Demographic and Health Survey [DHS] - Health Components
Demographic and Health Surveys [DHS]
Depo - Provera
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Demography Correspondence, Demography Workshops
Country Policy Department - Files and Seminars
Contraceptive Prevalence and Fertility from Contraceptive Acceptors
Conditionality - Targets
Country Health Surveys [CHS]
Clausen - Policy and Research Files [PHNPR]
Berelson Report
Bellagio - Health Research for the Developed World, Priorities and Strategies
Bellagio - Sub-Saharan Africa
Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group on Demographic Estimates and Projections - New York - November 1986
World Health Organization [WHO] - Documentation - Volume 1
World Health Organization [WHO] - January 1986
World Health Organization : Medical Society - 1v
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Resources Consortium for Primary Health Care [HRC] - Dr John Evans - Correspondence
World Health Organization (WHO) : special program of research development and research training in human reproduction (URP) - 1v
World Health Organization [WHO] - General - Correspondence
World Health Organization [WHO] - Health Services Research - Correspondence - Volume 3
Work Program - John R Evans - Correspondence
Vector Control - John R Evans - Correspondence
United States Agency for International Development [USAID] - Population - Correspondence
Shattuck Lecture - Correspondence
Population Council - Front Office - Correspondence
Population, Health, and Nutrition [PHN] External Strategy - Correspondence
Population and Development - Berlin Seminar - 1985 - Front Office
Pan American Health Organization [PAHO] - Correspondence
Non Governmental Organizations [NGO] / Private Volunteer Organizations [PVO] - Correspondence
National Council for International Health [NCIH] - John R Evans
Maternal and Child Health - Correspondence
Mexico City - International Population Conference - Correspondence
Lending Program - Correspondence
International Planned Parenthood Federation [IPPF] - Correspondence
Jason L Finkle / Crane Barbara Papers - Correspondence
Financing and Cost Recovery in Health Care - John R Evans - Correspondence
Epidemiology - Correspondence
Coopertive Program - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] / World Health Organization [WHO] - Front Office - Correspondence
Alden Winship [A W] Clausen - Ernest Stern - Correspondence - PHND
Contraceptive Research and Development - Correspondence - Volume 1
Cofinancing - Population, Health and Nutrition Department [PHND] - Correspondence
Bellagio Task Force - Meetings - Correspondence
Bellagio - Correspondence - Volume 1
Bellagio - World Immunization News [WIN] - Correspondence
Asian Development Bank - Correspondence - Volume 1
Annual Meetings Seminar - John Evans - Correspondence - August 1982
WHO / CDD follow up on PHN / CDD cooperation - Correspondence
International Conference on Oral Rehydration Therapy [ICORT] - Correspondence
Onchocerciasis Chemotherapy - Correspondence
Onchocerciasis budget - set