Bank - United Nations - United Nations Liaison Agencies - Correspondence - Group of 77 - General - Volume 2
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization - Education
Cultural programs, Fiscal Year [FY] 1989
UN World Health Organization (WHO) - Correspondence - Volume 2
Liaison - International Chamber of Commerce - Correspondence - 1947 - 1958 - Volume 1
Liaison - United Nations [UN] - Economic and Social Council - 1961 - Correspondence - Volume 1
World Health Organization (WHO) - Volume 5
Central African Republic [CAR] - Peace Keeping Operations
Rockefeller Foundation (includes Population Council) - Liaison File
World Health Organization [WHO] - Liaison File - Volume 01
World Health Organization Cooperative Programme - Liaison File
INDONESIA : IBRD resident mission - set
Criticism on Bretton Woods - July through August 1949
Press Statements by Mr. Black
Randall Commission Report
India - Pakistan - Three Wise Men Mission
IPA - International Development Association [IDA] General - 1974 - Volume 2
IPA - International Development Association [IDA] Credit - 1961 - 1969
IPA - International Development Association [IDA] Credit - 1961 - 1965
World Health Organization [WHO] - 1975
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - 1973 - 1979
United Nations [UN] Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] - 1972 - 1974
Brandt Commission - Chronological Records - March 1978 - August 1978
Brandt Commission - Chronological Records (Parliamentary Debate) - March 1980
Brandt Commission - Chronological Records - June 1980 - December 1980
Pearson Commission Recommendations - Correspondence - Volume 1
McNamara correspondence - 1973
McNamara correspondence - 1971
McNamara correspondence - 1972 (1 of 2)
McNamara correspondence - 1970
McNamara correspondence - 1969
George D. Woods - Public Relations - Tours by Bank Personnel - Correspondence - 1965
Nowicki, A. G. - Articles and Speeches (1967 - 1970)
Onaran, Mekin H. - Articles and Speeches (1949 - 1950)
Okurume, Godwin - Articles and Speeches (1972 - 1973)
Pineo, Charles C. - Articles and Speeches (1947) - 1v
Please, Stanley - Articles and Speeches (1967 - 1970) - 1v
Parker, Chauncey G. - Articles and Speeches (1947)
Parkinson, J. F. - Articles and Speeches (1948) - 1v
Pearson, Lester B. - Articles and Speeches (1970) - 1v
Vergin, Heinz - Articles and Speeches (1967) - 1v
Wapenhans, W. A. - Articles and Speeches (1968 - 1970) - 1v
Hopper, David - Articles and Speeches
Kochav, David - Articles and Speeches (1966) - 1v
Merchant, Livingston T. - Articles and Speeches (1966)
Hultin, Mats - Articles and Speeches (1970 - 1975) - 1v
Jones, William - Articles and Speeches (1972) - 1v
MacNealy, Charles - Articles and Speeches (1969)
Knapp, J. Burke - Articles and Speeches (1950 - 1981) - 1v
Krishnaswamy - Articles and Speeches (1957) - 1v