriptions; and memoranda regarding the staff selection and allocation process.

The Qureshi records also contain records related to country lending operations from 1987 to 1991. The records consist of memoranda, letters, cables, reports, studies, and minutes of meetings regarding the Bank's lending policies in specific countries or, in the case of donor countries, aid coordination. The records also include briefing papers prepared for Qureshi and/or President Conable prior to meetings with country representatives, agenda and minutes of meetings of Qureshi or Conable with country representatives, minutes of meetings of Bank Executive Directors, and Bank mission reports. Much of the records include Qureshi's annotations. Issues discussed in the correspondence include technical assistance, economic reforms, environmental impact of Bank policies, political events in a country and their implication for Bank loans and operations, and special grants in response to natural disasters.

Lastly, incoming and outgoing correspondence and memoranda between Qureshi, the OPNSV Front Office Staff, and members of the Operations Complex are included for the years 1987 to 1989.

Records of Special Assistant Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

The fonds also includes records maintained by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala when she served as Special Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Operations (OPNSV) Moeen Qureshi. This includes records maintained by Okonjo-Iweala related to major borrowing countries from 1987 to 1991. These records consist mostly of copies of correspondence and reports on lending operations and recent developments in borrowing countries. Background materials and reports of meetings held between Bank officials and official representatives of the borrowing countries are also included. County Strategy Papers (CSP) are found in some records. Among the most discussed lending issues are structural adjustment, privatization, technical assistance, and late payments. Some of the records contain Okonjo-Iweala's correspondence with the staff from the Regional Vice Presidencies (RVPs) officials, her handwritten and typed notes to Qureshi on lending issues, and her handwritten notes taken at meetings she attended.

Okonjo-Iweala records also consist of business plans for the OperationsComplex from 1989 to 1991. The records consist of internal memoranda and reports detailing planned lending expenditures for FY 1991 to 1993 and FY 1992 to 1994. The business plans are broken down by Region, therein by country and sector with reference to the Bank's country lending strategies. Breakdowns on IBRD versus IDA lending are also given. The business plans are heavily annotated by Okonjo-Iweala.

Okonjo-Iweala records also include memoranda, reports, and correspondence on a variety of operational and administrative matters relating to the functions of the OPNSV from 1989 to 1991. Records related to operational matters include records related to the following topics: cofinancing; private sector development; the IDA Ninth Replenishment; the Gulf crisis; and the Bank's interaction with international organizations. Records related to administrative matters include: preparation for the 1990 Annual Meeting; records related to a Senior Operations mangers' retreat; and records related to pay, annual leave,the staff retirement plan, and actions regarding specific staff members. Filed under "Front Office" are also records regarding administrative matters of security, document formats, and the United Way Campaign. There are also records containing briefing notes for trips undertaken or meetings attended by Qureshi.

Okonjo-Iweala records also includes materials maintained for the Operations Committee (OC) from 1989 to 1991. Arranged by country, most of the records include: Okonjo-Iweala's copies of formal minutes of the OC meetings; her handwritten notes taken when she attended the OC meetings; and postscripts on discussions of Country Strategy Papers (CSP) by the OC. Included with the minutes are copies of CSPs, Initiating Memoranda, and reports and recommendations accompanying requests for loans and credits submitted by the country to the OC. Some draft CSPs submitted to Okonjo-Iweala are annotated with her comments.

Lastly, Okonjo-Iweala records include internal memoranda, correspondence, and reports from 1990, which were primarily sent between her, the OPNSV Moeen Qureshi, the OPNSV Front Office Staff, and members of the Operations Complex.

Records of Senior Adviser, Lending and Budget Operations, Cosmas Linus Robless

The fonds also includes records of Cosmas Linus Robless, who served as Senior Advisor for Lending and Budget Operations to OPNSV Moeen Qureshi, from 1987 to 1991. Records include subject files consisting of: memoranda; correspondence; reports; position papers; and guidelines regarding Operations Complex programs and policies. Other records focus on the topics of: annual sector reviews; the Field Offices Task Force; overdue service payments; the Bank's response to the Gulf Crisis; graduation from the Bank; and program goals for the Operations Complex. Correspondence, memoranda, and reports sent and received by Robless are also included.

Robless records also consist of materials related to the Ad Hoc Committee on Board Procedures from 1990 to 1991, which sought to improve bank procedures performed by the Bank's Executive Directors (ED) for reviewing country assistance strategies and policy formulation in Bank operations. The records include: correspondence and memoranda; meeting minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee; draft Ad Hoc Committee reports prepared for the EDs; terms of reference prepared for EDs; and work programs prepared for the EDs for consideration.

Lastly, his records also include copies of Country Strategy Paper (CSP) postscripts prepared for the Operations Committee (OC) from 1991. The CSP postscripts summarize the review, and subsequent actions taken by the OC for a particular CSP.

Front office adviser records

The fonds also includes records maintained by various advisers who served in the Front Office for SVPOP Ernest Stern and his successor OPNSV Moeen Qureshi from 1979 to 1989. The front office records reflect the activities of the SVPOP/OPNSV. The records include: SVPOP yellow sheets, or handwritten project lending notes; decision memoranda and comments prepared by advisers on behalf of the SVPOP for the Loan Committee; Loan Committee log book prepared by advisers; board papers, briefs, and schedules prepared for meetings with the Executive Board of Directors; memoranda regarding Project Completion Reports (PCR) submitted to OPNSV from the Central Operations Department (COD); memoranda regarding Women in Development (WID) country assessments submitted to the OPNSV from the Economic Advisory Staff (EAS); working papers submitted to OPNSV from the Policy, Planning, and Research (PPR) Complex for review; standard budget tables submitted to SVPOP from the Division Chief of the Planning and Budget Department (PBD); and memoranda, budget reports, and other records related to liaison with United Nations cooperative programs.

Communications and Meetings with Area Department Heads (later Operational Vice Presidents)

The fonds includes memoranda address by Ernest Stern as (Vice President (1978-1980) and Senior Vice President (1980-1987) of Operations to the Operational/Regional Vice Presidents. Topics of memoranada include lending policies, programming, and lending activities.

The fonds also includes memoranda and minutes from the weekly meetings of the Area Department Heads and its replacement of the Operational Vice Presidents (OVP, renamed after 1972 Reorganization) from 1968 to 1986. The records dated from 1968 to 1978 were maintained by J. Burke Knapp when he served as Chairman for the Area Department Heads and the OVP as the Vice President of Operations and SVPOP. The recordsdated 1979 to 1986 are maintained by Vice President of Operations (VPO) and SVPOP Ernest Stern.

Country lending and strategy records

The fonds also includes records related to the Bank's country lending operations from 1981 to 1991. Records were maintained by Senior Adviser for Lending and Budget Operations Cosmas L. Robless, and OPNMS Senior Programming Officers Larry Smucker and Manuel Benedito. The records include: lending review records focused on lending projects in the Regions for the fiscal years 1982 to 1983 and 1988 to 1994; lending program status records and reports focused on reporting lending project status to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors; records related to lending allocations for IBRD/IDA loans; records related to the Five Year Lending Program, 1984-1989; records related to the IDA Ninth Replenishment for lending operations; and Country Briefs prepared for various countries in the Regions from 1985 and 1987, which outlined an economic profile of a country, lending programming, and reform actions taken.

Budget formulation and review records

The fonds also includes records related to budget formulation and budget review functions performed by the Office of the Management Systems and Budget (SVPMS) and its successor of the Office of the Management Systems and Budget (OPNMS) within the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office from 1985 to 1992. The records were primarily maintained by the Senior Budget Officers of SVPMS/OPNMS, and the Senior Adviser for Lending and Budget Operations, Cosmas LinusRobless. The records focus primarily on budget formulation and review for Bank units belonging to the Operations Complex. The budget formulation records include: budget correspondence and memoranda; Operations Complex budget distribution and salary reports; Operations Complex budget proposals; Operations Complex capital budget; budget officers meeting minutes; budget submissions sent to the SVPOP/OPNSV related to the Operations Complex; staffing and consulting budgets; budget calendars and booklets prepared by the SVPMS/OPNMS; budget framework papers; business plans, work programs, budget plans, and budget contracts drafted for the Regional Vice Presidencies for fiscal years 1986 to 1995; and business plans, budget plans, work programs, and staffing records related to the vice presidencies and departments of Operations Complex for the fiscal years 1987 to 1991.

Budget plans and staffing records are also included for OVPMS/SVPMS, and for the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office. Work program and budget reports are also included for the Management Information System (MIS) of the Operations Information Systems (SVPMI/OPNMI) Unit, and its successor Operations Information Services Division (OPNIS) of the SVPOP/OPNSV Front Office from 1985 to 1989.

Budget review records include: monthly status budget reports for the Operations Complex; reimbursement reports; mid-term perspective reports; quarterly, mid-year, third quarter, and retrospective review records for the Operations Complex for the fiscal years 1988 to 1992; and Operations Complex final expense reports.

Operations information management

The fonds also includes records related to the Operations Information Committee (OIC) from 1987 to 1990. The Operations Information Committee (OIC) was established in November 1987 to develop "Complex-wide strategies, plans, policies and investments in information and information technology which would...coordinate the management of information and information technology activities within or affecting the Operations Complex." Therecords include agenda and minutes of OIC meetings and documents and memoranda forwarded to Committee members. Also contained in the records are some minutes of meetings of the Information and Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) and records related to the FY 90 work program of the Operation Information Services Division (OPNIS). The records are maintained by OIC Chairman Heinz Vergin, who served as the Operations Staff (OPN) Director at the time.

Transportation, telecommunication, water, and urban development records

The fonds also includes operations policy, project support records, and liaison records related to the sector departments of the: Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Department (TWT); the Urban Projects Department (URB); the Water and Urban Development Department (WUD); and the Transportation Department (TRP) from 1975 to 1986.

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PSD budget and work program records

  • Séries
  • 1997 - 1999

The series consists of budget and work program records related to the multiple units and groups of the Private Sector Development Department (PSD) of the Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI). Correspondence, memoranda, anchor function reports, cross support reports, business plans, and thematic budget reports are among work program and budget records for the PSD for fiscal years 1998 and 1999. Separate budget reports are related to trust fund support for PSD related projects for fiscal years 1998 and 1999. Records related to the PSD Consultative Mechanisms Study from 1997 to 1999 are also included, and contain consultant budget records, CVs, and background information on numerous consultants hired by PSD.

FPD budget, business plan, and work program records

  • Séries
  • 1993-1997

The series includes budget, business plan, and work program records. The bulk of the records are Private Sector Development Department (PSD) budget records detailing funding for PSD related units for fiscal year 1996. The budget records include: correspondence; memoranda; trust fund letters of representation; budget reports and charts; and travel expense reports. Budget records related to PSD resource mobilization and funding units of the Private Sector Financial Operations Group (CFSPS) and its successor the Private Sector Development and Privatization Group (PSDPS) are also included for the fiscal year 1996. Budget and work program records for FPD involvement with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) program are included for fiscal years 1995 and 1996. CGAP records include: correspondence; memoranda; budget reports and charts; progress reports; staff and consultant hiring records; and travel expense reports. Records related to the overall planning, management, and organization of FPD and its subordinate departments are also included for fiscal years 1994 to 1996. These records include: correspondence and memoranda between FPD Vice President Jean Francois Rischard and the directors and staff from each department; quarterly, mid-year, and retrospective review reports; staff lists; trust fund budget reports; FPD themes and prospects reports; business plans; and work programs.

Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program records

  • Séries
  • 1996 - 2009 (predominantly 2001 - 2009)

This series contains the records related to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program, a multi-donor partnership consisting of the World Bank, the European Commission, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). PEFA consists of steering committee comprised of members from each of these organizations. A PEFA Secretariat was also located in the World Bank to administer the program. PEFA served as a trust fund program and helped fund much of the activities of the Public Sector Governance Department (PRMPS) of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). The records in this series are related to PEFA trust fund proposals, planning, and budgeting for public expenditure and public finance management (PFM) projects with PRMPS.

The trust fund records include correspondence and memorandabetween PEFA steering committee members, the PEFA Secretariat Nicola Smithers, and staff of PRMPS, including past Directors Cheryl Gray and Sanjay Pradhan. The records also consist of PEFA steering committee meeting and minutes. Records for proposed public expenditure and PFM projects for PRMPS include assessments specific to a country. The country assessment records include the following specific types of reports, action plans, and application documents: Public Expenditure Review and Rationalization (PERR) report; PEFA Trust Fund Application; Public Expenditure Management Country Assessment and Action Plan; Application of PFM Performance Measurement Framework report; and Financial and Accountability Review and Action Plan (FARAP).

PEFA budget and audit records are also included for PRMPS public expenditure projects and PFM projects. Records are also included for PEFA and PRMPS organized workshops, conferences, and training sessions, which include training manuals, agenda, and participant lists. The seriesalso contain records related to fund disbursement and project agreement, including: initiating brief for trusts fund records, grant letters signed by PEFA donor partners, and grant agreements from the World Bank Development Grant Facility (DGF). Recruitment records consisting of curriculum vitae and terms of reference for consultants and temporary employees are also included.

Records of the Public Sector Management and Governance Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1996 - 2009 (predominantly 2001 - 2009)

The fonds includes records from research, advising, and policy development sector units oriented towards public sector management and governance functions of the World Bank, and does not include records from technical assistance oriented Regional units related to public sector management and governance. The records include Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Program trust fund records related to funding for projects and activities of the Public Sector Governance Department (PRMPS) for the years 1996 to 2009.

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Records of Private Sector Development Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1980 - 1999

The fonds primarily consists of records related to projects and special studies performed by the Private Sector Finance and Advisory Services Group (CFSPS) located in the Co-financing and Financial Advisory Services Vice Presidency (CFS) from 1989 to 1996, and its later successors, the Private Sector Development and Privatization Group (PSDPS) located in the PSD departments of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FPDVP) from 1996 to 1997, and the Finance, Private Sector Development and Infrastructure Network (FPSI) from 1997 to 1999. The special studies and projects records relate to privatization of public enterprises and private sector development projects managed by CFSPS and PSDPS during this period. Records include: requests for assistance from the Regions or member governments; project initiating memoranda; trust fund planning reports; external background reports and papers; back-to-office reports; mission supervision reports; terms of reference; mission reports; correspondence and memoranda between CFSPS or PSDPS staff, Bank regional staff, and member countries; aide-memoires; draft and final reports; briefing notes; and recommendation reports for privatization or private sector development technical assistance, advisory, and lending services.

The fonds also includes research and reference records accumulated by Private Sector Development Department of the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. These records consist of numerous annual reports, development plans, handbooks, brochures, statistical data reports, newspaper clippings, articles, reports, and papers produced external to the Bank and are usually specific to a country. The records are usually produced both by private and public entities within a country, including commercial banks, private industries, government central banks, and other government agencies. Academic reports and papers are also included. The records are focused on topics of privatization of public enterprises, private sector development, and industrial science and technology.

The fonds also consists of incoming and outgoing chronological correspondence maintained for the PSD of the FPDVP from 1993 to 1997. Most correspondence are between PSD Director Magdi Iskander and PSD staff, and focus on project mission reports, project proposals, PSD workshops and seminars, survey reports and papers comments, and PSD related topics such as privatization, industry, and regulation.

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Records of the World Bank Institute

  • Fundos
  • 1952 - 2007

The fonds consists of records related to the activities of the World Bank Institute (WBI, previously the Economics Development Institute [EDI]). Records in this fonds most commonly relate to the training and programming offered by the WBI. Topics of WBI training classes, programs, seminars and other events are generally aligned with the Bank's networks and sectors; these include, for example, training courses related to the environment, health, social protection, education, etc. Other training programs represented in these records include: Women Entrepreneurship Development (WED); Women's Management Training Outreach Program (WMTOP); Women in Enterprise Management Training Outreach Program (WEMTOP); Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PALOP); South Pacific Development Management Program (SPDMP); UNEDIL (UNDP/EDI/ILO program for Strengthening African Management Institutions in Africa); Agricultural Management Training in Africa (AMTA); Agricultural Rural Development Network (ARDNET); Gender and Developing Training Programme (GAD); and the Social Policy Reform in Transition Economies (SPRITE). Also included are records related to: programs organized in cooperation with the Joint Vienna Institute; the Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID); Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Prior to 1994, the EDI division responsible for a training activity would, at the conclusion of the project, create a 'Master' training file. This consists of the records considered to be the essential products of the training unit. Included in these files are: terms of reference; seminar/training course programs and agendas; data on participants, including participants' registration questionnaires; activity briefs; activity completion reports; and final reports. After 1994, divisions and units sent master copies to the Internal Documents Unit (IDU) and the Infoshop for public dissemination and, consequently, no longer maintained these types of files.

The fonds contains a variety of other records related to training programs organized by WBI/EDI or in cooperation with other agencies and institutions. Records from these programs may include, but are not limited to: participants lists; activity briefs; timetables; agendas; administrative arrangements; budget information; strategic plans; mission statements; descriptions of functional responsibilities; terms of reference; program goals; structure and management records; periodic reports; policy papers; substantive correspondence; chronological files; Memoranda of Understanding; liaison reports; background information on organizations; Back-to-Office reports; and aide memoires. Program evaluation studies and impact evaluations of specific EDI programs are also included. Studies may involve use of questionnaires or site visits, and may be conducted by EDI or by cofinancing partners or external agencies.

Records relating to a program organized and provided by EDI for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to strengthen the participation of [NGOs] in the planning and execution of development policies/programs are also included. Records related to this program take the form of the training program records described previously.

Records of the African Virtual University (AVU) are also included. Records relate to: learning centers; content providers; satellite service providers; researchers; the digital virtual library; the language laboratory; accreditation; conferences, seminars, and forums. Also included are: AVUboard documents; legal documents; commitment summary reports; trust fund and budget reports; and course-related materials like those described above.

Records related to seminars organized and presented by EDI in the 1990s are included in this fonds. These include: seminar proposals; aide memoires; summary sheets; activity briefs; lists of resources and participants; evaluation reports; course curriculum; Back-to-Office reports; general correspondence; and final versions of program materials that were distributed to participants. A small amount of records relating to EDI's Senior Policy Seminars in the late 1980s are also included.

The fonds also consists of divisional and departmental work program and budget records. Divisional work program and budget records from the early to mid-1990s include: budgets; payments and expenditures; budget reviews; trust fund letters of agreement; budget and cofinancing allocation; accrual payment reports; and regional and topical work programs. The fonds also includes retrospective, quarterly, and mid-year work program and budget reviews from 1985 to 1992, as well as records related to the Institute's periodic reorganizations.

Also included in this fonds are a variety of records related to cofinancing of EDI/WBI projects and programs; these records are from the late 1980s through the 1990s. Included are fact sheets summarizing training activities undertaken in developing countries through cofinancing. These consist of: program statements; correspondence; progress reports; Summary Activity Briefs; evidence of expenditures; and related materials. The fonds also consists of correspondence with governments and international agencies regarding their commitments or intentions to participate as cofinancer or Trust Fund provider for activities/programs conducted by EDI. These records include: summaries of coordination meetings; copies of original legal agreements; copies of initiating briefs; and correspondence, reports, memos, etc., concerning expenses and the release of monies.

Thefonds also includes liaison records between EDI and various states, agencies, institutions, and international organizations. These records were created at both the divisional and departmental level and primarily take the form of correspondence. Funding, programming, and information exchange are the most common topics discussed.

The fonds contains records related to the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program and the McNamara Fellowship Program. Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program records primarily include scholars' information (applications, reference letters, etc.) from the late 1990s through the mid 2000s. However, Steering Committee records from its inception (1987 to 1991) and Annual Reports and Director of Scholars (1990 to 1993) are also included. Records related to the McNamara Fellowship Program are similar. Records include: applicant correspondence and reference letters; applicant proposals; letters of award; payment information; quarterly progress reports; and final reports. McNamara Fellowship budget records from 1983 to 1989 relate to: scholars' tuition; travel expenses; subsistence allowances; insurance costs; and other records related to the administration of the Fellowship. An Annual Report for 1989 is included.

A variety of EDI/WBI network/departmental and divisional chronological and subject files are included in this fonds. Records include: WBIVP chronological files (2000 to 2005) and meeting files (2001 to 2003); EDI Directors' chronological files (Amnon Golan [1990 to 1994], Alexander Ter Weele [1991 to 1996] and Vinod Thomas [1995 to 1999]); Coordination and Development Administration Division (EDICD) Chief Robert Lacey (1988 to 1992); Regional Capacity Enhancement (WBIRC) Director Michael Sarvis (2003 to 2004); Joint Vienna Institute (1995 to 1998) subject files; and small amounts of EDI regional coordinators', researchers', and consultants' chronological files.

The fonds contains a variety of the Institute's publications. These include: copies of EDI Bulletins from the 1980s and 1990s; the EDI Preliminary Prospectus (1955); EDI booklets and pamphlets from the 1950s to the 1970s; copies of Selected Readings and Source Materials on Economic Development published by EDI (1963/64 and 1965/66); EDI Curricula of Courses publications (1968 to 1976); and EDI Directory of Fellows (various years, 1967 to 1980).

Records related to the Development Education Program (DEP) are included as well. The DEP, formerly the Schools Program, was begun in the late 1970s with the objective of producing and marketing education materials about economic development for secondary schools in the U.S. and other countries. Records include: published materials based on DEP materials; catalogues; marketing and outreach materials; budget and human resource records; program records; and chronological records.

The fonds also contains briefing books prepared for the WBI Vice President by WBI staff for the years 2001 to 2003. A small number of briefing books prepared for Bank President Wolfowitz (2006 to 2007) are also included.

Finally, the fonds contains records created from the early-1950s through 1968 that relate to the origins of the Institute and its early operation. These records include chronological files from 1952 to 1968 that contain correspondence between the Bank and academics, civil servants, politicians, institutions, agencies, and others. Minutes of the Bank's Staff Loan Committee that relate to EDI's creation and its early operation are also included in these files as are proposals, planning, and budget records for the creation of the EDI. Topics of other records include: EDI's library project; administration of the Institute; funding of the Institute by the Ford and Rockefeller foundations; public relations; reports to the Bank Board; reviews of the Institute; EDI Advisory Board meeting minutes; and travel. Also included are anniversary publications and transcripts of interviews of prominent EDI administrators and instructors conducted in the mid-1980s.

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Governance, management and oversight

This series mainly contains records that were created and/or maintained by John M. Kalbermatten between the 1970s and 1980 while working as an adviser and then a consultant in both urban and rural water supply initiatives in various iterations of the water sector departments (i.e., Public Utilities Department-PBP; Energy, Water, and Telecommunications Department Office of the Director-EWTDR; Transportation, Water, and Telecommunications Water and Wastes Advisory Staff-TWTWW).

Kalbermatten contributed to World Bank policies and training on water supply and rural development, as well as research on appropriate water supply and sanitation technology. This series also contains records authored by other individuals, primarily by Yves Rovani (1972 - 1980: director, Public Utilities Projects Department-PBP; director, Energy, Water & Telecommunications Department-EWT) and Richard Middleton (1972 - 1978: sanitary engineer, Public Utilities Division-WAPPB; sanitary engineer, Public Utilities Division Office of theDirector-PBPDR; senior sanitary engineer, Energy, Water, and Telecommunications Office of the Director-EWTDR).

Records contain information relating to a panel on Measuring the Health Benefits of Investments in Water Supply; PBP project monitoring; 1970s work programs; annual staff training course on water supply; research on appropriate technology for water supply and waste disposal in low-income countries; case study reports on residential demand for water and sewerage service in countries in Africa; cooperation with external organizations (e.g., WHO and UNDP); and many more.

Record types include but are not limited to office memoranda, correspondence, articles and discussion papers, journals, training course documents, programs, questionnaires, and case study reports.

Training material

This series contains records relating to two projects that were part of the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP) that supported the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD). The two projects are the Information and Training Program in Low-Cost Water Supply and Sanitation (INT/82/002) and the International Training Network (ITN) for Water and Waste Management (INT/86/027). These projects were responsible for developing and delivering training modules geared toward water sector personnel and non-water professionals on topics concerning low-cost alternative technologies, sanitation (e.g., ventilated pit latrines), economic appraisal of projects, user participation, health aspects of water supply and sanitation, sanitation technology solutions, wells and handpumps, water distribution network, water and waste treatment, hygiene education, gravity-flow water supply, rainwater roof catchment systems, institutional and financial aspects, and many more. The goals of these training projects were to promote and deliver training on technical aspects, management, administration, finance, community development, and project support communications.

The training projects produced three major training packages for three primary stakeholders: the Decision Package for policy and senior government leaders; the Technical Package for students and sector professionals; and the Community (User) Participation Package for community workers and project staff.

UNDP financed the projects in cooperation with international agencies, while the World Bank (Bank) was responsible for project execution through the Technology Advisory Group (TAG) for technical assistance. The Bank's responsibilities included but were not limited to coordinating the recruitment process, agreements, feasibility studies, in-country training, project description drafts, course curricula design, etc.

Some of the key individuals mentioned in this series include but are not limited to Letitia Obeng, Saul Arlosoroff, Richard N. Middleton, and Mary Elmendorf (anthropologist/consultant, 1975-1996).

Materials include but are not limited to foundational records to prepare and produce the training modules; translations; progress and review reports; correspondence and memoranda; administrative files; conference and workshop files; photographic prints; and audiovisual items (e.g., magnetic cards, flexible disks, 35 mm color slides, and cassette tapes).

This series also contains records related to other initiatives: Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery (GLO/80/004) and TAG's collaboration with the UNDP's Women and the Decade Project (INT/83/003). It contains information about the promotion and support for women's participation in the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD) and the development of low-cost sanitation projects and training modules created by the Bank's EconomicDevelopment Institute (EDI).

Partnerships and program collaboration

This series contains records related to the partnerships and collaboration activities of the World Bank (Bank), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other international agencies in support of the UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP) and the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD). It also contains records documenting the trust fund management that supported the UNDP-World Bank WSP projects relating to low-cost development solutions for water and sanitation in low-income countries (i.e., funding contributions came from UNDP and Bank and trust fund resources derived from various international donors).

Partnerships and collaboration records

Records relating to partnerships and collaboration contain the following topics: missions in various countries (e.g., India, Philippines, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Yemen, etc.); low-cost water sanitation techniques; field trials (e.g., VLOM-Village Level Operated and Maintained handpumps and Canadian Monarch handpumps); related initiatives; advisory panel meetings to discuss staffing, and ongoing and future field trials in regions such as East Africa and Southeast Asia; project implementations and timelines; loan and grant conditions applied by the External Support Agencies (ESAs); recommendations on aid-giving procedures; and meetings with the Collaborative Council of ESAs in the water sector in 1989 (held in Sophia Antipolis, France) and the Steering Committee for Cooperative Action in 1981-1985 (held at the World Bank in Washington, DC); the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-UNESCO; the United Nations Children's Fund-UNICEF; and the Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO).

Types of partnership and collaboration records in this series include but are not limited to mission reports and communications, job descriptions, project proposals (including work plans, project justifications, budget outlines, schedules, etc.), progress and status reports, and meeting files (e.g., agenda, minutes, progress reports, memos, etc.). Examples of other institutions collaborating with the Bank in this activity are the Science and Technology Fund of the UNDP, Kumasi City Council, University of Science and Technology in Ghana, Banque Ouest Africaine de Developpment-BOAD, ARLAB (a subsidiary of Mines ParisTech5), Georgia Institute of Technology, and others.

The earliest projects related to the Bank's global partnership and collaboration with other organizations associated with water resources and management are:

  • Low-Cost Water and Sanitation Techniques (GLO/78/006);

  • Testing and Demonstration of Small-Scale Solar Powered Pumping Systems (GLO/78/004);

  • Research and Development in Integrated Resource Recovery (GLO/80/004);

  • Project Laboratory Testing, Field Trials, and Technological Development of Rural Water Supply Handpumps (INT/81/026); and

  • Information and Training Program (INT/82/002).

Trust fund management records

Records relating to trust fund management contain topics such as: trust fund agreements and amendments to agreements; cost-sharing; executing trust fund activities; funds received and transferred; country reports; financial management assessments or financial compliance reviews; policy exceptions; project phases (i.e., information gathering and testing; and development and implementation); audit review findings; proposals of project descriptions; Global Water Partnership Interim Committee; financial support for the Participatory Learning and Action Initiative; opportunity to initiate a core-funding relationship with various countries (e.g., Finland, France, Ireland, etc.); and collaborations with bilateral agencies (e.g., UK's Department for International Development-DFID, German Technical Cooperation Agency-GTZ, etc.). They also document communications about trust fund management between the Bank (including the Technical Advisory Group) and other institutions (e.g., UNDP, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency-SIDA,the Danish International Development Agency-DANIDA, the Swiss Development Corporation-SDC, Norway's Ministry of Development Cooperation, AusAID Trust Fund, World Health Organization-WHO, United Nations Children's Fund-UNICEF, etc.).

Types of trust fund management records in this series include but are not limited to master budget files, contribution and disbursement statements, project delivery reports (PDR), audit files (e.g., Terms of Reference), reports, waivers, original contracts, legal agreements,payment records, cost-sharing files, Bank internal clearances, Initiating Brief for Trust Funds (IBTF), funding proposals, project files (e.g., evaluations progress reports), recommendations, and donor correspondence.

This series also contains sixteen volumes, entitled Preliminary Study: The Large Aqueducts System, 1969 - 1971. These are bound volumes of pre-feasibility study reports by Gilbert Associates, Inc. (Reading, PA) for the Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion Argentina-OSN (now Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos-AySA), a utility company based in Argentina. These reports are associated with the loan agreement signed on June 3, 1963, between the Argentine Government and the USA through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). These volumes may have been used as reference files.

Research projects

This series primarily contains records documenting the findings and results of the World Bank's (Bank) two-year research project in 1976 - 1978 on "Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Waste Disposal in Developing Countries." This project guided the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Bank to address the importance of low-cost water and sanitation systems in achieving inclusive access to clean water and adequate sanitation for everyone, especially in developing economies. It includesa series of publications in various record types: manuals, guides, reports, working documents, technical papers, summaries, case studies, and questionnaires.

This research project stemmed from years of informal and formal arrangements in the 1960s and 1970s between the Bank and the international development community (e.g., World Health Organization-WHO) to address ongoing water and waste management issues, particularly in Bank member countries' rural and urban communities. During this time, the Bank was also expanding and redirecting its investments to urbanization projects, particularly in water supply and sewerage initiatives, as emphasized by President Robert McNamara in his address to the Board of Governors in October 1976.

The research project focused on obtaining the perspectives of community members with the following factors and/or activities in mind: evaluation of varying constraints (e.g., environmental, public health, demand, institutional, cultural, social, and financial); sanitation, reclamation, composting technologies; low-cost and/or alternative technological solutions for water and sanitation development; resource availability; and project beneficiaries. The geographical area of focus was concentrated in Latin America, Africa, and the Caribbean.

The project resulted in a series of publications entitled "World Bank Studies in Water Supply and Sanitation" and related monographs, entitled "Appropriate Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation (ATWSS)," published between the early to mid-1980s. They aimed to guide and provide recommendations to project engineers, scientists, technicians, and field workers involved with water-related projects. Key authors include but are not limited to John M. Kalbermatten, David C. Jones, DeAnne S. Julius, Charles G. Gunnerson, and D. Duncan Mara.

Records of the Water Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1973 - 2008

This fonds contains records created between 1973 and 2008 that reflect the various iterations of the water sector in the World Bank (Bank) and their activities. In particular, it includes records relating to the Bank's partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (UNDP-World Bank WSP), a cooperative program created in 1978. It also contains records about the Bank's and UNDP's contributions during the United Nation's 1981 - 1990 International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD).

Records in this fonds document the research, operational support, governance, quality control, and trust fund management for global program projects managed and/or supported by various Bank water sector departments. Topics include but are not limited to handpump development and testing, sewerage, landfill design, sanitation, solid waste private options, demonstration projects, and participatory development and management--initiatives involving users, particularly women (i.e., PROWWESS-Promotion of the Role of Women in Water and Environmental Sanitation Services) , and communities in all stages of the water development process.

Materials in this fonds include but are not limited to internal and external correspondence (including letters, memoranda, and telexes), project files (including reports, Country Monitoring Evaluations-CMEs, agreements, Terms of References-TORs, progress reports, budgets, personnel management files, country information, research materials, and liaison records with external agencies), training material, research files, conference and workshop materials, departmental publications, and finance and accounting records.

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Urban development reference subject files

  • Séries
  • 1972 - 1987 (predominant 1985 - 1987)

Series consists of reference materials created or received by the Water Supply and Urban Development Department (WUD) and, more specifically, the Water Supply and Urban Development Department Operations Support and Research Unit (WUDOR).

The majority of the records within this series are published and unpublished research and discussion papers created by the WUDOR, World Bank regional offices, other World Bank departments, and external authors. External authors include consultants, academics, NGOs, and other multilaterals, such as United Nations Center for Human Settlements (HABITAT), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Topics of these papers relate to urban-rural relations, urban development strategy implementation, housing and shelter, municipal finances, spatial policy, urbanization, urban infrastructure, rent controls, electricity and energy pricing, participant/observer project evaluation, structural adjustment, urban transport, project budget management, and urban population. Records include background and theoretical papers as well as papers specific to individual countries and regions; all regions are represented, although African countries are most common. A small percentage of records relate to topics that are not directly related to the urban development sector, such as agriculture, healthcare, education, rural development, and water.

Series also includes a small amount of records created and used during the research and writing of World Bank-authored papers, including memoranda, back-to-office reports and consultant terms of reference.

Other types of papers included in the series include small numbers of regional strategy papers, project proposals and summaries, loan committee reviews, country and project appraisal reports, mission notes, policy papers, research and discussion paper drafts, project case studies, research proposals, program statistical data, Country Economic Memoranda, sector reports, conference papers, regional status reports, project monitoring reports and guidelines, and WUD annual reports for 1984 and 1986.

Urban Poverty Program files

  • Séries
  • 1975 - 1981

Series consists of records created and received by the Urban Operations Review and Support Unit (URBOR) and related to the Urban Poverty Program. Records relate to the various objectives and activities of the Program, including defining, identifying, and quantifying developing countries' urban poor; identifying urban poverty target groups; estimating poverty incomes levels; creating lending policy; developing guidelines on project implementation and review; setting targets; and measuring impacts. Series iscomprised of chronological files consisting of correspondence, memoranda, and reports dating from the beginning of the Task Group's existence in July of 1975. Included is a memorandum entitled "Bank Action Program to Attack Urban Poverty" submitted to President McNamara by Warren C. Baum, Vice President, Central Projects Staff, on July 11, 1975, as well as two early "Action Program and Interim Reports" submitted by Edward V. K. Jaycox to Warren C. Baum; these are dated Oct. 23, 1975, and March 29, 1976. Other interim reports and project reviews submitted between 1976 and 1981 are also included, as is feedback on the reports from Department staff. Reports and memoranda submitted to the project Chairman from internal and external offices are contained. Memoranda from the Bank?s regional offices' Chief Economists reporting on their efforts to combat urban poverty and offering feedback on the Group's reports and memoranda are included. A small amount of meeting minutes and notes are included, as are photocopies of newspaper and journal articles.

There are also records from the Office of the Director of the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBPDR) and the Office of the Director of the Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department (EWTDR), between 1975 and 1977, concerning the Urban Poverty Program's Urban Poverty Task Group. Files contain correspondence by Yves Rovani (director, PBP, then EWT), Richard N. Middleton (Sanitary Engineer) and John M. Kalbermatten (Water and Wastes Advisor), as well as with divisions in the regional projects departments, including regional chief economists, dealing with water supply and sewerage issues. Correspondence generally deals with the implementation of the Urban Poverty Program, specifically the impact of water supply and sewerage projects or operations and sanitation lending on the urban poor, and EWT's input into the water supply and wastewater aspects of the Task Group's work.

Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance files

  • Séries
  • 1985 - 1986

Series consists of records relating to the Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance held in Washington on December 2-6, 1985. The Conference was convened by the World Bank to evaluate the previous decade's experience in the area of urban development and to develop plans for the future. Records include general Conference information and planning materials such as agendas, workshop plans, tour preparation, and planning committee correspondence. The series also includes speeches, biographies of speakers, and a published copy of the summary of proceedings. Correspondence relating to presenter, delegate, and donor invitations is also included as are thank-you and feedback letters from attendees.

Records of the Urban Development Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1972 - 1987

Fonds consists of records related to activities undertaken by the urban development sector. Most records in the fonds are reference materials created or received by the Water Supply and Urban Development Department (WUD) and, more specifically, the Water Supply and Urban Development Department Operations Support and Research Unit (WUDOR). These records were created by Unit staff as well as by other World Bank offices and consultants and organizations external to the bank.

Materials include research anddiscussion papers on a variety of topics related to the World Bank?s urban development function. The fonds also contains records relating to the operation and administration of the Urban Poverty Program by the Urban Operations Review and Support Unit (URBOR) and to the research and reporting activities for which it was responsible. Records include reports and memoranda created by the Unit as well as by Regional offices. The fonds consists of records related to the Conference on Improving the Effectiveness of Urban Assistance convened by the World Bank in Washington on December 2-6, 1985. Records include planning materials as well as speeches, speaker biographies, and a published copy of the summary of proceedings.

This fonds also includes correspondence from the Office of the Director of the Public Utilities Projects Department (PBPDR) and the Office of the Director of the Energy, Water and Telecommunications Department (EWTDR), between 1975 and 1977, documenting the water sector?s input on water supply and sanitation, which served as a complement to the Urban Task Group?s preliminary report to President Robert McNamara.

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Governance, management, and oversight

Series contains records created and maintained by the front office of the Transportation Department (TPD), successor offices, and divisions. The records relate to managing transportation research, policy, sector program work, oversight and business planning, and collaboration with external institutions.

Types of records comprising the series include: internal memoranda sent or received by Bank transport directors, senior advisers, sector staff, and staff from other Bank units including its superior, Operations Policy Vice Presidency (OSPVP) and regional units; letters with external organizations; internal and external reports; drafts and published articles and working paper; proposals; minutes and meeting notes; Board papers; handwritten notes; newsletters; and external brochures and publications.

The earliest material in the series dating from 1969 and the early 1970s relates to highways, transport regulation, aviation, and railway subsectors. Railway sector information is organized by country including European countries and developing countries.

Many records relate to transport sector projects and sector work. There are memoranda and reports about the transport sector support strategy paper by the Transport and Water Department (TWD) in 1983 and operational reviews of the Bank's transport sector work in the late 1980s. Correspondence and reports relate to urban transport, traffic simulation, transport pricing, construction industry, generalized road roughness index for worldwide use, road roughness measurement and application in Australia, traffic flow theory, and rural road user costs; some of these reports are country-focused. Files related to research include a paper presented by Director Christopher Willoughby on Transport Research in Developing Countries, discussion paper "Transportation Research at the World Bank: Opportunities for Collaboration," and memoranda discussing transport research program, future needs, impact on Bank policies and operation, and TRP strategy objectives.

Other topics covered are project success cases, transport project completion reports (e.g., Nepal Second Highway Project - P010112, Yugoslavia Fifth Railway Project -P009180), project implementation reviews and performance audit reports (PPARs), involuntary resettlement in Bank-financed transportation projects,structural adjustment lending (SAL) operational features paper, comments on Operations Evaluation Department (OED) annual review of PPAR transportation chapter and lessons learned from PPAR review, and other matters. Four volumes of problem project reviews are mostly copies of memoranda between regional vice presidents (RVPs) and senior vice president (SVP), Operations (SVP), or regional unit staff with copy to the transport sector unit director. These volumes pertain to railway projects, inland waterways,and various other sector projects.

There are also correspondence, reports, publications, and other records that relate to the Bank's liaison with external organizations in the transport sector, primarily through Senior Adviser Vincent Hogg. Organizations include the International Maritime Organization, International Road Federation, International Road Transport Union, national research institutions and others. Records pertain to conferences or annual meetings about transport policies, research about transportation systems, and other collaborative activities.

Records in the series also relate to the sector's business plans, work programs, and budgets, and transport sector units' comments and responses to several Bank-wide initiatives including organization manual statement on Bank financing of recurrent costs, SAL, and SAL procedures. Some files contain widely distributed information about Bank sector departments' initiatives and collaboration with other sectors and Bank departments such as environment and Economic Development Institute (EDI). In terms of environment, the records concern drafting environmental guidelines for port and harbor projects, training course, environmental procedures in Bank operations, and comments on key environment papers.

Research projects and operational support

  • Séries
  • 1952 - 1953, 1964-1991, 2001 - 2011

Series consists of records documenting the Transportation Projects Department (TPD) and successor units' research projects and activities, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) projects, and operational support to the Bank's lending and project activities in the transport sector. Specific records are further described within the sections below.

Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Study (HDMS) and Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM)

The largest volume of records in this seriesrelate to the World Bank's Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM) and to the research projects that served as the basis for the model's creation (1969 - 1988). The mathematical model resulted from the Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Study (HDMS) initiated in 1969 by Transportation Department (TRP) engineers to develop a new quantitative basis for investment decision making in the highways sector. The HDMS became a large-scale collaborative research project involving academic institutions and road agencies in several countries. Among the first collaborators were the British Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), the French Laboratoire Centrale des Ponts et Chaussee, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States.

While most of the records in this series concern the third model version, HDM-III, released in 1987 and researched and prepared over the previous decade, a massive portion of reports and background research materials from the earliest years of the project are also included. Records relate to general methodologies, country-based studies and analysis of highway design, evaluation, damage, costs, pavement performance, roughness measurement systems, deterioration, and maintenance. Records also relate to proposals to modify the HDM model, work programs, release of HDM, and discussion of a Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC) Committee on roads in developing regions.

Project records include proposals, reports, research and discussion papers, budget tables, user manuals, questionnaires, lists of computer specifications, model descriptions, and training materials. HDM-II and III were mainly based on field studies undertaken in Kenya, Brazil, India, and the Caribbean. The series mostly contains records that relate to the Brazilian and Indian studies, including internal and external reports, working papers, data tables or datasets, calculations, notes, memoranda, correspondence, back-to-office reports, project files, and seminar and presentation notes. Also included are the volumes of the Bank's Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Series that document the results of the HDM study: "The Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model"; User's Manual for the HDM-III Model, both authored by Thawat Watanatada, Clell G. Harral, William D. O. Paterson, Ashok M. Dhareshwa, Anil Bhandari, and Koji Tsunokawa and "Vehicle Operating Costs: Evidence from Developing Countries" by Andrew Chesher and Robert Harrison; and "Modelo de Normas de Diseno y Mantenimiento de Carreteras".

The Brazil Highway Research Project study was the largest of the HDM field studies and was conducted from 1975 to 1984. The results were used as the primary basis for the empirical and theoretical work of the HDM-III model issued in 1987. The project was financed by the Government of Brazil and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by the Empresa Brasileira de Planejamento de Transportes (GEIPOT) jointly with a team from the World Bank and the Texas Research and Development Foundation. Its objectives were to determine the total cost of highway transportation in Brazil and minimize the cost. Topics among the records include costs of highway construction, highway characteristics, vehicle utilization and maintenance, road deterioration analysis, road roughness analysis, road costs, paved road deterioration, traffic simulation model, and fuel consumption. Many records were maintained by TRP's Senior Highway Engineer William D.O. Paterson, who was responsible for methodology and processing of the primary data.

Records of the India studies concern the spectrum of axle loads on national highways, growth of highway traffic, construction and maintenance of roads, road user cost, and road improvement programs in India.

Highway and road research and project support

Series also contains various records created and maintained while conducting research projects for publication, or analysis and support for Bank lending projects. The earliest records relate to a Washington Motor Vehicle Operating Cost Survey (1952 - 1953). Most material dates between 1968 and 1991.

Records include technical, laboratory, and work progress reports, as well as correspondence with external institutions, executive summaries, notes, back-to-office reports, Terms of Reference, project cycle documents, government reports, topography maps, and chronological files primarily maintained by Senior Highway Engineer William D. O. Paterson. The records contain information about the Indonesia Highway Betterment Project P003838 concerning pavement and asphalt testing and road maintenance, as well as state-owned transport enterprises in Indonesia, road management system, India road deterioration study, Niger Fourth and Sixth Highway Project missions, road and pavement management in Niger and Nigeria, Eastern Europe highway survey and analysis, supervision of transport studies under the Korea Highway Sector Loan P004112 and the Korea Provincial and County Roads. or Road Development Project P004107, road maintenance study in Tunisia, fuel pricing, taxing transport, road use costs, and road engineering.

Also included are working papers and reports from various authors regarding cost responsibility and allocation, vehicle size and load limits, pavement design and management, and road roughness in the United States, South Africa, Brazil, etc., reports and proceedings about road deterioration and terrain analysis, and correspondence, articles, notes concerning axle-load regulations, climate analysis, and the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) design method, which was based on extensive tests on pavement failure carried out between the 1950s and early 1960s.

There are also photographic prints and negatives that depict road maintenance work, however the location and context of the photographs are not known.

World Bank / United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) projects

The series also contains records regarding the Transportation Department (TPD) role as the executing agency for projects of the United Nations Special Fund and the Fund's successor UNDP between 1968 and 1972. Through financing and technical assistance, the Bank and UNDP assisted former territories and countries who requested assistance to improve their transportation system. Projects in the series primarily relate to the Bank's supervision of national transport studies and surveys, which were typically conducted by outside consulting agencies or individuals (e.g., experts for technical assistance on the managerial level, engineers, soils and pavement specialists, economists, project managers, etc.) recruited by UNDP.

The records reflect project coordination, pre-appraisal and appraisal activities, feasibility studies, negotiations with contracting agencies (e.g., Kampsax, Louis Berger Inc.), staffing, cost estimates, project and contract extensions, logistic management, study findings and recommendations, and comments on reports.

Types of records include: survey and economic mission reports; applications and proposals; contractors' resumes; contracts for consultants' services; Terms of Reference; progress reports from contractors concerning various activities (e.g., implementation of rehabilitation work).

Specific projects include: Indonesia transport and port and dredging survey; Fiji transport and highway Maintenance Surveys (application submitted by the Government of the United Kingdom, on behalf of the Government of Fiji); Korea transport, highway studies, highway coordination and organization, and ports and harbors; Malaysia transport survey; Pakistan Karachi port expansion study; East Pakistan ports and waterways; East/West Pakistan transport study, Papua New Guinea highway study; Philippines port study; and Bangkok Thailand transport study.

Appraisal software user manuals

The series contains four user manuals developed by the Transportation and Urban Projects Department (TUD) with the assistance of the Computing Activities Department (1974, 1976 - 1977). The manuals provide instruction for the appraisal software used for Bank operational projects. The software was also distributed to member countries. Manuals include: Financial Analysis System (FAST, 1977), Port Simulation Model (PORTSIM, 1974), Cost Benefit Package (CBPACK, 1974), and the Road Analysis Model (RAM, 1976). FAST was designed to support the financial analysis of projects implemented by the Bank. CBPACK was produced to support the cost benefit analysis of projects. The Port Simulation Model (PORTISM) was an appraisal tool designed to support the evaluation of port projects. It aided Bank engineers and economists to accurately estimate the operational implications of the projects. The RAM appraisal tool was designed to support the economic evaluation of road projects by the Bank by providing an estimated return on the contemplated investment. The software is not included in the series.

Bank operational project support

The series also contains records related to the Transport Division of the Transport and Urban Development Department (TUDTR) and successor units' support to Bank lending projects (2001 - 2011). Records contain information about technical proposals for the supervision consultancy for Jaffna District in the Sri Lanka Provincial Roads Project - P107847 and technical assistance services for an environmental audit as part of the Bangladesh Rural Transport Improvement Project - P071435. Record types include reports and studies (e.g., status and audit reports), manuals, and procurement-related records.

Knowledge and learning

Series consists of records relating to seminars, conferences, training, and workshop events organized or attended by staff of the Transportation Department (TRP) and Infrastructure and Urban Development Department Transport Development Division (INUTD). Records relate to various transportation-related topics and event planning records. Records concern the attendance and participation of transportation sector staff in external and internal conferences, seminars, symposiums, training courses, and lectures. Many records relate to the activities of Senior Highway Engineer William D. O. Paterson, Ports and Aviation Adviser John R. Lethbridge and Principal Transport Economist Clell G. Harral. Record types include course materials, draft and final conference papers prepared by Bank staff, agenda, lists of events, list of participants and attendance lists, internal memoranda including back-to-office reports, letters from external organizations, speeches, handwritten notes, summary evaluations, and external reports,brochures, and other printed material.

Topics covered in the records include harbors and port technology, port maintenance in developing countries, global shipping, Port of Rouen training course, liner shipping policy developments, inland water and coastal and barge transportation review, England and France Channel Tunnel (informally, Chunnel) project, Port of Baltimore dredging works, American public works and infrastructure, International Road Federation (IRF) African Highway Conferences, rural roads, urban transport, highways and road pavement design, pavement performance and maintenance, Strategic Highway Research Program, and air and rail transport.

Two files that relate to planning Bank transport staff training and Bank staff grading contain mostly internal memoranda and discuss internal and external sector staff training needs including regional participation, opportunities, and preparation.

Records of the Transport Sector

  • Fundos
  • 1952 - 1953, 1964 - 1991, 2001 - 2011 (predominant 1968 - 1991)

The fonds contains records that reflect the various activities of the transport sector units including operational project support to the Regions, research, collaboration with external organizations, and participation or organization of conference, seminars, and workshops. The records were created and maintained by transport-related units beginning in the late 1960s with the Transportation Projects Department (TRP) and several successor units through to the Transport, Water, and Information and Communication Technologies Department (TWI) created in 2007.

While sector records were maintained in the Bank-wide centralized filing system from the early years of operations in the 1940s until mid-1987 and some of these records remain part of the Central Files fonds, departments often kept separate working files. It is primarily the working files of the Transport Sector that comprise the records in this fonds, along with records created after 1987 when recordkeeping responsibilities were turned over to the records-creating offices. The fonds contains a gap in the records between 1992 and 2000. The gap is likely due to the frequent organizational changes of the transport units and coexistence with other sectors in the same department or division and therefore records becoming intermingled. Chronological records of the Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department (TWU) from 1993 to 1995 are part of the Records of the Environmentally Sustainable Development Vice Presidency fonds. See the related units of description note for additional information.

An extensive volume of records in the fonds are related to the Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDMS) created in 1969 and to research projects that served as the basis for the model's creation.

Reports, working papers, memoranda, and correspondence are the most common record form. The records cover a broad range of subsectors and topics under transport development, including, but not limited to: road and highway design, management, and maintenance; rural roads; pavement performance; railway construction and modernization; maritime transport and port engineering; and aviation and air transport.

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Subject files

The series consists of records related to Jonas' coordination of Bank operational responses to emergencies, pandemics, and other key initiatives, primarily through her participation and organization of high-level meetings, conferences, and other events. Most of the records comprising the series (four files, 2006 - 2014) contains information about the Bank's Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) program and collaboration with the United Nations and UN System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC), World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE). Meetings and conferences represented within the files include: International Conference on Avian Influenza (2006); High Level Technical Meeting to Address Health Risks at the Human-Animal Ecosystems Interfaces (2011); and Avian Flu working group.

Other records (two files) relate to Jonas' work with the international Task Force on Small States (1999 - 2006), participation in the Global Conference on the Development Agenda for Small States in 2000 and the Small States Forum (2004 - 2005).

Also included is an individual file related to the Bank's support to post-tsunami disaster recovery in Indonesia and affected South Asia countries (2005 - 2006) including Bank staff participation in the Global Consortium on Tsunami Recovery held at UN, New York in April 2006.

There is also a briefing file related to Bank President Paul Wolfowitz's meeting with Roberto Danino kept by Jonas for reference (2005).

Record types include: meeting and conference working papers, agenda, concept note, and summary of proceedings; hard copies of Jonas' and other Bank staff slide presentations; talking point notes; briefing notes, e.g., status of the Bank's contributions to global avian and pandemic response and situation in Aceh and the Bank's post-tsunami activities; copies of Executive Board records and papers presented to the Board; financing requirement note; external reports, including the European Union (EU) and World Food Programme (WFP); draft notice for donors; background paper on pandemic risk for the 2014 World Development Report (WDR) and hard copy of a blog, both authored by Jonas; internal papers prepared by Bank units on tsunami recovery and poverty reduction; and travel and administrative documents.

E-mail hard copies are between Jonas and internal and external colleagues and between country directors, regional staff, and other Bank colleagues. Topics discussed include preparation and organization of conferences and meetings and invitations, Bank support activities, comments on papers, travel arrangements, and other business matters.

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