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Showing 1801-1850 of 1922 results

Records of the Population, Health, and Nutrition Sector

314 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Nutrition Sector Country Files - India - Correspondence - Volume 2
Nutrition Sector Country Files - India - Correspondence - Volume 2
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Universities - Volume 2 - 1974 - 1977
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Universities - Volume 2 - 1974 - 1977
Nutrition Sector Country Files - India - Correspondence - Volume 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - India - Correspondence - Volume 1
Indonesia - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 4
Indonesia - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 4
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 8 - December 5, 1974
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 8 - December 5, 1974
Zambia - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 1
Zambia - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 1
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Japan IDCJ and JOICFP - set
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Japan IDCJ and JOICFP - set
Background material for Bank participation in tropical diseases research - set
Background material for Bank participation in tropical diseases research - set
Demographic Aspects of Employment in the Caribbean - Draft - K C Zachariah - December 28, 1973 - Two Copies
Demographic Aspects of Employment in the Caribbean - Draft - K C Zachariah - December 28, 1973 - Two Copies
Nutrition Sector Program Papers
Nutrition Sector Program Papers
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council - Volume 2
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council - Volume 2
Economic Staff Working paper Number 167 - Family Planning and Fertility Trends in Jamaica - K C Zachariah - November 1973
Economic Staff Working paper Number 167 - Family Planning and Fertility Trends in Jamaica - K C Zachariah - November 1973
Management - Family Planning Program
Management - Family Planning Program
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Brazil - Correspondence - Volume 3
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Brazil - Correspondence - Volume 3
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Ministry of Overseas Development [ODM]
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Ministry of Overseas Development [ODM]
Ecuador - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 1
Ecuador - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Staff Working Paper Number 163 - Fertility, Mortality and Population Growth - Interrelation and Policy Implications - K C Zachariah and G Zafros - September 1973 - Three Copies
Bank Staff Working Paper Number 163 - Fertility, Mortality and Population Growth - Interrelation and Policy Implications - K C Zachariah and G Zafros - September 1973 - Three Copies
Nutrition General - Volume 2 - July 1973
Nutrition General - Volume 2 - July 1973
Population Program Review Panel - Administration - June 20 - 21, 1973
Population Program Review Panel - Administration - June 20 - 21, 1973
Educational Projects
Educational Projects
Onchocerciasis - Volume 1
Onchocerciasis - Volume 1
Population and Nutrition Projects [PNP] Research Series [RES] 1 - 1974 and Cooperation in Population Assistance [CPS] Catalogue of PPS
Population and Nutrition Projects [PNP] Research Series [RES] 1 - 1974 and Cooperation in Population Assistance [CPS] Catalogue of PPS
Mexico - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 8
Mexico - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 8
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council Draft Papers - Mr Baldwin
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Population Council Draft Papers - Mr Baldwin
Liaison with International and other Organizations - World Population Society
Liaison with International and other Organizations - World Population Society
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 4 - December 6, 1973
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 4 - December 6, 1973
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Papua New Guinea - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Papua New Guinea - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Tanzania - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Tanzania - Correspondence 1
UN population projections, 1950 - 2000 - set
UN population projections, 1950 - 2000 - set
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Malawi - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Malawi - Correspondence 1
Training - Family Planning Program
Training - Family Planning Program
Central Project Notes - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Central Project Notes - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 2 - November 1972 - May 1974
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 2 - November 1972 - May 1974
Pakistan - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 2
Pakistan - Nutrition Country File - Correspondence - Volume 2
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UNFPA - Volume 3 - October 1972 - July 1974
Liaison with International and other Organizations - UNFPA - Volume 3 - October 1972 - July 1974
Liaison with International and other Organizations - University - Harvard
Liaison with International and other Organizations - University - Harvard
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]
Liaison with International and other Organizations - United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF]
Ravenholt Question
Ravenholt Question
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Ford Foundation - set
Liaison with International and other Organizations - Ford Foundation - set
Michanek Committee
Michanek Committee
External Advisory Panel on Population - Documents - Volume 4 - Dr K Kanagaratnam
External Advisory Panel on Population - Documents - Volume 4 - Dr K Kanagaratnam
Protein Advisory Group [PAG]
Protein Advisory Group [PAG]
External Advisory Panel on Population - Documents - Volume 1
External Advisory Panel on Population - Documents - Volume 1
Population Program Review Panel - June 1973
Population Program Review Panel - June 1973
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 1 - 1970 - October 1972
Liaison with International and other Organizations - WHO - Volume 1 - 1970 - October 1972
Population and Human Resources Division - Volume 2
Population and Human Resources Division - Volume 2
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 7 - November 7, 1972
K.C. Zachariah - Chronological Records - January 7 - November 7, 1972
Liaison with International and other Organizations - ASEAN - Indonesia ( Ex-IGCC ) - set
Liaison with International and other Organizations - ASEAN - Indonesia ( Ex-IGCC ) - set
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Kenya - Correspondence 2
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Kenya - Correspondence 2
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Korea - Correspondence 1
Nutrition Sector Country Files - Korea - Correspondence 1
Results 1801 to 1850 of 1922