Loganathan, Chelliah - Articles and Speeches (1972)
Maestri - Articles and Speeches (1960)
McIvor, S. Noel - Articles and Speeches (1966)
McLain, Chester A. - Articles and Speeches (1947 - 1948)
McMeekan, C. P. - Articles and Speeches (1964)
Nishihara, Naokado - Articles and Speeches (1966)
IPA - 80055 - 013 - Publications Committee - Thomas H Silcock - Personal Correspondence - 1970 to 1971
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] / IBRD Cooperative Programme - Liaison File - Volume 01
United Nations Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] - Liaison File - Volume 01
Bank - United Nations - United Nations Liaison Agencies - Correspondence - Peace Keeping
United Nations Organizations - ERIU - International Labor Organization [ILO] 1978 / 1980 Correspondence - Volume 1
Liaison - United Nations [UN] - World Health Organization [WHO] - Supplemental Folder - Documents - Correspondence - Volume 2
Liaison - United Nations [UN] - World Health Organization [WHO] - 1959 / 1965 - Correspondence - Volume 2
Liaison - United Nations [UN] - World Health Organization [WHO] - 1966 / 1967 - Correspondence - Volume 3
Liaison - United Nations [UN] - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] / International Labour Office [ILO] - Correspondence - Volume 2
United Nations Files: World Health Organization (Including Cooperative Program) - 1v
United Nations Files: United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization UNESCO (Including Cooperative Program) - 1v
World Health Organization (WHO) - Volume 2
World Health Organization (WHO) - Volume 4
External Relations International United Nations [ERIU] - World Health Organization - 1987 / 1989 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
Bank Administration and Policy : United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] Cooperative Programme - Documents - 1975 / 1977 Correspondence - Volume 1
International Labour Office [ILO] - Liaison File - Meeting on Evaluation of Comprehensive Employement Missions
International Labour Office [ILO] - Liaison File - Volume 03
Association of International Study for Promotion and Protection of Private Investments [APPI] - Liaison File
Central African Republic [CAR] - Peacekeeping - 1999
Central African Republic [CAR] - Peacekeeping - 1998
External Affairs - Organizations - Non-Governmental Organizations - International Chamber of Commerce
Liaison - Association Internationale Pour La Promotion et La Protection des Investissements Prives en Territoires Etrangers [APPI] - Volume 01
New York Office Subject Files - The Group of 77 - Journals - 1v
Mr. Black's Reappointment as Bank President - September 1953
Black's Reappointment as President - June 1958
Eugene Black - Visit to Egypt - May 1959
Eugene Black - Mr. Black's trip to London and Paris - May 1954
Eugene Black - Mr. Black's trip to Europe - May 1953
IPA - International Development Association [IDA] General - 1974 - Volume 1
Turkey - General - Correspondence
Nigeria - Agricultural Development Bank - Documents - set
Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development [SUNFED]
Basic Human Needs - 1977 - 1978
International Labour Office [ILO] - Bank Relations - November 1966 - December 1973
Brandt Commission - 1977 - 1979
Brandt Commission - Bank Follow-Up - March 1980 - June 1980
Brandt Commission - Bank Follow-Up - February 1980 - December 1980
Brandt Commission - Public Reaction to Establishment - January 1977
President's Memoranda on Report Recommendations - 2
EXTVP - Subjects and Issues Files - EXT Strategy
Reid, Peter A. - Articles and Speeches (1961 - 1966) - 1v
Reutlinger, Shlomo - Articles and Speeches (1970) - 1v