- Serie
- December 1995 - July 1998
Series consists of the chronological files created by Rischard during his time as Vice President of the Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency (FSDVP). The FSDVP's responsibilities included supervision of the overall management of the VP's three sectoral departments as well as maintaining relationships with other development and commercial banks and private sector executives. The departments of the FSDVP included the Financial Sector Development (FSD), Private Sector Development (PSD), and Industry and Energy Sector departments (IEN). They were responsible for: operational support to the Regions; developing and monitoring policy; maintaining effective relationships with the external community; and for setting research priorities.
Series consists of records relating to a variety of topics and activities, including: operational support (in the form of proposals, advice, and information); Operations Evaluation Department (OED) project reviews; budgeting; staffing and other human resources related issues; information dissemination; conference planning; dissemination of publications and products produced by FSDVP departments; and the reorganization of 1997-98 and related mapping of staff. Records also consist of: responses to external individuals or organizations for requests for information; VP Annual retrospectives; project updates for the Office of the President; three year business plans; and briefings and summaries on a variety of topics for Bank senior management including Presidents Prestonand Wolfensohn. A small amount of correspondence relating to the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP) is included.
Series also includes four sets of transparencies created by FPDVP sector departments for a presentation to the council of the new Finance, Private Sector Development, and Infrastructure Network (FPSI). The council reported to the network head and is composed of the top network managers from each Region and was responsible for setting the overall agenda for the network and forpromoting effective deployment of skills across network units. The presentations describe the accomplishments, ongoing work, direction, organizational structure, and collaborative efforts of each department.
Note that the transition from FPDVP to the new FPSI network was staggered. Although it technically began in 1997, much of the transition had not been completed by the time Rischard left the FSDVP/FPSI to begin his new role as Vice President of Europe (EXTEU) in the summer of 1998. Rischard continues to refer to himself as FPDVP in his correspondence and does not begin a new folder reflecting the creation of the new network.