National Health Project - The Gambia - Credit 1760 - P000812 - Nutrition
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - Correspondence - Volume 2
CAMEROON: Sixth Highway Project ICR - 1v
Mining Sector Capacity Building and Environmental Management Project - Burkina Faso - Credit N029, Credit P784, Credit P911 - P000283 - Craig Andrews - 1996 - General Correspondence - Volume 2
Paris Club - General - 95-01 (Liaison's [IECDR] memos re: Paris Club)
Mining Sector Capacity Building and Environmental Management Project - Burkina Faso - Credit N029, Credit P784, Credit P911 - P000283 - Correspondence - Volume 1
Chronological files (incoming) - Chrons 28
Inter-Regional - INT/87/024 - Master Budget - Efficiency of Investments in Water Supply - Documents and Correspondence
Bilateral and International Organizations - Overseas Development Institute [ODI] - Correspondence
Economic Development Institute [EDI] 1995 - Correspondence
Lessons and Practices on Monitoring and Evaluation in the World Bank - Correspondence 01
Manuscript - Life and Death on a Tarmac - The Hijacking of PK326 by Jeffrey Balkind; ;
Notes and correspondence - Life and Death on a Tarmac - The Hijacking of PK326 by Jeffrey Balkind; ;
Agency for International Development (AID) - Effectiveness
Mining Sector Capacity Building and Environmental Management Project - Burkina Faso - Credit N029, Credit P784, Credit P911 - P000283 - 1994 - Craig Andrews - General Correspondence - Volume 1
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - Natural Resource Management
Malawi - Second Family Health Proj. (Cr. 1768-MAI) - 1v
US Government - Clinton Administration - Correspondence
China - Evaluation Capability Development Program - Volume 7
Brookings World Bank History Project Team Files - Research File - International Development Association [IDA] - Volume 2
Paris Club - 94-01 (Country Notes and Correspondence Concerning May30-June 4 Pairs Club Meeting)
Kenya - Country Program-Strategy Papers (CSP) - 1v
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - NRM Project - DPN Encuento Forestal
European Energy Charter Conference, March 17, 1994 - 1v
Paris Club - General - 94-01 (Jan. 19-20, 1994 and Mar. 2-4, 1994 meetings)
50th Anniversary - Schmertz Report
Bolivia - Country Strategy Paper [CSP]
Central Power Transmission Project - India - Loan 2283 - P009806 / Power Project - Rihand Transmission - India - Loan 2555 - P009853 - Implementation Copmletion Reports [ICR] / Project Appraisal Reports [PAR]
China - Country Program-Strategy Papers (CSP) - 1v
Guinea-Bissau: Population, Health and Nutrition Project (PCR) - 1v
Briscoe - Willingness to Pay Data Sets Benefits Transfer Archive
Project Management Records - Conference on Culture and Development in Africa - RPO # 678-06 - Correspondence
Chile - General - 1v
OED Study of Bank / Mexico Relations - 1v
OED SPECIAL STUDIES - Study of Bank / Mexico Relations - 1v
Project Management Records - Synergistic Health Effects from Water Supply and Sanitation Interventions - (RPO # 677-25) - 1v
Project Management Records - Briscoe, J.: Creating a Benefit Transfer Archive for Willingness to Pay for Water and Sanitation - 1v
DEC - General File - 1993 Chronological File - Volume 1
Bangladesh: Third Population and Family Health Project (PCR) - 1v
China: Rural Health and Medical Education Project (PCR) - 1v
Subject Files: Country Files - Kenya - Correspondence 01
Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment - General - Volume 7 - West Africa - January 1993
China - Evaluation Capability Development Program - Volume 6
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Conferences and Workshops - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] - Correspondence - Volume 3
Industry and Energy Department [IEN] - PD - Conferences and Workshops - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - General - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Subject Files: Country Files - Lebanon - Correspondence 01
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Health - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1
Population, Health and Nutrition [PHN] - Dissemination and Training - Training Seminar - General - 1993 Correspondence - Volume 1