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Showing 151-200 of 81508 results

4816 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

The Determinants of Early Age Human Capital Formation: Evidence from Brazil by G. Psacharopoulos and A. M. Arriagada - 1v
The Determinants of Early Age Human Capital Formation: Evidence from Brazil by G. Psacharopoulos and A. M. Arriagada - 1v
Vocational Secondary Schools can be more Cost-effective than Academic Schools: the Case of Israel by S. Neuman and A. Ziderman - 1v
Vocational Secondary Schools can be more Cost-effective than Academic Schools: the Case of Israel by S. Neuman and A. Ziderman - 1v
The Transition from School to the University under Restricted Entry: A Greek Tracer Study by G. Papas and G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
The Transition from School to the University under Restricted Entry: A Greek Tracer Study by G. Papas and G. Psacharopoulos - 1v
Training Alternatives for Youth: Results from Longitudinal Data by A. Ziderman - 1v
Training Alternatives for Youth: Results from Longitudinal Data by A. Ziderman - 1v
The Relative Efficiency of Private and Public Schools in Developing Countries by E. Jimenez, M. E. Lockheed and V. Paqueo - 1v
The Relative Efficiency of Private and Public Schools in Developing Countries by E. Jimenez, M. E. Lockheed and V. Paqueo - 1v
The Center for Applied Linguistics: Peru: A Profile of Languages and their Use - 1v
The Center for Applied Linguistics: Peru: A Profile of Languages and their Use - 1v
Guide for the Classification of Occupations by Skill Level by I. L. Hernstadt and M. Zymelman - 1v
Guide for the Classification of Occupations by Skill Level by I. L. Hernstadt and M. Zymelman - 1v
Investing in Education: A Quarter Century of World Bank Experience by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Investing in Education: A Quarter Century of World Bank Experience by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Diversifying Secondary School Curricula in Developing Countries: An Implementation History and some Policy Options by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Diversifying Secondary School Curricula in Developing Countries: An Implementation History and some Policy Options by S. P. Heyneman - 1v
Review of Education Lending, Actual (FY1974-78) and Projected (FY1979-83) by W. D. Haddad - 1v
Review of Education Lending, Actual (FY1974-78) and Projected (FY1979-83) by W. D. Haddad - 1v
Retention of Literacy - A Review - 1977 - Annex 2
Retention of Literacy - A Review - 1977 - Annex 2
Radio Education and Student Repetition in Nicaragua - The Radio Mathematics Project - 1978 - Dean T. Jamison - World Bank Reprint Series 91
Radio Education and Student Repetition in Nicaragua - The Radio Mathematics Project - 1978 - Dean T. Jamison - World Bank Reprint Series 91
The Impact of Primary School Quality on Learning in Egypt - International Journal of Educational Development - Volume 3, Number 1 - 1983 - William Loxley
The Impact of Primary School Quality on Learning in Egypt - International Journal of Educational Development - Volume 3, Number 1 - 1983 - William Loxley
Labor Force Experience and Earnings - Women and Children - Economics Of Education Review - Volume 3, Number 3 - 1984 - Victor Levine and Peter R. Moock
Labor Force Experience and Earnings - Women and Children - Economics Of Education Review - Volume 3, Number 3 - 1984 - Victor Levine and Peter R. Moock
Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Copy for Staff Working Papers, Technical Papers, Country Studies, and other Facsimile Publications, with Notes on Dissemination - Publications Department - The World Bank - April 1984
Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Copy for Staff Working Papers, Technical Papers, Country Studies, and other Facsimile Publications, with Notes on Dissemination - Publications Department - The World Bank - April 1984
Zambia - A Profile of Languages and Their Use - The Center for Applied Linguistics in cooperation with The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Fall 1976 - R. Anthony Robson
Zambia - A Profile of Languages and Their Use - The Center for Applied Linguistics in cooperation with The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Fall 1976 - R. Anthony Robson
Establishing Student Loans in Developing Countries / Maureen Woodhall and Prof. F R Weich - 2v
Establishing Student Loans in Developing Countries / Maureen Woodhall and Prof. F R Weich - 2v
The World Economie and the Distribution of Income / Rubinson - set
The World Economie and the Distribution of Income / Rubinson - set
Health Condition and School Achievements in Colombia / Clara Ines Parra - set
Health Condition and School Achievements in Colombia / Clara Ines Parra - set
Measuring the Economic Efficiency of Project Related Training / A. Mirzat - set
Measuring the Economic Efficiency of Project Related Training / A. Mirzat - set
Issues Regarding Education in Nepal / M. Loockheed - set
Issues Regarding Education in Nepal / M. Loockheed - set
Education and Informal Sector Employment / P. Fallon - set
Education and Informal Sector Employment / P. Fallon - set
Sri Lanka RPO / Mv. Khan - set
Sri Lanka RPO / Mv. Khan - set
Modernization and Education / D. Hlsinger - set
Modernization and Education / D. Hlsinger - set
Cost Recovery in Education / K. Hinchliffe - set
Cost Recovery in Education / K. Hinchliffe - set
Issues on Curriculum Diversification / P.J. Foster - set
Issues on Curriculum Diversification / P.J. Foster - set
Educational Policies in Kenya - An Historical Account and Critical Appraisal - George Eshiwani
Educational Policies in Kenya - An Historical Account and Critical Appraisal - George Eshiwani
Discussion Papers : Education and Training Series, EDT 36 - 56 - box
Discussion Papers : Education and Training Series, EDT 36 - 56 - box
Discussion Papers : Education and Training Series, EDT 21 - 35 - box
Discussion Papers : Education and Training Series, EDT 21 - 35 - box
Partnerships - University of Oxford - Education and Health / Results International - Correspondence
Partnerships - University of Oxford - Education and Health / Results International - Correspondence
Partnerships - Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) - Correspondence
Partnerships - Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) - Correspondence
Partnerships - International Reading Association (IRA) / International Research Foundation for Open Learning (IRFOL) - Correspondence
Partnerships - International Reading Association (IRA) / International Research Foundation for Open Learning (IRFOL) - Correspondence
Partnerships - Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) - Correspondence
Partnerships - Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) - Correspondence
Partnerships - Commonwealth of Learning - Correspondence
Partnerships - Commonwealth of Learning - Correspondence
Partnerships - Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe (CIDREE) - Correspondence
Partnerships - Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe (CIDREE) - Correspondence
Partnerships - Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) / Council of Europe Education Committee - Correspondence
Partnerships - Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) / Council of Europe Education Committee - Correspondence
PSDDR, PSDEN, PSDSE, PSDKM - Work Program Information - Staff Consultant, Work Program, CAM, TRS ...
PSDDR, PSDEN, PSDSE, PSDKM - Work Program Information - Staff Consultant, Work Program, CAM, TRS Adjustments, New Staff Information, HRS Reminder - Fiscal Year 1999 - Volume 1
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Cross Support, TRS/ICS Ratio, Tables - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Cross Support, TRS/ICS Ratio, Tables - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Reposting, Disputes, Official Occupation, Chargeback - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Reposting, Disputes, Official Occupation, Chargeback - Fiscal Year 2003
PSD - Budget II - C - Misc. Budget Reports FO, RR, EU, CG, PP, BE, SP - Fiscal Year 2001
PSD - Budget II - C - Misc. Budget Reports FO, RR, EU, CG, PP, BE, SP - Fiscal Year 2001
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - WP, Dashboard, Mid-Year Review, 3rd Quarter Review - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - WP, Dashboard, Mid-Year Review, 3rd Quarter Review - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Adjustment Reposting - General Unit Info.: PSADR, PSACG, PSAPP, PSARR, PSASR, PSASP, PSAFB, PSAGF - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Adjustment Reposting - General Unit Info.: PSADR, PSACG, PSAPP, PSARR, PSASR, PSASP, PSAFB, PSAGF - Fiscal Year 2003
Final Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS) Reports, June Budget Transfers, Reimbursables, Fina...
Final Private Sector Advisory Services (PSAS) Reports, June Budget Transfers, Reimbursables, Final deliverables Economic and Sector Work (ESW) and Compact, C/S FY03, Final Product on DB project, Istanbul Workshop
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (5) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (5) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (9) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (9) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (7) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (7) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (4) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Monthly Monitoring Tables (4) - Misc. SAP Budget Rpts for PSADR , BE, CG, EU, PP, RR, SP - Fiscal Year 2002
PSD - Budget II - B - Misc. SAP Budget Reports fo all units - Fiscal Year 2001
PSD - Budget II - B - Misc. SAP Budget Reports fo all units - Fiscal Year 2001
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Various Budget Documents (2 volumes) - Fiscal Year 2003
PSAS - Budget Monitoring - Various Budget Documents (2 volumes) - Fiscal Year 2003
PSD - Discretionary I - Chargebacks, PC Leases Chargeback in SAP, Publication Revenue, PSD Space Allocation and Charge, Move to "I" Building from F and Q ; Staff list for move purposes; TRS; Training provided; YP Inna Baigozina - Fiscal Year 2000
PSD - Discretionary I - Chargebacks, PC Leases Chargeback in SAP, Publication Revenue, PSD Space Allocation and Charge, Move to "I" Building from F and Q ; Staff list for move purposes; TRS; Training provided; YP Inna Baigozina - Fiscal Year 2000
Results 151 to 200 of 81508