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Records of Individual Staff Members

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Subject files

The series consists of records related to Jonas' coordination of Bank operational responses to emergencies, pandemics, and other key initiatives, primarily through her participation and organization of high-level meetings, conferences, and other events. Most of the records comprising the series (four files, 2006 - 2014) contains information about the Bank's Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) program and collaboration with the United Nations and UN System Influenza Coordinator (UNSIC), World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE). Meetings and conferences represented within the files include: International Conference on Avian Influenza (2006); High Level Technical Meeting to Address Health Risks at the Human-Animal Ecosystems Interfaces (2011); and Avian Flu working group.

Other records (two files) relate to Jonas' work with the international Task Force on Small States (1999 - 2006), participation in the Global Conference on the Development Agenda for Small States in 2000 and the Small States Forum (2004 - 2005).

Also included is an individual file related to the Bank's support to post-tsunami disaster recovery in Indonesia and affected South Asia countries (2005 - 2006) including Bank staff participation in the Global Consortium on Tsunami Recovery held at UN, New York in April 2006.

There is also a briefing file related to Bank President Paul Wolfowitz's meeting with Roberto Danino kept by Jonas for reference (2005).

Record types include: meeting and conference working papers, agenda, concept note, and summary of proceedings; hard copies of Jonas' and other Bank staff slide presentations; talking point notes; briefing notes, e.g., status of the Bank's contributions to global avian and pandemic response and situation in Aceh and the Bank's post-tsunami activities; copies of Executive Board records and papers presented to the Board; financing requirement note; external reports, including the European Union (EU) and World Food Programme (WFP); draft notice for donors; background paper on pandemic risk for the 2014 World Development Report (WDR) and hard copy of a blog, both authored by Jonas; internal papers prepared by Bank units on tsunami recovery and poverty reduction; and travel and administrative documents.

E-mail hard copies are between Jonas and internal and external colleagues and between country directors, regional staff, and other Bank colleagues. Topics discussed include preparation and organization of conferences and meetings and invitations, Bank support activities, comments on papers, travel arrangements, and other business matters.

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