Liaison - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] / Development Assistance Committee [DAC] - Volume 01
Liaison - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] - Volume 01
Liaison - International Savings and Investments Congress
Liaison - International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Volume 01
Liaison - International Chamber of Commerce - Correspondence - 1947 - 1958 - Volume 1
Liaison - Institute of Development Studies - University of Sussex
Liaison - Association Internationale Pour La Promotion et La Protection des Investissements Prives en Territoires Etrangers [APPI] - Volume 02
Liaison - Association Internationale Pour La Promotion et La Protection des Investissements Prives en Territoires Etrangers [APPI] - Volume 01
External Affairs - Organizations - Non-Governmental Organizations - International Chamber of Commerce
External Affairs - Thematic and Sector Level Topics - Human Rights - Correspondence - Volume 1
Vice Presidential Seminar Series - 1998-10-21 - Cultural Identity -Ismail Serageldin
ECOSOC Informal Meeting on Development Indicators, May 10-11 1999 - Indicators - A Critical Review of the Development of Indicators in the Context of Conference Follow-up - Measuring Development Progress
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization - Education
Central African Republic [CAR] - Peacekeeping - 1998
Central African Republic [CAR] - Peacekeeping - 1999
External Affairs - Liaison with Bank Regions - Haiti - Peacekeeping
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization
Central African Republic [CAR] - Peace Keeping Operations
Bank - United Nations - United Nations Liaison Agencies - Correspondence - Group of 77 - General - 1984 - Volume 1
Bank - United Nations - United Nations Liaison Agencies - Correspondence - Peace Keeping
Bank - United Nations - United Nations Liaison Agencies - North - South Roundtable - Correspondence - Volume 1
UN Commission on Human Rights [UN-CHR] - Correspondence - Volume 1
UN World Health Organization (WHO) - Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - Correspondence - Volume 1
UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UN-ESCO) - Correspondence - 1v
UN Conference on Environment and Development - 1v
New York Office Subject Files - World Conference on Human Rights - 1v
New York Office Subject Files - Meeting in Paris on Gulf Crisis - Correspondence
New York Office Subject Files - The Group of 77 - Journals - 1v
United Nations Agencies Liaison Records : ILO - 1v
United Nations Agencies Liaison Records - International Labour Office [ILO] - Volume 1
United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - G6 - Correspondence - Volume 1
World Health Organization (WHO) - Volume 1
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - G6 - 1986 - Volume 1
United Nations Environmental Programme [UNEP] - General - 1984 Correspondence - Volume 1
UN Liaison Files: International Relations Department - Technical assistance, internal initiatives and procedures - 1v
United Nations Liaison Files - Population - Family Planning - Volume 1
U.N. Liaison Files: Health - 1v
United Nations Files: United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization UNESCO (Including Cooperative Program) - 1v
United Nations Files: World Health Organization (Including Cooperative Program) - 1v
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - World Health Organization - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - International Labour Office [ILO] - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Department of Public Information - Public Relations - Liaison - Correspondence - 1946 - 1962
United States Governments - General - Correspondence - 1959 - 1965
United Nations - ERIU - World Health Organization [WHO] 1981 / 1983 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations - ERIU - International Labour Organization [ILO] 1984 / 1986 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Organizations - ERIU - United Nations Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Organizations - ERIU - International Labor Organization [ILO] 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy - World Health Organization [WHO] / United Nations Development Program [UNDP] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Tropical Diseases - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1