NGO Involvement In Bank Supported Projects In Kenya - Special OED Study - Volume 1
- 01687525
- Unidad documental compuesta
- 1996-01-01 - 1997-12-31
NGO Involvement In Bank Supported Projects In Kenya - Special OED Study - Volume 1
Shelton H. Davis - Colombia - Natural Resource Management [NRM] - Correspondence - Volume 2
Audit, Internal - OED (Operations Evaluation Department) Audit
Paris Club - 95-09 (Dec. 12-14, 1995 meeting)
Paris Club - 95-08 (Nov. 15-17, 1995 meeting)
Rating Bank Project Performance - 1v
Outputs from the India Focus Group Meeting
Paris Club - 95-07 (Oct. 17-18, 1995 meeting)
DEC Strategy Note 1995 - Correspondence
Paris Club - 95-06 (July 17-21, 1995 meeting)
Paris Club - 95-05 (July 27-28, 1995 meeting)
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 03
Paris Club - 95-04 (May 30-June 2, 1995 meeting)
Non-Governmental Organizations [NGO] - OEDDR - Division Files - Correspondence - Volume 1
Paris Club - 95-03 (Mar. 20-24, 1995 meeting)
Paris Club - 95-02 (Feb. 20-23, 1995 meeting)
James D. Wolfensohn - Chronological File - June 1995 through December 1996
World Bank Non-Governmental Organization [NGO] Committee - General Correspondence
Morocco - Health Development Project - Correspondence 01
Paris Club - 95-01 (Jan. 23-26, 1995 meeting)
Paris Club - General - 95-01 (Liaison's [IECDR] memos re: Paris Club)
Guinea : Second Structural Adjustment Credit ( PCR ) - 1v
Guinea : Socio-Economic Development Support Project ( ICR ) - 1v
India : Structural Adjustment Loan ( PAR ) - 1v
Brookings World Bank History Project Team files - Authors (Vol.2) - Robert Wade
Economic Development Institute [EDI] 1995 - Correspondence
Paris Club - 94-07 (Dec. 15-16, 1994 meeting)
Shelton H. Davis - Field Notes - Colombia - Natural Resource Management
Lessons and Practices on Monitoring and Evaluation in the World Bank - Correspondence 01
Paris Club - 94-06 (Nov. 16-17, 1994 meeting)
Paris Club - 94-05 (Oct. 26-28, 1994 meeting)
Malawi - Health and Family Health II - Correspondence 01
Paris Club - 94-04(Sept 20-22, 1994 meeting)
Paris Club - 94-03 (July 18-20, 1994 meeting)
Paris Club - 94-02 (June 27-30, 1994 meeting)
World Trade Organization - Correspondence